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Book reviews for "Charles,_John" sorted by average review score:

Mysteries of John
Published in Hardcover by Unity (1997)
Author: Charles Fillmore
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $14.89
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

Deep insights from one of the greatest mystics
If you are not satisfied with superficial and shallow interpretations of the Scripture that we hear a lot in our days, this book is certainly for you. It explains the book of John from a metaphysical point of view. The idea is that the Bible is a deeply symbolic book, which uses people, places and events as symbols of certain stages of our inner development. The Bible was written not about people who died many centuries ago - it is written about us and our experiences in the process of spiritual evolution and an inner unfoldment.

You will find this book helpful in many ways, especially if you are looking not only for an intellectual understanding, but its practical application. It will lead you to the further realization of your spiritual identity, with the fullness of power of glory and power that follows. And this will be a true "new birth"!

To all what I said I need to add that I translated this book into the Russian language and published it on the web.

The Mystery Readers' Advisory: The Librarian's Clues to Murder and Mayhem (Ala Readers' Advisory Series)
Published in Paperback by Amer Library Assn Editions (2001)
Authors: John Charles, Joanna Morrison, and Candace Clark
Amazon base price: $30.00
Average review score:

Easy to use reference guide
I purchased this guide to help me select mystery books as gifts for Christmas, and what a help it was! Not only is it so simple to use, but it recommends the top authors in all the different kinds of mysteries, such as cozies, technothrillers, historicals, noir, etc. It also gives a lot of valuable information on mystery awards, organizations, and websites. Definitely worth the $30.00 I spent!

North Carolina Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
Published in Hardcover by Charles Scribners Sons/Reference (1998)
Authors: John H. Long, Gordon Denboer, and Charles Scribners Publishing
Amazon base price: $135.00
Used price: $124.99
Average review score:

A must book for genealogical Research
This book is the best I have ever seen for showing the chronology of county boundary changes. The maps not only show the changing boundaries vs time, but show the location of the various cities, rivers, creeks, etc. A great book for genealogists with ancestors in North Carolina.

The Northern Lights: Lighthouses of the Upper Great Lakes (Great Lakes Books)
Published in Hardcover by Wayne State Univ Pr (T) (1995)
Authors: Charles K. Hyde, Ann Mahan, and John Mahan
Amazon base price: $35.95
Used price: $21.84
Buy one from zShops for: $22.95
Average review score:

A Great book on the Great Lakes
The endpapers of this book feature an 1848 map of lighthouses on the Great Lakes. The evolution of the Lighthouse Board and the Fresnel lens are accompanied with historical photos as the book moves toward the 20th century. There are even some sequential photos of early training exercises for keepers and rescue workers. Readers then get to meet some of those keepers and their families, not in dry biographies, but in colorful accounts and memoirs. Once acquainted with these brave men and women, the tour of the Great Lakes lights begins, and sometimes I think that you see these lights today through their eyes. There is a pride in those that have been lovingly preserved, and a sadness for those in ruins. Each light covered has its historical significance and photo; some lights have more than one. A great many of the shots are aerial views, all in all a treat for any lighthouse buff.

Old Paths
Published in Paperback by Banner of Truth (20 May, 1999)
Author: John Charles Ryle
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.33
Buy one from zShops for: $8.28
Average review score:

The Doctrine of Salvation Clearly Illustrated
The truth of the Gospel and tenets of Biblical Christianity illustrated as I've never seen written nor heard preached in my lifetime.

The author's concern for the state of men's eternal souls is palpable.

Sound, Biblical exposition. Solid spiritual meat to satisfy the hungry seekers soul. A bright light under which to "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;..." (2 Corinthians 13:5)

Read the chapter entitled "Few Saved" and judge if you are one of the "few" who's found the narrow way.

Read the chapter on the Holy Ghost, and the absolute necessity of receiving Him so that we are empowered to walk in the Spirit as the Word commands.

It's time we cast off preconceived ideas and denominational doctrines that do not line up with the whole Word of God. We need to be healed of our spiritual blindness and self-righteousness. May the Lord grant all who read this book "eyes to see and ears to hear". Your soul depends upon it!

Other Dickens: Pickwick to Chuzzlewit
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1999)
Author: John Bowen
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $35.00
Average review score:

Best of Times, Best of Books
Early Dickens has alays been my favorite, and John Bowen's book is an excellent companion to those wildly energetic first novels. The exciting and thought provoking chapter on Oliver Twist alone is worth the price of the book and will send you back to re-read the novel with a greater appreciation of Dickens' genius.

Pheasant Tales: Original Stories About America's Favorite Game Bird
Published in Hardcover by Countrysport Pr (1995)
Authors: John Barsness, Philip Bourjaily, Chris Dorsey, Jim Fergus, Steve Grooms, Gene Hill, Tom Huggler, Jay Johnson, Robert F. Jones, and Randy Lawrence
Amazon base price: $39.00
Used price: $25.00
Collectible price: $41.29
Buy one from zShops for: $30.80
Average review score:

Please excuse my spelling, it's terrible This book is terrific. I started reading this book and couldn't put it down. It is a fine collection of stories ranging from the great soilbank days when Kansas alone had 4 million birds to the Royal hunts in Europe where an average daily bag mesaures in the thousands, It has stories more like mine where the average hunt ends with tired dogs and few birds. The book through it's many differant authors also explores the ethics associated with hunting. This book is for the bird hunter who's cleaning his gun for the third time this week when hunting season isn;t for 6 months. It's for the guy who can't stop dreaming of how his new pup will do his first time out. It's for the guy who spends more time with his dogs than with his wife. All hunters will enjoy this book, but the true bird hunter won;t be able to put it down.

The Political Theory of John Taylor of Caroline
Published in Hardcover by Associated Univ Pr (1977)
Author: Charles William Hill
Amazon base price: $38.50
Used price: $26.95
Average review score:

Excellent Book
The Political Theory of Jon Taylor of Caroline is book which should be on the shelf of any Jeffersonian.Professor Hill provides in detail the complete political theory of John Taylor
and his defense of agarianism.The author provides information on
Taylor's relationship with other Jeffersonians and how they
fought to implement limited government. My only disagreement
is that too much emphasis is put on minor differences with
Taylor's friend and collaborator, Thomas Jefferson.Although it

is true Taylor and Jefferson disagreed on minor points of
banking, he and Jefferson were friends and kindred spirits.

Jefferson and Taylor agreed on the fundementals of republican
government: agrarian democracy, the sovereignty of the people
limited federal government, reform of the federal judiciary,
and individual liberty. They did very much disagree on the
issue of slavery. Taylor reamined loyal to Jefferson
throughout his political life, twice being an elector
for him, and introducing the Virginia Resolutions in the
Virginia Legislature in 1799. Professor Hill does show
Taylor's greatness as an American philosopher.
Overall an excellent read.

Quoting Spurgeon
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (1999)
Authors: Anthony J. Ruspantini, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and John F. MacArthur
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $12.30
Average review score:

Probably the best collection of Spurgeon quotes in print!
If you enjoy and are blessed with beautiful quotes, then this is the book for you! These quotations by that great "Prince of Preachers" are most definitely in a class by themselves. As a faithful reader of Spurgeon, (having read roughly 18,000 pages of his works) I can honestly say that this is the best gleaning of quotations from Spurgeon's works that I know of. The reader will not be disappointed, for every quote is a jewel!

Remembering John Krumm: a biography based on tributes by his friends
Published in Paperback by Forward Movement (1998)
Author: Charles H. Long
Amazon base price: $15.90
Average review score:

brilliant western bodhisattva
John krumm moved all those who had the good fortune to be blessed to share his presence...this is the least of remembrances...thank you, his admirers...would that any of us had had the chance to share our special movements.

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