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Book reviews for "Farabough,_Laura" sorted by average review score:

Historical Directory of Trade Unions: Cotton, Wool and Worsted, Linen and Jute, Silk, Elastic Web, Lace and Net, Hosiery and Knitwear, Textile Finis
Published in Hardcover by Scolar Pr (1994)
Authors: Victoria Ryan, John B. Amethurst, Arthur I. Marsh, and John B. Amehurst
Amazon base price: $114.95
Used price: $57.60
Average review score:

I really love this book!
I love this book! It's great! For those people who ran out of clay, try White Rose or Michaels for Sculpey III, or any well-stocked craft store would have it. BYE!

Started an obsession!
I received this book 3 years ago as a Christmas gift, and it sparked such an interest, that I began making gifts for every occasion, and then branched into selling my creations. There's plenty in this book to keep an adult interested! By the way, to the reviewer who expressed dismay at the difficulty of finding replacement clay, look for Sculpey III at your local craft store - that is the type of clay used in the book.

I really like the activities in this book but I think that most of them are to hard for anyone below the age of ten. I still have trouble with the details even though I am thirteen. you also need to find a different red color. It stained my clothes and all I did was drop it on them. Other than those complaints though, you did a good job. You need to make another book of things to do with the clay. Sincerely, Alicia LeCroy

Under the Beetle's Cellar
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1996)
Author: Mary Willis Walker
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $8.20
Buy one from zShops for: $8.24
Average review score:

(All of the Clearwater Crossing books are 5-star)
These books are great! My Mom bought me #10 thinking it would be a good book for me to read, but little did she know that these books are the most addictive things I have ever read. If you haven't read them, read them!!! They are truly worth it.

This book is are all the rest
Just let me begin by saying that you should definitely read these books. I am a satirical writer and originally picked one of them ("Skin Deep") up thinking that it might be something I would be able to lampoon, but instead I found myself incredibly interested in the lives of each character - in particular, Nicole Brewster and Melanie Andrews. Since then I have read every single book in the series and am currently enduring a practically unbearable wait for #20. In a word - these books are great! Oh, wait, that's four words. Oh, well.

A Terrific Read, Once Again
I have read all of the series so far, and this book reminded me of why I liked them to begin with. If you have read all of the CC books, then you'll love this one. I was dissappointed with the last couple of books because it seemed like everything was going down-hill. We hardly ever heard Miguel's, Ben's, or Jesse's perspective and it seemed like all of the characters were becoming depressed or dull. But it seems like things are finally starting to look up. But we all know that won't last too long.

The thing I like best about this book and series is that it has Christian values at its core without being preachy or unbelievable. You can relate to the characters because they go through confusing times and REAL issues just like teens today. It's so refreashing to read about things other than "boy loves girl, boy and girl break up, boy and girl get back together."

BEWARE: The only bad thing about the series is that the books are highly addictive. They end in suspenseful cliff-hangers making it almost impossible to wait for the next book to come out. I just hope the series continues a bit longer despite a couple of the characters heading off to college.

The Latino Guide to Personal Money Management
Published in Paperback by Bloomberg Pr (01 May, 1999)
Authors: Laura Castaneda, Laura Castellanos, and Laura Castaaneda
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.64
Buy one from zShops for: $9.58
Average review score:

Valuable financial information for Latinos and non-Latinos
Latinos will become the largest minority group in the United States in the 21st century, but remain largely outside the financial mainstream. For example, the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies reported in March 2000 that 44% of Latinos own their own homes, compared with 75% of whites.

According to the Federal Reserve, despite an economic expansion of record length, there is vast disparity in wealth (all assets, including homes, autos, stocks, and savings accounts) between whites and nonwhites. The median net worth for Latino, African-American, Asian, and other minority families was $16,400 in 1998, the most recent year for which the Federal Reserve has data. That figure is just 17.28% of the median net worth of $94,900 for non-Latino white families, virtually unchanged from 17.23% in 1992 (although the disparity in income is much smaller: 62%).

The wealth gap is much greater than the income gap for various reasons. Minorities, including Latinos, typically have less access to credit for starting businesses, and are less likely to invest in the stock market. They are also less likely to have accounts at financial institutions, doing business instead with check cashers and payday lenders, the latter of whom often charge interest equal to a 500% annual percentage rate.

This much-needed book not only examines the cultural factors that help explain these trends among Latinos, it also offers advice to Latinos on setting up and using accounts at banks and credit unions, saving for retirement or college, sending money to family members in other countries, buying stocks and bonds, negotiating for a home, and applying for credit. It also lists financial institutions and sources of bilingual financial service information and provides Spanish-language translations of key financial terms. Castaneda, a former Knight-Bagehot Fellow in business and economics reporting at Columbia University who has covered business and finance as a freelance writer and a reporter for the the San Francisco Chronicle, has thoroughly researched her topic.

Although oriented toward Latinos, this book would be helpful to anyone who wants to take control of and improve their finances.

An excellent book, for both Latinos and non-Latinos!
This is a wonderful book. It gives you a lot of insight into Latino attitudes about money, then tells you how to make sure those attitudes don't screw up your personal finances. It's very well-written and is easy to read and understand. In fact, anyone, Latino or not, could benefit from reading this book. And it has a beautiful cover.

An excellent road map to financial independence
Castaneda and Castellanos have laid the cornerstone for the financial freedom of America's fastest growing demographic group--and key driver for the future U.S. economy. Latino consumers will read this well-written guide as a road map to prosperity. Comprelo y declare su libertad!

Published in Paperback by St Martins Mass Market Paper (1998)
Author: Laura Baker
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.41
Collectible price: $1.06
Buy one from zShops for: $0.50
Average review score:

A sensitive portrayal of the southwest.
Since there are several synopsis already listed, I'll just say, Laura Baker gives a true feeling of the southwest, and I compare her favorably with Tony Hillerman. Her descriptions are eloquent and I look forward to reading more of her books. Having recently moved from New Mexico to the midwest, reading Legend made me homesick.

Legend mixes myth with reality into a powerful story of love
Ainii and Jackson are all too human in their dreams and fears. All too human in their desires. But within them lies the power to face the beast and find the balance. Laura Baker does a superb job blending mysticism and romance into a stunning story of good versus evil . . . of love. This is the first of her books that I've read, but it certainly won't be the last. I just ordered Stargazer!

Absolutely Fascinating!!
I guessed quickly who was the Yenaldlooshi, but still I was surprised by the reality. I almost cried when the Yenaldlooshi was killed, for I did not want him to die. Even though he was responsable for a series of brutal murders. He was only human, battling a great evil. That is essentially what this book is about, the battle between good and evil. Jackson Walker, who's own mysterious past leads back to the reservation and Ainnii's father, has no belief in the supernatural, until he is forced to face its reality. I couldn't leave the book until I had read all the way through and even now, my mind shifts through the hidden facets of the story and in my heart, there is a deep saddness for the Yenaldlooshi, the true victim in the novel.

Lessons Learned Looking Back: Strategies for Successful Living
Published in Paperback by Broadman & Holman Publishers (2001)
Authors: Todd E. Linaman and Laura Z. Sowers
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Life Impacting Wisdom and Encouragement!
I found this book to be a tremendous blessing. The many varied scenarios presented will surely have a touch point on every reader's life. Also, this diversity makes this the kind of resource that will be of timeless value as the book is revisited in future readings and life passages.

One of the most striking features of this resource is how well the scriptural references are applied in each scenario illustrated. This approach brings life and true meaning to biblical references in a simple and easy to understand manner that results in powerful life impacting revelation. As a result this book is a tremendous tool for the un-churched as well. By clearly identifying how God's Love, Grace and Mercy satisfy every need the reader is drawn closer to God, His blessing and His eternal salvation.

Timeless value with life impacting biblical application!!!!
This book is a tremendous blessing. The many varied scenarios presented will surely have a touch point on every reader's life. Also, this diversity makes this the kind of resource that will be of timeless value as the book is revisited in future readings and life passages.

One of the most striking features of this resource is how well the scriptural references are applied in each scenario illustrated. This approach brings life and true meaning to biblical references in a simple and easy to understand manner that results in powerful life impacting revelation. As a result this book is a tremendous tool for the un-churched as well. By clearly identifying how God's Love, Grace and Mercy satisfy every need the reader is drawn closer to God, His blessing and His eternal salvation.

I Want My Kids to Read This Book!
As my kids grow up and begin making their own decisions, it's hard to know how much advice to give. This book is a great way to gently offer good, solid counsel about life to young adults without preaching. The stories about real people captivated me and helped me understand the principles Dr. Linaman and Ms. Sowers conveyed. I appreciated the blend of biblical truth, sensible counseling information and "uncommon" sense. I'm giving it to my grown kids with one piece of advice - read it!

Los Anos Con Laura Diaz
Published in Paperback by Santillana Pub Co (1999)
Author: Carlos Fuentes
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.99
Average review score:

La gran dama Laura Diaz
Este es uno de los mejores libros que Carlos Fuentes ha escrito. Digo que es uno de los mejores pero no el mejor que a esrito. Si te gusta la historia entonces te va guster mucho. Si tienes interes en la historia de Mexico te va gustar mas porque es una novela inolvidable que puedes ver por los ojos de Laura Diaz, una mujer fuerte y sensilla que tiene que luchar para los derechos que hoy en dia apenas las mujeres estan disfrutando. Es una bonita novela que se trata de los cambios que han occurido en Mexico durante el siglo XX. Es muy emocional la historia, especialmente si conoces familia que a vivido los cambios durante los ultimos cien anos. Yo pase el tiempo leyendo este libro y pensando en mi abuelita que hace unos anos fallecio a los 99 anos. Como Laura Diaz estuvo presente para ver los cambios entre el gobierno y los atitudes de la cultura sobre los derechos de los humanos sin pensar si es mujer o hombre. Laura Diaz vive una vida completa con gran amores, familia y todo el tiempo al lado de los famosos y un testigo de la historia de Mexico. Te recomendo este libro para entender la historia de Mexico y como la mujer es parte de esa historia.

Los Anos con Laura Diaz
The 5 stars I give this work is not because I am in love with Fuente's overall work, but because this historical fiction provokes thought and analysis in a poetic way of the life as seen through the eyes and feelings of a woman.
If the reader wishes to to learn the history of a country while becoming enveloped in how a woman, a wife, a daughter, a lover and friend is impacted by the choices made, this is a book to read.

Historia y novela
Los años con Laura Díaz es como la novela gemela de La región más transparente, porque con ambas obras se puede aprender, analizar y entender la historia de México, sobre todo la del siglo XX; Fuentes demuestra en esta novela su calidad como narrador, su conocimiento del español que fluye en la creación de los personajes y su ambiente. El viaje entre Veracruz y la Ciudad de México que emprende Laura Díaz es un tejido que señala los entresijos de la historia del México contemporáneo. En fin, el lector queda enamorado de Laura, una especie de Beatriz que nos guía por los espacios cósmicos de México.

Loss of a Relationship (In This Very Hour)
Published in Paperback by Broadman & Holman Publishers (1994)
Authors: Jill Marie Taylor and Laura Rodriguez
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.00
Average review score:

Hopeful book for the grieving
There are two reviews on this page that are for other books. This book was part of a six book series on loss. The review written by Marty is about another book in this series called "Loss of a Job". The book mentioned in the review by South Carolina Reader is about yet another book in this series called "Loss of a Dream" by the same author (Robin Prince Monroe). This book, "Loss of a Loved One" is for people who are grieving. It takes readers through the author's struggle after she lost her 6 year old daughter, Anna, to leukemia. Though it is about the loss of a child it has provided comfort for folks around the country in all kinds of grief situations. Two hundred of these books were sent to the victim's families after the Oklahoma City bombing. It is short, honest and full of hope.

An extremely helpful& gripingly honest source
This little book has been so timely and helpful to those who are bearing such loss. It is so practical and short. There is such intimacy and honesty with God Who is faithful.

Emotions expressed only someone who lost someone would know
An excellent book that helps you to deal with your emotions after someone has died close to you. The words written was what I was feeling after my mother's death.

Lost and Found (From the Files of Madison Finn, 6)
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Press (2002)
Authors: Laura Dower and Stephanie Power
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.90
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Average review score:

Awesome Book!!
I like this book alot!!Its a great book to read in the winter to. Its a about when a blizzard hits Far Hills. Maddie and her mom clean out the attic. Madison finds some old stuff from the 2nd will have to read the book to find out the rest!!

Awesome for the Winter!
Madison is getting a bit behind in her schoolwork, and wishes for a snow day. Well, Madison gets her wish, and it snows! When Madison's mom asks her to help clean the attic, Madison find information about her mother's past, and about her own past. She finds a letter that Ivy and Madison signed 4 years ago, in the 3rd grade. Will Madison open the letter, or wait, and show Ivy?

Fun Winter Read
When a blizzard hits Far Hills, NY, Madison Finn begins to help her mom clean the attic. While doing it she finds pictures of her and her then-best-friend-now-enemy Ivy. She becomes reminiscent when she finds a letter that they both signed when they were younger. Madison is now faced with the choice of opening the letter with Ivy, or forgetting the whole thing. What will she do?

Doing It: Real People Having Really Good Sex
Published in Hardcover by Gramercy (2002)
Author: Isadora Alman
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $2.28
Buy one from zShops for: $2.90
Average review score:

another great book in the series
Love Hurts was a great addition to the Clearwater Crossingseries. I really enjoyed it and it brought out a lot of issues thatmake you rush to the bookstore to get the next book. Anyway, it has a bit of a cliffhanger at the end and it is definitly one of my favorites out of the series.

By far the best in the series!
Yes, this book is the best! Jenna and Peter struggle to fix their romance. Miguel becomes too attached to a sick young boy. Jesse finally swallows his pride and asks Melanie to the prom, while Nicole tries out for the cheerleading squad. To find out what happens, you'll have to read the book!

A reader with a question
Every time a new clearwater crossing book comes out, I can't help myself but wonder what it would be like to have that kind of talent. After number thirteen came out ( or all of the clearwater crossing books ) I always pretend that I am Ms. Roberts. Love Hurts was somewhat close to my version of what it would be like, but much much better. Most of the time when I wait for a new book to come out, I can't help myself but wonder what it would be like. Number fourteen is a fabulos sequel to number thirteen. I can't wait until the endding. Ms. Roberts thank - you so much for these books I really feel like they have changed my life. You have changed my life because of them, I thank - you from the bottom of my heart.

Anne of the Island
Published in Paperback by Signet Classic (1991)
Authors: Lucy Maud Montgomery, Elizabeth Waterston, and Mary Rubio
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $73.87
Buy one from zShops for: $76.36
Average review score:

What kids about to get their first monster need to know
With the film "Monsters, Inc." about to hit video stores, lots of young children are going to be interested in the wisdom offered in "Laura Numeroff's 10-Step Guide to Living with your Monster" (illustrated by Nate Evans) in anticipation of having their own monster in the house. This book is geared specifically for ages 3-7, the age when a child usually is given responsibility for their first monster. It will be useful to parents who have forgotten or did not know that monsters like Country & Western music (I certainly did not know that and would not have even guessed that was indeed the case). Ms. Numeroff helps with not only the selecting of the proper monster, but covers such basics as naming, feeding, and cleaning. The back of the book contains glowing tributes from "Good Monster-Keeping Magazine" and satisfied readers. I should note, that many of the principles enumerated by Ms. Numeroff could be applied to having a pet or baby brother, just in case getting a monster proves to be unrealistic for you and your youngsters at this particular point in time.

Love it!
10-Step Guide... is full of imaginative fun. Ms. Numeroff's clever writing style and Mr. Evan's playful illustrations really come together nicely to offer an enjoyable experience for the reader. I am also impressed that part of the proceeds from the sale of the book goes to Michael J. Fox's Foundation for Parkinson's Research.

Monster Fun.....
Laura Numeroff and Nate Evans have authored the quintessential resource guide for monster acquisition and care. Find out how to choose the very best monster, and how to pick the right name. "You don't want to call him Hercules when you sister calls him Fluffy." Learn what to feed him, where to take him, how to handle a visit to the vet, and how to train him..."This may take some time." Get grooming tips, bedtime strategies, and hints for monster games and entertainment. And always remember, be good to your monster and he'll be good to you..... Ms Numeroff's silly, clever text is full of energy, humor and fun, and complemented by Mr Evans' engaging bold, bright, and busy illustrations. Together this dynamic duo have come up with a list of dos and don'ts, no monster lover can live without. Perfect for preschoolers, Laura Numeroff's 10-Step Guide To Living With Your Monster is a joyous, manic romp little ones will beg to read again and again.

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