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Book reviews for "Clinton,_Bill" sorted by average review score:

The Life and Times of Ron Brown: A Memoir
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (1998)
Authors: Tracey L. Brown and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $11.40
Average review score:

Ron Brown was AWESOME! This book tells the inspirational storyof a kid from Harlem that changed the face of national politics andreally made a difference. I like that the book tells us all about Brown's private family life as well as his public life.

Ron Brown was a great man who embraced and enjoyed life.
Throughout this novel the love and affection with which the Brown's enjoyed life is evident. Along with a strong love for his family Ron Brown had a love for life. This book describes a man who was not afraid to rescue a sinking ship. Throughout his life he was the one who brought organizations up. The novel offers inspiration for all.

My Head and My Heart: Sex, Love, Life, and the Unconscious
Published in Hardcover by Random House (10 October, 2000)
Authors: Jorge De Gregorio and Jorge DeGregorio
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.93
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $2.86
Average review score:

Understanding the power of the unconscious on daily life
Dr.DeGregorio traces marvelous historical parallel between President Thomas Jefferson and Bill Clinton while also illustrating from clinical case studies ("diagnostic existential interviews"). What shines through is a love for his patients and subjects and the desire to allow them to discover the oppportunity for happiness. DeGregorio's analysis of the Clinton-Lewinsky matter sheds a new light on some of the unconcious or partially conscious motivations that led to the affair. Some readers might find this hard accept or understand. Occasionally the author's leaps from psychoanlytic insight to interpretations may seem unclear to some readers. All in all a fascinating, thought-provoking read that helps make a fair case of how psychoanlysis can offer deeper insights into our existential situations and thus,eventually, the potential for deeper contentment -- perhaps even happiness -- to emerge.

This Book Might Scare You Straight Into Analysis
Want to know what sex, dreams, and sprained knees have in common? Want to understand the unconscious psychodramas that ignited when Bill's coatsleeve touched Monica's breast? If you can handle a little home truth with your voyeurism, this book should not be missed. Read it if you ever took sides in the Clinton impeachment affair that split the American psyche. Read it if you ever wondered why Thomas Jefferson had sex and children with his teenage slave. Read it if you ever were ambushed by your own passions and lived to wonder why. This book is a gift of love. Buy it, read it, pass it on.

Scandalgate: Exposing America's Moral Deficit Disorder
Published in Paperback by Adroit Pr (1998)
Author: Kenneth J. Brown
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $2.19
Buy one from zShops for: $2.20
Average review score:

Finally, a book that acknowlleges people did not "allow" Clinton to do whatever he wanted because they were bribed or threatened, but because he was no different from other presidents and we are no different from him.

I am sick and tired of the right wing perpetually lambasting us, the American public, about Clinton's morals when they also lack a perfect personal track reccord. Although all of this was exposed in the now infamous witch hunt, the Republicans kept on plugging, happily oblivious to the actual desires of the American public

While there is no doubt what Clinton did was wrong, the American public realized that the best person to handle it was the president and his family. This was never on par with international espionage or other matters that would have actually warranted a constitutional crisis.

A great read about President Clinton and moral values
Mr. Brown clearly explains why the American people give President Clinton such high approval ratings: It's because the American people (to some extent) share his values--that whatever a person does privately is his or her own business.

The quote on the back cover from a USA Today writer sums this ethic up best: "'We the people' don't elect our presidents to be our moral leaders. We'd probably give the president low marks in the morals department, but then we don't see him as our moral leader. He was elected to run the country. We'll worry about our morals ourselves, thank you very much."

Mr. Brown examines what causes us to give our leaders "a pass" on issues involving morality, showing that the morality of our leadership is a mirror image of the morality and virtues of "we the people." In fact, as he points out, it is actually the "amoral" precept of our postmodern political culture that is at issue--that a person's private conduct doesn't shape his conduct in a public office. The American people have been willing to serve as the president's co-conspirator in his role as First Sex Addict. The line of reasoning, as Mr. Brown points out, is "If 'we the people' tolerated this behavior in former presidents, how can we confront this president on the same issue?" This quote on the back cover says it pretty well: "Are we the people content to have a president with a low moral aptitude? If the president of the United States is guilty of using women and then trashing them, should he be allowed to get away with this? If President Clinton has taken his inspiration from John Kennedy and this travesty is the result, what will it be like when future leaders of postmodern America take their inspiration from him?"

What really makes the book interesting is that it is full of quotes from friends and associates of Mr. Clinton--quotes that are pretty caustic and not to kind to the President. For instance, Katie Couric on the Today Show said, "How is it this intelligent, ambitious, politically savvy man can be so foolhardy and such a slave to his libido?"

And there are several great quotes from George Stephanopoulos, including "Right now, I don't know whether to be angry, sad or both. But if the Lewinsky charges are valid, I know this: I'm livid. It's a terrible waste of years of work by thousands of people with the support of millions more."

Probably one of the best, though, is from the liberal syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman: "Why haven't the soccer moms decided to throw Clinton out of the (White) House? Why are the Democratic women pols who shot off their mouths about Clarence Thomas holding their tongues about Bill? And, above all, why aren't feminists who put sexual harassment on the office bulletin board standing by their Monica?"

This is a really great read--and a fast read as well!

Snl Presents The Clinton Years
Published in Paperback by TV Books Inc (1999)
Authors: Cast of SNL, Michael Shoemaker, Scott Weinstein, and Mike Shoemaker
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.25
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

A hilarious book satirizing "The Clinton Years"
Jim Wrenn, author of the Clinton Liebrary Book 2001 Edition at gives a rave review to SNL Presents The Clinton Years: "I laughed so hard my throat hurt. It will be banned from all public libraries because no one will be able to read it without laughing out loud. The book presents color pictures and text from SNL skits (about Clinton) in such a way as to elicit just as much laughter as watching the skit on Saturday Night Live."

this is hilarious. I laughed the entire time i read the book.

So...Help Me God! An Inspired Letter to President William Jefferson Clinton
Published in Hardcover by Eden Street Productions (07 May, 1999)
Author: April Shenandoah
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $9.99
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

A life changing reading experience!
I consider myself a well informed citizen, and yet when I read So...Help me God, I was amazed and deeply greived to see how far our country has strayed from its wonderful beginning. The authors research on the smallest detail of our true American history was very enlightening. It was not just the sad scenerio of Pres. Clinton but the revelation of the real moral decline of our country. Some of the questions that she asked in her letter to Mr. Clinton, were questions that many Americans would like to ask. I also felt a deep compassion for our President when I realized how far, he to has strayed from his conservative Christian beginnings. It seems obvious that somewhere he violated his own core values. I was very angered at President Clinton when I read this book. But after reading it, even though the author exposed even more than I already knew, I felt compassion for him. I also love having our Constitution, Declaration of Independance and all the other American documents included in this book. I am sorry to admit that I have not read these since High School. I consider this book to not only be excellent reading, but it is wonderful reference book that I will always have in my personal Library.

A titillation to read this eye opening book!
"So...Help Me God" is a book to pull us out of the darkness to reveal a truth we keep hiding from. It will touch your heart,anger your spirit,and if you have a sense of patriotism,you will stand up and salute!! The format makes it personal yet the content,even though it will touch each of us who read it differently, cries out for public opinion. It is an awakening!! This book will have you oohing,aahing,and gasping in disbelief, as the words penetrate your spirit. "So...Help Me God" is an easy read, an absolutely necessary read! You can't afford not to read it! Praise God for this book!!!!

Arkansas Hiking Trails: A Guide to Seventy-Eight Selected Trails in the Natural State
Published in Paperback by Cloudland.Net (1994)
Authors: Tim Ernst and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $15.98
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:

Very descriptive, yet still concise. Makes planning easy.
This book reveals the wealth of knowledge Tim Ernst has accumulated over his years in the Ozarks. It is descriptive enough to keep you on your toes for upcoming views and special areas, but not overladen with detail. There are maps, but they contain no topographical info.

Bill Clinton's Little Black Book
Published in Paperback by Random House Value Publishing (1998)
Author: Richard Smith
Amazon base price: $1.99
Average review score:

A Fun Book!
I laughed out loud! Make sure you pick this one up if you want a laugh at Bubba's expense. I wish I had thought of doing this one first . . .

The Chicken That Won a Dogfight: The Humor and Hope of an Arkansas Boyhood
Published in Paperback by August House Pub (1993)
Authors: Ben Burton and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Great Southern humor. Good, fun messages for all ages
The book contains several stories about Burton and his twin brother growing up in Southern Arkansas during the depression. Despite this time frame, the book is a great read for all ages. It has warm wit and humor and very inspiring messages.

Clinton on Clinton: A Portrait of the President in His Own Words
Published in Paperback by Avon Books (Pap Trd) (09 November, 1999)
Authors: Bill Clinton and Wayne Meyer
Amazon base price: $12.50
Used price: $2.49
Buy one from zShops for: $7.96
Average review score:

Great book to read!
Although it doesn't tell a lot of history about Clinton, it is a great book to flip through and read the quotes that have been selected. I loved to hear all of the great Clinton words of wisdom! Some funny, some serious and some sad, but all of them give you insight about Bill Clinton.

The Clinton Record: Everything Bill and Hillary Want You to Forget
Published in Paperback by Merril Press (1996)
Author: Kevin H. Watson
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $10.93
Buy one from zShops for: $10.93
Average review score:

They can run but they can not hide!
I once heard someone say, "Small book can never hold enough information to be useable." They obviously haven't read The Clinton Record by Kevin Watson or they would realize this book has a ton of information inside the cover.

Watson uses the quotes directly from Bill and Hillary to show what their public record is all about. In just over 100 pages you'll be amazed at how this political duo has undermined the confidence to the public.

Watson makes the reader aware, very aware of how this pair thinks. He has really done his homework and he captures the essence of the most corrupt administration in American history.

I know that this book could have been longer, but the author just get you started, you then have to make the effort to find out the rest. This is well written and extremely well researched - without a doubt a real winner!

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