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Book reviews for "White,_James" sorted by average review score:

Holy Bible: King James Version/3865/Norman Rockwell Famly Bible/White
Published in Hardcover by World Bible Pub Co (1991)
Authors: World Bible Publishing and Norman Rockwell
Amazon base price: $29.99
Average review score:

Norman Rockwell Illustrated art work
This Holy Bible has 32 pages of Norman Rockwell art work-paintings in full color that are awesome. The book measures 8 3/4" X 11 1/4" X 2 1/2" and has 863 pages of text not counting the art work. The page edges are of guilt gold, and the cover is of white imitation leather. It has Old and New Testaments. Its also Red Letter edition. It weights about 5 lbs. This is a Holy Bible to be serious about.

Is Sex Necessary? : Or Why You Feel the Way You Do
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins Publishers (01 April, 1975)
Authors: James Thurber and E. B. White
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $15.00
Average review score:

What a romp!
Thurber's and White's text satirizing the hullabaloo that our dearest lunatic, Mr. Sigmund Freud, began takes whatever cake is being handed out for satirical writing. It's universally funny, lucid, and did I mention funny? It's hilarious. One should pull out one's thesaurus at this point to find other such words, and all will be a propos. The book should have been a trilogy.

Jamaica Louise James
Published in Paperback by Candlewick Press (1997)
Authors: Amy Hest and Sheila White Samton
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.04
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Karen the Book Lady loves Jamaica Louise James!
Amy Hest is the one with the COOL idea...her seven-going-on-eight-year-old Jamaica Louise James is sassy and hip, "lacing up the details this way and that" about how she came to have her name on a plaque above a New York city subway station. Author Hest uses lively, fast-paced prose to create the voice of a big girl in the Big Apple, who uses her big idea and birthday gift to create a beautiful surprise for her grandmother that benefits the entire city. Young artist Jamaica adds color to the lives of commuters by decorating the station with artwork she has painted based on stories her token-taking Grammy tells about folks on the subway. Sampton skillfully makes use of mixed media and bright colors, creating a collage effect with paints for main characters and city scenes, moving from crayons to watercolors for young artist Jamaica's works. Subtle details of the story are built upon in the pictures--passengers we learn about on one page recognize themselves in the background of another illustration--which allow sharp-eyed readers to enjoy these delightful discoveries. Simple enough to be enjoyed independently by Jamaica's peers, the interplay between words and art are best appreciated when Jamaica is allowed to tell her tale aloud.

Jazz Party: A Photo Gallery of Great Jazz Musicians
Published in Hardcover by August House Pub (20 February, 2000)
Authors: Al White, James D. Schacter, and James D. Shacter
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $34.00
Buy one from zShops for: $34.75
Average review score:

A Fabulous Historical Review of American Classic Jazz
Al White has captured the faces and the lives of 120 of the greatest American classic jazz musicians that have shaped the music landscape for the last 30 years.

Mr. White is one of the finest jazz historians in the country. His personal collection of over 100,000 photographic negatives and 10,000 autographed photographs allowed him to draw the material for this book from the best of his work. The book highlights three photographs of each of the musicians and it gives a brief vignette that brings these players back to life.

If you are a jazz fan or have a family member that is a jazz fan...this beautiful coffee table book is a must have!

Karl Marx and the Intellectual Origins of Dialectical Materialism
Published in Hardcover by Palgrave Macmillan (1996)
Author: James D. White
Amazon base price: $89.95
Used price: $195.59
Average review score:

The evolution of an ism
The history of the emergence of the late codification called 'dialetical materialism' from earlier German philosophy must be one of the most confusing. This work resolves its perplexity by moving systematically from Fichte to Plekhanov and showing the stages of transformation of the Hegelian ideas of the Concept and the Universal and Particular in the Marxist legacy, as these notions directly entered the entire 'critique of political economy' that made up Marx's lifelong, much revised, and incomplete project, whose misleading end form is Capital. The root ideas of Fichte, Schelling,and the early Romantics, followed by the work of the Left Hegelian starting point constitute a genuine labyrinth and the author's trail is a rout of the dilletantes in this regard. One could express the late current distaste for the whole subject, yet the importance of this history is, and will remain, one to reckon with. One sees at a glance the dangers on all sides of the thrashing about in phantom views of the emergence of Marxism with its almost silent Hegelian echoes.

King James Version Economy New Testament: White
Published in Paperback by Holman Bible Pub (1999)
Author: Broadman & Holman Publishers
Amazon base price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.64
Average review score:

Nice and portable
This is certainly a nice sized New Testament and Psalms to carry around. Plus you can easily give them out. What I like about it is that, being able to carry it about with you everywhere, makes it easy to read when you have an unexpected wait.

Leda in Black on White
Published in Paperback by Carroll & Graf (1993)
Authors: Anonymous and James Jennings
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $39.99
Average review score:

Leda in Black on White
Stimulating and educational. Leda is a sexual Goddess.

The Life of Mary Jemison, the White Woman of the Genessee
Published in Digital by Digital Scanning Inc. ()
Author: James Seaver
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

Book Description
Taken captive at the early age of thirteen by Seneca Indians, Mary Jemison was trained in the wilderness to the ordinary duties of the Indian female. Embedded with the sentiments and lifestyle of the Seneca’s she essentially transformed into a member of the tribe.

Mary Jemison’s story is a remarkable one not because of her extraordinary lifestyle, but because this was the lifestyle that, in the end, she chose for herself. When prisoners were being set free from the bondage of the Indians after the French and Indian War, Mrs. Jemison chose to remain with her Indian friends and accept her Seneca upbringing.

This digital reprint edition was created from the 5th edition As Published in 1877. There are also 5 Appendices: I.) Removal of the Remains of Mary Jemison II.) Mary Jemison article from the Buffalo Courier 1874 III.) Mary Jemison article from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser 1874 IV.) General Sullivan's Expedition to Western NY. V.) Removal of the remains of Lt. Boyd VI.) Indian Geographical Names in the state of NY.

This titles is also available in hardcover ISBN 1582182345 and tradepaper ISBN 1582182337 editions.

Love Is Strong As Death: Moving Through Grief
Published in Hardcover by Unity (2000)
Authors: James Dillet Freeman and Philip White
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.55
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

James Dillet Freeman's very personal sharing...
Learning that my son's mother has been diagnosed with an inoperable cancer, I have just read this book for the second time and am amazed at what I missed the first time. Especially meaningful is the placing of James Dillet Freeman's most famous poem (It was placed on the moon by one of the astronauts), "I Am There" at the end of the "Contending with God" part of the book. Another facet I missed the first time was the descriptions of various people he needed to deal with during this period of his life. Everyone who has contact with not only those who are dying, but with those who are to be bereaved, or already are can learn from this book.

I myself feel that the book is not depressing but uplifting, however the reader should be prepared to accompany the author through the challenges he faced as a deeply spiritual person who discovers that he's totally unprepared for loss of his wife. While reading the book, one is impressed especially by her strength of spirit. There are passages where he indicates that her strength was greater than his.

There is honesty here as he deals with the fact that he went through a period of doubting that there is a loving presence in the universe. All in all, this is a book I honestly recommend, but with the caution that this is my perspective. Some readers may read more into the sorrow than into the love, but indeed, the love is there.

Monsters and Medics
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Ballantine Books (1977)
Author: James White
Amazon base price: $1.50
Used price: $4.49
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

A collection of James White's Short Stories
A collection of James White's short stories all with either a leaning toward the medical science fiction for which he is so well known, or "monster" stories with a twist. Absolutely brilliant - My favourite piece was the story "Second Ending" a post holocaust story based on the life of the last man on earth, who awakes from cryogenic suspension in a hospital deep beneath the earth. Reading Second Ending is worth the purchase of this book, but the other stories are also some of White's better writing.

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