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Book reviews for "Bumsted,_John_Michael" sorted by average review score:

Clambake: A Wampanoag Tradition
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Russell M. Peters, John Madama, and Michael Dorris
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $12.49
Collectible price: $17.50
Buy one from zShops for: $12.15
Average review score:

A most interesting take on a Wampanoag tradition.
As a window into the life of a Native American tribe that has lived on Cape Cod since long before the Mayflower landed in Plymouth, this book stretches well beyond the Clambake. Beautifully told and photographed, it is the story of how Steven, a Wampanoag Indian boy, is instructed in the tradition of clambaking from his grandfather, Russell Peters. In the process, he learns a great deal about his people, as does the reader.

Fantastic representation of the People of the First light
Wampanoag Indians are the original tribe that met the pilgrims and white settlers and it is about time that someone stepped up to the plate and told the truth. A fantastic book about the true Native Americans that are alive and strong today that white america will never embrace and accept the fact that they are beautiful people with a rich culture and heritage

Coast Redwood: A Natural and Cultural History
Published in Paperback by Cachuma Pr (2001)
Authors: Michael G. Barbour, John Evarts, and Marjorie Popper
Amazon base price: $27.95
Average review score:

Finally a redwood book with facts to match its pictures
Coast redwood is the world's tallest tree. It is also one of the most useful,rapidly producing enormous volumes of high-grade timber that satisfies many of man's structural and esthetic needs. It grows in very wet habitats that support high biodiversity. And the land it grows on is often fragile and easily eroded with disastrous consequences. For these reasons, and some others, the management and conservation of coast redwood has for well over a century been a focus of popular passions and public policies. From the fraudulent land-grabs of the Timber and Stone Act days to the tree-sit of Julia Butterfly Hill, this valuable and beautiful tree has excited those who would destroy it,those who would preserve it, and those who would use it sustainably.Coast redwood is also a botanical curiosity, from its hexaploid genome to its clonal habit; and much has been learned of its paleohistory. Finally, it is probably the tree that is known of by more people than any other, famous almost everywhere in the world. It is not surprising that much ink has been spilled over the years because of this tree. It has probably inspired the writing of more books than any other woody species, and the publication of more pretty pictures. Unfortunately, most of those books were written when little was known of the science of redwood; or when environmental photography had few practitioners; or by authors who knew a good sales opportunity but had little knowledge of their subject. Well, finally a redwood book has emerged that has the facts to match its utterly stunning pictorials. Though team-written by six authors, its expertise is unquestioned, and its smooth editing lets you glide without bumps from one topic to another. And the topics are comprehensive: origins and distribution, life history, ecology, wildlife, harvest and utilization, history of preservation, and conservation and management. Before writing this review I focused mainly on the biology, and found it nearly impeccable, and far more detailed than what is available elsewhere. But I found myself frequently turning pages to admire the color photos, or the nineteenth century black-and-whites, or the fascinating sidebars on a wide variety of subjects. So maybe I missed an overstatement, or even a blunder somewhere. Maybe. But since this is hands-down the most sumptously illustrated, factually rich monograph of any single tree species ever written for a popular and professional readership, I can only recommend you buy it. But only if you have an interest in forestry, botany, the environment, conservation, history, or wildlife. And if you think you can keep friends and family members from snatching it when your back is turned.

A must read for anyone interested in Redwood forests
Novices and academics alike will want copies for their libraries.

This is the first contemporary book that outlines the complete natural and cultural history of the world's tallest tree the Coast Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens. This book makes the most up-to-date scientific information about the trees, their ecology and associated wildlife, accessible and exciting to ordinary folks.

The authors tell the story of these remarkable trees, their logging, the emotions they have inspired, as well as the past- and present-day battles to preserve these forests in an easy to read, balanced manner.

Published in Audio Cassette by Isis Audio (1998)
Authors: John E. Gardner and Michael Tudor Barnes
Amazon base price: $84.95
Average review score:

A spy novel with a magic twist!
Herbie Krueger must find out why Gus Keene was killed. Along the way, he finds out that his friend was a master magician and member of the Magic Circle. Why did he keep this hidden from all, and why did he take on another identity to perform? Herbie finds out that these answers directly tie in to Gus' death.

John Gardner is an Associate of the Inner Magic Circle and this book shows it. It gives incredibly detailed descriptions of some historical magic events, routines, and even an excerpt from the "Ceremony of the Broken Wand" from a magician's funeral. It's as informative as it is entertaining and I guarantee you'll find yourself bitten by the magic bug when you get through!

Now this is a spy novel!!
Gus Keene is the British Secret Service's best confessor (interrogator). When his car is blown up, Herbie Kruger (the King of malapropisms)is brought out of retirement to find out whodunnit. He finds, instead, that Gus was one of the world's greatest magicians, and that he (Herbie) is in grave danger. Herbie moves through a maze of magic, I.R.A. plots, and Iraqi terrorism to find out what happened to poor old Gus. The answer is worth the read

Cry of the Drummer
Published in Paperback by Worldrock Pub (1996)
Author: John Michael Austin
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $3.69
Average review score:

Five Star reader!!!!!
Excellent book!!!! Five stars!!! I'm a musician .....a drummer, like Johnny. It gave me hope for my own career, and I'm no where near as bad off as Johnny was, close (minus the drugs), but not as bad (and I thought I was bad off till I read this book). And Billy, Johnny's friend also was inspiring. This book kept me in suspence through out. I can relate to Johnny and the stuff he went through. At the end, I just cried. Very well written by John Michael Austin. He is also a drummer and, that made it all the more special. I'd like to shake John's hand for a book well written :o) One more thing, John. When's the movie coming out???? This book is definitly movie worthy!

This book is everything for everyone. Inspirational, motivating. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Johnny Covini makes us realize that no matter how low we are in our lives, there is a drive deep within ourselves to make it. We have to love ourselves first before we can take on the task of achieving anything else. Excellent read. These are the kinds of books that movies are made of.

Emergency Rescue Vehicles (Enthusiast Color Series)
Published in Paperback by Motorbooks International (1997)
Authors: Michael Haenggi, Mike Haenggi, and John Holmgren
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.25
Average review score:

A book that acts like a video!
Can a book be better than a VHS video? In this case, YES!

This book has color photos and informative, educational text. It covers rescue pumpers, squad trucks, ambulances, boats, ships, helicopters, and planes.

The author went out of his way to find photos of unique rescue vehicles such as mini-hovercrafts to what may be the largest ambulance in the world. Also covered and shown is the most sophisticated rescue truck in the nation.

A great reference for the emergency vehicle fan, modeler, or collector.

A rescue lover's companion
This book is short but it rules! It's got a full color gallery of rescue trucks, ambulances, planes, helicopters, boats, wreckers, and more. Check it out if u find it.

Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (18 November, 1997)
Authors: Michael E. Zimmerman, J. Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen J. Warren, and John Clark
Amazon base price: $36.20
Used price: $9.10
Collectible price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

An Excellent Introduction to Environmental Philosophy
Regardless of whether you are interested in deep ecology, animal rights, envirnmental ethics,eco-feminism or political ecology, this excellently edited edition will have something of interest for you. Those who are looking for a more scientific approach to examing our relationship with nature, as oppossed to the more philosophical writings of Muir, Thoreau and Abbey, this book will be especially appreciated.
Published primarily for use in environmetal philosophy/science courses at the university level, this book is very useful in providing a well researched, diversen sampling from some of the most important theorists in the field. Essays by J. Baird Calicott, Tom Regan, author of the revolutionary work "The Case Animal Rights", Holmes Rolston III, author of the seminal text "Environmetal Ethics", the Norweigan philosopher Arne Naess and , the so-called founder of the deep Ecology movement, Aldo Leopold, author of the famous "Sand County Almanac", as well as works by other important scholars such as George Sessions, Warick Fox, the famous eco-feminist historian Carolyn Merchant, John Clark and Gary Snyder along with many others.
Although the essays contianed in this text can be challenging at times, in the end the payoff definitely makes it worth the effort. This difficulty is, at least, in part due to the fact that what this book requires is a new way of examining our relationship with nature and a willingness to examine problems from a more holistic perspective, which can sometimes be a hard thing for those taught that the world is here simply for man's exploitation (gender specificity intended). This volume is particularly effective in giving students a well-rounded introduction to many of the most important issues in environmental writing today. As the seriousness of our ecological problems persist and even worsen, this book will continue to be a highly informative source of information for students and instructors for years to come.

Excellent Reader!
I'm convinced this is the best way to learn about Environmental Philosophy! While some sections are difficult and can bog you down, most are clear and well-written.

I'd recommend this book as both a teaching tool and as something you can pick up to learn on your own. It's more difficult than most pleasure reading but the subject is particurarily heavy.

This kind of education is essential to the environmentalist or someone trying to understand the movement.

The Essential Spider-Man: Amazing Spider-Man 21-43, Amazing Spider-Man Annual 2&3
Published in Paperback by Marvel Books (2002)
Authors: Stan Lee, J. Michael Stracynski, John, Jr. Romita, and Steve Ditko
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.50
Collectible price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.31
Average review score:

This is the second book to the Essential Spider-Man collection, their are 2 different covers and the other one is out of stock, for some reason they dont tell you this is the 2nd one but it is, it takes off where the first one left off, if you get the first one youll be hooked and youll have to get this one, and the other three. These Essential Spider-Man books are incredible!

The best Spider-Man story ever vs. Doc Ock in issues #31-33
Volume 2 of "The Essential Spider-Man" offers up issues #21-43 of the "Amazing Spider-Man" along with the original stories from Annuals #2 & 3. These are the issues that offer some big changes for both the character and the comic book. For the character, besides the introduction of new villains we see Liz Allen and Betty Bryant replaced in Peter Parker's affections by Gwen Stacy and (at long last) Mary Jane Watson. For the comic book it is artist John Romita (Sr.) taking over for Steve Ditko with issue #39, "How Green Was My Goblin." Of course, this is one of the most famous Spidey issues of all time as Spidey and the Green Goblin are both unmasked and things become very, very interesting.

I understand why some would complain that these reprints are in black & white but I have discovered at least one benefit to reading these comics without color, and that is a greater appreciation of the artwork of Steve Ditko. When I was reading these comics in 1965-67, I was happy to see Romita replace Ditko as an artist. However, as I re-read the Spider-Man comics drawn by Ditko I realize that although his figures are not exactly drawn in the most realistic style, he is a master of composition and pacing. Just look at the cover of #24 for example, but leaf through any of his issues and study what he is doing and I think you will be as impressed as I am as you watch Spider-Man tackle the Beetle, the Clown and his Masters of Menace, Mysterio, the Crime Master, the Molten Man, the Scorpion, the Cat, Ka-Zar, the Rhino, and even J. Jonah Jameson and the first of his killer robots.

Yes, the two-part confrontation between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin that begins Romita's tenure on the comic book is a classic story, which is at the heart of this summer's blockbuster movie (notice they do an homage to the cover of #39 in the film). However, I would make a case that this collection includes another of the greatest Spider-Man stories in issues #31-33. Peter Parker has parted ways with Betty Bryant and Gwen Stacy has appeared upon the scene, but that means nothing because Aunt May is very sick. Spidey gets Doc Connor to help with a formula that can save her life, but then it is stolen by the henchmen of Doctor Octopus. As the last of these three issues begins Spider-Man "is now trapped beneath tons of fallen steel, with the precious serum lying just out of reach, as the fatal second's tick by..." (quoting Stan Lee of course). But Spider-Man already is responsible for the death of his Uncle Ben and he is not going to fail Aunt May. There are other Spider-Man stories as good, but none better than this one, which finds both Lee and Ditko at their peaks.

Five Architects: Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1997)
Authors: Peter Eisenman, Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk, Richard Meier, and Michael F. Graves
Amazon base price: $19.25
List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.95
Average review score:

A "modern" classic (if that's not an oxymoron)
The best reason to get this book is not for the drawings or houses, but for the introduction. This intro is one of the late Colin Rowe's best writings, and clarifies the *difference* between the works presented inside and the works' inspiration from 1930's Modernism, and all the cultural/historical baggage that goes with it. Rowe's writing concerns itself less with form and visual/formal parrallels, which goes somewhat against the stereotypes of Rowe's clique of "Fingerlake Formalists" and presents Rowe as a more astute socio-political analyst than you might otherwise assume.

Buy it for the essay. Take the rest with a grain of salt.

All the info with no waffle
This is one of the best books of its kind, showing why these men went on to be of the best in their field. It is worth buying simply for Meier's Smith house and Gwathmey's Residence and Studeo (1966) alone. These along with Eisenman's theories for both house 1 + 2, though rather OTT in real terms, is insightfull none the less, as well as an indepth review from the ever critical eye of K. Frampton, make this one of my most prized possetions.

Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (15 January, 1997)
Authors: Robert C. Ward, John A. Jerome, John M., III Jones, Robert E. Kappler, Albert F. Kelso, Michael L. Kuchera, William A. Kuchera, Michael M. Patterson, Barbara A. Peterson, and Felix J. Rogers
Amazon base price: $120.00
Used price: $44.95
Buy one from zShops for: $39.89
Average review score:

Great for beginning and experienced osteopaths.
This is the long awaited basic textbook for osteopathic medicine. It is surprisingly complete, covering philosophy, history, research, and manipulative techniques. The beginning osteopathic student may find it most useful for its practical discussion on the techniques--high velocity, myofascial release, etc. I believe it is also helpful in standardizing our terminology, which will make it easier when taking board exams or talking with colleagues from other osteopathic schools. It includes contributors well known within the osteopathic community, including Michael and William Kuchera, Melicien Tettambel, Eileen DiGiovanna, and many others. As a family practice resident I frequently turn to this textbook first when I want to know more about how to treat a patient or when preparing lectures for students and housestaff.

The osteopathic manipulative therapy bible!
This text is actually required reading for most if not all osteopathic medical students. It is a 'textbook', however, and hence completely (sometimes exhaustively!) comprehensive. But it is easy to read so that anyone with an interest in OMT will get a methodic how-to for myriad techniques, also a thorough history of osteopathic medicine to boot! One of my OMT professors at the University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine wrote or co-wrote a few of the chapters so of course, I think those are the best! If you are looking for an educational approach to learning manipulation and the reasons behind it, this is a valuable resouce.

Frommer's Greece (1st Ed)
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (1996)
Authors: John Stewart Bowman, John Bozman, Michael C. Goldstein, Sherry Marker, Tom Stone, George McDonald, and R. Measher
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.38
Average review score:

Very good, targeted recommendations
My group of friends, who had all travelled Greece in our backpacking days, benefited greatly from this book. As our trip in July 2002 progressed, we relied more and more heavily on the book. The recommendations from sites to food to hotels proved to be excellent every time. I particularly liked that the lodging and restaurant recommendations had inexpensive through expensive listings, which we used as our budget-mindedness changed during the trip. For anyone beyond backpacking and Lonely Planet, this book is a must.

most useful.
I found this book very useful. I used it mostly as a guide on a walking tour of Athens. I only had three days in Athens and wanted to see as much as possible. I spent a few hours browsing through the pertinent section and made my plan of action. Everything was as described. I also referred to it when making my hotel reservation and when looking for good restaurants. I stayed at the Hotel Philippos near the Acropolis - a great little place. Eating I went through great troubles one night to find the Taverna Sigalas in the Monasteraki area (because of subway construction,) but it was well worth the effort. I still drool at the thought of the wonderful Greek salad I had and the very best moussaka I've ever eaten. Going to Rome this year and I plan to buy a Frommer's for Rome because I only have three days there and I know I can depend on this book.

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