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Book reviews for "Zadravec,_Katharine_E." sorted by average review score:

Power, Privilege and the Post: The Katharine Graham Story
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (1993)
Author: Carol Felsenthal
Amazon base price: $89.50
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00
Average review score:

From family forsakeness to media maven
This is an excellent book about Katherine Graham, former owner and publisher of The Washington Post. Katherine is initially, for all intents and purposes, ignored by her family throughout her youth. Little attention is bestowed upon her as her father, Eugene Meyer, runs The Washington Post and her mother, Agnes Meyer, socializes with every powerful individual she possibly can. Katherine perseveres through these harsh circumstances only to have her husband, Phil Graham, blow his brains out in the bathroom of one of their homes during a respite from an insane asylum. Katherine takes control of the newspaper (and company behind it), makes it the most influential paper in the nation, and becomes the most powerful woman in the world in the process. I recommend this book for any individual seeking a source of inspiration. This book should, and will hopefully, inspire many downtrodden people the world over for years to come.

The single most useful book about the Post.
I've read every book I could find about Katharine Graham and the Washington Post -- and if you're only going to read one, this is it. Complex business dealings are explained clearly, people are approached evenhandedly, and scandals (public and private) are discussed without either shirking or sensationalism (and with a lot of citations.) The book focuses on the personalities of these fascinating people, making for a riveting story.

How To Become a Successful Businesswoman
Biographer Carol Felsenthal turned her fine talents ro Katherine Graham and produced a top-notch bio, one which the reader can easily understand, and feel for, the housewife-turned-Fortune 500 businesswoman. What sticks in my mind is how Graham's distant mother finally decided to talk to her daughter about menstruation, to which Kay replied, "I started that last year."
Rich detail such as this makes it easy to see why Readers Digest condensed the book, and opens up a controversy over just how much of Felsenthal's research was co-opted by Graham herself to write, or have ghostwritten, her "Personal History." Felsenthal's objectivity adds to Graham's life story in a way only a detached biographer can. If one wants a map of how a shy woman can succeede in the business world, one can do no better than to read Felsenthal's illuminating text.

Angelina's Birthday
Published in Hardcover by Pleasant Company Publications (2002)
Authors: Katharine Holabird and Helen Craig
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.33
Buy one from zShops for: $9.07
Average review score:

Good Book
Angelina loved her bicycle and rode it everywhere. Her best friend was Alice. This year for her birthday they were going to have a picnic. Angelina and Alice went to the village to buy some decorations for her party. On the way back they raced, and Angelina hit a rock and crashed. She hurt her leg and ruined her favorite bike. Angelina and Alice started doing odd jobs to earn money so Angelina could buy a new bike. They mowed grass, picked apples, hung laundry, watered the garden, planted raspberries and strawberries, and washed floors. Angelina still didn't have enough money to buy a bike. On their walk back from the village to buy more balloons, Angelina saw the best bike ever in the window of the bicycle shop and she wished she had enough money to buy it. The day of her party came and Angelina received hair ribbons, books, a ballerina, and a silver horn for her new bike. Everyone had pitched in to buy Angelina the bike she had wanted. She was so surprised and decided to take everyone on a bicycle ride through the hills. I think this was a good book because Angelina worked to buy herself a new bike, and in the end everyone realized how hard she had worked so they decided to get her it for her birthday. ~ Katelyn Carson

In this next book in the Angelina Ballerina series, Angelina prepares for her birthday. However, getting into a bike race with her Alice, Angelina hits a rock and damages her bike beyond repair. When her mother suggests that she can work to raise the money for a new bike, Angelina throws herself wholeheartedly into her work, and birthday are such wonderful times...

Such a wonderful book! I do love Katherine Holabird's work! Although I should say hers, and Helen Craig's, for the illustrations do make this book come so alive. My daughter and I love this book, and recommend it to you.

Reprint of older, out-of-print book!
If you already own 'Angelina's Birthday Surprise', don't buy this book! It is identical in every way. I know because I purchased both to complete my daughter's Angelina book collection, since there we no details on either book at the time. It is another cute Angelina book. This one is about Angelina having a bicycling accident which ruins her old bike, then getting a new one as a surprise birthday gift after working hard to earn the money to purchase it herself.

Workplace Diversity/a Manager's Guide to Solving Problems and Turning Diversity into a Competitive Advantage: A Manager's Guide to Solving Problems and Turning Diversity into a Competitive Advantage
Published in Paperback by Adams Media Corporation (1995)
Authors: Katharine Esty, Richard Griffin, and Marcie Schorr Hirsch
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.76
Average review score:

Valuing Diversity in the Workplace is Paramount for Managers
Overview of book.Katharine Esty wrote an effective text for companies and managers that are concerned with diversity issues in the workplace. It covers topics like "how to handle or treat" gender, race and age discriminatory modes of thinking, valuing the differences diversity can offer a company, how to profit from diversity and how to treat and to be aware of the backlash created by affirmative action campaigns and government laws.

Message to Managers. Katharine's message is that managers need to be open to(and make an effort to be aware of) the diversity issues and conflicts that may arise in an organization. That managers should value those differences for the benefit that "looking at things in a different way" brings to an organization. One benefit of diversity in the workforce is ensuring different modes of thinking. Different modes of thinking can lead to creative solutions to obtuse problems.

Diversity leads to creative solutions. It took a farmer that was fed up with burrs sticking to his socks and a scientist looking at the burr underneath a microscope to develop "velcro". It took a botched adhesive experiment and marketing genius to develop the glue that backs "Post-Its". Innovation and creativity can be born through the mingling of people with diverse backgrounds, educational, racial, ethnic, gender and age differences.

4 out of 5 stars. The book did not receive all 5 stars because it slightly lacked in two main areas. 1) It is advertised as a reference tool on the page preceding the introduction. Superior reference tools, at a minimum, come with a Table of Contents (which this book has), detailed topic description or searchable key words in the text and an detailed appendix that includes the page numbers of the topic description or key word phrase. Although this book is well-written, it lacks Q&A topic headings at the end of each chapter and lacks a detailed appendix that would provide the page numbers of keywords or phrases. This means that someone were to perform a search on what they should do about "a certain race of people arriving late to work" that they would have to thumb through, page by page, in the race chapter to find the answer. 2) Does not apply to all managers at all levels. Although the book should apply to all managers at all levels, it is focused to managers in larger corporations (20+ employees) that have more vertical management structures than say a typical start-up or small business.

Katharine points out the legal implications, business and contractual benefits of developing a diversity program or value system within a corporation, but the most (if not all) the legal implications apply to larger corporations and developing a diversity program implies that a business has the resources to dedicate someone or some other consulting company to developing such a program. This implies that the organization be larger than 20 people.

Valuable resource tool
Workplace Diversity provides business managers with the creative and effective solutions they need to success in today's multifaceted and everchanging workplace. With insights into the most difficult and sensitive issues managers encounter, Workplace Diversity offers timely, practical, and invaluable guidance.

New Thinking Model for Diversity
Esty has written a very readable book on a complex topic. The issues of diversity are broader than race and ethnicity although those issues remain important. A significant driver in business is the diversified workplace to reflect the diversified market. Esty presents new ways of thinking about and addressing diversity in the workplace in some very practical ways. A great handbook for anyone committed to diversity.

Becoming Kate
Published in Hardcover by Roundtable Pub (1990)
Authors: Theodore J. Jansma, Katherine St Clair, and Clair St
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $3.44
Buy one from zShops for: $3.48
Average review score:

Becoming Kate answered my questions....
I found this book to be extremely helpful and informative for myself.....both as someone who is interested in DID...and as someone who lives every day with DID...I was diagnoised 4 years ago....and an interim counselor i was seeing while mine was on vacation gave the book to me to read....It helped me understand that co-conciousness...integration...and fusion are not anything to be afraid counselor is reading it before giving it back to the other counselor.....You won't be sorry if you read this....

A well written history of a woman's journey of healing.
Becoming Kate was very facsinating and informative. The book contains material by both Carol/Kate and crew and Dr. Jansma. Most of Kate's work is journal entries with several poems and a couple of letters written to Dr. Jansma. Much of the writing describes in great detail what it's like to live as an alter and to go through the healing then fusion/integration process.

Dr. Jansma includes his actions, thoughts and feelings on the whole process. I found this section to be comforting in a strange sort of way. Perhaps it is comforting to know that there are people who care and will hang in for the duration.

The book jacket did not adequately describe the book. The book focused of the horrible sexual, physical and emotional abuse suffered at the hands of her paternal grandparents and, to a less extent, her parents. Although the jacket advertises that her family was "grooming her from age three to be the high priestess of a Satanic cult", no mention is made of the subject until the epilogue where Dr. Jansma states only that it happened and was not included because it was so "troubling".

All told, I really enjoyed the book and found it helpful to find out what it's like to be an alter.

The Lady in the Tower
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (1991)
Author: Katharine Newlin Burt
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $27.77
Average review score:

good read but not always accurate
If you are looking for a good read than this is definately a book for you but if you are looking for a schoraly book on the life of Anne Bolyen I would point you away from this book and toward Alison Weir's The Wives of Henry VIII. This book is historical fiction & follows the life of Anne Bolyen from her childhood, through her 8 year quest for the Crown of England, the birth of her daughter Elizabeth, and turbulant marriage to King Henry, to her trial and death. Although the book is a good read, I did not feel that Anne's personality was accurately portrayed. I felt that the author was often to kind to her and neglected to point out her fault such as excessive pride and her ability to alienate her would-be supporters.

Entertaining Historical Fiction
Jean Plaidy's written a winner that any fan of Tudor history will surely enjoy! Anne Boleyn is quite the tragic heroine in this highly readable and absorbing retelling of her legendary rise and fall.

A Piece of the Fox's Hide
Published in Paperback by Sandlapper Pub Co (1984)
Authors: Katharine Boling and Katherine Boling
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $11.94
Buy one from zShops for: $11.75
Average review score:

I read this novel two years ago when I was in the tenth grade. It was nice to read a piece centered in South Carolina, where I live. I like the "two sides to the story" plot given by the author, parts of the novel are extremely well written. The imagery and descriptiona are excellent, but there are parts of the novel that are very boring ( i.e. the chapter describing the financial state of the family) Overall, a decent read. Since it has been a while sice I have read the novel, I cant critique it as well as I would like to, since I may make a mistake, so I will stop here.







Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750
Published in Paperback by Zone Books (01 October, 2001)
Authors: Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park
Amazon base price: $18.20
List price: $26.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.28
Buy one from zShops for: $16.37
Average review score:

Educational, but a real pain.
I have been reading this book for school. This book might be for you if: you are very interested in Latin philosophers. you have background in Medieval and Rennisance history. You are well read and have a large vocabulary. you are interested in "wonder".
I've found that this a very boring and difficult book to read because I don't have enough background and I know next to nothing about ancient philosophers. This book is post-college or college level for someone specialyzing in Medieval and Renn history.

Unusual and Engrossing
The authors of this study do a magnificent job of looking at a cross-section of the history of Wonder itself, sort of "in the large," as well as the history of wondrous objects, from the slice of time upon which they focus. This book was twenty years in the making, off and on, and it really shows. Every point they make clearly has been carefully weighed, backed up, and illustrated, as often as not, with beautiful selections from poetry, etc. The authors state in the preface that they began with the study of monsters, which in the final, published version of their book is relegated to chapter five. Know, O Reader, that the material in that chapter constituted the starting impetus for this whole study, and you will have a better understanding of various structural oddities in the book.

One of the main themes the authors deal with is not exactly an historical overview of science, but more along the lines of social and cultural history. They write about the relationship of elites, be they religious, social, or academic, to various kinds of wonder. Do the elites embrace wonder? Do they despise it? And what about lone philosophers? Where do they fit in? The answers vary greatly, according to multitudinous factors. For me, one theme to bear in mind while reading this book was my own experience of wonder, or curiosity, and the clashing of that feeling with "The Game" in school... Anyone reading this book will, obviously, have an extremely active, inquisitive mind, to say the least. Think back (or think forward, as the case may be,) to your time in school. Did you tend to keep the topics that provoked genuine wonder in you private? Did you generally avoid mentioning them, lest they should happen to become candidates for impacting "The Game," over which the more sociable people in any classroom preside? These are two very different states of mind, and their interplay can be quite fearfully tumultuous. If you know what I'm talking about, then you already have a feel for the kind of issues that the authors of this book delve into, and deal with on an incredibly grand scale.

By the way, I'd like to recommend a couple of other titles for people looking at this book. For some reason, neither of these are in this book's bibliography. I'm not sure why not -- probably because they are so basic that the authors may have felt that anyone reading their book would already know about them. For people who might NOT know about them, I'd like to recommend "The Great Chain of Being," by Arthur O. Lovejoy, and Rudolph Pfeiffer's two volume study of "The History of Classical Scholarship." These volumes will add whole dimensions to your understanding of the matters that Daston and Park discuss, if anybody out there is interested.

This book is a prodigious feat. Worth scoping out.

50 Ways With Salads
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown Company ()
Author: Katharine Blakemore
Amazon base price: $
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

Stretching the term salad
This book is not a greens based cookbook; rather it is a collection of salads which combined with a good bread and wine make full luncheons. The ingredients are internationally inspired and, as such, offer some new ideas: an eggplant, olive and tahini salad; a middle eastern pilaf salad. It uses cheeses in interesting ways - a warm camembert salad, a layered cheese and ham salad. Meat and fish figure frequently into these combinations.

This is a good cookbook if you are looking for substantial, full meal salads - the recipes are quick and easy but never dull.

Abbey Lubbers, Banshees, and Boggarts: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies
Published in Hardcover by Random House (1979)
Author: Katharine Mary. Briggs
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $6.28
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

This was a great book!
This was a great book! I loved it! I recomend it to anyone!

An Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine
Published in Paperback by Life Science Institute (FL) (1991)
Authors: Helene Petrovna Blavatsky and Katharine Hillard
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

This is a decent book.
This is a decent abridgement of Madame Blavatsky's most famous work, the Secret Doctrine. As the introduction says, this version was introduced to spark interest in people to get the full, unabridged version. It would seem to have worked - one week after I bought this abridgement, I went out and got the full version of it by Theosophical University Press. I was not disappointed in the least.

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