Used price: $6.99

There is humor, seriousness, sadness--all the emotions one can imagine, since the book is designed to depict the different eras of a woman's life from age 16 onward, through courtship, marriage, and motherhood. I eagerly anticipate finishing the book, and then picking it up again and again as I go through my own life. I plan to have my teenage daughter read it, and will suggest it as a must-read to all my friends.

Jane and Adam are worst enemies. Adam is the school's star lacrosse player. And Jane, who is the school's top sports reporter, is his harshest critic. Unfortunately it turns out they are going to be in Jane's cousin and Adam's step-brother's wedding as the maid of honor and the best man. As they get thrown together in hilarious situation after situation they inevitabley get to know each other better and start to fall in love...
OMG! This book is the best. Can anyone say soulmates? I love the way Adam and Jane were just absolutely perfect for each other. If they were real people you know this would be a relationship that would last. Make sure to read Chandler's other books.

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.75

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The heroine is Amber the Untouched, so named because of her special affinity to amber -- all things amber belong to her -- and because of her special ability to feel the emotions of others by touching them. Lowell thoroughly explores both the advantages and the drawbacks of such an ability. The hero, Duncan of Maxwell, the Scots Hammer (his name is charming and lyrical, like much of the writing in this book) is the perfect combination of strength and sensitivity. The amber prophecy, the revelation that attended Amber's birth, defines the cosmology of the book. As a lover of fantasy, I was totally captivated by it! Amber and Duncan's story is gracefully and beautifully told.
Like everyone else, I can't wait for Erik's story!

Amber the Untouched and Duncan the Scots Hammer are a memorable couple. And I love how Lowell has Duncan remember bits and pieces but never a whole memory. Something will trigger a memory, but as quickly as it came, it is gone. The only thing I thought that would make the book more, would be if Amber was a little stronger. Though, I can understand why she did many things the way she did.
This book also has one of the most memorable scenes from any book I have read. The scene where Cassandra *teaches* Duncan the true power and pain of Amber's "gift".
I HIGHLY recommend this series of book, though I would also recommend reading them in order of sequence.

Used price: $19.36

The lyrics are the same, from book to book, but the fanciful illustrations in this one are enough to engage adults and children as they read this book together.
The perfect gift for any family whose Christmas tradition includes reading this classic!

The winter landscapes fill our senses and Tasha's own gray tabby cat and Welsh Corgi welcome us into this charming world.
Tasha's Santa that you will meet in this book has been portrayed as the poem describes him...a right jolly old elf. He's not that much larger than the corgi and his team really consists of eight "tiny" reindeer. His pointy ears and his Eskimo mukluks add to the delightful ambiance of the book. He dances with the toys and with the happy animals and we can truly believe it will be a happy Christmas for all.
I hope this book becomes a Christmas Eve tradition for many, many more families.

Used price: $0.50
Collectible price: $0.99
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A continuation of the adventures of Doctor Vicky Bliss, a museum worker in Munich, this book follows her on a cruise down the Nile, takes her all over the Egyptian countryside, and finally ends where it started --- in Vicky's German apartment. Along the way, several recurring characters show up, including old friends and villains, the irrepressible Schmidt, and of course, Sir John Smythe; the quintessential gentleman thief and Vicky's sometimes lover. This time however, there is a small complication affecting their relationship, which leads to the miscommunication, misinterpreted signals, and missed chances that characterize Peter's books ---- and make them some of the most enjoyable mysteries on the market. The insults are quick, the Egyptology casual and comprehensive, and country music references abound.
This is a wonderful book, featuring yet another strong, smart, feminist heroine, who never crosses the line from aggressive to unlikable. While "Night Train to Memphis" can definitely stand alone, I would also reccomend the first couple of books about Vicky, "Borrower of the Night", "The Street of Five Moons", "Sillhouette in Scarlet", and "Trogan Gold".

In NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS, Vicky Bliss is asked by a police agency to be a part of a tour group as they cruise down the Nile River seeing the beautiful monuments and ancient pyramids of Egypt. The police suspect that some professional thieves will be on board and hope that Vicky can assist in identifying them. The characters are diverse and of course, Sir John Smythe also shows up for the tour. Vicky's dismayed to find him using a different name and traveling with a sweet young woman. Just a few months before the tour, John and Vicky had resumed their love affair and now she's thoroughly confused by the way that he's acting. There are a lot of surprises in this story.
I found it amazing to see that out of 32 reviews on this book, 30 reviewers gave this story a Five Star Rating. That has got to be some kind of a record. It shows what an excellent writer that Elizabeth Peters is and how she always delivers great fiction.

List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.60
Collectible price: $5.29
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Elizabeth Hess was down to earth in showing the trials and successes an animal shelter goes through. If you know someone who's not sure about getting a pet, I highly suggest they read this book. It'll make them think twice. If you know someone with misconceptions that all shelter animals get homes, give them this book as a wakeup call! A pet can take up as much or more of your time than a human baby, but the human race has made dogs, cats and other animals disposeable. There are happy endings as well as sad in the book, but it's worth buying. As the kids would say, we give it a 2 paws up!

Used price: $9.99

Now Im gonna tell you: YHTRTB (You Have To Read This Book)

List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $11.18
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52

Many different skills are explained, teaching parents the difference between discipline and punishment. Listed to are the many disadvantages and counter productive negative effects of spanking.
There is good advice for nurturing sibling relationships, understanding and coping with anger, and how important it is for parents to look after themselves as well. The last part of the book is devoted to providing ideas for dealing with all the common discipline situations such as homework, bedtime, mornings, interrupting, meal times, tantrums etc..
I have recently read Elizabeth Pantley's book on sleep, "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" which is also a wonderful book.
I would also hightly recommend reading "Setting Limits: How to Raise Responsible, Independent, Children by Providing Clear Boundaries" by Robert J MacKenzie.

Thank goodness for Elizabeth Pantley and her wonderful book Kid Cooperation: How to stop yelling, nagging and pleading and get kids to cooperate! I must admit to being somewhat sceptical when I come across claims such as those in this book title. "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is", rings in my ears. However, I am DELIGHTED to be able to say that this book not only lives up these claims but MORE.
In Kid Cooperation, Elizabeth Pantley shares parenting skills that are LIFE CHANGING! I do not say that lightly! This book will change your life! The wonderful thing is that the skills outlined are easy to learn and implement, they actually WORK, and probably most importantly in my opinion, they are kind to and respectful of children. Elizabeth's style is very readable, positive and not at all preachy. She allows you to determine areas needing improvement in a way that leaves you feeling both hopeful and positive.
The first chapter comprises a quiz to determine your current discipline style. Are you permissive, democratic, balanced or autocratic? (I erred on the "too democratic" side!) The good news is that, whatever your current style, you CAN find help in this wonderful book.
The remaining chapters contain the gems of wisdom which fulfil the claims on the front cover! Chapter 2 teaches the keys to successful parenting - take charge; think; when you say it, mean it; use skill. Chapter 3 covers cooperation and how to achieve it in your home. Chapter 4 discusses punishment versus discipline. Chapter 5 teaches ways to build your child's self-esteem. Chapter 6 is all about sibling relationships. Chapter 7 deals with parent anger. Chapter 8 discusses ways to look after yourself and the relationship with your parenting partner. Chapter 9 consists of some common discipline questions with several suggestions on how to deal effectively with each. Each chapter ends with a very helpful "reminder page", which can be copied and placed in appropriate spots around the home. This really makes learning the new skills manageable!
Throughout the book, examples of situations and dialogue (some from the author's own family experiences) make understanding easy. Many readers will see themselves and their kids in the examples (I know I did!) Elizabeth makes it simple to identify ineffective parenting AND to replace it with techniques that actually WORK. I have personally used many of the skills taught in this book with my own child and am thrilled to report the improvement in harmony in our household. Some examples which have been particularly useful to us are the "5-3-1-go" (when leaving a playground for example), making objects talk (great for things like teeth cleaning time!), and using happy faces and sad faces on a daily chart.
I thoroughly recommend this book! My ONLY complaint is that I didn't get it when my child was younger!

Used price: $6.74
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95

#1: Dr. Vliet really needs to improve the index in both books. Has she considered Microsoft Word? MS Word can create an index. The index stinks! I've ended up reading, and then adding / creating my own index. It is hard to find stuff in her book.
#2: For some reason, she doesn't like compounding pharmacies that will actually talk directly to patients about hormone protocols, etc. She seems to favor compounding pharmacies that leave every decision up to the doctor. This seems very limiting in that every woman should be as educated as possible, and have as much freedom as possible with deciding her own treatment. After all, how would we feel if someone told us that each week they'd be controlling and deciding on what we were going to buy at the grocery store?!?
But, overall, since the issue of hormone replacement is a complicated one, this is CERTAINLY a book you need to have. I would highly recommend both "Screaming..." books. Also look at Gillian Ford's "Listening to Your Hormones". Great book, also!

Do not underestimate the importance of hormones! I had a complete hysterectomy 13 yrs ago and about 12 yrs ago began having severe fatique, mental fuzziness, memory problems, bladder problems, headaches, plus other problems. Every doctor I went to see never even addressed these problems as hormonal. Although I was on hormonal therapy, my various combinations just did not help enough. I knew something was not right, but trying to tell your doctor that you know what the problem is just does not work, or it did not work for me. Most of the doctors I saw did not take my symptoms seriously and thus I searched for 12 yrs for help.
Then I read Dr. Vliet's book and all of my questions and concerns were answered! Everything began to make sense. I cannot stress this enough - IF YOU ARE A WOMAN, READ THIS BOOK!