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I highly recommend it.

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List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.44
Collectible price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00

Lottie Baldwin, a determined, single-minded psychic, and her police sergeant boyfriend, Harlan Erikson, are pulled into a mystery that involves one man's disappearance and a child's kidnapping. Only by combining Harlan's detective experience with Lottie's ingenuity, tarot readings and gift of sight, are they finally able to unravel the truth behind the incidences - a truth that is more horrifying than either dared to expect.
This is Elizabeth Delisi's first novel, but having already read her second, Since All Is Passing, I knew I was in for a treat. I was not disappointed. Fatal Fortune kept me on tenterhooks into the wee hours. I'll be looking forward with anticipation to the next novel by this very talented author.

When her best friend's husband disappears, Lottie puts her psychic abilities to use, managing to eventually convince even the skeptical Harlan that her powers are very real. What results is a mystery novel that holds a reader spellbound from first page to last.
Ms. Delisi has penned a winner, and I hope to read more of Lottie's adventures in the future. Terrific!

Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $0.79

Is there anyone who can get you into trouble more than a sister? That is the premise of Good Girls Do. At the University in Southern Florida (sorry, Julie did not use New Orleans again for she give such a texture to her works with that as a background!) Dr. Miranda Carpenter's sister pushed the CISS - Campus Institute for Safe Sex and Dr. Noah Yeager into nominating Miranda as woman of the year role model. Teri makes sure the papers pick up on it, and next thing Miranda is label "practically a virgin" - and as the late Robert Mitchum would tell you, there's nothing worse than a semi-virgin!!
Miranda is humiliated by this all, and Noah understands this, and had no idea Teri would shout it everywhere. Added to Miranda's humiliation is an attraction to Noah, but she has started away from the Party Animal that was known for his one night stands and love them and leave them attitude. Noah has been attracted to her for some time, but stayed his distance because he has had two bad relationships, one which ended in divorce.
However, Miranda is just ticked enough to take out her anger and frustration on Noah by winding up his clock and then teaching him a lesson as she decided to go after and win the CISS virtuous award.
As with all Leto's work, the banter is rapier sharp, warm and light, yet this story still manages to get the safe sex message worked in there.
Now, WE NEED Teri's Tale, Julie!!!

I LOVED this book! I'd never read one of Ms. Leto's stories, but I intend to correct that oversight. She has drawn very likeable, sympathetic characters to whom I was drawn immediately. Her dialogue is true and snappy. And the 'thunderstorm' love scene is guaranteed to leave your pulse pounding. [It was my favorite in the whole book].
This is a great book to tuck into your beach tote this summer. If you think it's steamy at the beach, just wait until you read Good Girls Do!

Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.77

List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.25
Collectible price: $14.01
Buy one from zShops for: $9.40

The poets of "Eight" are Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, John Berryman, Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Allen Ginsburg, and James Merrill. Each poet's work is prefaced by a substantial individual introduction.
There are many masterpieces in this book. Curiously, I found the most compelling poems to be those that focus on nature: Roethke's "The Meadow Mouse," Bishop's "The Fish," Plath's "Mushrooms," and Merrill's "The Octopus." Poems like these combine skillfully used language with keen insight, and reveal these poets to be true heirs of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson (two of the featured artists in "Six American Poets").
Overall, I felt that "Eight" was not as strong as its sister volume, "Six." Although there are many poetic masterpieces in "Eight," there is also much material which, in my opinion, hasn't aged well. The so-called "confessional poetry" of some of these writers strikes me as overwrought. Some of the longer poems failed to resonate with me. I was particularly disappointed by Berryman's "Homage to Mistress Bradstreet," especially since I am an admirer of Anne Bradtreet's own work. Admittedly, this criticism may merely reflect my own personal tastes, but I submit it for the reader's consideration.
The fact that so many of these poets either wrote about each other, or pop up in the editor's introductions to each others' work, sometimes gives the book as a whole a creepy, incestuous feel. And the fact that so many of these poets committed suicide, had long-term mental health problems, and/or suffered from addictions further gives the book as a whole a rather morbid feel. On second thought, maybe this group of eight is a bit problematic!
Still, editor Conarroe has assembled an impressive anthology that I would recommend for students and teachers, as well as to a general readership. Although a mixed bag, "Eight American Poets" contains some truly enduring work by an octet whose legacy is secure.

Like Conarroe's "Six American Poets", the anthology introduces us to each poet with a short biography that is presented before the poet's work. We learn about their lives and come to understand some of the primary forces that have shaped their poetry. I have found that this greatly enriches the experience of reading poetry because I better see the struggles that lead to each individual creation. After each collection, Conarroe offers a list of books and anthologies where each poet has been published so that we, should we wish, can come to know the work of a given poet much better.
This anthology is a wonderful starting place for someone who, like me, desires an introduction to some of the greatest American poetry ever produced. Personally, I feel, after reading this anthology that I have come to truly appreciate the work of Elizabeth Bishop and Theodore Roethke, in particular. I had never known their work well, but suddenly each jumped off the page at me, Bishop for her wonderfully vivid descriptions and Roethke for his intensely moving subjects. Plath and Sexton also really spoke to me, their work so reflecting their lives. Overall, this anthology is superbly worthwhile reading!

Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $4.44
Buy one from zShops for: $3.94

List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $31.27
Buy one from zShops for: $31.27

Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.28

I started with "Ireland for Dummies" then read "Frommer's Ireland 2001" and crossed referenced with "Ireland from $60 a Day". I learned more from these books in 2 weeks than in all of my years as a Travel Agent and Airline staff!! Their detailed in-sight and straight-forward advice was right on target. They give prices,times, phones numbers and payment information. They tell you where to go, what to do and who to talk to. I loved their list of on-line addressess for information. Only two things were wrong with my copy. They quoted every price in Irish pounds that were useless after February 2002. I realize that they had to go to print before this change and were unable to adapt in time. The other was lack of detailed mapping. A free map was included inside "Ireland 2001" but only had some of the streets shown for Dublin. I know these will be corrected in future printings. I would recommend these Frommer's books to anyone!! They are written in plain English, yet don't talk down to you(even the "Dummies" book. It was quite humorous)

The large fold out map that was included served very well during our driving tour of Ireland. Using the county and town maps that were included in the local sections kept us right on track. Distances are deceptive however. It takes longer to get anywhere you go than it would appear from reading the map. The Irish road system is not built for speed ( nor comfort for that matter) so plan accordingly. It takes a long time to drive across the country, or from county to county. More could have been made of this issue in the guide. Our biggest mistake was trying to do too much.
The up to date information on Dublin was very helpful, as were the frequent tips throughout the guide on ways to avoid the summer crowds. I used the web addresses that were included for lodging and found them very helpful for checking availability and booking our rooms quickly. Don't go without it!

Realizing this would probably be the last time we'd be traveling abroad for a while, we decided to mix it up a bit --"inexpensive" to "moderate" accommodations and restaurants in most places, with a few dabbles in the "expensive" (and even one "very expensive") splurges along the way. Across the board, the recommendations in this book were outstanding. What to see and do, where to stay, where to eat and shop.....all were presented in a very down-to-Earth way. The eye for small detail and nuances throughout the book made us feel we were getting advice from a local expert who REALLY knows her stuff.
I can't say enough about how helpful this guide was to us -- it really made our trip a memorable one. The fold-out map got us around most of the country with no trouble....once a nice gentleman in a petrol station showed me how to get my rental car into reverse.
All in all, a terrific book.