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Book reviews for "Guinizzelli,_Guido_c." sorted by average review score:

Flop Ear
Published in Paperback by Barrons Juveniles (01 February, 2001)
Authors: Guido Van Genechten, Guido Van Benechten, and Guido Van Genechten
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $4.33
Buy one from zShops for: $4.08
Average review score:

this book comes in many bilingual versions --
I have the English-Vietnamese version and was thrilled to discover it at a used book sale. I fell in love with the simple story of a bunny who was different, yet turned out to be very accepted by his peers. The illustrations are simple and superb. If you have bilingual children, I highly recommend this book... even if not... I'm sure the simple English version is great as well. Floppy is a great teacher for kids.

We ALL Have Differences!
This book is one that my mother use to read to me when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Recently I chose to use this book in my Foundations of Exceptional Lives college class for a bibliothereapy report. This book displays Flop Ear as a rabbit who is different from all others and gets teased and picked on as a result of his uniqueness. In the end, the other rabbits see him as a rabbit and not just for his differences. This book is a good one to beginning teaching your children the important principle that even though other children may look and appear to be different from them, they should still show acceptance to the other child. If you look real carefully, you will see that we all have differences.

The Genius of Leonardo
Published in School & Library Binding by Barefoot Books (2000)
Authors: Guido Visconti and Bimba Landmann
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.24
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Six Stars!
The illustrations by Bimba Landmann are amazing, making the book a work of art. The text is meaty, telling us a lot about Leonardo and his ideas (with direct quotes). Kids will relate to the mischievous character of Giacomo, Leonardo's 10-year-old assistant, who frequently annoys his famous boss. I would recommend this book for anyone age 6 to adult!

Enjoyed it despite myself
When I first saw the cover and title for this book, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. The illustrations did not remind me of Leonardo Da Vinci. I was ready to be disappointed. Instead, I was surprised when I found myself enjoying the book. I like the portrayal of Leonardo and his apprentice. The genius of the man is portrayed while still keeping him imperfect. Leonardo doesn't have answers for all of life's questions. Still, the book reminded me how fascinating math and science can be while reminding me why the Renaissance is such a fascinating time in history. All around, this is a wonderful book.

Nan Goldin 55 (Phaidon 55s)
Published in Paperback by Phaidon Press Inc. (2001)
Authors: Lisa Liebman, Guido Costa, and Nan Goldin
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $5.53
Buy one from zShops for: $5.48
Average review score:

wonderfully raw and REAL photography
nan goldin is a credit to photography. her works are so personal and show simple and humble pictures of friends and herself. nothing is dolled up or made to look's how things are...caught at the perfect moments. i am in love with this collection and go back to it many times to look at my favorites.

long live the queen!
nan goldin is, no room for a doubt, the greatest photographer of our decade. no one like her can capture the way modern life can be odd and beautiful at the same time. this book contains some of her brilliant artwork, the quality of the photos is really great, and besides, its less expensive than most of her books, and as good as most of them. its great to find another excellent book of her. you wont be dissapointed, believe me! you have to see it for yourself!

The ring and the book
Published in Unknown Binding by Penguin ()
Author: Robert Browning
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.90
Collectible price: $1.10
Average review score:

I've just read some Amazon reviewers' responses to T. S. Eliot's poetry as testimony to his possibly being the greatest poet ever. Such an evaluation practically proves Eliot's insistent point about the cultural impoverishment of the present.

Indeed, Browning's masterwork may very well be the ultimate poetic epic in the English language, rivaled certainly not by Spenser, Wordsworth, and Pound but only by Chaucer and Milton. The fact that even the "trial of the century"--the O. J. Simpson case--did not produce widespread renewed interest in its literary predecessor and equivalent would produce surprise and disappointment were I not so aware that, outside of Shakespeare, the academic canon has been foreshortened (and engendered) to a tradition that begins with Virginia Woolf and ends with Sylvia Plath.

In "Ring and the Book" Browning takes the sordid event of an enraged husband murdering his helpless bride--the daughter of a prostitute and rescue project of a priest--to "explain the ways of God to man." The reader of the poem becomes, in effect, a "privileged" juror in the trial of the murderer, positioned through Browning's protean and powerful rhetoric within the consciousness of each of the principals before finally being enabled to glimpse the "truth" that affords meaning to human mutability and suffering.

The poem no doubt will remain in dust closets, largely unread even by literature Ph.D's. But there's little chance of its ever becoming lost. Like the priest-hero of the poem, a few priests of the imagination will ever so often make the poem's discovery and be lured into the quest of pursuing its singular meanings.

The unknown masterpeice of English literature
As an English major at the University of Pittsburgh, I was never exposed to this series of dramatic monologues. It's a pity, because when I finally stumbled across it, Browning went from being just another 19th-century poet to my favorite English language poet of them all, at one fell swoop. The Ring and the Book is based on a real-life murder trial in 17th century Rome. The story is told from multiple perspectives, changing with every new section of the book; we hear from the "Man on the Street", the murderer, the victim on her death-bed, and even the Pope. The details of the story are far too convoluted to explain in summary and do anything resembling justice to the book, but it can be safely said that once you've begun, you're in for a whirlwind ride through a carnival of a trial that makes the O.J. Simpson affair look like a parking-ticket dispute by comparison. The truly stand-out feature of The Ring and the Book is not in the story itself, however, but in the telling. Browning handles the English language like a virtuoso emulating angel's choruses on a Stradivarius. If the book suffers any single flaw, it is the simple fact that at times, Browning writes these lines almost TOO well, making it difficult for the reader to pay attention to the actually progression of the story, as said reader becomes entraced by the beauty of the poetry. (In particular, I consider Caponsacchi's description of the flight from Arezzo beginning at line 1152 of Book VI to be one of the best written passages in literature of all time.) Dramatic blank verse hasn't seen genius of this level since Milton wrote of the angelic Fall. It's a pity this book isn't more widely recognized and discussed, for it deserves recognition as one of the best-constructed poetic stories of history, and the pinnacle of 19th century authorship.

Published in Hardcover by te Neues Publishing Company (2003)
Author: Guido Argentini
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $34.95
Buy one from zShops for: $34.95
Average review score:

A publisher of unique and exquisite special interest books teNeues is recognized by cognoscenti throughout the world for quality and innovation. Now, teNeues presents an astonishingly beautiful collection of photographs by Guido Argentini.

The Florentine born Argentini studied medicine at the University of Florence for several years before turning his eye and heart to photography. Adept at shooting models in the studio or in natural landscapes, Argentini has photographed for Vogue, Marie Claire, Playboy, and Max.

With unerring eye his focus is on the female form which, with his camera, becomes a work of art. Silvereye holds a double visual pleasure - the first series of photos was shot at various locations around the world, while the second reveals dancers and gymnasts photographed in a studio.

By covering the female bodies with a thin coating of oil or metallic paint then lighting them to perfection the forms become estimable works of art, both erotic and arresting.

Those with an appreciation of beauty will be delighted with Argentini's work.

- Gail Cooke

A provocative and avante-garde coffee-table book
Silvereye is a provocative and avante-garde coffee-table book displaying the photographic talent and artistic inspiration of Guido Argentini, an Italian photographer who uniquely captures the unclothed female form. 104 black-and-white duotone photographs present nude female beauty, activity, flexibility, and more in an eye-catching collection of images that reflect and embody the enduring principles of photography as art.

Student Development in College : Theory, Research, and Practice
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (1998)
Authors: Nancy J. Evans, Deanna S. Forney, and Florence Guido-DiBrito
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $29.90
Buy one from zShops for: $34.84
Average review score:

excellent overview
I also used this book in my graduate program. This book provides an excellent overview student development theory. It is an excellent introductory text. I had the added benefit of using this text in a course taught by one of the authors.

Excellent as reference or teaching tool
I needed this text for my graduate work, and it will remain on my shelf for many years. It does a great job of covering all of the major developmental theories and a few others!

Vinnie in Egypt
Published in Library Binding by Pageturner Books (05 October, 2000)
Authors: Elizabeth Bott, Guido Frosini, Alessandra Cecchetti, Cecchetti Alessandra, and Frosini Guido
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

The premise is unique--an incorrigable cat who gets tired of junkyard life, who decides he is going to sail the seven seas and find out why the Swiss puts holes in their cheese! He decides that Egypt is his first adventure. He wanted to see his mentor--the "cat out of stone"--the guard of the great pyramids! Remarkable story told in prose and the illustrations of the cast of characters bring the story alive in concert with the words. Through the grapevine, I heard Vinnie escapes to France for another hilarious adventure.


The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way
Published in Paperback by Inner Traditions Intl Ltd (1993)
Authors: Julius Evola and Guido Stucco
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.19
Average review score:

Great book
This book articulates a solid understanding of tantric yogas
and incorporates several forms of tantra into a comprehensive
Evola talks at great length about the notion of the shiva/shakti
duality as well as various sadhanas (practices) such as kundalini, ... magic, and chakra work. Keeping in mind that ... magic is a key and valid point in this context Evola treats such ideas with informed maturity and a solid knowledge of how it is correctly performed.
This book is at times difficult to read but only because of the complexity of the issues discussed (the chapters concerning the Tattvas and human condition are the most profound and thus complex).
All in all a great tantra source.

Evola Rocks the Modern World
Julius Evola is an elitist. Having experienced both the First and Second World Wars, Evola firmly believed that we are in the Hindu Age of Darkness or the Kali Yuga, and that enlightenment would only come to those who sought it out and achieved it through power of their will. Writing from the perspective of an experienced occultist, Evola warns the reader of potential problems of undertaking Eastern systems, Hatha Yoga in particular, without a fuller knowledge of their purpose and potential. Evola writes serious books about serious subjects, yet manages to present the material in a manner that is both meaningful and practical. Evola is not for everybody, and those more attuned to New Age fluff had better leave him alone. However, occultists who want to understand a man who was a major force in Italian esotericism, and who to this day is having more of an impact after this death than when he was alive as a result of translations and symposiums, will find a wealth of knowledge and esoteric insight.

The Astrologer's Guide: Being the One Hundred and Forty-Six Considerations of the Famous Astrologer Guido Bonatus
Published in Hardcover by Holmes Pub Group (1993)
Author: Guido Bonatus
Amazon base price: $37.50
Average review score:

An absolutely necessity for the serious student of astrology
Guido Bonatus, the famous 13th century astrologer, who was among the sorcerers consigned to hell by Dante. In spite of the church's opposition to his unorthodox views, Bonatus escaped the long arm of the Inquisition.

The book is nothing but a list of considerations to be taken before judgement of a chart. For those who have no knowledge about the classical art, this will be a starting point for developing this art.

Example: The 65th consideration: Whether the Lord of the seventh is afflicted or not? for that will be an impediment to the business. And you ought to defer judgement if you can, and warily search always whence such impediment shall arise, as well by the Conjunction of the Lord of the Seventh with the planets, as by their separation, and also of the Moon; so may'st thou find whence it will proceed, and afterwards give judgement with more safety.

Potty Time
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (2001)
Author: Guido van Genechten
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.87

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