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Book reviews for "Charles,_John" sorted by average review score:

Bravo of the Brazos: John Larn of Fort Griffin, Texas
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Txt) (2002)
Authors: Robert K. Dearment and Charles M., III Robinson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $20.95
Average review score:

A fascinating tale of power and corruption
Bravo Of The Brazos: John Larn Of Fort Griffin, Texas by independent scholar Robert K. DeArment is the true life story of John Larn, a colorful Texas lawman turned frontier outlaw. No stranger to shootouts, Larn led a vigilante committee with widespread support and killed at least a dozen men before he turned 29. At first his killing of horse or cattle thieves on sight garnered approval, but then he started to kill for profit or revenge, and when Larn threatened to reveal the names of the people on his vigilante committee, a mob of relatives, former friends, and various associates ruthlessly silenced his threat and ended his life. Bravo Of The Brazos is a fascinating tale of power and corruption, as well as a welcome and appreciated contribution to academic American Frontier History & Biography collections.

Building Integrated Office Applications
Published in Paperback by Que (1996)
Authors: Gordon Padwick, Lisa A. Bucki, Kim Demers, Bob Dover, David, Dr Fullerton, Stuart Kippelman, John Lacher, William J. Orvis, Rod Paddock, and Rama Ramachandran
Amazon base price: $59.99
Used price: $11.94
Average review score:

A heavily dog-eared and marked up book on my shelf.
My thanks to Gordon Padwick. Integrated Office Application lifted the veil from my eyes and I finally understood how to control one MS Office application from another. It has great, practical examples of how to control Excel from Access, Access from Excel, Excel from Word, etc. Learning about CopyFromRecordset (an Excel Range method) was enough to justify purchase of this book! I grok it now.

Causal Reasoning: A Systems Approach (Studies in Cybernetics, Vol 23)
Published in Paperback by Taylor & Francis (1992)
Author: John Charles Francis
Amazon base price: $68.95
Average review score:

Merging AI and Systems Theory
This is an interesting book! The author combines Systems Theory with Artificial Intelligence using logic as a unifying paradigm. The result is a generalised theory of systems which supports logical and causal reasoning.

The practical application of the approach is shown by controlling a laboratory system. The results are impressive because control is achieved solely by reasoning about the system in real-time.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: An Owner's Companion
Published in Hardcover by Howell Book House (1990)
Author: John Evans
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $54.84
Average review score:

This book is wonderful, full of common sense & warmth.
This is THE book to read if you own a Cav. or are thinking of buying one. The author writes with warmth and a sound knowledge of the breed, gained through years of successful showing and breeding of these lovely dogs. The chapters on breeding and puppy raising are a must for anyone contemplating this avenue. Of particular appeal is the chapter on natural remedies for just about any ailment your dog may suffer from. Whether your Cav. is a pet or a show dog, I cannot recommend this book highly enough, it's wonderful.

Charles E. Burchfield at Kennedy Galleries: The Early Years, 1915-1929
Published in Paperback by Kennedy Galleries (01 October, 1977)
Authors: John I. H. Baur and Lawrence A. Fleischman
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:

Dark Art
CHARLES E. BURCHFIELD AT KENNEDY GALLERIES brings together early drawings and watercolors, along with the later "House and Trees in the Snow." The artist liked to paint nature, particularly as a reflection of his own moods: the expressionist "Battleships," the dramatic "Landscape with Sunflowers," the Oriental "Snow Flakes" and the boisterous "Storm in Sunlight." But straight steel bands took over romantic landscapes in "Moonset over the Railroad" and "Railroad Track in Spring." He made one gloomy self-portrait, unusual because he silhouetted his anonymous, rare figures in landscapes of misery and toil: "Corner House," "Factory and Houses," and "Gray House" painted human lives at grim subsistence levels. He distorted the expressionist landscape further in "Coke Ovens at Twilight," "Stars and Fires," and "View near Salem, Ohio." He always mistrusted his creative ability in posters and wallpaper design: yet my favorites from his art include his B&W-inked Wallpaper Study and Wallpaper Designs 1-4, all working earlier poetically natural watercolors into decorative patterns, along with his "Forest of Wild Thyme" poster. I also like his less pessimistically penciled "House and Tree" and "Study of Three Trees" and his charcoaled "Tree Study." John IH Baur and Lawrence A Fleischman give such a clear idea of Burchfield's art that readers can find where the artist fit in with James E.B. Breslin's MARK ROTHKO, Hugh Davies and Sally Yard's FRANCIS BACON, Lawrence Gowing's MATISSE, Sarah Whitfield's FAUVISM, and Sylvia Yount's MAXFIELD PARRISH.

Charles E. Ives: Memos
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1991)
Author: John Kirkpatrick
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.47
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $9.70
Average review score:

A classic American text.
Like Miles Davis, Duke Ellington and Charles Mingus' respecive autobiographies, Ives' "Memos" is a fascinating look at the inner workings of one of America's greatest gifts to international music. Like Mingus espescially, Ives was a very opinionated and . . . well, masculine presence. In fact, my favorite quote, which could have easily been Mingus as well is "Stand up and face the full force of a dissonance like a man." Yikes! This collection of essays - he decided against calling the project an autobiography because, in his mind, anyone who found himself important enough to deserve one probably didn't - deals with family, friends, but focusses primarily on music aesthetics. There are several stories of awful performances, justifications for experimentalism, and run-ins with his hilarious nemesis "Rollo". Highly recommended reading for anyone interested in experimental music, masculinity, Americana, as well as Ives' history. Hey, it's all straight from the horses mouth. A primary source like this is invaluable! We're lucky this stuff wasn't lost for good.

Charles M. Russell: The Life and Legend of America's Cowboy Artist
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (2003)
Author: John Taliaferro
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

"No one comes close"!
As a young boy he heard the words of Horace Greely, and indeed went west to seek fame, fortune, and adventure. After two years with Jake Hoover in the Judith, his dreams of wranglin', and ropin' came true at the O H ranch. Over time the home of the "Big Sky Country" became his perminant domain, and his mother Miss Montana, she blessed her son with a gift that would speek for many of his kind that ventured before him. He illustrated with brush, and canvas. He wrote in scripture, and sculptured in bronze. With his gift, C M Russell was able to protray what it was like to live in a time when spurs, the six-gun, and the feel of leather was a cowhands only cherrished parcel. He became the "Cowboys Cowboy", and the voice of the "Red-Man". Montana's dearest son had done what she wanted him to do. Russell for those who knew him was Loving, Kind, and Loyal. He never forgot his roots, no matter where he traveled. In the end Montana was more than proud of him. For she had raised him as Montanan. Over the years he became a Montanan. And at the end of the trail, he was buried as a Montanan.

Charles Wesley: A Reader
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1989)
Authors: John R. Tyson and Charles Wesley
Amazon base price: $60.00
Used price: $35.95
Average review score:

A Fantastic Resource
This anthology of Charles Wesley, compiled by John R. Tyson, is an indespensible resource for any serious student of the Wesley's. This is a fantastic collection of Charles's works, not to be missed!

Christian Leaders of the 18th Century
Published in Paperback by Banner of Truth (1981)
Author: John Charles Ryle
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.85
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

Ryle, though a true doctrinaire Calvinist, was a great Christian writer, soul-winner and preacher who really excelled in the area of historical portraiture.

This book is a classic. The biographies of Whitefield, Wesley (an Arminian ungrudgingly given his due as a great preacher of the Word) and Rowlands are truly profound and uplifting. Space is actually wasted, though, on Augustus Toplapy, when Ryle could have given us a picture of, say, the great John Newton, instead.

Still, this one is a must for those interested in the old gospel, great preahers, or church history. Bravo!

A Christmas Carol: The Original Manuscript
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1971)
Authors: Charles Dickens, John Leech, and Pierpont Morgan Library
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $8.37
Average review score:

This book is just fabulous!
This is one of the best stories ever written. Ebenezer Scrooge, is the biggest grouch on the world, almost murdering carolers that come to his door for the fact he just can't stand to be Merry, even at Christmas time. The 3 Ghosts (Ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmases to Come) take him to it's own time space, and show him how the Christmas was, and the funeral of Scrooge, only to find that he was unliked and hated, so that no one came to the funeral. This is a truly inspiring story, so I greatly encourage you to get this!

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