Used price: $5.80
Collectible price: $7.00
The book is based on the recollections of the children's tutor, Pierre Gilliard, who accompanied them in exile for a time. It is filled with photographs, letters, and other memorobilia from Monsieur Gilliard's collection. These provide a delightful side to the tragic story of the last days of the Romanovs.
It is a pity that this wonderful book is out of print.
Used price: $2.34
Doug Klaiber
Sr. Director Business Development
Taqua Systems, Inc.
Doug Klaiber
Sr.Director Business Development
Taqua Systems, Inc.
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $10.00
Collectible price: $39.95
The 27 minute tape produces a calm and confident state of mind. When you play you only need to use the 'trigger gesture' and it will produce confidence in putting.
After listening this tape I broke 80 for the first time. I don't hesitate to recommend this secret weapon to every golfer.
Another concern I have is with the IAS is their absolute denial of skips when a sibling in the same grade or the receiving grade is involved. While this is certainly an issue that must be addressed carefully, because denying a grade skip where one is called for can be extremely damaging, the cut and dried "never do this" approach seems to me to be wrong. I think that directing people to take special care in these instances instead of just rejecting the skip out of hand would be more appropriate. Also, the IAS does not address at all the issue of a child skipping past a sibling, another issue that can arise with multiple grade skips.
Though it certainly doesn't take all the emotion out of the decision to whole grade accelerate a child, the IAS does give some framework, based on good research, to the process. I would recommend that every school district have the use of the IAS as part of its procedures for whole grade acceleration. Grade acceleration is one research proven, inexpensive way of meeting the needs of gifted kids. It is good to have a way to begin to quantify this difficult decision.
The scale is thorough, and gives weight (more or less) to every factor that any parent, teacher or administrator has every considered, including size and motor coordination (which it finds a minor issue), behavior, social participation, both inside and outside school activities (separately counted - having outside activities that aren't affected helps a lot), even attendance, motivation, self-concept and attitude towards learning. All these items are considered together. And given the most weight is the ability and achievement tests, particularly in and out of grade level achievement tests.
The book concludes with 2 student analysis (one gets a two grade skip, and the footnotes mention that the skip actually took place 3 years ago and is very successful), the other does not get a mid-year skip he didn't want, but is recommended for an end-of-year skip review), and then 11 pages of great research citations on why whole-grade acceleration is a good and effective educational alternative, and another 8 pages of references.
When a school purchases this book, and uses this scale to make quantitative a decision process that used to be purely emotional, I think we will see far more appropriate use of whole-grade acceleration, and far more comfortable folks involved, from the parents to the district personnel to the student themselves.
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.30
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99