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1) I'm surprised Best Buy management would allow these details to become public
2) I liked the way the consultants admitted they learned something, too
3) There are many paragraphs where one could change the name of the company from "Best Buy" to your company's name, and the text would apply to YOU.

This is fundamentally a book about how to improve your financial results by changing your formulas for success. The authors prescribe a "head, heart and hands" change methodology which not only makes sense intuitively, but seems to work when applied with care by a team of consultants and insiders working closely side by side.
This is no oversimplified cookbook. The ins and outs of change are detailed in a very practical straightforward manner, leaving few stones unturned. Metaphors and analogies are used liberally to help readers get a 3D color picture and to enable them to generalize the issues faced at Best Buy to their own organizations.
Tips on how to fail at each stage of the process are very instructive in what not to do....as are the many colorful quotes from menmbers of the internal change implementation team.
This book feels real...lots of conflicts, values needing to be clarified, lessons learned about change. No sugar coating, but a happy ending nonetheless.
True change seems like it never comes without a struggle. Big Change at Best Buy chronicles both the struggles and the victories won, leaving little for the reader to imagine or reconstruct. It's all there, all the tools and the instructions for how to use 'em to fundamentally transform people, systems and culture for superior financial results.

As a teacher who has always held the ancient Greeks in esteem, I have always thought the best products were ones that employed the head, heart, and hands, but I had never thought of it in quite the same way as presented in "Big Change". While I have always "soap boxed" the idea, I have never tried to make it a mindset, to actually change the culture. Next year I will try to do just that in my classroom using the tools that are presented in this excellent book. Because the process is so well laid out, I expect to succeed in changing the culture of education in my classroom.
I also teach a class at Western Washington University on how to create change. This book will be required reading because when you are finished with this book, you have the tools to implement change that lasts and makes a difference. "Big Change" is a best buy!

Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $37.06

What is essential about this book is that each poem comes with the bilingual translation in English and accompanied by the original works in Spanish. Two years of high school Spanish, as well as two years in college, has rendered me with a woefully inadequate ineptitude of all words and understanding of that language. But I don't think that the translation can ever capture the sound, the alliteration, the true tongue/la lingua and fluid language that Paz meant in his original Spanish. Even if I don't understand a lick of what's on the left side of the page in Spanish at least it can be read for it's beautiful sound. Listen to this, "Through the conduits of bone I night I water I forest that moves forward I tongue I body I sun-bone Through the conduits of night" and then on the even-numbered page, "Por el arcaduz de hueso yo noche yo agua yo bosque que avanza yo lengua yo cuerpo yo hueso de sol Por el arcaduz de noche."
What are you doing still sitting here reading my crappy writing when you could be reading Ocatavio Paz? Go get the book...you'll see.

Paz consistently suprises the reader with new ideas, form, language. Paz creates an atmosphere that is soothing, and enchanting. I would highly recommend this work.

List price: $14.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $9.80

Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99

The rhythmic prose and detailed illustrations invite the reader into the quiet world of the "Doll lady."
This wise woman encourages children to not only love their dolls but to respect their unique qualities as well. "Some are very serious, while others are always laughing," the doll lady says. "The beauty is in their differences."
Inspiration for The Doll Lady came from the author's great-aunt Dorothy, who taught her to love and care for her dolls as if they were real children.

The message and the book are destined to be handed down through generations. The beautiful art of doll-maker/illustrator Judy Kuusisto is a joy to experience, and includes a hard page of paper dolls in the back, to cut out and to add pictures of your own favorite dolls.
A book of the Heartstrings Collection of enchanting children's picture-books, the author and illustrator have also collaborated on To Sleep With the Angels and Planting Memories.

Most dolls that the Doll Lady makes are given to children. She says to each child to whom she gives a doll, "Take very special care of your doll, for dolls are just like people. They need to be well loved, held tenderly and always respected for their uniqueness." As she takes her daily walks, she tells the parents that she meets to give their children a doll, for if they had one, they would learn to be kind and to express love.
The story makes it obvious that the Doll Lady touched many, many lives; read the book to discover more thoughtful details about her. Younger children especially will likely find this story quite fascinating. Also, you--and they--can enjoy the many detailed pictures that all show bright and happy scenes. Each one has so many different parts to it that you'll want to keep looking back at them. This is a good story with a great lesson.

List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $18.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00

Leda Hubbard has been obsessed with being a Egyptologist and joining a dig. The navy being the only way Leda can get her PHD, which she finally gets in forensic anthropology, but still can't find a dig that will take her, Until she recieves a mysterious invatation to work with a man named Chimera. Not one to look the gift horse in the mouth Leda heads of to Egypt.
Our heroine, Leda, is one for always getting in trouble, for the right reasons of course. But in the end, her reward is something beyound anything she ever imagined as a young woman dreaming of Egypt.
This is a book that is definately worth the reading time!!

One of the highlights of this novel was the way Scarborough develops her characters into unique individuals that are easy to associate with, both good and evil. The protagonist and antagonist(s) are people that truly act out according to their personal beliefs and values-a very human trait which often gets left behind in science fiction works. I highly recommend this book-entertaining, engaging and full of plot twists that keep your interest.

Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $12.00

Goudge's tale is clearly Christian in content. It is a tale of redemption, grace and love in a world of ugliness and pain. It is never, I think crass, and retains a note of ambiguity to the end, which is appropriate to her theme. Readers will find that something of this story can speak to them if they let it, and indeed, I suspect it speaks to Everyman. Yet it is never moralistic, didactic or triumphalist: often the worst sins of the Christian novel.
A lovely tale, with enough depth to grasp sceptical readers like myself.

There are characters we love, rejoice with, sigh for, and laugh at. We see the joy of a little girl receiving a gift of a parasol (though the Dean's joy in giving it exceeds her joy in receiving). But his wife, who has greater riches, does not rejoice in what she receives.
Though non-Anglicans may need a bit of help with certain terms and concepts, grab the book and enjoy. Then share it with a friend, while you run off to get Goudge's Green Dolphin Street.

Used price: $24.95