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Cells, Tissues and Disease
Published in Paperback by Blackwell Science Inc (1998)
Authors: Guido Majno, Isabelle Joris, and I. Ioris
Amazon base price: $65.95
Average review score:

Fantastic for general pathology !
This is absolutely a great book. It has a lot of positive aspects: 1. easy to read 2. enough details 3. nice anecdotes which are written in smaller letters 4. easy to find what your looking for by bold, italic and underlined words 5. good table contents 6. good diagrams as well 7. at the end of each chapter a good summery

You may ask "If it's so good why 4 stars instead of 5?". Well, the pictures are in black and white. I like coloured books myself.

Hard to put down!
I agree with the Nobel Laurate quoted on the back of this book, - It's hard to put down! Interesting, well structured, highly readable book on general pathology with focus on the basic unit; the cell. I'd recommend this book to anyone with an interest in pathology, and especially the curious student who wants to know more than what't needed to pass an exam! Best medical text book I've read so far!

An Intelligent Guide to Morbid Human Biology
Due in part to television, pathology holds a curious fascination for laymen and physicians alike. In medicine, pathologists always have the last word and frequently the first word. This humanistic treatment of pathology is appropriate reading for physicians, students, and broadly educated persons. It is immensely readable and with a gracious style that avoids the usual ghastly technical jargon of even the "best" pathology textbooks. It could be titled, "Pathologic Epistemology" or a "Thinking Man's Guide to the Human Species". Majno and his wife have returned to Virchow's maxim that disease happens in cells, the cells in tissues, the tissues in organs and the organs in people. If you think of yourself as literate this book will teach you about the inner you.

High-Yield Psychiatry
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (2003)
Authors: Barbara Fadem, Steven S. Simring, and Guido S. Gomez de Silva
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Very Good REVIEW.
Since a coin has 2 sides, this book has its good features and drawbacks. All in all, I advise to read it as a review book.

GOOD features of this book include:

1. The info are presented in an outline format for quick reading.

2. Patient snapshots to provide clinical scenarios.

3. It covers most important aspects of any subject (but not all).

4. You can answer say 75% of the NBME exam, the other 25% can be achieved through discussion of many cases in the ward focussing on the management, and further readings from different book(s).

DRAWBACKS include:

1. No index!!

2. Very important subjects, which come frequently in the exam, are not discussed e.g. Suicide & Deliberate Self-Harm (DSH), Puerperal psychiatric disorders, psychiatric aspects of epilepsy.

3. Many significant subjects were mentioned briefly though they come frequently in the NBME exam e.g. some child psychiatric disorders, bipolar disorders (even the clinical features of mania are not clearly mentioned!!). Concerning abused substances, signs & symptoms of their use & withdrawal are put in a memorizable rather than undertandable way, that's why I had to read from Lippincott's Pharmacology to understand their mechanism of action in order to predict the clinical features. Furthermore, alcohol abuse is discussed briefly, despite its great significance!

4. DSM-IV criteria for some disorders are not fully mentioned. That's why you might notice yourself missing important points in a case-scenario question.

5. I wish there could be a chapter on Genetics, to recapitulate & emphasize the genetic bases of psychiatric disorders.

There are 30 chapters which include: Classification of Psychiatric Disorders, The Clinical Interview & Mental status, Diagnostic Tests, Normal Child Development & Attention-Deficit & Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Childhood Mental Disorders, "Aging, Geriatric Psychiatry, Death & Bereavement", Child & Adult Abuse & Neglect, Normal Sleep & Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders, Substance-related Disorders, Schizophrenia, Other Psychotic Disorders, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, "Somatoform Disorders, Facticious Disorders, & Malingering", Sexual & Gender Identity Disorders, Obesity & Eating Disorders, Impulse-Control Disorders, Adjustment Disorders, Personality Disorders, Psychosomatic Medicine, Medication-Induced Psychiatric Symptoms, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Related Therapies, Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies, "Group, Family, & Marital Therapies", Legal Issues in Psychiatry & Medicine, Ethical Issues in Psychiatry & Medicine.

Great Review Book
This High Yield book is better then most of the books in the High Yield series. It has a clear and quick reading format but is not simply a long outline. It got me through 1st and 2nd year psych courses in med school. Great for Step1 too!

An excellent review of the major topics in Psychiatry
Barbara Fadem has done it again! As with her High-Yield Behavioral Science, this book is an excellent review of the major topics in Psychiatry. This book is suitable for both Board preparation and also for a quick refresher course. Medical students and practioners alike will find this a useful and easily readable review.

The Siren and Selected Writings
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1996)
Authors: Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa, Archibald Colquhoun, David Gilmour, Guido Waldman, Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa, and Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
Amazon base price: $24.00
Average review score:

Good follow-up to The Leopard
A collection of Di Lampedusa's writings aside from his great novel. The memoirs of the author's youth in aristocratic Sicily are delightful to read; clearly the atmosphere of the Leopard was taken from Di Lampedusa's own life. The stories are also quite good. The literary criticism is somewhat out of place, in my opinion, alongside a collection of narrative. If you liked the Leopard, this is definitely worth reading.

The Siren...dream or reality?
Everybody has to read this book, especially the siren, this story collect all the dreams of a man, and let us to think that when we find the right woman, the right love, we can't forget it, we can't substitute it, we can't hide it to ourselves.The author with a very simple story express the meaning of the love, the pure it, I can just tell you this...and you'll'll smile

The Siren...dream or reality?
I think that everybody has to read this book, especially the siren, this story collect all the dreams of a man, and let us to think that when we find the right woman, the right love, we can't forget it, we can't substitute it, we can't hide it to ourselves.The author with a very simple story express the meaning of the love, the pure it, I can just tell you this...and you'll'll smile.

Ice: Revitalize Your Company With Internal Consulting Expertise
Published in Paperback by Stoddart Pub (1999)
Authors: Anthony Guido, Kirk Atkinson, and Mike Larkin
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

The Next HOT Training Text!
I first became aware of ICE in June 2000. Once I started toread the book, I couldn't put it down. As a trainer, I see manytraining texts, workbooks, and instruments; ICE is clearly a leader.I was so impressed with ICE that I pursued a partnership with itsauthors so I could deliver ICE workshops. Practical, simple, yeteffective! Beta test results were strong and everyone I have pass acomplementary copy to loved it!...

ICE, a business book that is simple to read and understand.
ICE is very enjoyable to read and the process is easy to apply no matter how large your organization is. We purchased a number of books to give to our employees and customers and our return on investment out numbers the book price, 1000x.

Excellent book, simple and to the point.
The ICE philosophy is simple and to the point. Success lies within your own company- your employess. I use it for a hand-out to all my employees,who use it for a hand-out to customers as a reminder of what really counts.

Acqua Alta
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1996)
Author: Donna Leon
Amazon base price: $22.50
Average review score:

Guido Brunetti solves another one!!
One of the things that I so love about Donna Leon's books is that in addition to being terrific mysteries - they evoke all of the smells and tastes, and sights and sounds of this wonderful city. Having been to Venice I love to read about where Guido is sitting down for a coffee or a drink, and which alleys he crosses and which vapos he takes, and what he notices in the streets and canals because these things are all real! In this latest Guido Brunetti mystery Leon resurrects two protagonists from "Death at La Fenice", the diva soprano, Flavia Petrelli and her lesbian lover Brett Lynch (an American archeologist). Brett opens the door of Flavia's and her apartment to find a couple of thugs who tell her not to make a meeting with the director of a museum who recently showed some of her rare pieces of ancient pottery from China. Although Brett is hurt but not killed, the director is murdered before she can speak to him. Brunetti weaves his way through the alleys of Venice's hoodlum underground, finds himself in the home of one of the Venice's greatest art collectors (whose son is one of those hoodlums.... could there be a connection), and must reexamine the "accidental" death of Brett's young assistant while on a dig back in China. Of course it all comes together one night during the infamous high waters (when the full moon causes the monthly flooding of the narrow Venetian streets and plazas), hence the name of this particular mystery.

Donna Leon fans should rush to!
"Aqua Alta" is another splendid, can't-put-it-down engagement with Guido Brunetti. I despaired of reading any more of Donna Leon's fine prose and carefully crafted plots when notified last year that publication had been cancelled of a forthcoming book. Led by a note in another review, I checked out, where I found "Death of Faith," "A Noble Radiance," and the book I just finished, "Fatal Remedies." Each is as good or better than its predecessor. I remain a dedicated fan. (Be aware, "The Anonymous Venetian" was published in the US with the title "Dressed for Death.") Also, some of Leon's works that are out-of-print in the US are available in the UK.

Leon Scores Again, "Bravissima!"
"Acqua Alta" is the fifth in Donna Leon's mesmerizing series featuring Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice police and, as in the previous works, the author once again manages to capture not only the soul but the heart, literally, of modern day Venice. Reality lurks behind every page, it seems, of a Donna Leon novel, from the cold, creaking listings of ages-old buildings almost atop the famed canals to the musty, bone-chilling foggy days as the "high waters" begin to permeate the once Serene Republic's confines. And, of course, thre's a murder or two lurking around some hidden corner of some fourteenth-century palazzo and naturally, as in the other works, it is Brunetti's dedication, his loyalty, and above all else his honesty in seeking out the truth that eventually bring about the solution. Leon's conclusions, however, are not always the easiest, most convenient, or happiest, as she gallops away from the melodramatic and lets reality win again. She underscores the fact that there are evil people about and, yes, occasionally, they win. Sometimes, by the end of her books, not all the guilty are punished, but the cases are solved, nonetheless. To say Venice, or even Italy itself, is any more corrupt than any other place is not the question, but Leon, herself an American English teacher at the University of Maryland extension campus at the U.S. Army's Vicenza (Italy) post, has spent quite a number of years in Italy, speaks the language, and captures the nuances of the people and of their daily lives, it seems; indeed, quite an accomplishment for an outsider. "You don't want to keep Doctor Semenzato's appointment." With this warning, two men proceed to beat Brett Lynch within an inch of her life. Thus, the action really begins in this fast-paced book. We'd met Brett in the previous Leon book. Brett is a famed anthropologist (NOT an architect as the writer in a preceding review asserts) and is the lover of noted Italian soprano Flavia Petrelli; she is involved in an extensive dig in China where she has helped uncover a priceless "find." Enter the art thieves, murderers, and con men. Indeed, from this point, murder and mayhem do follow and Commissario Brunetti is quick to pick up the case, indeed, he is eager for it. For in the previous case, Flavia and Brett had both been chief suspects in the case. Since then, Guido has come to respect them both and, to some extent, even considers them friends. He is appalled at the brutality of the assault and fears for Brett's life. In the course of this investigation, more than one murder transpires, with art-world theft as the circulating theme. What has "high water" (Acqua Alta) to do with the book? Acqua alta is the dread of every Venezian, as climatic changes cause the water in the canals to rise above their normal levels and a city ordinarily accustomed to much water anyway finds itself literally being inundated by even more of it! Thus, like Sandburg's fog in Chicago, the water becomes another character, always looming, always rising, always threatening. But unlike Sandburg's fog, it doesn't creep in on little cat's feet. And it comes not to wash away the sins but to underscore them. The end comes with the usual "bang" and Brunetti is left to ponder the aftermath. His path of glory indeed leads but to the grave for his villains, as Thomas Gray might have written in his "Elegy." (Leon has pubished her latest--and seventh--Brunetti novel, "A Noble Radiance" which is not yet available in the States. I had the great fortune to buy a copy on a recent trip to London. It is another Brunetti worth waiting for!)

Secret of the Runes
Published in Paperback by Inner Traditions Intl Ltd (1988)
Authors: Guido List and Stephen E. Flowers
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

List and NSDAP
For misinformed poeple, this book has no direct relation to National Socialism and its doctrines. Guido von List has definetely been demonized by modern propaganda and subjective historians. The Secret of The Runes has little to do with National Socialism, and for those who expect a clear connection, with List being the monstruous, unsrpululous racist-nationalist as he is usually presented, it will be a disappointment. However, I still recommend it to anyone who holds an interest in the occult aspects of the Third Reich and Occult Organizations in the German speaking lands in post-World War I Europe. It is, after all, a question of interpretation. It may prove informative and of special interest to students of the roots of Nazi ideology and symbolism after reading Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's "The Occult Roots Of Nazism".

Armanen Futhork
Guido List was a visionary who lived in Vienna at the turn of the 19th-20th century. The most extroadinary thing he did was develope the Armanen Futhork. He also was deeply steeped in the local traditions of Lower Austria, and had much insight into the secret Norse-Germanic symbolism in the archetecture of the Middle Ages. Linking him with the Nazis is rather like putting the cart before the horse. His political intent was to champion pan-Germanic unity for which reason he won the enthusiastic support of many German and Austrian aristocrats and industrialists. The fact of the matter is that the ethos of the Norse-Germanic faith is 100% opposite that of National Socialism. The racist content of List's writings, as well as those of the rune writers of the generation that followed him, is certainly open to criticism. It certainly did color his understanding of the meanings of several of the Runes which, in the light of scholarship in Norse-Germanic etymology and mythology, makes his material less valuable than it first seemed. It is unfortunate that many of his followers still choose to be racists and bigots, none of which has any positive value in the field of magic or in Norse-Germanic cultural development. It must be pointed out that the 19th-20th century form of racism has nothing at all to do with the ancient Norse-Germanic people. It is entirely the evil fruit of church propaganda as well as the stupid blather of Mme. Blavatsky who had a big influence on what came to be known as the Ariosophist movement in Germany. The Ariosophists were just the apes of the Theosophists with a German bias. One needs to look at this ugly chapter of German history with the eyes of the historian. Germany, in the late 19th and earlier 20th centuries was struggling to free itself from foreign oppression. This book is of historical importance. It was had a big influence on later German rune book writers, the best of whom is Karl Spiesberger. Spiesberger wrote in the 1950s in Berlin. His work is excellent and entirely free of the foul stench of bigotry. If you read German, look for his books: Runenmagie and Runenpraxis der Eingeweiten - Runenexerzitien. In The Secret of the Runes, called Das Geheimnis der Runen, in the original, the translations of the Spells of Odin from the Havamal are interesting and poetic, if slightly incorrect. The translation from the German of Guido List to the English of Stephen Flowers is good, but loses some of the beauty of List's German translation. Since the time of List, and certainly since after the two wars, there has come about much good scholarly research into the Norse-Germanic faith in Germany. For the German reader, I very much recommend reading professor Rudolf Simek's Lexicon der germanischen Mythologie. The restoration of a viable Norse-Germanic magical praxis depends on scholarly research, deep contemplation into the meanings of the Runes and intelligent experimentation. Bombastic and heavy-handed spouting about the master race and all that sort of nonsense has nothing at all to do with this tradition. The sooner the students of the Norse-Germanic tradition stringently divorce themselves from this senseless evil and work toward elevating their intellect to the tremendous heights of the true Odinic genious, the sooner this tradition will revive in a positively meaningful way.

Secrets of the Runes
This is a classic book on runic magic. A lot of New Age writers [copy] his occult ideas. The Right misunderstands him and the Left smears him. One of the most lied about men in occult history.
This book is well worth the price. Even though many of his ideas have been used by other occult writers, and some of his ideas on magic are standard New Age rite, it is always interesting to visit the soucre where these rivers sprung. Hopefully, all of Von List's book will be made ready to an English speaking market.

El Grandioso Juego de Aprender a Divertirse
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Atico Corporativo, SA de CV (01 August, 1998)
Author: Guido Rosas
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

El Grandioso Juego de Aprender a Divertirse
It's quite imortant to have this kind of books to no forget that life is healthy and it deserves a lot to us

Great simple things to remember
I think this is a book as I had not read one in a long time, a so simple way to remember details to communicate and get great relationships with people around you. I worked with it and i got a better way to enjoy life. Relamentene pienso es un libro como no habia leido en mucho tiempo, tan simple forma de recordarle a uno cosas simples pero tan importantes para vivir con la gente que te rodea. Trabaje con el y he logrado una mejor forma de vida para mi y los mios.

Elsevier's Concise Spanish Etymological Dictionary
Published in Hardcover by Elsevier Science (01 August, 1985)
Author: Guido Gomez De Silva
Amazon base price: $228.50
Average review score:

A very good book in any language, but get the cheaper one
A very good work...but (expensive)!!! I have recently purchased the Spanish edition of this work and agree with all the reviews I've seen thus far. Of particular interest is its breadth of information.

Though I have yet to make a side-by-side comparison of it with Joan Corominas's "Breve diccionario etimológico," Mr. Gomez De Silva's work may be a little more satisfying for the lay person. Unlike Corominas's work, this dictionary offers a brief definition of an entry before going on to its development. I much prefer the Spanish definitions over the English ones I've seen on the sample pages here. The detail paid to prefixes and suffixes is quite good. His inclusion of names only adds to the reasons why someone might pick up this dictionary as an interesting read as well as a valuable reference.

If reading Spanish is not an issue, pick up the Spanish version and save a considerable amount of money over the English one.

A lucky find
This one-volume etymology dictionary of Spanish is an indispensable addition to any linguistic or Spanish-studies library. For its purposes, it serves well: it includes Indo-European roots where applicable, as well as a wealth of Spanish proper names and country/place names. If you can afford it, this is a good buy.

The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit
Published in Paperback by Inner Traditions Intl Ltd (1996)
Authors: Julius Evola and Guido Stucco
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

More flash than substance
According to the forward, this work was originally an appendix to the first edition of Evola's masterpiece, Revolt Against the Modern World. Perhaps that explains the curiously disjointed nature of this book.

Despite Evola's obvious erudition, I repeatedly found myself wondering what his point was.

This book will be of value to advanced students of the grail legend. Beyond that, I would not recommend it to someone seeking an introduction to the subject.

The myth of the Holy Grail as a Medieval ideology
Baron Julius Evola is an Italian philosopher of the first half of this century. He claims to belong to the Tradition, a kind of intuitive Initiation, as opposed to the rationalist, scientific approach of the contemporay world. His other major works include Revolt against the modern world and The Hermetic tradition.

Evola's main idea is the promotion of the Medieval "Ghibelline" ideology, which is developed in this book (the original title is "the Mystery of the Grail and the Ghibelline Imperial idea"). Both the Ghibelline ideology and the history of the Grail are, according to Evola, based on ancient pagan North-European or Indo-Iranian myths (including the Hero-Warrior and the King of the World), which he opposes to the Semitic, "Guelf" ideology, which is represented by Christianity. Although Evola claimed not to support the contemporary fascist movement, it is difficult not to recognize some fascist themes in his theories (admittedly, some of those themes were very widespread in the later 19th century and early 20th).

In any case, his exposition of the myth of the Holy Grail in Medieval literature, and of its links with ancient myths and Medieval ideologies is very enlightening, even if you can disagree with some of his conclusions. The last part of the book discusses the Ghibelline heritage through the Templar Knights, the Rosicrucians and the Free-Masons. Evola shows how the latter have lost the traditional hermetic spirit of their origins after the French Revolution when they adopted modern positivism and materialism.

Another masterpiece by Evola
It is a curious phenomenon of the Twentieth Century that first-rate, independent thinkers should emerge from obscurity only at its end. Many are the Evola titles which have only recently been translated and published for the first time in the English-speaking world. In "The Mystery of the Grail : Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit" Evola explains in his signature virile, scholarly, succinct, and yet accessible prose that the Holy Grail is far more than what we have been imparted by its Christianized versions. A remarkable book which throws open the doors of imagination, and restores the dignity and sacredness of the warrior.

Scientific C++: Building Numerical Libraries the Object-Oriented Way
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (1993)
Author: Guido Buzzi-Ferraris
Amazon base price: $42.19
Average review score:

Good Book for Engineers and Scientists converting to C++
This text provides clear and useful information regarding the uses and advantages of C++ for floating-point-centered, computationally intensive work. It is not a replacement for a basic C++ text, but it is the best reference I have read for developing engineering calculations in C++. Unlike many C++ books (written in computer-science-ese by people who think it makes sense to index the first element of an array with 0 rather than 1 :) ), this book presents material in a language to which engineers and scientists can relate. Perhaps its greatest fault is that there is little or no discussion of templates and the standard template library (both fairly recent additions to C++). These topics are of great importance to techncal work

Excellent introduction for FORTRAN programers
This text introduces C and C++ to a person experienced in procedural langagues. Do not turn to it if you have never programmed nor if you want to create games or typical business based windows applications. But if you are looking to learn how to use this "new" language for mathematical manipulation of numerical data, this book was made for you. Clear descriptions of syntax and recommendations of stylistic approaches to programming. Thoughtful warnings on dangerous paths that a beginner might stray down. Good reading, it will stay by my side as a guide to good clear style.

Excellent book to learn scientific c++
The book of Buzzi, " Scientific c++... ", is an excellent book for those which is interested in mathematic handling in c++ (i.e.) especially the matrices and vectors). It can be used as a solid basis for a training of the c++. This book is very well written, it is clear, the author gives a lot of example which helps to include/understand the subjacent theory. For example, it describes the comprehension of the pointers and their significance as for example the expression doubles ** A; ,which is more type C. The book of buzzi covers the c++(8 chapter mainly are devoted to the c++ and 4 to the installation of a directed bookshop object). Moreover, Buzzi in its book takes stock between FORTRAN and the c++. Chapter 2 compares the c++ and FORTRAN, it makes a certain negative criticism of FORTRAN (with you to judge) compared to the c++. The great force of this book lies in its many examples very relevant. I recommend this book to all those which wishes to be initiated with the c++ in a scientific way. For those which wishes more information I to them recommend Barton and Nackman

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