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Book reviews for "Zadravec,_Katharine_E." sorted by average review score:

Reigning Cats and Dogs
Published in Hardcover by Palgrave Macmillan (1999)
Authors: Katharine Macdoungh and Katharine MacDonogh
Amazon base price: $18.87
List price: $26.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.84
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Wow! Woof!
This is a really fun book. The accumulated information about royal pets is staggering. I'm a dog lover/owner and I really had a good time with this book. It's also beautifully illustrated and worth it for the pictures alone. If you have pets and an interest in history, this is the book for you. It would make a great gift for a dog, cat, bird,(whatever!) owner.

Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
Published in Hardcover by Wildside Press (2002)
Authors: Honore De Balzac and Katharine Prescott Wormeley
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $14.00
Collectible price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $29.90
Average review score:

A Fascinating Anatomy of a Bankruptcy
No one knows more about money problems than Honore de Balzac. He lived most of his life one step from his creditors: his house in Paris even had a special exit for avoiding them. CESAR BIROTTEAU is the story of an honest perfumer who is done in by the smarmy du Tillet, a former employee whom he had fired for embezzlement, who works in secret to take his revenge.

Birotteau is lured into overextending himself and falls hard. True to his fascination with money and its epedemiology, Balzac delves into the guts of this bankruptcy and shows you all the forces at work to destroy an innocent man.

This time, the innocent man prevails. Thanks to the help of Anselme Popinot, a brilliant young marketer in love with his daughter, Birotteau is able to pay back every cent, winning honor for himself after his life appeared to be all but over.

This is one of Balzac's greatest novels. Birotteau is an honorable gentleman of the old school, a bit obtuse perhaps, but out of his depth among the wild speculations of the reign of Charles X. Watching these processes ensnare him is repellingly fascinating -- and Balzac spares us nothing.

A Sherwood Bonner Sampler, 1869-1884: What a Bright, Educated, Witty, Lively, Snappy Young Woman Can Say on a Variety of Topics
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Tennessee Pr (2000)
Authors: Katherine Sherwood Bonner McDowell, Anne Razey Gowdy, and Katharine Sherwood Bonner McDowell
Amazon base price: $42.00
Used price: $22.70
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $27.95
Average review score:

Libraries should order this book.
My question about the yellow fever epidemic in Memphis 1878 led me to Bonner's article on that topic. Fascinating stuff. Bonner wrote about many things, and this book has a thorough index. That makes it a good primary source. People in American Lit and American Studies: have your library order this book!

Sisters (Charming Petites)
Published in Hardcover by Peter Pauper Press (1997)
Authors: Claudine Gandolfi, Katherine Barnwell, Miniature Book Collection (Library of Congress), and Katharine Barnwell
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.22
Average review score:

This book is cool.
This is a good book. (Okay i have to write it like that because they are my cuz.) It shows a great love for eachother.


The Story of World Religions.
Published in Hardcover by Hill & Wang Pub (1967)
Author: Katharine. Savage
Amazon base price: $7.50
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $9.95
Average review score:

A clear understanding of where and how .
this does not go into theology or dogma of any religion It is a history of the beginnings of each of the worlds religions in a detailed way, with the politics of the where ,when and how. A very easy to follow and interesting read. I was surprised at how much information I really enjoyed getting in such a clear concise book...

Survival in the Land of Dysentery: The World War II Experiences of a Red Cross Worker in India
Published in Hardcover by Sergeant Kirkland's (28 October, 1998)
Authors: Katharine Harris Van Hogendorp, Katherine H. Von Hogendrop, Baroness Katharine Harris Van Hogendorp, and Katharine Harris van Hogendorp
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $17.25
Collectible price: $19.21
Buy one from zShops for: $19.20
Average review score:

A special view on WWII from India-Burma-Thailand
My father served in WWII in India. I had never before read anything devoted to this angle of the war. Van Hogendorp's story is all the more special as it is written by a brave woman living in challenging circumstances. She was one a small number of women to take on this challenge, and she holds fast to her high spirited sense of humor throughout.

As we turn the page on this century, I would love to hear more voices like hers sharing such stories.

Through the Eye of the Needle: The Personal Chronicle of a Maori Woman
Published in Paperback by Wadsworth Publishing (14 September, 2000)
Author: Mary Katharine Duffie'
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.00
Average review score:

Highlights pro and cons especially in relation to women
Book brings in technical case-study of the Maori culture and
mixes it with easier-to-follow aspects in the life of a cherished elder. It surprised me to learn how cruel and degrading the Maori men treated women, as a practice of culture. Sisters, my sisters, we still have a long way to go. Also, the book discusses how the church influenced changes. I found it shocking that a women was traded off to the church in a bargain of peace? Piece of what?!

Tongues of Angels, Tongues of Men: A Book of Sermons
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (14 September, 1999)
Authors: John F. Thornton and Katharine Washburn
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $21.45
Buy one from zShops for: $13.99
Average review score:

Keep this book with your Bible
I am giving copies of this wonderful guide to reflection and private devotion to several friends and family members. A beautifully published collection of almost 90 great sermons -- some familiar, others not so -- it ranges from the Sermon on the Mount to words of John Paul II, Desmond Tutu, Billy Graham, and Peter Gomes. Extremely helpful are the excellent introductions by the editors and the thorough index, which allows finding readings for special seasons and occasions like Advent, Lent, and marriage.

Tracy and Hepburn: An Intimate Memoir
Published in Paperback by Donald I Fine (1988)
Author: Garson Kanin
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.79
Average review score:

Garson does a great job showing off Tracy and Hepburn in this delightful book. You get to take a look inside Kate's life from a good friend of hers. Garson passed away in March of this year and he left many wonderful things behind. This book just being one. He also wrote several of the screenplays that Tracy and Hepburn stared in. This book is a must for all.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bug (Step into Reading, Step 1, paper)
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) (1996)
Authors: Tom Cooke, Tom Brannon, and Katharine K. Ross
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.80
Buy one from zShops for: $2.58
Average review score:

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bug by Katherine Ross
This summer I am working at the university daycare and I am in charge of working with the younger children ages three and four. We pick names for our groups and this year we are the Fireflies. I picked up this book because I thought that the children would enjoy a story about fireflies. I never imagined it would become their favorite. In the first four days of school I read it four times. They love to tell me why they think the firefly will not twinkle and the answers are as varied as the children. They LOVED this book and I know it'll become one of their favorites as well as mine.

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