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Book reviews for "Clinton,_Bill" sorted by average review score:

Between Hope and History: Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Audio) (1996)
Author: Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

A synthesis and distellation of bill clinton's thought
this book sums up bill lcintons thought and views on many issues that are important. He has some interesting observations about how we have the power to impove ourselves with our power.

it is written in his smooth style and is an easy read. I don't think he used any speech writers with this book. I really felt his passion of his convictions here. I hope he can keep busy now he is out of office.

he uses some form of the word "is" 104 times in the book, soIguess he now kwos what the word means.

In former-President Clinton's "Between Hope and History" he discusses topics ranging from crime to globalization to education reform to the pride of being an American and living in the best democratic model of governance in the world. The book is very inspirational. My favorite quote is on page 175; "I believe that America today stands between hope and history---at the edge of a moment when these two powerful forces are as one, when we can embrace the dawn of the new century, drawing strength and guidance from our past, filled with confidence that in this new age of possibility, our best is yet to come."

A must-read for every American
I've read President Clinton's book three times and I've studied it very carefully. It clearly covers his presidency since his inauguration,and also resumes his vision and objectives for the 21st century.

Clinton covers also almost any topics that touched his political career,but there is the lack of one thing: what will be America's role in the 21st century when it comes to space exploration? Anyhow, this books is clear, straight-to-the-point's Clinton's style.

Big Sister Is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and the White House Feminists Who Now Control America--And Tell the President What to Do
Published in Paperback by Rivercrest Publishing (01 September, 1993)
Author: Texe W. Marrs
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $0.14
Collectible price: $2.12
Buy one from zShops for: $0.23
Average review score:

Ignorance is bliss!
And hatred is easy.

It would be easier for some people to swallow if all of our first ladies were "polite, stand behind your man" southern ladies.


A+ expose on femi-...!
Mr. Marrs successfully declares that those women (Hillary and her [White House feminists]) are up to no good. He also documents his work very carefully. The book is very easy to read and has some nice pictures too. Cool!

Socks Goes to Washington: The Diary of America's First Cat
Published in Paperback by Thomasson-Grant, Inc. (1993)
Authors: Michael O'Donoghue and Jean-Claude Suares
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.39
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Amusing if sophomoric political cat cartoon book.
Fans of Michael O'Donoghue's black comedy will be disappointed by this light-hearted collection of humorous observations of domestic and political life by Socks, the Clinton housecat, as drawn by J.C. Suares. Small children and cat book enthusiasts will be amused. As far as this reviewer is aware, this was O'Donoghue's last published book before he died in 1995.--Andrew Roaze

The book was a cute and humorous satire of The first cat!
The book presents a cute and humorous view of Socks the Cat. The book is very accurate in terms of nature of a cat (shreading priceless antique furniture, destroying China, etc).

Bill Clinton and His Family Paper Dolls
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1994)
Author: Tom Tierney
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $3.40
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.48
Average review score:

Not the best
Tom Tierney's work is beautiful, but he is not working up to his full skill this time. The likenesses aren't that great, and the dolls have none of the usual fascination and beautifully done artwork that his books are famous for. If your a Clinton fan, I suppose it's a good piece of memorabilia. If you're not, I would avoid this book and spend your money on another one of his books. Suggestions: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family paperdolls in full color, John F. Kennedy and His Family Paperdolls in full color( includes many of Jaqueline Kennedy's famous outfits.)

I love Tom Tierney's books, but this one is just awful! Maybe it's not Mr. Tierney's fault,but this is a terrible book. The family looks even more ugly as paperdolls then in real life, if possible. If you did buy this book, the only thing I could think to do with them would be to burn them or cut their heads off. I would not buy this book for all the tea in China.If I could, I would give this book 0 stars.

Review 1
This is a cool book. There are 29 costumes for 4 dolls: The President, First Lady, Chelsea, and Mrs. Virginia Clinton, Bill's mother. A must-have for paper doll fans and collectors alike! :-)

Common Sense Government: Works Better and Costs Less
Published in Paperback by Random House Trade Paperbacks (1995)
Authors: Bill Clinton, Philip K. Howard, Albert, Jr. Gore, and Philip K. Howard
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $0.22
Collectible price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.98
Average review score:

Chief Cheerleader
The Cheerleader in Chief of Clinton is able to effectively transmit all of that exceptional charisma and excitement right into this book! All of what he wrote sounded so genuine and interesting that I could hardly put it down! I hope he writes another book because I'll be the first one to buy it!

This man should be impeached
This man should be impeached for his sheer banality. I'm not even sure that a real person wrote this book--it reads more like something written by a computer with one of those auto-writing programs. Come to think of it, is Al Gore even a real person? Has anyone ever seen him do something like eat or drink in public, or is he just some sort of incorporeal, babbling hologram?

This is a fascinating look at how Vice-President Gore has worked to reduce the size of the federal government. It is easy to read and is very substantive. This book is a must read for every American!

Genocide in the Congo, Zaire: In the Name of Bill Clinton, and of the Paris Club, and of the Mining Conglomerates, So It Is
Published in Paperback by (2000)
Author: Yaa-Lengi M. Ngemi
Amazon base price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

I have never been so disappinted in a book..
There's not a lot I can say beyond the title of this review. From reading the description of the book I expected to learn something about how the foreign policies of various countries combined with the poor leadership in the DR Congo to destroy the country. Instead I got a small book that was poorly designed and pretty much 100% content-free. There are lots of pictures though. If you're looking for pictures covering the various tragedies that have befallen the Congo this is the book for you. If you like reading poorly edited rants, this might be the book for you. If you actually want to read and learn... invest your $10 in a better book.

Total Disappointment
I purchased this book as research for a paper on genocide in the Congo, and quickly discovered there was hardly any information whatsoever - instead, each page is a photograph with one or two sentences underneath. What facts were given were strewn amongst run-on sentences, spelling errors, and horrific grammar.

This book is filled with photographs of corpses, dismembered arms and legs, and so on. While this is a legitimate aspect of the mass murders that took place in the Congo, it would have been most helpful if the book had provided the information the title promised - the links between the genocide and President Clinton, the Paris Club, etc.

I had no intention of purchasing a picture book - I could have read Time Magazine to obtain photographs and propaganda if I was after such drivel. The only reason I gave this book one star is no stars was not an option.

Most Inexpensive Deep Look at Real World Genocide

This book is a perfect complement to the more scholarly and policy-oriented book by John Heidenrich on "How to Prevent Genocide: A Guide for Policymakers, Scholars, and the Concerned Citizen." I strongly recommend that both books be bought and read at the same time.

This book is a cry from the heart of a Congolese, it has explicit photographs, and you can get through it in half an hour--what you see and feel will be with you for the rest of your life.

It is a good thing when a book of this utility and importance can make its way from the lower depths of Africa and--with the help of amazon--into the mainstream world where anyone can learn of its availability. This is not a book that will be found in libraries or used in classrooms--it is a book that is at once so inexpensive and so horrifying, that any adult who in any way cares about the future of the international community, should buy the same time that they get the Heidenrich book. Two men, world's apart, with one mind and the same broken heart.

Putting People First: How We Can All Change America
Published in Paperback by Times Books (1992)
Authors: Bill Clinton, Al, Senator Gore, and Albert, Jr. Gore
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.98
Average review score:

Pure Drivel
Anyone who can read would not be fooled by the pandering garbage in this book. Anyone who would be fooled by it probably can't read. Thus, who would possibly buy this book?

Most interesting in retrospect.
Although I voted for Bill Clinton twice for President, it was only recently that I happened to read this agenda-setting book from his 1992 campaign. It's astonishing at this late date to see how successful Mr. Clinton has been in turning his long-ago ideas into legislative reality. Yes, he has had some failures over his two terms (especially his failure to reform America's health care system on a large scale--he's had to make changes since in more piecemeal fashion). But the majority of the promises he made in 1992, he has since fulfilled. One of the most telling results of reading this book now, is to see how Mr. Clinton, like other politicians, has found that some of the things he thought of as black-and-white issues (such as civil rights problems in China) turn out to be much more complex once you approach them from inside the Oval Office. Despite hateful attacks on him from conservatives, President Clinton has turned out to be one of the most fair-minded and energetic presidents we've ever had. I guess I would have realized that from the first, if I'd only read this political roadmap back in '92.

I wish Gush & Bore had given us something like this to read
Obviously Bill Clinton is always going to be a political joke from now until the end of time, but this book from the 1992 campaign was certainly an interesting idea. I found it in a box and thought giving it a quick look before I tossed it might be interesting. In "Putting People First," candidates Clinton and Gore address thirty issues from Agriculture to Women and also includes the announcements for office and convention speeches of both candidates. For those who want something more than sound bits and joint campaign appearances (a.k.a., debates), a book like this gives you something to sink your teeth into. Of course, there was no similar volume from the Clinton-Gore administration in 1996, which is certainly not surprising. But what is sad it that we might never again see candidates lay out this many specifics for voters to look over. In an ideal world where everything is wonderful all the time ALL candidates for the Presidency would give us something this detailed. We certainly did not get that from either Gush or Bore this last time around. As for going through and checking what they did and did not accomplish, I have spent enough time grading the work of students without trying to add this to my work pile.

Al Gore Jr.: His Life and Career
Published in Hardcover by Birch Lane Pr (1992)
Authors: Hank Hillin, Hank Hillen, and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $1.00
Average review score:

Although I was assured by a friend that this book was democrat friendly, I picked up this book expecting a lot more depth than I received.

For a former FBI Agent, Hillin did not have much to say about his subject matter or political influences. If one did not pay attention, the style of prose made it sound like George W. Bush. Several times while reading this book, I felt cheated and realized that there was more good public information than Hillin was promoting.

This book has the thickness and breadth of selections in my mother's junior high school library, and considering it's adult intended target audience, is deeply disturbing. Hillin needs to go back and make substaintial additions to this book in order to do his subject justice.

That a one time house member, senate member, presidential candidate, vice presidential candidate and vice president elect or any ideology (let alone one allegedly shared by the author) could garner such shabby treatment is simply appaling and embarrassing. This book is not recomended for anybody.

The Clinton Syndrome: The President and the Self-Destructive Nature of Sexual Addiction
Published in Hardcover by Prima Publishing (1998)
Author: Jerome David Levin
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $0.68
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $2.83
Average review score:

Who would buy this?
Prima Publishing, a small company known for appealing to a market segment of right-wingers who have $24.95 to throw around on tacky books like the Starr Report, was counting on this book to be their big bestseller this year. Whoops. It's a clumsily-written analysis of Clinton that will surprise no one. Near the end of the book, the author -- some bearded, wild-eyed quack who no one else would publish -- appeals for the President to get help by going to see a therapist like the author himself. How touching.

Finally a psychological perspective!
Dr. Levin is an expert on addictions and the psychological forces that fuel them. His professional knowledge, combined with a good deal of research on Clinton's life, make his "speculative" case compelling and convincing. Clinton's stormy childhood has been acknowledged, but Levin is the first to trace cause and effect, and to try to penetrate Clinton's psyche--the place, of course, where the Lewinsky scandal sprang from. Levin pieces together past and present, and makes a compelling case for sexual addiction and unconscious trauma. Levin needs a writer, however, to craft his argument into a more convincing and fleshed out whole. A voyeuristic psychological profile of a political figure is a treacherous endeavor, especially considering the moral miasma that political scandals wade in. And Levin's conventional and informal prose do not do his subject, or his professional knowledge and experience, justice. But if you realize that Levin is a psychologist, and not a writer, you will be rewarded with a much needed and convincing portrait of our President as a psychological being.

Finally there is a really good evaluation of the Clinton-S
Well... I'm from Sweden, and that's all there is to say! We love these sexual affairs that involves your president Bill Clinton. The book is well written with a great deal of wise psychological explanations of his behaviour. We would like to send our greetings to the author.

From the Eye of the Storm: A Pastor to the President Speaks Out
Published in Hardcover by Westminster John Knox Press (1999)
Author: J. Philip Wogaman
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.70
Collectible price: $4.94
Buy one from zShops for: $0.74

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