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Published in Hardcover by Sovereign Grace Trust Fund (2001)
Author: John Charles Ryle
Amazon base price: $21.69
List price: $30.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $21.54
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Average review score:

A wake up call to the Evangelical Church.
This was one of the first books by J. C. Ryle I ever read. Ryle's introduction alone was worth the price of the book. One by one Ryle pokes holes in many of the popular evangelical presumptions of his time; presumptions that haunt the evangelical church to this very day. "Holiness" is a call to serious Biblical Christianity that avoids the traps and snares of popular evangelical cliches.

Major Bible truths concise with clarity and references
The is the ultimate book on the clarity of the major bible themes. It addresses major topics in a format that is easy to follow and tough to deny. If you look up the references in scripture you will find that he has an amazing understanding for exactness. I challenge anyone to find a better work on Bible comprehension. Please email me if you do. I have never had any takers to date.

Immortal Wife: The Biographical Novel of Jessie Benton Fremont
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1990)
Author: Irving Stone
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.89
Collectible price: $5.00
Average review score:

greatest love story,and historical novel ever written!
I really enjoy Irving Stone's novels. He writes factually, and very humanistically. You feel like you are right there with the characters and experiencing everything that they are going through. Immortal Wife has been my favorite book since I was a teenager. Jessie Benton Fremont was a great supporter of her husband. Whether it be his political aspirations, his travels through California, or any trouble that he got into. A great book if you enjoy romance, history and the flavor of the Civil War era. John C. Fremont was a great explorer, and he and his wife were very much against slavery, and started the civil war talk on slavery even before President Lincoln did! This is a must read.

greatest love story,and historical book to date,egreat book
I find reading Irving Stone very informative. I get my romance and my history all rapped up into one book. Immortal Wife has been my favorite nov el since I was a young girl. My husband just recently purchased the book for me, and I reread it. I loved it the second time too!!

Introduction to Real Analysis
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (31 May, 1988)
Authors: John DePree and Charles Swartz
Amazon base price: $99.95
Used price: $69.97
Buy one from zShops for: $82.00
Average review score:

Correcting a mistake in my review...
In the place where it says that the Feynman-Kac formula is proven using gauge integration, please ignore it, because it's not true.

A unique introductory book on real analysis
So, we have another book on introductory real analysis. Yes, But this one has its own shine, keeping it apart from the classics (Rudin, Apostol, Bartle): It contains the first (and maybe the only) elementary exposition of the marvellous gauge integral. It's a clever and surprising extension of the definition of the Riemann integral, made by Kurzweil and Henstock in the fifties, with the purpose of constructing a Riemann-type integral with all the properties of the Lebesgue integral, and recovering the original spirit of Newton and Leibiniz (as far as primitives are concerned). McShane later showed that this kind of integral totally supersedes the concept of Lebesgue integral and measure. The gauge integral also supersedes the improper and Stieljes integrals, with the big pedagogical advantages of the Riemann integral.

However, the book form presentations of this integral (given mainly by its creators) are incomprehensible, period. On the other hand, Depree/Swartz achieves the previously unfulfilled purpose of giving a human-readable presentation of the gauge integral. It uses it as the main tool for teaching integration, and this is great, because all the book is very readable and down-to-earth. This book has other pearls, like his great presentation of differentiation in several variables (done with Frechet and Gateaux derivatives in a very smooth and clear way, better than Lang), and good topological stuff concerned with analysis as needed. It develops a different way of thinking about analysis, and all you need is a little basic calculus.

All things concerned, it's a first-class book that deserves to be read more and more. Gauge integration is a unfairly forgotten tool, that can enlighten many unsolved problems in mathematics (constructive mathematical analysis) and physics (path integration, as seen for example in the Feynman-Kac formula, proven using gauge integration), or simply make people think about advanced integration and analysis in a simpler way.

Introductory Algebra
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Publishing (1999)
Authors: Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, and Charles D. Miller
Amazon base price: $84.33
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

A great book!
I love the way this book has you work out problems in the margins as you go through the reading. This makes sure that you understand the work that you've read about, before you go on to the next piece. I also like the fact that every other odd problem is solved step-by-step in the back of the book.

This book has everything a Algebra 1 Student needs
Good Exercises and Examples,follows my childs High School Algebra every step of the way. The only problem is the web site is not working yet, but the book is worth more than it is sold for.

Iso 9001: 2000 Explained
Published in Hardcover by American Society for Quality (2001)
Authors: Charles A. Cianfrani, Joseph J. Tsiakals, John E. West, and Jack West
Amazon base price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $41.99
Average review score:

Worked for me
I went to the library to screen for authors and bought this book along with some others. I work in the Chemical Process Industries
and found it gave me tips on how to apply the standard in my situation. It seemed like the reasonably lengthed prose had depth. Reading the whole thing tipped us off to weakeness that sure-n-nuff the audit pointed out. It the books I've handed to my employees.

ISO 9001:2000 Explained
Quality managers, people considering implementing a Quality Management System and those who simply want to learn what ISO is and what it means, will find this book invaluable. It contains the newly adopted ISO 9001:2000 standard text and clear explanations of the requirements of each clause in practical terms. The authors provide examples of the application of the clauses for manufacturing, hardware, software and service organizations. They also clarify where additional requirements have been added or requirements deleted.

The audit checklists that follow the explanation of each clause will be useful to everyone: to those implementing a new system and to those with a system certified to the 1994 standard who may want to get a quick read of what they will need to do to transition to the 2000 standard.

John Doble's Journal and Letters from the Mines: Volcano, Mokelumne Hill, Jackson and San Francisco 1851-1865
Published in Paperback by Volcano Press (1999)
Authors: John Doble and Charles Lewis Camp
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

John Doble's Diary
One of the best journals of the early gold rush that includes a series of letters written by Doble before and during the Civil War. Poor spelling, no punctuation as Doble recorded his day-to-day experiences as a miner. His descriptions of life and times, of bonanza and borrasca, of the wagon trains arriving, and especially his description of his cabin, are classic. I have lived in Volcano, and spent many hours searching out the places described. After reading of his anguish over the death of his good friend, I went to the cemetery and found the tombstone placed there by him.

Living history as many of the places described in the book remain, but written from a perspective long lost.

Gold Trackers Delight!
My father and I got excited when we ran across this book documenting the exploits of John Doble in the gold country of Pine Grove, California.

Doble's Journal documents his search for gold specifically in the Pine Grove, Jackson areas. One could take this journal and retrace Doble's steps to find the best areas to prospect.

I definitly would add this one to my prospecting reference library.

Knots Untied
Published in Hardcover by Charles Nolan Publishers (10 October, 2000)
Authors: John Charles Ryle, J. C. Liverpool, and Douglas Wilson
Amazon base price: $23.96
List price: $29.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $20.86
Buy one from zShops for: $20.81
Average review score:

Holding One's Convictions in Evangelical Love
Once again Charles Nolan Publishing has done the Christian Church a real service with this re-publication of J. C. Ryle's "Knots Untied".

Knots Untied is perhaps Ryle's most controversial writing. In it he defends his position as an evangelical Anglican (Church of England) member and minster. He sets forth his positions in contrast to the high church movement of his day, and in contrast to other church traditions such as Presbyterianism and the Baptists. (I am writing this review from my Baptist perspective.)

Throughout the book, his convictions are set forth
in a gracious and kind Christian attitude of love for those that disagree with him; an attitude that would be well for the some segments of the modern evangelical and reformed Christian church to imitate.

You may not agree with all of Ryles's views, but in the things essential he stands squarely on the Biblical evangelcial and reformed fundamentals. Just as important you will be challenged to think more carefully about those things on which you disagree with Ryle, and perhaps not be always so quick to expound your differences so dogmatically without the loving qualification Ryle uses in expounding his own distinctive views.

Yes, there are issues in Knots Untied where I disagree with
Bishop Ryle, but in reading Knots Untied, my respect for the evangelical Bishop remains undiminshed. On the contrary that respect has increased. I can not help but love him all the more as I see in his attitude toward those who disagree with him, a gracious spirit and heart that imitates the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Perfect Book for the Serious Anglican
"Knots Untied" is the perfect book for the serious Anglican Christian. Written by the first Bishop of Liverpool, J.C. Ryle, this work is a veritable treasure for the Anglican who is looking for theological red meat.

Ryle lived in time much like our own. A time when "new teachings" were disrupting the Church of England...just as "new teachings" by various Anglican leaders are disrupting Anglicanism in the western world today.

Unlike many modern Anglicans, Ryle had no trouble identifying himself as a the grand tradition of the great English Reformers and as the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion enumerated. In this work, with outstanding clarity of thought and with razor-like precision, he answers all the hot questions of his day...and most of those today.

This book is not just for clergy. One of the aspects of Ryle's genius was his ability to write definitively enough for scholars and yet, to do so in a fashion not offputting to the people in the pews. Every chapter is memorable and if you're not careful you'll have more highlighted than not.

Christians of other persuasions will also benefit from this work. Informed Presbyterians and Baptists know that for most of the period since the Reformation, they have differed very little theologically speaking from Anglicans, save the form of church government (Presbyterians) and in the matter of baptism (Baptists).

Book lovers will appreciate the great care the publisher has taken to produce a first rate presentation and library grade binding. This volume is the second in the series of Ryle reprints. My advice is to buy one copy to use...and another to have for safekeeping.

Light From Old Times
Published in Hardcover by Charles Nolan Publishers (04 February, 2000)
Authors: John Charles Ryle, J. C. Liverpool, and Douglas Wilson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $19.45
Average review score:

Light From Old Times
J. C. Ryle writes from the perspective of a general that is beginning to see the battle slip away. As a bishop of the Church of England in the twilight of the 19th century, Ryle sees forces of influence working within his own church which will eventually bring about its demise. He defends the so-called evangelical wing of his church against attacks by the Tractarians and Latitudinarians and the "high churchmen". These groups and others in the 19th century Church of England were calling for a rapproachment with Rome.

Ryle calls the church back to its heritage by recounting in vivid style the testimony of the Marian martyrs of the church in the 16th century. He is particularly critical of attempts by the "high churchmen" of his day to reestablish an observance of the Lord's Table more in keeping with the Roman Catholic mass. He proves, to this readers satisfaction, that the litmus test issue which condemned Hooper, Latimer, Ridley et al was the "real presence" doctrine of the Lord's Supper. By refusing to confess that the elements of the table were changed by the office of the church into the real flesh-and-blood presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Marian martyrs sealed their doom.

Ryles work is prophetic when one considers the compromised condition of the Church of England today. It serves as a warning to all churches who are committed to an orthodox, historic understanding of the Gospel of Christ.

A "forgotten" part of church history
J. C. Ryle did a real service for the Christian church when he first wrote "Light From Old Times". This hard copy edition from Charles Nolan Publishing makes that Ryle classic available once again to a church that needs so desperatly to remember the lessons of history.

"Light from Old Times" sheds light on a time of church history that is not as well known as it should be. Who were the English reformers? Why did they die, being burned at the stake? What was the course of Anglican church history after the reformation? In "Light from Old Times" we see the foundations laid for the so called "high church" view in contrast to the evangelical reformed view of men like Hooper, Latimer, & Ridley. Ryle could see where the "high church" movement was going to take the Anglican church, and time has proved him correct. Given the current direction of some areas of the evangelical church, the church today would be wise to take heed to Ryle's warnings.

The Love Poems of John Donne
Published in Paperback by Pan Macmillan (07 April, 1983)
Authors: John Donne and Charles Fowkes
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Donne's depth and passion (Hardcover edition)
This lovely volume beautifully designed on creamy white paper brings to the reader the love poems of John Donne (1572-1631). A comprehensive and sympathetic introduction by the editor Charles Fowkes accompanies it. Mr. Fowkes sets out to explain the background of Donne's poetry and the influence thereof on his own life. But anyone who intends to read Donne should be well prepared. Although his use of language is colloquial, it's riddled with allusions. Donne certainly had a vivid and intense imagination. Further I think that familiarity with authors from the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries would be an asset.

Expect no cozy love poetry here. Donne's attitude is defiant and aggressive. He certainly knew all of the stages and emotions of love ranging from rapture to deep despair. The young Donne's disrespect for women and his intense sexuality might perhaps put some readers off. Though the courtship and marriage to Anne More (in 1601) would bring a change. In terms of class Anne was by far Donne's superior, and her father forbade the marriage. Yet Donne had deeply fallen in love, and put his career on the line to marry Anne secretly. It cut him down in arrogance. Anne died in 1617, worn out by her yearly pregnancies (Donne had quite an appetite).

The reader can track the courtship and marriage of Anne and John Donne throughout the poems. But often Donne will address an imaginary lady. As Mr. Fowkes indicates the background of his poetry is difficult to pinpoint. And add to this the fact which we should also not forget, that Donne was a Catholic who converted to the Anglican Church and felt guilty about it.

A complicated man harbouring many selves and souls. Even though I may not agree with Donne's aggressive ways in several poems, he expresses himself with such an intensity and passion (that I cannot avoid him), which makes up for some of the most compelling and brilliant poetry ever written in the English language.

Excellent combination of writer and voice.
The voice of Richard Burton reciting John Donne is a magical combination. Burton has the flair that captures the feeling and intensity of this poet. Donne, known for his writing ability, his technique is known as conciet, can be dense to read. Burton opens up the words and the meanings with his rich voice and perfect inflection.

Whether you are timid about poetry or love John Donne, this is the point of no return.

Natural Attenuation of Fuels and Chlorinated Solvents in the Subsurface
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1999)
Authors: Todd H. Wiedemeier, Hanadi S. Rifai, John T. Wilson, and Charles Newell
Amazon base price: $150.00
Used price: $117.96
Buy one from zShops for: $117.96
Average review score:

An Excellent Pragmatic Text
This is an excellent book full of useful information pertaining to natural attenuation. The text covers a great deal of information and offers comments on other remedial methods and limitations. Included is information of processes affecting solute fate and transport, attenuation of source zones and plume formation, abiotic processes, intrinsic bioremediation, estimating source masses, denitrification, methanogenesis, etc. Great book! I highly recommend it.

From the GZA Bioboard - A timely book for remediation
"This is the finest compendium of research published over the last 20 years involving fuel and chlorinated solvent degradation in groundwater. The authors should be applauded for their efforts."


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