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Book reviews for "Valmaggia,_Juan_S." sorted by average review score:

Man of Ashes (Texts and Contexts)
Published in Paperback by Bison Bks Corp (2001)
Authors: Saloman Isacovici, Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Dick Gerdes, and Salomon Isacovici
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $8.95
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Average review score:

A Book that must be read
This is a book that must be read by anyone interested in the Holocaust and Jewish life. It is unlike any Holocaust autobiography in that it involves Jewish life in South America. Even after living through the tragedies of the Holocaust Salomon Encourages joy and happiness. As a College student, and as Salomon's grandson this book touched my life in a very special way.

Management of Mineral Resources: Creating Value in the Mining Business
Published in Paperback by Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration (2002)
Author: Juan P. Camus
Amazon base price: $79.00
Used price: $78.95
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Average review score:

Principles to Create Huge Value from Mineral Resources
"...the main question for the company is whether to exploit, sell, or hold the deposit for future use. Mineral resource management can be seen as the discipline that deals with the required activities to support and make this decision."

This book explains the why, how and who of this fundamental decision faced by mining companies. The author also explains why this should be of vital interest to governments, educational institutions and the struggling shareholders of mining companies. Consequently, this book should be in the hands of anyone involved in, or aspiring to, management at either the operating or corporate level of the minerals industry.

Juan P. Camus explains in plain language the theory and use of cutoff grade optimization techniques developed by people such as Kenneth F. Lane, author of the highly regarded book, "The Economic Definition of Ore". The foreword is written by Ken Lane, who lays a challenge for the next book on this fascinating and fundamental aspect of our industry.

The real-life examples, based upon Juan's personal experience, illustrate how these optimization tools helped create huge value from mineral resources. Following the successful application of these principles of optimization within Codelco, the CEO of the world's largest copper producer is quoted as saying, "In the past, we were doing things right, but it seems that now we are doing the right things." These "right things" contributed well over a billion dollars to Codelco's value and still hundreds of millions more for another large Chilean copper producer. Interestingly, the author points out that the techniques he advocates could apply in other industries.

However, beyond the tools and of at least equal importance, the author reviews organizational theory to propose structures and systems to capture opportunities for value creation, which he contends elude too many players in the mining industry. The author distinguishes between Strategic and Tactical mine planning stages, noting their different objectives, roles, time horizons, technical requirements, the types of people suited to each and their relative value creation potential. The author argues that without the proper systems in place for planning, the value of the mineral resource will be sub-optimal. Not only will the owners' be worse off as a consequence, but so also will governments, suppliers and society at large. Proper management of resources is vital to the mineral industry.

The book can be read relatively quickly, touches upon a wide breadth of knowledge and will leave the reader realizing that value creation in the mineral industry goes well beyond the familiar routines of employing economy of scale and cutting costs. As the author amply illustrates, the value of mineral resources lies very much in the application of intellect and ingenuity.

The Memoirs of Juan Mardre Horne (Mrs. MacK Henry Smith)
Published in Hardcover by Celo Valley Books (1992)
Author: Kearney Smith
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Very Loving Lady
What a heart warming story of such a interesting lady whom led what appears to be a very fullfilling life. I enjoed it tremendously.

Memorias del mestizaje : cuando las confrontaciones raciales se dirimen sobe un mismo lecho
Published in Unknown Binding by Venpres ()
Author: Juan Negretti Malpica
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Voz literaria que enhebra historias de aliento personal
Juan Negretti Malpica nos entrega ahora parte de ese corazón en una obra de extraña capacidad seductora. Es Memorias del Mestizaje, pieza especial escrita con parsimoniosa belleza, con estilo atrayente y un dominio correcto de la capacidad narrativa y el uso apropiado, elegante, sobrio y rico del lenguaje y los vocablos.

Esta historia de nuestra lejana contemporaneidad, situada en la feraz tierra carabobeña en las décadas de los veinte y los treinta, evoca, en primera instancia, un aire bucólico del verdor aposentado en la belleza vegetal de la región. Se instala en un marco tan auspiciatorio el autor, para iniciar la saga dinámica y múltiple de de una familia valenciana, en lo que será el exámen directo, sobre el terreno, del fenómeno que ha determinado nuestra más auténtica identidad: el mestizaje racial de nuestro pueblo.

En efecto, la saga de los Negretti nos remonta a orígenes de colonia española, al rico magma en que españoles, indígenas y la vertiente poderosa de la esclavitud africana afianzan en un modo de ser, una prefiguración racial, social y antropológica que se devendrá en la unicidad de nuestra actual presencia en el mundo. Juan Negretti, por boca de quienes antes contaron, especialmente los negros de férrea tradición oralista, cubre mantos y capas de la etapa constitutiva del país a través de un único hilo familiar. Lo hace gracias a esas consejas de abuelos y de tíos, pues, como admite García Márquez, lo mejor de nuestra narrativa ha sido dicho por los mayores junto a los fogones de las viejas casas.

La historia trashumante de los Negretti, resume también una referencia importante de la venezolanidad. En efecto, esa familia que va aumentando, sobreponiéndose a continuas crisis que se revelan en innumerables cambios de domicilio, en lo contingente de algunas de estas estancias y en el poder raigal de otros momentos de mudanzas, son la metáfora más auténtica de nuestra andanza como país latinoamericano.

En tales travesías, que finalmente no rebasan el cerrado perímetro dela ciudad de Valencia, está el gérmen de toda evocación épica: la familia que trastavilla, emigra, emerge, cambia, muda, pero está aferrada a su fuerte y primigenia razón social de existir, de asentarse en el tiempo, de hacerse ancha, previsible y perdurable. A esa vertiente homérica de los innumerables periplos valencianos van incorporándose, sin problema y sin traumas, otros cauces étnicos: italianos y andaluces, alemanes y árabes, judíos o caribeños.

No escatima tampoco el autor el marco referencial histórico, el que alude al caudillismo, a Páez, a Boves, la godarria valenciana, los largos y abrumados años del gomecismo, o el comienzo de los nuevos tiempos a la muerte del dictador. Es, en todo caso, un marco de vívido interés, pues el dato histórico se desliza como telón de fondo de una historia más cercana y existencial, aquella donde los campos valencianos, el gran ferrocarril, la llegada de la electricidad conviven en excelente armonía de cadencias y luces junto a puntuales hitos históricos o a la presencia del béisbol que comienza su profundo arraigo nacional, a la música cañonera y estridente, el ritmo que el caribe comienza a imprimirnos, los toros coleados, la fiesta brava, los botiquines y las historias de pintorescos borrachitos, en escenas muy chispeantes que a menudo recuerdan páginas del gran Jorge Amado.

No elude el autor la saga imperiosa del amor, y el romanticismo de ventana de romanilla se une a los exigentes duelos familiares por novios no deseados y el machismo, en las páginas de Memorias del Mestizaje es un latigazo implacable evocado con ácida y tierna comprensión. Son tal vez, en la faceta amatoria, de extraordinaria factura e irrestricta actualidad las páginas dedicadas a los escarceos eróticos infantiles y juveniles de sus personajes, la complicada, maravillante y terrible entrada al mundo dela adultez, que es el más caro descubrimiento vital.

La saga de los Negretti, contenida en Memorias del Mestizaje, se cierra sobre un capítulo de la historia de Venezuela: el advenimiento de la modernidad. Los lectores estamos convencidos de que Juan Negretti Malpica nos debe una segunda y hasta una tercera parte de este libro.

En un sentido general y como lectora entusiasta de Memorias del Mestizaje, sólo me queda decir que reconozco en esta obra la presencia de una pulcra y creativa voz literaria, que enhebra historias de aliento personal para, en definitiva, trazarnos el gran mosaico de un país que se perdió para siempre entre la frívola y demoledora presencia del petróleo, esa fuente de todos nuestros infortunios actuales, entre la riqueza avasallante, efímera y desnaturalizadora que desdibujó un perfil nacional de autenticidad raigal. Ese perfil que Juan Negretti Malpica recupera en estas páginas de Memorias del Mestizaje.

Por eso, cuando uno lee un libro escrito por alguien que, como él, ha tenido una vida ejemplar, puede soñar con que nuestra riqueza espiritual, los magníficos tesoros morales que reposan en nuestro gozoso mestizaje racial y cultural, no se han perdido para siempre.

Mari Ferrero

Mining the Hard Rock in the Silverton San Juans: A Sense of Place, a Sense of Time
Published in Hardcover by Simpler Way Book Company (01 January, 1996)
Author: John Marshall
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $72.00
Collectible price: $68.82
Average review score:

Review of Mining the Hard Rock
A fascinating look into the history of mining in Southwest Colorado. The book is full of photographs and interviews that paint a real picture of what life was like for the men who worked the mines, and the mothers, wives , and daughters who lived with them in these isolated and rugged communities. The book provides an understanding not only of the tremendous hardships the miners endured, but also of the incredible accomplishments they achieved. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Southwest, or the history of hard rock mining.

Mission San Juan Capistrano: A Place of Peace
Published in Paperback by Arizona Highways (2002)
Authors: Kathleen Walker, Marc Muench, and Kevin Kibsey
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.97
Collectible price: $16.94
Buy one from zShops for: $13.12
Average review score:

Get to KNOW Mission San Juan
This book gives you a present day, and historical look at the Mission. It captures so much of the spirit. It is beautifully photographed, each picture being a treasure in itself. It is wonderfully illustrated - the artist certainly understands the Mission, and it is so well written. The author paints a picture of the old and new in an amazing way. The whole book is a work of art in itself.

If you have ever visited the Mission, or intend to visit it, or any other of the Missions this book is a must read. It will make your visit a truly personal experience.

Moon Handbooks San Juan Islands: Including Victoria and the Gulf Islands
Published in Paperback by Avalon Travel Publishing (2002)
Author: Don Pitcher
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
Average review score:

An excellent travel planning and guidebook resource
The latest addition to the "Moon Handbooks" travel guide series, San Juan Islands: Including Victoria And The Gulf Islands is a travel guide precisely written by Don Pitcher for vacationers looking to make their own travel and entertainment choices by create a unique and personalized travel plan suited entirely and specifically to their own personal tastes. With key information on accommodations, activities, points of interest, transportation, history, climate, and more of each island, San Juan Islands is an excellent travel planning and guidebook resource which is especially recommended as a quick and easy reference.

New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (2 Volume Set)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (15 January, 2001)
Authors: Michael G. Gelder, Juan J. Lopez-Ibor, Nancy Andreasen, and Lopez-Ibor Juan J
Amazon base price: $269.00
Used price: $313.22
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Average review score:

Comprehensive review
This is exactly what this book represents: a comprehensive review of the finest research papers in Psychiatric topics of all times. The reader will find everything there is in Psychiatry today on it; from Epidemiological data to Neurobiological Etiology, Psychopathology and current and future aspects on Psychiatry Research. As a reference book is priceless; as a scientific text, sound. Nowadays, one of the essentials in any Psychiatric library.

Nieve Sobre Miami (Una Historia De LA Cocaina En Magic City)
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Universal (1992)
Author: Juan Carlos Castillon
Amazon base price: $15.00
Average review score:

Nieve sobre Miami
Nieve sobre Miami es una novela que muestra el lado oscuro de Miami. Los años dorados Miamenses en que, la cocaína fue formando una sociedad con principos morales alterados, por el poder y el placer, sin reparos, en donde, la cocaína, era la reina de la fiesta e hizo florecer la ciudad con tal rapidez, como cuando esta llega al cerebro. La novela muestra con la simplicidad de sus personajes, la corrupción que generó el uso y abuso de la droga, las falsas ilusiones y caídas que provocó su magia, y los tiempos que se vivieron en aquellos años de Nieve sobre Miami que, hoy casi parecen historia. Está muy bien llevada en esta novela corta, de corte policial, el tema de la Coca. También, contiene muchos datos históricos que, vale la pena repasar y nunca olvidar, para conocer la realidad de un Miami.

Orcas entre el mito y la realidad
Published in Paperback by Sudamericana/Argentina (2000)
Authors: Juan Carlos Lopez and Juan Carlos López
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Being there!!
Mr. Lopez shares the experience with all readers in joining him in Patagonia, to study the behavior of these incredible animals, while they study him. You can feel the smell of the sea, the wind, the sand, the heat and the cold, and of course the love of Mr. Lopez for the Orcas. it's like being there!!

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