List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)

This great book isn't just for couples who have a truly empty nest. Many midlife couples today find that their nests get refilled with boomerang adult kids, aging parents, visits from kids and grandkids, or grandkids on a full time basis.
I liked the section on how to learn about the danger signs of behaviors that can lead couples who have been married for decades to the divorce court. There is also good information on the major issues that midlife couples need to deal with in order to have a strong marriage.

I spent a semester actively reading and working on this book with my advisor. I read this book and worked on research, 50/50 split on my time. I got through 2.5 of the 4 chapters, and I'm damn proud of myself. It's a great book, but if you didn't know that 'enumerative' was for "people who like to count", you probably want a different text.

List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)

List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)

She explains that each dimension to be of higher level of vibration and how the Earth is slowly raising its level of vibration and transmuting itself to attain oneness with God. Back in 1940, she prophesies the future of Man's evolution - the future of government into a world government & the union of various religions, the future of health-care and the future of education. She also explains how science through the development of free electricity will free the world and through etheric photography will stimulate the mind into higher activity.
All these activities predicted here will be the dawning of 'The Golden Age'.

I'll be looking for more books by this author.

This book would make a great movie!

Also, the author gives precise definitions of fracture and fatigue, how it can be used during the design phase, why structures fail structurally, and how to use fracture and fatigue analysis to solve these real-life problems.

This book is the best of the best. It is the best of the book The Second Half of Marriage by David and Claudia Arp in which they identify eight challenges every marriage in the second half faces. And, it is the best of the strategies and techniques of the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) developed by Stanley, Markman, and Blumberg. Not only do the authors suggest powerful, yet simple, ways couples can upgrade their communication and conflict resolution skills, they also stress the importance of building couple friendship, having fun, becoming empty nest lovers, and keeping the relationship strong.
Do you want the rest to be the best? READ this book!