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The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton
Published in Paperback by Belknap Pr (1997)
Author: Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $21.50
Used price: $16.00
Average review score:

BRILLIANT, but a tad dense
This is definitely a difficult book, and understanding certain critical passages may require several readings. In short, this is NOT a good book for an introduction to presidential politics and leadership. For a more readable and still highly regarded account, Neustadt's seminal work is a good choice. However, none of this is to say that Skowronek's book is not brilliant--it is, and reading it carefully is a very profitable experience and will enhance anyone's understanding of the presidency, agree with Professor Skowronek or not. Through all the technical references, Skowronek proposes a paradigm for assessing presidential leadership: Reconstruction, Disjunction, Articulation, and Pre-emption, all of which are based on the nature of the government and its commitments (vulnerable or resilient) and on the president's relationship to that regime (opposed or affiliated). Reconstruction results when presidents are opposed to a vulnerable regime--here are the "great" presidents: Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan, for example. Affiliation with a vulnerable regime produces Disjunction. Articulation results from affiliation with a resilient regime. And Pre-emption is the product of opposition to a resilient regime. Of course, this merely scratches the surface of Skowronek's argument, for which he argues quite well and which he approaches from a fairly historical perspective. I highly recommend this for anyone wishing to gain a deeper, fuller understanding of presidential leadership, especially in considering how much a president's skills affect what type of leader he is and how much circumstances shape his presidency.

I read this as part of a course (taught by the author himself) in my sophomore year of college. Skowronek is I think to be applauded for his historical approach to presidential politics, and for his style of writing: it seems more as if youre reading a story than a political science book. Time and time again, Skowronek comes back to his thesis and main themes (legitimacy and presidents ability to correctly understand and manipulate their historical moment. The book never loses focus as Skrownek discusses different presidents or as he tells stories about a particular president. And hes done his research really really well. In particular his use of presidential quotes is very very impressive. Numerous times he gives examples of Presidents who attempt to build political legitimacy using words that fit very well into Skowronek's conceptual framework ("preserving foundations", recovering old sacred truths, continuing work that has already begun). The problem with Skowronek's book is that I think, given the sort of analysis hes doing here, its not very naunced. Im sure for example, articulation presidents often distanced themselves from their predecesors in some form or another. Some may not have a problem with this: after all S. is trying to prove his point and prove it well. However I thought at times that the book could have been more nauanced. Just my thoughts....OHH BUY THE BOOK!

The Presidency in Political Time
In "The Politics Presidents Make,"Stephen Skowronek presents a sweeping indictment of the Neustadtian view on presidential leadership made famous in Richard Neustadt's classic text, "Presidential Power." Skowronek challenges Neustadt's assertion that presidents after FDR represent a distinct group of incumbents, who, because of the constant challenges of modernity, cannot make due with the formal powers of the president--which is a mere "clerkship"-- and must instead utilize informal authority to "get things done," something "pre-modern" presidents did not have to do consistently. Skowronek views such a notion as a conceit of modern times, and he incorporates "pre-modern" presidents into his analytical framework, which gives the reader a better understanding of the presidency as it is weighed against the emergent structures of power and in relation to the recurrent structures of authority. Skowronek also disputes the idea that each president is at liberty to "be as big as he can be." The differences in "great" presidents and "incompetent" presidents arises not out of differences in skills-- i.e. bargaining ability-- but instead out of differing political identities vis-a-vis the current political order. Because the presidency is, in constitutional terms, an order shattering, order-affirming, and order-creating political institution, successful presidents are those-- like Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan-- who are able to reconcile the order-shattering and order-affirming impulses by creating new standards for constitutional governance. This type of leadership stance-- reconstructive leadership-- is the most potent form of leadership because it allows for a reconciling of the order-shattering and order-affirming aspects of the presidency, which enables such incumbents to legitmate their actions, the key to successful leadership. Skowronek has written a superb book-- one of the best books on the presidency ever written-- and it is valuable because it correctly identifies legitimacy as the most important aspect of leadership and not skills.

Bob Cobb's Bill Clinton Bartender's Guide
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2002)
Author: Bob Cobb
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

wish I could give it fewer stars
If you are looking for a book about bartending, look elsewhere. This is not it. If you are one of the millions of conservatives who can't think for themselves and thus consider themselves "dittoheads" ("Think for us, Rush! Think for us!") then this book will be right up your alley.

What can I really say?
This is one of the funniest books to come out this year, if not the funniest. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when (and if) Bill sees it. This book should've probably come out a couple of years sooner, but with the pardon investigations looming, maybe it will turn out to be well-timed after all. But certainly I agree that a Bill Clinton Bartender's Guide is the surefire life of any party or a day's conversation at the company water cooler. I guess there's not much danger in America forgetting Bill Clinton anytime soon! Very original, and well written humor.

In no uncertain terms, this is the best book around for those who wish to catalog Bill Clinton and his numerous escapades. This is THE best Clinton humor book I've ever come across. Those with the curiosity should check out "Midnight Marijuana" - a very funny recipe.

Pattern of Deception: The Media's Role in the Clinton Presidency
Published in Paperback by Media Research Center (1996)
Authors: Tim Graham, L. Brent Bozell, and Media Research Center
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $9.27
Buy one from zShops for: $8.23
Average review score:

Biased Book about Media Bias
Media Bias & the theft of the '92 election is the supposed topic of this book, which interested me enormously. Unfortunately, the book only works if you're so anti-Clinton that you blindly agree with the biased view of the authors. The so-called "facts" and "figures" are indeed numerous, and meant to beat you into bleary-eyed submission. I don't doubt there's a great book to be written on media bias & politics, and I thought that's what I was buying here. But it's just standard Clinton-bashing, with selective research and shoddy leaden prose as well. I'd love to see a companion volume by the same crew on the 2000 election, and compare their reporting. But if you just want to rant & rave like an uneducated toddler, this will probably make a tasty pacifier. Otherwise, I'd say save your money.

Excellent expose
If you ever get the feeling that the media is slanting the political playing field, this book is for you. The author calmly lays out the bias of the national media, statement by statement. Very good read...but be prepared to get angry.

Astonishing facts from a group that monitors media. THE THEFT OF A UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. (Facts, Numbers & Details)

READ THIS BOOK!!! If it's the Only Book You Read this Year!!! The Truth about Media is Shocking!


Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation
Published in Paperback by Ld Brown (1999)
Author: L. D. Brown
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.88
Collectible price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $11.95
Average review score:

A riveting, noteworthy testiment....
At potentially great risk to his personal safety and that of his family, Dr. L. D. Brown offers a disconcerting, inclusive, first person account of the moral duplicity and political corruption of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Crossfire is an intelligible, detailed disclosure of the the Clintons' insidious personal and political impropriety from the state level to the White House as experienced by Dr. Brown. He makes no effort to conceal his own involvement in order to protect his integrity and provides pertinent documentation to verify his claims.

I, for one, am grateful for his courage in offering the truth, as he knows it, to posterity by means of historical literature. I definitely recommend that anyone who is interested in insight regarding the Clintons and their administration read and consider the content of this book.

Another risk taker peels off the layers of corruption
On 10/31/98, L.D. Brown appeared before thousands on the Washington Monument grounds, plus a live national C-Span audience. He announced that what he was about to do, he was doing with reluctance, because of the increased risk that his disclosure would pose for his family. But he felt it had to be done. He announced that the investigation into the death of Vincent Foster could not be properly concluded until someone INTERROGATED Hillary Rodham Clinton about her affair with Vince Foster. "You've heard the rumors and the denials, but I'm here to give first person evidence that it was real. I saw it and talked to them both about it. And she's never even been interviewed!"

What was especially disconcerting was that this brave man's statement, about his observations as the state police driver of Governor Clinton's limo and, later, as the husband of Chelsea's nanny, was spiked nationwide. If this type of story can be made to disappear, who will carry the truth to the American people? When the "main stream" doesn't want such a story aired, it is up to witnesses to publish. This book's addition to the "body of evidence" in the public domain will make future analysts of the Clinton years even more incredulous that the national mass hypnosis has been so successful!

Crossfire by L D Brown
I found this book to be truthful. J D Brown writes about his illegal dealings with the CIA and Clinton. His life has been ruined by the Clinton Machine. In this book he shows how he witnessed the illegal activites in Mena as well as Little Rock. He writes how he has paid dearly for being close to that man, Bill Clinton. I found it hard to put this book down. My hope is that JD's family has peace when Cliton is out of office. This book is well worth the price. Don't miss it.

Selling Out America
Published in Paperback by Xlibris Corporation (24 July, 2000)
Authors: Kenneth R. Timmerman and Christopher R. Cox
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $17.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.30
Average review score:

Fails In Every Respect to Expose China-Lube Nexus
Knowing Kenneth R. Timmerman's reputation as a journeyman, I read this book with quivering anticipation hoping a professional would, at last, address our nation's continuing refusal to address the ramifications of the China-Lube Proclamation. Despite a perky warm-up in the introduction (congrats to Chris Cox!), short shrift is given to China-Lube. Readers who are interested in the West's increasing dependence on Lube Technology and its possible misuse by rogue elements of the Chinese small device industry should look elsewhere.

Extremely Important Read for All
Timmerman's latest book is one of the most important books that any citizen of the United States can read. It is especially a must read for any person who is a part of the defense, aerospace, or computer industries in this country. He really fills in the blanks for the questions that so many of us with industry experience have been asking since the late 1980's about what has happened to our national security with regard to technology transfer and why no action has been taken by the Administrative, Legislative or Judicial branches of our government to correct the problems that his book so well describes. My husband and I have spent 40 years in the defense industry, and this book says it all. Thank you Ken Timmerman for having the courage of your convictions.

Resistance Is Not Futile
Mr. Timmerman, a long time investigative reporter with impeccable credentials has compiled and published the results of his investigations (formerly published in different publications) in his new book, entitled 'Selling Out America.' The collection of his published stories in one volume details the chilling breach of US national security and the connections within the Clinton administration. Also included in this well-laid-out publication are his personal notes and insight into how these dealings have been covered up by US officials, including how the Clinton administration removed government employees that failed to follow the new policy of wholesale appeasement to the People's Republic of China and the media counterattack against the Cox Report and any others who dared to investigate.

'Selling Out America' provides the reader with a clear understanding of how the US policy of engagement with the PRC has gone well beyond engagement and entered the realm of kow-towing to the Chinese Communist leadership.

This book is a must read for the American people as the next US president will either clean up or continue this foreign policy disaster.

As citizens, we can make a difference, in the words of Mr. Timmerman: "Resistance is not futile"

Impeachment Trial Diary
Published in Paperback by Redrock Press (15 July, 1999)
Author: Wil F. Huston
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

Different from Posner's "An Affair of State" this account is
Different from Posner's "An Affair of State" this account is a more casual and personalized view of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair that spotlights the impeachment trial as it unravels day by day and does not focus on the entire "Year of the Monica." An entertaining and often amusing read by a retired City University of New York academic, and a modern-day Samuel Pepys.

A bright and bitingly funny diary of the impeachment circus.
Huston is intelligent and witty as the ultimate outsider, sharing his thoughts as the trial unfolds on his TV screen. His streaming commentary often reads is like Mystery Science Theatre script as he lampoons the central figures -- from Monica ( the "groupie who wasn't clear on the concept. Hung around after she scored... not one to cower behind the door when the chutzpah was passed out") to Lindsay Graham ("...who comes across as a polite earnest young man...used to passing the time of day with old ladies sitting on porches sipping lemonade...coddled since birth by adoring parents and aunts and uncles and cousins, all of whom have agreed that this boy is wonderful.") to Ken "the doughboy" Starr. Even the media types covering the trial don't escape his acerbic gaze - witness "Nina Totenberg (not a lawyer, but unlike Cokie (Roberts), seems to play one on TV." A must read for those looking to find humor in a very sad situation.

A fascinating perspective on a stomach-turning spectacle.
As sick as I was of the impeachment trial, I found Huston's "sociologist spin" offered a new perspective. Namely, how could so many smart people get into such an incredibly stupid mess? Getting theoretically inside the heads of the main players made diving back into the topic worthwhile. Impeachment Trial Diary is destined to be the definitive work on a ridiculous episode in this nation's history.

Madhouse: The Private Turmoil of Working for the President
Published in Hardcover by Times Books (1996)
Author: Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $0.29
Collectible price: $1.32
Buy one from zShops for: $0.90
Average review score:

All Work and No Play
This book is an interesting look at 6 different mid level White House staff during the first two years of the Clinton administration. The book is not a review of the first two years, just a focus on what it is like for these six people. The first thing that I thought was just how much these people work, 7 days a week and 90 plus hours is the norm, it is no wonder they burn out after year or so. Other then that bit of info, for me there really was nothing all that new about the book. It basically described that fact that these jobs are very difficult, unforgiving and at times not very fun.

One gets a kind of hopeless feeling at times reading this book as many of the people covered seam to at times. This is probably the best part of the authors work in that he was able to convey just how hard it was working under so much stress in a very unorganized situation and constantly being attacked. I think I have a better appreciation for the people that do the work that goes unnoticed in all White Houses. The book is somewhat interesting and not badly written, it just does not give the reader that much new info and it is limited to only the view of these six people.

Who Would Want These Jobs?
Each of the White House staffers in this book are presented as having taken their position with the hopes of making a difference. it didn't take long for each and every one of them to realize that they were just pawns in the game. The book mentions that the average tenure of a staffer is only 12 - 18 months, and if all staffers are treated as poorly those in this book were treated, it is obvious as to why they choose to move on. The upside to the jobs? Each of them went on to a more lucrative position after leaving the White House. If you can put up with 12 - 18 months of misery, you can write your own ticket. They all had to be aware of that when they started, so it's had to feel too bad about what they had to go through in order to be able to add 'White House Staff' to their resume.

A very revealing look at the Clinton White House!
This book explores the inner workings of the Clinton White House, exposing the way in which the President works and handles his affairs. Through the stories of the people who helped him get to the presidency, this book has shown me a side of Mr. Clinton I never knew existed, and which frankly does not seem too likeable. I would recommend this book to anybody who wants to learn more about the way in which this President goes about governing. It is also a good reference as far the White House regarding the way it works. Kudos to Mr. Birnbaum for writing such an interesting description of the current administration!

Back from the Dead: How Clinton Survived the Republican Revolution (Newsweek Book)
Published in Hardcover by Atlantic Monthly Pr (1997)
Authors: Evan Thomas, Karen Breslau, Debra Rosenberg, Leslie Kaufman, Andrew Murr, and David Hume Kennerly
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $6.30
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

In the final analysis...the Comeback Kid prevails
"Back from the Dead: How Clinton Survived the Republican Revolution," is a crisp behind-the-scenes examination of how William Jefferson Clinton ultimately defeated a determined Republican Party. To this end, Clinton's extraordinary political skills and a smart move away from the left and to the soft center of American politics paved the way for victory.

Evan Thomas also cites three other critical factors..."it is the economy...stupid," the unpopular personality of Newt Gingrich and the polling genius of Dick Morris as helping Bill Clinton defeat Bob Dole. But the main theme of this book is that the former governor of Arkansas had an enormous appetite for work and an uncanny ability to communicate with the American people. Certain parts of the narrative is a passionate upclose account of Bill and Hillary Clinton as husband and wife as well as political partners. Other parts of this book looks at how the prospects for a second term were shadowed by the scandals of Clinton's first four years in office.

In the final analysis the "Comeback Kid," great man or not...did have a remarkable gift for politics and this won the day. Baby boomers had come of age, moved to the suburbs, borne children, and planted the seeds of a postmodern political agenda. They wanted a president that would help them cope with the cares of everyday and family, schools and doctors, safe streets and clean water. The Republican Party offered a solid political platform but Bill Clinton's colorful promise of a "Golden Age" outlasted Bob Dole's plain "Black & White" strategy for America.

Bert Ruiz

A nice review of Clinton's victory
Making the 1996 presidential election interesting and excitingis a difficult task. But Evan Thomas comes very close in this gem ofa book. It focuses not only on the Republican primaries and thegeneral election but also on the Congressional battles in 1995-96 that made Clinton's victory possible. Candidate media strategies are also explored. Thomas also provides insight and analysis throughout the book rather than just at the end like other authors have the habit of doing. These insights, especially concerning the birth of a "Small Deal" in government policy, are fair and accurate. For political readers interested in the 1996 presidential election come here.

Presidential Sex: From the Founding Fathers to Bill Clinton
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1998)
Author: Wesley O. Hagood
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $4.45
Collectible price: $10.54
Average review score:

A presidential tell all for the ages
A revealing glance at the sexual behavior of our past presidents up to Prsident Clinton. What is not said is nearly as interesting as what is. The dalliances of JFK were well known, but what about Dwight D. Eisenhower? The book clearly shows how the media has continually moved toward loser standards as the years progressed. Did you know we had a homosexual president and maybe a vice-president too? It's all there. Humerous and sometimes stupid, but overall, a good effort at a very ugly subject.

good book on the personal lives of our Presidents
good book on a touchy subject. Presidental Sex deals with the personal lives of our Presidents and their sexual shindigs that they had. From Kennedy to Clinton to George Washington to LBJ, this is a good book. It's humerous in ways. for example, one time JFK was in the swimming pool with i think Bobby and some women when he was told that Jackie was coming to the White House pool for a dip. When she got there, all she saw was the wet footprints of culprits. good book.

Arkansas Mischief: The Birth of a National Scandal
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (1998)
Authors: Jim McDougal, James McDougal, and Curtis Wilkie
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $0.69
Collectible price: $4.22
Buy one from zShops for: $0.65
Average review score:

A very dry, self glorifying effort at expanding his image, Jim McDougal's book is as boorish as the man himself perhaps was. We were saved his testimony in the Grand Jury, perhaps for the better. Truly an old boy who liked to make himself bigger than he really was.

This was a fun romp thru Arkansas politics.
It is only tempered by the shabby treatment that Jim McDougal received not only at the hands of his friend, Bill Clinton, but also long time political ally, Govenor Jim Guy Tucker, Clinton's sucessor. Govenor Tucker, like McDougal, went to jail. Clinton did not & went on to screw many others, figuratively & literally. Bill Clinton's charisma was such that long after it made any sense, McDougal, & especially his wife, Susan retained a great deal of personal affection for the president. Politically, being a "yellow dog" democrat, McDougal could do no less than support both the president & the govenor.
The political stories fronm an Arkansas insider are light & funny. Some universally true about politicas & others peculiar to Arkansas.
The legal morass that McDougal found himself & tries to explain make for rough going in places but these segments are brief. Any good ol' boy or political junkie will like this book. As to the veracity of this book, Mr. McDougal knew he was dying & in fact died before it's publication. Most people do not wish to leave this world with a lie. He had considerable help from Curtis Wilkie, a professional writer, which probably helped him keep it real. Lloyd James' narration made it seem as if it actually was the voice of Jim McDougal.

Author Wilkie produces important analysis of southern politi
Curtis Wilkie's name appears in smaller case type below that of Jim McDougal's on the cover, but there should be no doubt in any reader's mind that without Wilkie's dogged pursuit of the truth and his well-honed journalist's credentials this would be just another publisher's attempt to capitalize on the Clinton scandalmongering machine. Fortunately, Wilkie successfully navigates McDougal's obfuscations and produces a fascinating account of McDougal's sad life and role in one of the late-20th century's seminal political events. Required reading for anyone interested in southern-or national-politics.

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