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Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $4.85
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Finn Family Moomintroll is a collection of several of the Moomin funny and silly little adventures following the discovery of the hat. Indeed, the sometimes absurd situations reminded me of Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. Lavishly illustrated with wonderful black and white ink drawings by the author, it is also a perfect book to read aloud to your children!
Other titles in the series are: Comet in Moominland, Moominsummer Madness, Moominland Midwinter, Moominpappa at Sea, Moominpappa's Memoirs, and Tales from Moominvalley.

I am 29 years old and into a wide variety of weird and wonderful pop culture and I would definitely place the works of Tove Jansson in the same class as Genet,Burroughs,Bugakov and Tolkien. No joke!
To explain them to the uninitiated, I would say something like...imagine a Winnie the Pooh novel composed by Dali...then double the level of surrealism! Convinced??
Finn Family Moonintroll is probably the best, narrowly beating out Comet in Moominland, a close second. In this story, Moomintroll and his friends find a magic hat which brings them all sorts of mischief and absurdity. I think I first read this thing in 1982 and it just about haunted my every waking moment. The Moomin series are books that are NOT just for the kids to enjoy. Adults with a vivid imagination would ravenously lap this sort of thing up and beg for more.
Forget Harry Potter kiddies! This is where it's at!!!

Used price: $7.99
Collectible price: $10.00
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Used price: $15.00

well i hope i didn't give away to much about the story! i recomend this book to anyone who into a excelent love story, i mean, i have like 8 books of this serie and this one is by far, one of the best i've read!
u just can't miss it!!

Used price: $7.51
Collectible price: $9.00

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.49

The art, coupled with the quotations and introductory material make this a delightful book just to leaf through, but the ideas and the warmth of them sing, "It's time for a cup of tea with friends."
The initial chapter, "Taking Tea," launches the novice but serves the informed as a succinct reference. Keep this volume in an easily accessible place!

List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.49

Many writers these days create companion manuals for their work. This book deserves a companion manual - a workbook so to speak.
My one disagreement with the author is the idea of submission to one's husband. I agree that there must be mutual respect, love and honor between both parties, but for now I will have to take a rain check on the submission part. When one starts getting into submission, one gets too dangerously close to subverting one's identity to the will of another. This can lead to unhealthy consequences. Aside from this one disagreement, I LOVE THIS BOOK. I borrowed it from the library, and I will now go out and buy a copy which will be very marked, lined and highlighted. My copy will always be close at hand.

I've really worn it out. Thank God for you.

Used price: $3.03
Collectible price: $7.29

This is about a girl, Anna, who has a severely handicapped brother, Ben. Ben was more of intellectually disabled than physically and he brought great joy to her life, changing it drastically.
Through this book, you can actually empathize with Anna. It is also a very touching story with a great plot. I'd recommend it strongly to everyone!

Used price: $0.59
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49

Wilkerson describes in his book how essential it is to meet the unloved where they are, rather than waiting for them to show up in church all dressed up and ready to worship within the ranks of the clean and respectable. He also rightly emphasizes the importance of follow up, how one can't just expect to go out and distribute tracts or preach from street corners without also developing real, loving relationships with people and ministering to their needs, both spiritually and physically.
Now that Teen Challenge International has grown to over 200 centers around the world, it is interesting to note that the struggle in recovery ministry continues to be much the same: It's extremely difficult to get people to reach out in love to those who have never been loved, and it's nearly impossible to get church members to venture outside their doors to love their neighbors as they love themselves.
I praise God for Rev. Wilkerson and the way that he listened to God and ventured out in faith. I thank him for sharing the story of his work.

These days, so much has changed. A local pentecostal preacher once told me that he went to Leeds one Saturday; that he was so disgusted by the beggars, and used to see the same ones all the time, how awful that they should always be there; and once he got real close up to one, who was (from what he told me) probably very weak, maybe even dying, lying on the ground, got about six inches away from their ear, and shouted at the top of his voice, "GET A JOB!!!"
Stand this in contrast with the Wilkerson man. This guy, realizing that the zonkos and beggars know that they're sinners, possibly scarcely realizing anything else at all, goes and gives them a bed for the night - feeds them - gives them a bath and warm clothes. The tells them that God knows them and has already fixed up a plan for them - that to the God who made the sun and the outer planets, THEY matter - "whosoever will" can come and drink from the waters of life, that they can repent, and be made blameless before the king of kings.
[Life isn't cheap to this man.]
Then the guy fixes up this organisation called "teen challenge", held together by almost no money at all, but lots of prayer, who pulls loads of dropouts and folks who are very nearly dead from all over the place and stands them on the the higher ground...
Man, this book is so good. I know that these days, many of the big churches... (I used to be in Perth, Western Australia) and there was this huge church near to the Casino. The car park was full of BMWs, and all the evidence was that the church was really inwards looking, far too concerned with "signs and wonders" to remember about the plan of Salvation at all. So much for the lost, no place for them. When I went to Yorkshire, I was amazed how the church had similarly split along these lines - those who preached the gospel, the same one as David Wilkerson preached - to the lost sheep - (go and READ this, will you) and those who prayed for (and maybe got) bigger houses, fatter share options, sports cars, foreign holidays, etc. The contrast is huge.
Read this book and find out what the cost of discipleship to Christ really means - how many days and nights of prayer it really takes to move those mountains - and what faith is REALLY about. And the failures, when Sonny does not come back, and all the disappointments when it doesn't seem to go to plan and they're just about to get kicked out of the building...
I was brought up with this book, and as far as I can remember, I have worn out probably six copies. Time I got myself a new one....

Used price: $4.94
Collectible price: $12.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95

Dante, the main character of the story, is a young African American male that
is a social worker and aspiring writer. Dante is a complex and interesting
character. As the story progress we get a glimpse of his past, the
complexities of his current life and his goals and aspirations for the future.
His greatest weakness seems to be his relationship with women. He has buried
his sensitive side in order to protect his heart and is involved with any
number of meaningless sexual relationships. Most important however, is Dante's
desire to have more for his life. This journey for more meaning in his life,
career and relationships eventually leads him to some life changing decisions.
The other characters in the book are like a supporting cast; these characters
are not as thoroughly developed. Although the reader only knows these
characters in terms of Dante, each character plays a critical role in the plot
and in the growth that he eventually achieves. I would have liked to have read
a bit more about what made the female characters tick.
When Butterflies Kiss is a unique tale written by a team of authors. Ten
writers, each responsible for his or her own chapter, write the book. Each
author has their own style, but they do an excellent job of portraying the
characters and the plot consistently and the chapters flow beautifully. As I
began this book, I was curious about what reading a novel by several different
authors would be like but I was quite pleased with this collaborative effort.
I would have liked to have seen more detailed character development for the
female characters and there were a couple of aspects of the plot that I felt
were left hanging. Still, overall I thought this was a great effort and I look
forward to future works by each of the individual authors as well as future