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Book reviews for "Clinton,_Bill" sorted by average review score:

Bill Clinton (A Taking Part Book)
Published in Library Binding by Dillon Pr (1993)
Author: Victoria Sherrow
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $2.22
Buy one from zShops for: $104.65
Average review score:

A juvenile bio of Bill Clinton's road to the White House
If you are a young student researching a particular President of the United States, then you will discover that with the more recent residents of the White House a lot of the juvenile biographies were written when they were elected. Such is the case with "Bill Clinton" by Victoria Sherrow, which talks about his inaugural address in its introduction. So while you will find out about what Clinton was like growing up and about the political career that culminated in being elected President, you will not find out much about his administration. This 1993 volume talks a little bit about Clinton's first few months as President in general terms, although there is a list of seven goals (i.e., campaign promises) made in the 1992 campaign; however, this list does not include health care reform, which was the dominant issue for the first years of his administration. This book certainly makes better use of actual quotations from Clinton than other juvenile biographies. On the other hand, it refrains from talking about any of the character issues that would come to define the Clinton presidency, although this omission is certainly understandable for a book geared for young readers. "Bill Clinton" is illustrated with both color and black & white photographs of Clinton (and first cat Socks). Sherrow also wrote a companion volume about Hillary Rodham Clinton that same year. Both books are useful for providing background on the Clintons before they came to Washington, but if you are researching what happened after that point, you will have to look someplace else for information.

Bill Clinton: President of the 90's
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Robert Cwiklik
Amazon base price: $17.25
Average review score:

Fantastic reading
The book is easy to follow and explains the life of Bill Clinton to kids who are not ready for dictionary-size biographies. Superb work.

Bill Clinton: United States President (People to Know)
Published in Library Binding by Enslow Publishers, Inc. (1994)
Author: Michael D. Cole
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $2.20
Average review score:

Organized, Informative, and A Fresh View
The fact alone that the book is mainly focused on Bill's accomplishments - instead of downfalls, gives it right to be read. The book ventures through Bill's young life in Arkansas under an unsteady home to where he stood at his first presidential innaguration with a family of his own. This book is well written, and even has pictures to supplement the text. Overall the book was worth the short time it took to read - and kept me captivated to learn about one of the most controversial men in America.

The Clinton Presidency: The First Term, 1992-96 (Southampton Studies in International Policy)
Published in Hardcover by Palgrave Macmillan (1999)
Authors: Paul S. Herrnson, Dilys M. Hill, and Mountbatten Centre for International Stu
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $28.95
Average review score:

Important book to read
The Clinton Presidency, the first term is a must for one who want to know about Clinton and his administration. Clinton administration was the first post Cold War President that facing many new domestic and international issues. However, Herrnson and Hill were able to explain it in a very simple way with many deep information.

Comeback Kid: The Life and Career of Bill Clinton
Published in Hardcover by Birch Lane Pr (1992)
Authors: Jonathan Portis, Charles F. Allen, and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $1.98
Collectible price: $8.14
Buy one from zShops for: $2.76
Average review score:

It is an interesting book about President Clinton
It is an interesting book for ones who is interested in big politicians. The information is very detailed and interesting. Bill Clinton's life before his presidency is also explained.

Defining A Legacy; Bill Clinton And Hollywood Searching For Political Legacy
Published in Paperback by Standpoint Publishing and Communications Company (10 August, 2000)
Author: David James Knowles
Amazon base price: $12.99
Average review score:

Well I liked Clinton. So when I found this book which claims to bash him I was curious about its content. So I ordered it, and read it again and again. Since last September Knowles seemed to already reveal its revelation in an odd way. Knowles suggested a very divided, and polarized culture only appealing to minorities. Clinton overlook things which unified America. Instead Clinton became only interested in re-election. His justice department refused to investage foreign nationals who resided in America. Clinton mislead America and history and Knowles book shows his betrial.

Deliver Us from Evil
Published in Hardcover by Roberts Rinehart Pub (2002)
Author: Peter T. King
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.66
Collectible price: $19.02
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

History Wraped As A Mystery
This is an exceptionally fine account of the recent sucessful peace process and the role played by author-Congressman Peter King. The novel has a thinly disguised Peter King-like character who is a congressman from Seaford, New York (King's home base) collaborating with Bill Clinton to solve the fratricidal war in Northern Ireland. Interspersed with this very fine history are mysterious murders which impact upon the congressman's chances of re-election. ----The dialogue which author King provides is top notch. You can almost hear the brogue as the main actors meet to discuss the cliff hanger of a peace negotiation. --
The political dialogue is almost as good. The book is well worth reading. I suggest that author King use the historical material, in this mystery novel, as the foundation for a serious history of the recently successful detente in Ireland. King might also think of applying his many and obvious talents to the current Middle East crisis.

The Dysfunctional President: Understanding the Compulsions of Bill Clinton
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1998)
Authors: Paul, Phd Fick and Paul M. Fick
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $1.26
Collectible price: $3.16
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Average review score:

Understanding Bubba? Perhaps
As a rule, I am scornful of books that attempt to psychoanalyze public figures from afar; indeed, I am skeptical about psychology in general. In this case, the author himself points out that his analysis should only be taken so seriously considering he has never seen the 'patient'. I am also dubious about the notion of 'syndromes' in general. Certainly Bill is a liar and a vacillator who denies personal responsibility, but are these traits really caused by the fact that his father was an alcoholic? So I came to the book a skeptic. That being said, I found the book very compelling. The most amazing thing about it is it seems to predict the Lewinsky scandal, and Clinton's reaction to it. Those that loath Bill Clinton will certainly enjoy it, and find it very convincing. Those that love him will dismiss it out of hand. Those who are in between will be very disturbed.

Highwire: From the Backwoods to the Beltway - The Education of Bill Clinton
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion (1994)
Author: John Brummett
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

A look at the first year of Bill Clinton¿s presidency
John Brummett is (was?) a journalist for one of the Arkansas papers. He covered Clinton as a governor and wrote this book to give others some perspective on the figure of Bill Clinton. This particular book was written while Clinton was serving his first year in office as president.

Does the book offer anything new? In 1993 or 1994, it did. The author discusses the different issues that arose for the Clinton presidency and gives some explanation on what happened. He then puts Clinton's handling of the issue into perspective based on what he knows of Clinton in Arkansas. By reading the book, you see that Brummett does not seem to be surprised by anything he saw that first year.

He does not cover Clinton's childhood; this book is not really a biography in that sense. It is merely an explanation of the first year in the White House. Would I recommend reading the book? Only if you were doing a research project on Clinton. This could give you some insights. Otherwise, After watching Clinton for eight years, you probably already have an idea of how Clinton handles political issues.

Our 42nd President: Bill Clinton
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1993)
Authors: Dian Dincin Buchman and Jack L. Roberts
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $0.67
Collectible price: $12.16
Buy one from zShops for: $1.25
Average review score:

An enthusiastic intro to the new President, Bill Clinton
Because this Scholastic Biography of Bill Clinton was published in February 1993, the month after his first inaugural, it is more about how Clinton became President than it is about his presidency. Jack Roberts begins with Clinton begin nominated for President at the 1992 Democratic Convention, then goes back to the beginning when Bill Blythe was born in Hope, Arkansas. However, it is clear throughout this book that the focus is explaining Clinton's path to the White House. While not exactly partisan, this biography clearly wants to be enthusiastic about Clinton's election. Of course, this is not unique; I have found similar biographies about both George Bush and the new president, George W. Bush. On the back cover it appears there was a sub-title to the book, "Bill Clinton: A desire to make a difference." Roberts also makes an effort to highlight issues and concerns that would be of particular interest to young readers. The last chapter articulates Clinton's "New Covenant," that was supposed to be his vision for leadership. I am not sure any one even remembers that was his intended name for his administration, obviously chosen with an eye towards the history books. "Our 42nd President: Bill Clinton" is without illustrations, although the back cover does have the now famous photography of young Bill Clinton shaking hands with President John F. Kennedy back in 1963. In retrospect, given what came to pass over the eight years Clinton was in the White House, this book seems rather naive, but as an introduction for young students to the person who had just been elected President of the United States, it does a nice job of providing as much political ideology as it does biographical detail.

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