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Book reviews for "Clinton,_Bill" sorted by average review score:

American Woman: Lost and Found in Oklahoma
Published in Paperback by Full Circle Press (15 May, 2001)
Authors: Pam Fleischaker and Bill Clinton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $8.52
Average review score:

This collection of essays is a gem!
Pam Fleischaker writes with the savvy of an insider and the compassion of an outsider. Whether she is writing about her own typically tortured adolescence, which included not being asked to the high school prom, the challenge and joys of mothering teenagers, or Oklahoma's conservative political climate, her clarity and sharp wit are cutting-edge. These essays are engaging slices of life, most of which address themes with which we can all identify, naming issues with which many of us struggle. They are fun to read, accessible and touching.

Funny, entertaining and insightful
This collection of essays is a thoroughyl engrossing read. MS. Fleischaker's observations of family and raising children are funny and poignant, and you don't have to share the author's decidedly leftist politics to appreciate her insight and passion. This is definitely worth checking out, especially if you live in (or are from) the Southwest.

Bill & Al's Excellent Adventure: A Paper Doll Book
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1999)
Authors: Jim Becker, Andy Mayer, and Andrew Mayer
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $7.50
Average review score:

This is a very funny book, bought as teenager and still enjoy reading for a laugh! Never seen a presidential book quite like this! The outfits for the paper dolls are very funny!

An absolute great gift for expatriot friends
Bill & Al's Excellent Adventure : A Paper Doll Book takes a humorous stab at the top dogs in the White House, the Clintons and the Gores, by casting them as punch-out paper dolls. If you're in the market for a gag gift, particularly for friends living overseas or anyone remotely interested in Federal politics, I would highly recommend this book. The wardrobes are great and you do not have to be highly literate or politically astute to enjoy it immensely. We received this book as a gift from friends in Washington DC and we use it as a coffee table book. Our Australian friends all get a charge out of it, and it reminds us that we probably aren't missing any serious political development with historical significance by living offshore. It's truly an argument for abstaining from voting in US Federal elections all by itself. I would recommend keeping this book 'out of reach' if there are any pre-pubescent male children living in your house, or run the risk of them developing crushes on the 'White House Wives'.

The Bill Clinton Joke Book
Published in Paperback by Andre Deutsch (1998)
Author: Mitchell Symons
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

The other Bill Clinton Joke Book is better!
There is another BilL Clinton Joke book which has outsold this one in Britain by 10 to 1. Published by Robson Books the ISBN is 1861051948 and is available oN Amazon. There are jokes, top ten lists, quotes and much much more. I wrote it so let me know what you think!

The funniest Clinton jokes I've seen
I thought I'd seen all the Clinton jokes there were but this book had lots more. I was very impressed and I've bought copies for all my friends. Poor old Billy Bob!

Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe?
Published in Paperback by J W Publishing Co (1994)
Authors: Ann Wilson, Mark Farrow, and Sue Cooley
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

A very informative book well presented
The "Author, Ann Wilson does a super contribution to the citizens of this great country by having the concern to research the given facts and write and get this book published.

As stated in her ending dedication, the book is dedicated to all Patrotic Americans. A very well written book that identifys the credentials and qualifications of the officials that are supposed to be running the government in our best interest.Shows the elements that are really prevalient in controlling the country that most Americans are unaware of. It would be great if every American would read this book and see the direction of the destiny that will be our future and of our generations to come.

Informed Americans
We bought and read Ann Wilson`s book soon as it became available. Her book describes Clinton as is. Every American should read this book. They would see reality and be informed other than being mislead. Ann Wilson is certainly a credit to America. I appreciate her book and the contents show the true facts.

The Bridge To The 21st Century
Published in Paperback by Portland Publishing House (23 August, 2001)
Author: Cary Coole
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $10.55
Buy one from zShops for: $10.39
Average review score:

Great Reading.
I've just finished reading The Bridge to the 21st Century.I enjoyed it very much.Cary Coole's treatment of a period of time that I lived through was realistic ,meaningful and entertaining.It's authentic and well written.I hope he keeps on writing.

Engaging... History with unique twist and turns!
After reading this book I realized this is something that I want to keep on my bookcase for easy reference. The author reflects on his family in Texas and uses their lives as references to the events of the 20th century... sort of like a Grapes of Wrath. This is probably one of those books that is in the top 10 least known about that need to be read.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: A First Lady for Our Time
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1993)
Author: Donnie Radcliffe
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $0.80
Collectible price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.75
Average review score:

Excellent updated summary of the H. Clinton career.
Good anecdotal material coupled with some excellent insights into the First Lady's life and personality.

Very good
I read this book twice, and I loved it both times!

Impeachment Of Wm J. Clinton
Published in Library Binding by Twenty First Century Books (2000)
Author: Daniel Cohen
Amazon base price: $23.90
Used price: $2.21
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton: Everybody lost...
Ultimately, Daniel Cohen achieves his sense of balance in "The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton" by finding all the parties involved guilty of something. The Republican party was able to take advantage of competing standards in being critical of Clinton's behavior, applying a legal standard to his political behavior and a political standard to his legal actions. In a similar fashion Cohen uses various standards to find fault with one and all, which, I dare say, is a position most young readers can readily buy into.

In 1998 the U.S. House of Representatives voted for two articles of impeachment against President Clinton: committing perjury and obstructing justice. Clinton was acquitted by the U.S. Senate after a brief trial, but Cohen is well aware that the story involves much more than the Constitutional issues. Cohen presents the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the context of the "Character" issue that had followed Clinton throughout his run for the White House. Detailing the string of events that brought Lewinsky to the attention of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr. Even though he is writing for a younger audience, Cohen pays attention to details: he points out the employee photograph of Lewinski from the Department of Defense was used because it was the only one available until journalists finally tracked her down. A small detail, but important because in the world of news images matter. The chapters in which Cohen details how the White House counterattacked the building story and the testimony that became the focal point of the impeachment effort.

During the whole impeachment affair I always like to read news magazines rather than newspapers, because I appreciated the sense of perspective that you get from something that comes out weekly rather than daily. Cohen certainly takes advantage of the persepctive time affords him. I also like the fact that Cohen does not let his objectivity stand in the way of being critical: he notes that Betty Currie, the president's secretary, would have been an obvious witness to call but that the impeachment managers did not want to have a string of black witnesses being questioned by white males. Again, I think this sort of detail speaks to the quality of this book.

Ultimately, the information in this book may enlighten, but it probably will not persuade anybody, mainly because everybody's mind is made up on this one. I remember thinking it was a big mistake for the U.S. Supreme Court to let lawyers go after a sitting U.S. President in a civil trial and when Clinton denied having "sexual relations" with Lewinski I immediately knew that he was ruling out intercourse, but not other things. Along with what happened in Florida, it was an interesting couple of years educating children about the wonderful world of politics in this country. Of course, I am not sure too many students are interested in beating this particular dead horse, but this is an excellent treatment of the sordid chapter of recent American history.

A Fair Tale
Extremely well-written in an unbiased telling of the facts, Cohen presents this entire scandal in "the best light possible." Told chronologically, he incudes black/white photos and documents that keep this book moving at an acceptable pace. A much appreciated addition to any school or public library, this will be a popular reference for any school project concerning Presidents. Readers are left to draw their own conclusions about the "charmed" life and bad choices of this U. S. President. You can't do much better than that, Mr. Cohen.

Jove Laughs, They Say
Published in Hardcover by University Press of America (25 October, 2000)
Author: John F. X. Gillis
Amazon base price: $49.00
Average review score:

Unique Perspective
To research his book, the author painstakingly pored over every available transcript and parsed every sentence of the entire unabridged Starr report, which was ultimately the basis for President Clinton's impeachment. The author cleverly compares President Clinton's infamous and artful word usage -- such as with "is" and "alone" -- with Starr's equally clever and curious interpretations of the Independent Counsel's witness testimony.

The author also explores the so-called "talking points," the document allegedly composed by Clinton operatives to serve as a script for harmonizing the testimony of potential grand-jury witnesses, and believed by Starr (and others) to be proof of the president's attempt to obstruct justice. Dr. Gillis juxtaposes the talking points with the "Casket Letters," the documents many historians believe to be forgeries, which allegedly incriminated Mary, Queen of Scots, in the murder of her second husband.

If you think Ken Starr, Linda Tripp, Henry Hyde, and the Republican managers were the good guys during the impeachment and Senate trial of Bill Clinton, then this book may not be for you. If you think they are the avatars of evil, this book will be right up your alley. But those who are dispassionate and non-partisan will most appreciate the book for its unique perspective and analysis.

O, for a falconer's voice
First off, let it be known that YMHS did not plunk down 50 bucks for this stunning work. Instead it was perused stealthily over the shoulder of a more affluent acquaintance. That said, it is a fine piece of writing, albeit misnomered as nonfiction, and worth the cost both for laughs, non-jovian of course, and for the proof that Jack Gillis is a loyal political friend and an apologist nonpareil.

The goodly Doctor Gillis has a keen eye, a keener wit, and the keenest sense of the absurd. His goal of abstracting L'Affaire Monica from the pages of history and tossing it into the realm of letters is exquisite and, of course, politically obfuscatory. Still, it makes for excellent reading.

The "casket" tapes make an interesting dalliance in that Linda Tripp becomes the Bothwell. Does the goodly Doctor wish the same fate for Ms. Tripp? And what then for Judge Starr? The Scaife/Mellon Tower?

But the true villains of the book are the dastardly House Republicans, which makes for great fun, and proof positive the Jack Gillis is, to say the least, a partisan weaver of tall tales and torturous tautology. Nevertheless, this reader is saving his pennies that he might one day own this fine work that he might periodically enjoy the prose, if not the logic.

Judgment Day At the White House: A Critical Declaration
Published in Paperback by Wm. b. Eerdmans Pub. Co. (1999)
Author: Gabriel Fackre
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $0.38
Collectible price: $5.50
Buy one from zShops for: $0.70
Average review score:

A theological view of Clinton's manipulation of religion
This collection belongs on American bookshelves somewhere near the Federalist Papers and Common Sense. Written by American theological academics, few of whom could by any stretch be considered conservative, this book nonetheless objectively and honestly discusses the misuse and manipulation of religion by Bill Clinton to innoculate his presidency against the consequences of his sexual relations with "that" intern. This book is unique in that it presents an honest critique from the left on the Clinton presidency, and cannot be dismissed as driven by a conservative agenda to discredit the opposition. In fact, both sides of the discussion are thoroughly represented by various writers. Well written, articulate and thoughtful, this book is a valuable resource to be passed down to future generations in understanding the effect of the Clinton presidency on the American spirit.

Time tells
This is a thought-provoking book that will find a bigger audience with time, as history gives the electorate more perspective on our secular leaders who parade moral postures. Who one is does inform how one leads, and whether one should. The generation whose creed was "Question authority" should remember to require more answers.

Just the Facts - A Case for Impeachment: Over 200 Documented Lies, Misrepresentations & Contradictory Statements by William Jefferson Clinton
Published in Paperback by Putting Amer First (1997)
Author: Kenneth R. Becht
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $6.00
Collectible price: $21.99
Average review score:

"Just another book on Clinton?" I think not. Enlightening!
I had no idea that so many statements and promises made by Bill Clinton could be disputed. The book was easy to read and understand. This is one book that I want both my liberal and conservative friends to read.

Best book yet on Bill Clinton
After reading virtually every book written on Bill Clinton in the last 4-5 years I finally found one that presents factual evidence of all his wrong doing. The author uses Clinton's own words in quotes then shows later where he contradicts himself. History of impeachment was great too.

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