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Mind's Eye Theatre Journal
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (1999)
Authors: Bruce Baugh, Ken Cliffe, Richard E. Dansky, Jess Heinig, James Stewart, Cynthia Summers, Lindsay Woodcock, Peter Woodworth, and White Wolf Games Studio
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $3.50
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Average review score:

useful for the habitual LARPer; fun for the novice.
Finally a way to get MET info w/o spending $12 a pop for games I may never play (Oblivion comes to mind). The opportunity to write in offers an excelent sounding board to tell your stories to people outside your group (and like all good tubists, I love tellin' stories). I look forward to future issues with hopes of a subscription possibillity.

Finally LARP gets it's own Publication.
I picked this book up and was skeptical at first, of course, because of the connotations that could evolve from such a publication. "Oh no, another book of fluff. More stuff to buy." But after reading it cover to cover, I'd have to say I was quite impressed. No ad's really (just ones telling you about future White Wolf Mind's Eye Theater publications) , full of USEFUL information, including the all important forum and FAQ sections, as well as a listing of LARP's for all genres in the WoD. I can see this will be a great tool for communication in the world LARP community and is must for Live Action Storytellers and players everywhere. Good job guys!

Strength Training for Women
Published in Paperback by Human Kinetics (T) (1995)
Authors: James A. Peterson Phd, Cedric X., Phd Bryant, Susan L. Peterson, Willye White, and Cedric X. Gryant
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.45
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Best for its illustrations and sensible introductions
The illustations and directions for doing individual exercises across a variety of different kinds of equipment are excellent, as is the discussion of the pros and cons of the alternatives. However information targeted for the development of strength training programs is elementary and not enough is provided for you to make intelligent variations on the sample programs. So, for example, what is the objective of a strength training program: Should you try to include exercise which tap all the muscles illustrated (in their excellent diagram)? If the goal is to simply include those used in daily living, what are they exactly? Is anything gained by exercising a given muscle in multiple exercises? What is the philosphy behind the selection of exercises in the sample programs? What accounts for the differences between workouts organized by equipment type (eg free weights vs machines) and those organized by program style (eg single vs multiple sets)? In addition, and frustrating for a training novice, there are a number of cross-referencing failures and inconsistencies in vocabulary: for example, are leg and hip adduction and abduction the same thing? How do 'hamstrings' map to the muscles named in the anatomical illustration? It would also have been useful to have a table relating the exercises to the muscles exercised to help the reader think more clearly about how to put an exercise program together.

A Good Guide to Strength Training
This guide will help you design your own program to fit your needs and wants. Well illustrated with photos, it's also clearly written. The book gives descriptions of free-weight work-outs along with multi-station and Nautilus-type machines, and even has a section on working with a partner. Complete and easy to read, it's perfect for me, a person who likes to work out but isn't an athlete. A chart of major muscle groups and corresponding exercises also helps define what's going on in your body. My only complaint: the human body illustration used to identify muscles is clearly a *guy*, which, though it doesn't take away from the book's effectiveness, seems a bit silly.

Passing for White: Race, Religion, and the Healy Family, 1820-1920
Published in Hardcover by Univ. of Massachusetts Press (2002)
Author: James M. O'Toole
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $22.99
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Average review score:

The Survival of Bigotry
The large, extremely intelligent, and admirable Healy family is treated badly by an author who doubts the sincerity of vocations and religion in general. Far from "passing for white," the Healy brothers suffered double persecution; by birth they were despised as both Irish and African, and by religion they were despised as Catholic in a virulantly anti-Catholic America. They were illegitimate according to American laws, though they were legitimate in a Europe that accepted the interracial marriage of their parents. Patrick Healy became a Jesuit not to "pass for white," but out of love. He became President of Georgetown University. James and Sherwood Healy became secular priests, and James died Bishop of Portland, Maine. This author is as narrow-minded as 19th c. "Know Nothing" Nativists in his attitude towards truly good people.

Irish American - NOT African American
Michael Morris Healy, an Irish immigrant, arrives in the United States around 1815 and establishes a plantation near Macon, Georgia. Healy and his mulatto common-law wife, Eliza Clark Healy, have 10 children. All of the children are sent North to be educated, baptized as Catholics, and leave any social disabilities of Georgia behind them. The children achieve great success as Irish-Americans:

James Augustine Healy became Bishop of Portland, Maine

Patrick Francis Healy became the rector then President of Georgetown University (1873-1881).

Michael Morris Healy, Jr. joined the United States Revenue Cutter Service, becoming a celebrated sea captain, the sole representative of the U.S. government in the vast reaches of Alaska.

Alexander Sherwood Healy also became a priest, director of the seminary in Troy, New York and rector of the Cathedral in Boston

Three sisters became nuns, one a Mother Superior.

It must be emphasized that the Healy offspring were accepted as Irish American and "white" (whatever that means). The positions they obtained could not have been theirs if they had been black or even dark-skinned. Many other "white" people who knew about the Healys' mixed-race origins accepted them as Irish-Americans. Are the Healys therefore entitled to be counted among the ranks of Irish-Americans and included in Irish-American history? YES! The family was IRISH-AMERICAN, not "African American." There was nothing "African" about them.

The Healy family's achievements do not show what "blacks" could do in the 19th century because they were NOT BLACK.

O'Toole's racist devotion to the "one drop" myth blinds him to racial reality in the 19th century. He assumes that the "one drop" myth was law and universally accepted by "whites." It wasn't. Any research into racial classification laws in the 19th century would have shown him that various degrees of "negro blood" were accepted into the "white race," even in the Deep South. Also, the combination of a person's looks and the reputation he had established were all taken into consideration in determining whether one was "white" or not. It is obvious that the Healy family siblings succeeded in establishing themselves as second-generation Irish Americans. O'Toole cannot bear this and insists that the Healy siblings were really "African Americans." He also calls their mother, Eliza, an "African American" even though her ancestry was at least half European.

O'Toole assumes that all "whites" believed in "mulatto inferiority" or the doctrine that mixed-race people are biologically inferior to BOTH or ALL "pure" parental groups. He is too ignorant to understand that this doctrine was created as a defense of slavery by pro-slavery intellectuals who wanted to counter the Northern anti-slavery argument that, if slavery is justified on the basis of "race," then "white" slaves should be automatically free because the negro racial "taint" had been effectively bred out of the line. Lawrence Tenzer explains the origins of this doctrine very well in his book The Forgotten Cause of the Civil War: A New Look at the Slavery Issue. O'Toole would do well to sit at Tenzer's feet and learn something. O'Toole follows the usual liberal excuse of claiming that "society" defined the Healy family as "black," but expresses wonderment at the fact that "whites" who knew about the Healys' mixed ancestry still treated them as "white." O'Toole is amazed that establishing a "white" identity was so easy for the Healys. Could it be because they WERE white, despite their "drop" of "black blood"?

Captain Healy married Mary Ann Roach, herself the daughter of Irish immigrants. One of the sisters who married and produced a large family also married a fellow Irish-American. The Healys were practicing endogamy, not "interracial" marriage:

Captain Michael Healy repeatedly referred to white settlers [in Alaska] as "our people.". His teenage son Fred, who accompanied his father on a voyage in 1883, scratched his name into a rock on a remote island above the Arctic Circle, proudly telling his diary that he was the first "white boy" to do so.

The Healy family saga belongs with the history of IRISH-AMERICANS.

So That's Where These Ideas are Coming From!
This book opened my eyes to what's been going on even in the 21st century in this country. I've been experiencing something of a struggle like that family's my entire life, but it took reading about it during that particular period in history to understand where today's societal attitudes are coming from. Nothing has changed. Blacks still treat you like you're trying to "pass for white" just by becoming a nun or a monk. And that explains all the racial problems, tensions, and attempted violence that goes with it; black society's resistance to the religious orders has taken even more of a nasty turn in the last century than in the one before it.

The Roman Catholic Controversy
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (1996)
Author: James R. White
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.25
Buy one from zShops for: $9.15
Average review score:

James White fails in his attempt to rebut Roman Catholicism
White's critique of Catholicism focuses on two areas: salvation and authority. He does use Roman Catholic documents and citations to support this critique. For any uninformed Catholic, his use of bible and history may seem compelling. For anti-Catholic Protestants this work will confirm their belief that Roman Catholicism is unbiblical.

In spite of this, the book falls flat in a number of areas; On the issue of justification he does not deal with the many biblical passages that show that works are indeed necessary for salvation (ie. James 2:14-26, Romans 2:6-13, Matthew 25:31-46, etc.). He is selective in his quotations from Romans and Galatians; Although he spends much time and space attacking the biblical basis for the Roman Catholic view of authority, he fails to give strong scriptural support for sola scriptura (the tradition that the bible is the exclusive rule of faith for Christians). He basically uses two verses and blows them up to say things not in the mind of the biblical authors.

From an Unbias Perspective
Roman Catholics rate the book low.
Protestants rate the book high.
That really tells you nothing about how good the book is.

Myself, being neither protestant nor catholic rate it high because Mr. White takes a peaceful and logical approach to acknowledging the differences between Catholics and Protestants, and using primary sources and direct quotations (not just excerpts taken out of context) to prove his points.

As for the previous review of Mr. Whites tactics; it is misleading. The reviewer takes things out of context. For example, in the Roman Catholic Catechism, it states in Part one, section two, chapter 3, article 10, 983, subpart 2:

"God above confirms what priests do here below."

The Catholic Catechism is saying that God confirms the molesting of little children.

Well, of course that is absurd, and you see in their Catechism that is only reffering to the priests' power to heal sin, but when taken out of context it sure makes Catholics look bad, doesn't it? Thats what the Catholic reviewers have been doing to Mr. White here.

Regardless of religious affiliation, this is an excellent book to read to gain understanding on both catholic and protestant issues ranging from Mary to the Pope to Purgatory.

Also, the one reviewer implying that Mr. White and Mr. Hunt work together is at error. Hunt is a reformed calvinist who expresses ideas very different from Whites in his books, mainly "What Love Is This?". A book documenting the debates between Mr. White and Mr. Hunt is comming out this year, called The Dividing Line

As far as the book itself I thought it was an easy read. After reading his book and listening to him in debates, he is gifted with communication skills(reason for the 5 stars). As for content(religion is such a hot topic), I read it and was captivated. Being a recent convert to Catholicism, he certainly captured my attention with the way he presents the issues. Most Protestants will enjoy the book because it reafirms what they think the Church says. Catholics who are weak in their faith could easily be drawn out of the Church. Catholics who are strong in their faith will be challenged in the way issues are presented. Mr. White comes across as some one who truly wants to follow Christ and wants to share his understanding on the faith. After researching some of his footnotes(especially the early Church fathers) it became clear that he is very selective in what he presents on his behalf, and will mis-lead readers in what is true. I get the impression that because he has a relationship with Jesus and he's not a Cathlic, then the Catholic Church must be wrong and he is on a mission to prove it. Faith is a journey, Mother Theresa once said, "whatever your faith, be the best. If your a Buddist, be the best Buddist, a Muslim, then be the best Muslim, a Christian ,then be the best Christian". And to be the best Christian means to love one another, because all love comes from God. When we focus on teaching what divides us we are then unable to focus on what unites us, Jesus. God bless you all.

The First Protector (Earth: Final Conflict)
Published in Paperback by Tor Books (2000)
Authors: Fred Saberhagen, James White, and Gene Roddenberry
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $0.50
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $0.79
Average review score:

This snooze-fest is pure ...
White was an excellent SF author. It is only a brutal shame that the last novel he wrote before passing away is such a drab, wordy mess. Unrelated to the series, this follows the backstory of the first Talon to land on Earth. Such an interesting concept should make for fascinating reading-- but here White uncharacteristically presents a series of dull, unrelated events that never consolidate into a worthwhile plot.

EARTH:FC fans: stay away from this one! It will put you to sleep.

JAMES WHITE fans: pass this one up. Go read some "Sector General" again... this book will only serve to sully your image of White's work.

A Mixed Bag
I looked forward to this book with joy and trepidation. After the first EFC book being such a flop (in my opinion) I wondered what this one would bring. The first surprise was that the story was not of Boone,Lili and Da'an as the cover suggested but of the first Taelon Ma'el, who visited earth more than 1000 years in the past, which just goes to show you really can't judge a book by it's cover. While the story answered a number of my questions relating to the TV series (1st season), I found the story very slow moving. At times I had to force myself to continue. I also found a number of the chapters took us nowhere except that they were there. The relationship between Declan (the first protector) and Sinead was touching but the important parts later in their relationship were totally skimmed over. We receive insights into how Ma'el formed 'his' beliefs, the reasons behind 'his' warnings, and 'his' strong insistence that the Taelon Synod not proceed with their plan to come to earth. I found the ready acceptance of Ma'el's astounding technology by 'primitive' people a little hard to swallow. All in all an enjoyable tale although a little far fetched at times.

The First Taelon--Ma'el
To know Ma'el is to love him. The first Taelon on earth was not anything like the malevolent and dangerous Zo'or. He wanted only good to come of his research of humanity and hid many things from his own Taelon race to protect the future of mankind. Come along on a long journey back through time,with 2 Celtic "Protectors" and Ma'el. Cross by land, sail by merchant ship, and visit new oceans and continents by space ship. Feel the danger of pirates, Roman soldiers, and ancient tribes. Love the adventure, as Ma'el gradually reveals himself and regards humanity unselfishly in his quest for the future of his race. Faye

What's With the Dudes at the Door?
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (1998)
Authors: James R. White and Kevin Walter Johnson
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $3.00
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Average review score:

As it says, "young adult"
As a Christian teacher who has utilized this book in a high school Bible class, I would emphasize the book's own category of reader: young adult. Someone in an earlier review suggested giving this to a high school or college student. My suggestion is, maybe not. It is more suited to a junior high audience. Out of perhaps 150 of my junior and senior high school students who read this book as a requirment for an apologetics Bible class (semester long), I would say about half would have given it 4 or 5 stars. A number of the students were honestly insulted by the way the authors tried to be "hip" in their use of slang. Unfortunately, the teens just don't talk like this anymore. (Maybe, like, 10 years ago the language was "cool.") Based on this, I changed my policy and no longer have it as required reading, but I still offer it as a choice, and some actually gravitate to an apologetics book that is such easy reading.

So, while this book may not be for everyone, I still give it four stars (even though I haven't read it cover to cover myself) because the information is very pertinent to those who are just now exploring their faith. As I tell my students, there is coming a time when it will no longer be OK to borrow their parents' faith. In fact, it is time to own their own faith. A book like this introduces some different philosophies that they will be inundated with in the not-so-distant future. Mature junior highers should be given this book before they attempt to share their faith with the cultist at the door.

Extremely accurate.
I have read this book and studied a lot of Mormonism. I can't tell you about the rest of the cults they talked about in this book, but I can tell you that the information given about the Mormons is extremely accurate. The explanation of a cult is very good and the way they talk about cults is so true. You know that if you've ever talked to a door-to-door missionary that this book is very accurate and they have done a wonderful job at explaining who and what the cults are and believe.

This book does tell the truth
I am a high school student. I have been reading many books on cults in the past years of my life to learn, who, what, and where they are. This book is very accurate on what it says. I enjoy reading it andit speaks the truth. Some of the passages can be taken out of context and changed in this book to sound as if it is bad, but you must read all of it to understand. This book is taken out of context just like the Bible is by cults. Anybody, child, teen, adult, who is interested in learning about different cults should know this is a good place to start. It explains cults in good terms. I would also suggest reading, "So What's the Difference?" It is a book that talks about all religions and which ones are cults. This book is good. It has some very good references to Bible passages.

Is the Mormon My Brother?: Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (1997)
Author: James R. White
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

Comparison in Theology Proper
Dr. James White's book is one that does not span a great number of topics, but it is one that provokes a great deal of interest to mormons and nonmormons alike. It is composed of what I believe are four main sections:
1. How to evaluate Mormon claims (e.g. where is the authority?)
2. What do these Mormon authorities claim about God?
3. What is the Christian (as Dr. White believes his position to be) conception of God; this is mutually exclusive to the Mormon conception according to Dr. White.
4. How should Christians then respond to some of the Mormon apologetics?

I have titled this review as such because it is not very exhaustive in terms of covering most of the issues involved. Such would take volumes of work, and that is clearly either a lifetime's amount of work, or a group of people. White focuses mainly on the doctrine of God (e.g. Trinity, how many Gods, what properties make up the ontological essence of God according to the Bible, or according to the other 'standard works' of Mormon writings). So in this sense, I think Dr. White did good research and is worth reading on this matter. But if you want a book that is more broad, like a survey of the places of disagreement, then I'd look elsewhere.

Two interesting points though that this book does provide:
1. It covers the dialogue between Dr. Blomberg (Dallas Theological Seminary) and Dr. Robinson (BYU).
2. This book also attempts to deal with church history citations from the ante nicene fathers that some lds apologists have quoted in order to support the historicity of their view.

Concluding point: if you are interested in a broad survey, skip it. If you think the doctrine of God is strong enough to make a decision about; or if you think this book is worth reading for study of White's arguments (to agree or not), then this book is worth getting.

A scholarly look at the issues by White
James White provides a scholarly look at the fundamental issues dividing Biblical Christianity and Mormonism. White accurately contends that the essential division between Biblical Christianity and the LDS faith is the difference between monotheism and polytheism. In addition, White points out that insofar as LDS teaching denies the eternality and immutability of God it cannot be understood to be Biblical Christianity. Bravo to White for being a Berean and "searching the Scriptures to see if these things are so". White also encourages all people, LDS and non-LDS alike, to be Bereans as well. Furthermore, White's scholarship is commendable, as he establishes the validity of his sources early in the book. A must for any student of Mormonism honestly seeking the truth from a Biblical perspective.

"Is the Mormon My Brother" is an excellent book.
During the Last decade or so, the LDS Church has been engaged in a campaign to convince the evangelical community that it is orthodox expression of Christianity. "Is the Mormon My Brother" is an honest analysis of this claim---and the answer to this question is a gentle, respectful, but firm "no."

One of the toughest problems that White tackles is getting Mormons to clearly explain the LDS doctrine of God and goodhood. Many Christians who have with dialogued with Mormons know that a Mormon will agree with just about anything about God that an evangelical has to say. The oneness of God, the eternality of God, and the Trinity. In fact, it is very difficult, in a normal conversation to bring out any differences that set Christianity and Mormonism apart. However, if the Christian researchs a bit more, and asks more pointed questions, one soons discovers that LDS doctrine, in spite of the "agreements" that have been expressed over the Doctine of God, one find out that Man can become a God, and God, was one a man, and that there are actually an infinite number of gods in the universe and that every person can become a god. White's book is perhaps one of the best resources available to bring these differences out.

White does a great job of bringing this out, and he does so with extensive use of Mormon primary sources---everything from the Standards Works and early and modern publications from LDS Church authorities such as LDS prophets, and the general assemblies.

Moreover, he also addresses the issues brought about the book "How Wide the Divide" by Blomberg and Robinson, and the use of the Church Fathers (the doctrine of Theosis )by Mormon apologists to argue that the Early Church taught man can become a god.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the book is narrow in scope---the issue of monotheism vs. polytheism. It does not (and does not pretend to) deal with other issues that are also important (Such as the Historicity of the Book of Mormons). However, the book is very complete because it explains its purpose and it fulfills it. It is great if read along with Books such as "Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons" by Ron Rhodes and Marian Bodine and "Mormonism" by Kurt Van Gorden. Thus "Is the Mormon my Brother" is a must for anyone interesting to witnessing to Mormons.

KJV Pew Bible: White Gold
Published in Hardcover by Holman Bible Pub (1999)
Author: Broadman & Holman Publishers
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.28
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

My first review was based soley on appearance and strength. I know the KJV Bible and had not read through this particular version yet. But after owning it for some time, I have come across several spelling and gramatical errors in this KJV. In my humble opinion, it is unacceptable and just plain wrong to poorly edit such an important book. I reccomend staying away from this version...

A Great Bible
I just got this Bible today and I really like it. It is small and compact and yet the print is very readable. One great thing is that it does not contain a bunch of index columns and authors' commentaries and their own ideas--it contains only the Holy Scriptures and this is what I have wanted. This is a great volume of scripture at an affordable price. I don't think this Bible should be limited to just the church pews as the title implies. This is a great volume to take anywhere(for travel, home devotions/Bible studies, etc.). Well done.

The Basic Emt: Comprehensive Prehospital Patient Care
Published in Paperback by Year Book Medical Pub (1997)
Authors: Roger D. White, James L. Paturas, William R. Matcalf, and Norman E., Jr. McSwain
Amazon base price: $41.95
Used price: $0.99
Average review score:

Poor Learning Tool
I was asked to review this text by a group of EMTs at the teaching hospital where I am employed as an ER physician and surgeon. The text contains conflicting information and is not well organized. I would not recommed this text for teaching new EMTs. It could be useful as a review for experienced technicians or paramedics.

A worthwhile text and great reference
While the information can, at times, be repetitive or confusing, overall the book stresses those skills and topics which are important for prehospital emergency providers. The book is easy to use as a reference, reads at a slightly higher level than many introductory texts, and can be a valuable resource even for an EMT-P. This book does require, however, some direction and sometimes elaboration from from a knowledgeable and organized "Basic" instructor.

Worth owning and using.


Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Camping Refuted and Christ's Church Defended
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Calvary Press (2002)
Author: James R. White
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.72
Collectible price: $9.49
Buy one from zShops for: $9.67
Average review score:

Totally without merit or truth!
White falls back on his own flawed thinking and whacky ideas. Harold Camping supports everything he says with the Bible, our only source for perfect truth. Judge for yourself by getting a FREE copy of: The End of the Church Age and After, from Family Radio to compare to the self serving hypocrisy of White who in comparison is using a prentension of faith to line his own pockets - I reiterate, judge fairly and honestly for yourself!

Dr James White is the only one who is "dangerous"
I was absolutely SHOCKED beyond words when I read this scathing attack on a ministry like Family Radio. Here is a ministry that has devoted itself, under the impeccable leadership of Brother Harold Camping, to being as faithful to the Word of God as humanly possible. And what a fine job they have done! If Dr James White can find anything wrong with such a noble pursuit (especially when churches everywhere have put their "Confessions" above the Bible itself), then I would ask Dr White and anyone who agrees with his nonsense (Mr Horth) to "make your salvation sure". God bless Family Radio, and God bless Harold Camping!

A Great Teacher who has gone bad
I came to know the Lord through an OPEN FORUM broadcast in 1986 when Camping was teaching orthodox Biblical doctrine. Yes, he had some outlandish ideas, but all of us will have some of our theology corrected when we stand before God. However, Harold Camping has gone over the edge. Why he has turned from the pure faith, and has turned his back on many of his friends and brothers in the faith is anybody's guess. Camping has abandoned all sound exegesis and has taken his interpretations based on pure fantasy and allegory to come up with his doctrine. It has broken my heart and the hearts of the people who respected him... What a wasteland Camping has made of a wonderful ministry that God had blessed! At 81 Camping is long, long, long overdue to retire!

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