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Book reviews for "Eastlick,_John_Taylor" sorted by average review score:

Dead Beat
Published in VHS Tape by Warner Home Video (19 September, 1995)
Amazon base price: $94.99
Used price: $5.25
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Average review score:

Can't put it far
I started this book two days ago and I find it hard to tear myself away from it...although I have not yet finished this book, I felt the need to write a review because no other reviews had yet been written and I wanted to share the wonderful news: this is a good one, folks! It is a well-laid-out and neutrally written true mystery. If this is the sort of book you enjoy, don't pass it up. I am fairly certain that you will find yourself totally engrossed after the first few pages.

The Course of German History (Routledge Classics)
Published in Paperback by Routledge (23 May, 2001)
Authors: A.J.P. Taylor and Alan John Percivale Taylor
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Fundamental for students of 20c Europe
Taylor concentrates on the influence Germans divided history and expansion into Slavic areas had on their actions toward other nations. Not everyone will like his thesis, but it deserves a hearing. The book, which was long out of print, is well written, making it a pleasure to read.

New Zealand Adopts Proportional Representation: Accident? Design? Evolution?
Published in Hardcover by Ashgate Publishing Company (1998)
Authors: William Keith Jackson and Alan McRobie
Amazon base price: $84.95
Average review score:

I bought this book on a whim. I've thoroughly enjoyed it! Full page images of some spectacular medals. Very nice photographs! Easy to read and understand. I highly recommend adding this one to your art book collection.

Northern City: The Historical Architecture of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Published in Paperback by Newcastle Libraries and Information Service (1996)
Author: Lynn F. Pearson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A Defense from a Contemporary
John Taylor of Caroline's " Defence of the Measures of the Administration of Thomas Jefferson" is a great political defense of Jefferson's first administration from a friend and a contemporary. Taylor eloquently defends the Judiciary Act of 1801, the the war with the Barbary Pirates, the Louisiana Purchase, and the reduction of the national debt. Taylor brilliantly shows what supporters of Jefferson expected by his election, and got it. Economy in governemnt, reduction of the debt, cutting of government employees and the reform of a tyrannical Fedrealist judiciary. For students of Jefferson and Taylor, a great read.

Entertaining With Insects, or: The Original Guide to Insect Cookery
Published in Paperback by Salutek Pub Co (1999)
Authors: Ronald L. Taylor, Barbara J. Carter, and John Gregory Tweed
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $25.00
Collectible price: $88.00
Average review score:

A must buy!!!!!!!
this book is incredible....funny, interesting, educational, great drawings and very entertaining! great as a unique one-of-a-kind gift, but i bought one for myself. I was at first kind of reluctant to buy it due to the subject, but what i received in the mail was a very pleasant surprise....! highly recommended.

Football Legends: Steve Young, Joe Namath, Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Brett Favre, Dan Marino, Troy Aikman, Deion Sanders, Jerry Rice,: Michael Irvin, Walter Payton, Jim Brown, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith, Lawrence Taylor, Vince Lombardi, John Madden
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (1995)
Author: Chuck Noll
Amazon base price: $287.10
Average review score:

Wonderfull book!
I love this book, I wont let my friends touch it. It's totallyworth the dollars, it tells you about the greatest NFL players ever. For example: Steve Young, the best left-handed Quarterback ever,and Jerry Rice, the greatest all-time wide receiver ever.

Forever Elvis
Published in Hardcover by Smithmark Publishing (1994)
Authors: John Alverez Taylor and John Alvarez Taylor
Amazon base price: $7.98
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $5.24
Average review score:

Beautiful pictures!
This is one of those books that's perfect to put on your coffee table--especially if you're an Elvis fan. The only text that appears in the book is that on the dust cover. The rest of it is made up only of pictures of the King. It's a must-have for any true Elvis fan!

The Future of Terrorism (Political Violence Series)
Published in Hardcover by Frank Cass & Co (2000)
Authors: Maxwell Taylor, John Horgan, and Max Taylor
Amazon base price: $64.50
Used price: $1.48
Collectible price: $6.59
Buy one from zShops for: $6.93
Average review score:

Terrorsim in the New Century
The Future of Terrorism Edited by Max Taylor and John Morgan

The Future of Terrorism contains essays submitted at the conference for Future Developments in Terrorism, Cork, Ireland in March 1999. The central thesis of the essays, which resonates in the individual essays and the editor's introduction is that terrorism has evolved beyond the traditional view of state sponsored organizations, who commit acts of violence as an expression of nationalism. Terrorist organizations are now more complex and their motivations can stem from a more diverse range of ideologies. Two supporting views that the essayists submit, which have significant value to military and civilian strategist, expound on terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction and the emergence of some terrorists as transnational actors. As with many nations and various legitimate organizations, the ending of the cold war caused most terrorist organizations to change their modus operandi to guarantee continued survival. The authors and editors support this argument by discussing the decline of state-sponsored terrorism, facilitated against the back-drop of the post cold war; increases in intrastate terrorist organizations; the blurring of distinctions between terrorism and organized crime; and finally the emergence of organizations with motives based on extremism and religion. In fact, law enforcement agencies have linked terrorist organizations to crimes such as extortion and bank robbery. The commitment of terrorism for monetary gain represents a significant shift from terrorism connected to ideologies. The shift away from strong ideological motivations also affects the potential use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). To use a WMD, the terrorist organization's the belief in ideology must surpass their sense of survival. The potential use of a WMD could enrage world opinion and could lead to the destruction of the organization. This runs contrary to the beliefs of many security analysts, who cite the use of a nerve agent (1995) in a Tokyo subway as a sign of future use. However, its important to note that the organization linked to the attack was a religious extremist organization, with an extremely strong ideology and not a terrorist organization. Finally, the emergence of terrorists as a transnational actor is a recent phenomenon. Transnationalism is a term used to describe organizations that operate internationally, but do so without official state sponsorship or direction. As noted earlier, the end of the cold war caused some terrorist organizations to expand their area of operations. This expansion, because of logistics and financial support, made coordination between the various organizations a necessity. A good example of a transnational terrorist is Ossama bin Ladden. Ossama bin Ladden reportedly has links to several states in the Middle East and Africa as well as ties to other terrorist organizations. The ability to move in and out of different circles, similar to guests at a garden party, makes prediction of terrorist strikes extremely difficult. In summary, this book provides valuable insights into the complexity of terrorist organizations and their evolution. It's thought provoking and I would highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in the subject.

Gay Roots: An Anthology of Gay History, Sex, Politics and Culture, Vol. 2
Published in Paperback by Gay Sunshine Press (1993)
Authors: Winston Leyland, Clark Taylor, and John Mitzel
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $3.41
Collectible price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.65
Average review score:

The articles about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington alone should be required reading for all U.S. history classes. Kenneth Starr would have gone wild looking at the private lives of our country's two greatest leaders.

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Simon Pulse (1997)
Author: Bill Gutman
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.62
Average review score:

Where Global Currency is Headed; Excellent Book.
This is an excellent review of what has happened to, may happen to--and will happen to--the situation of Global Finance. Eatwell makes strong points about both currency in global markets, and its pejorative effects in local or regional areas. He brushes on many of the key issues concerned in golbal economic concerns, including Bretton Woods, IMF, the EC, the Asian economic crisis. In the end, he seems to suggest action of major restructuring of current currency guidelines, even to the point of 'support' for currencies or other like dimensions.

Overall, a very good book.

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