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List price: $59.95 (that's 20% off!)
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"The Anatomy of Russian Defense Conversion" touches on many more subjects then just Russian Defense Industry. This is a very thorough, informative and important work that analyses the history of US and Russian Defense Industries, weapons exports and conversion, and possibilities of transformation from a militarized to a civilian economy in the new millenium.
The book also reflects on the current state of defense industries in the US and Russia, and "brain drain", or loss of intellectual capital in Russia and other countries after the Cold War.
I found reflections in Arkady Yarovsky's chapter "From the Culture of War to the Culture of Peace" very contemporary, especially in the light of recent events in the Middle East:
"Our time is unfortunately still characterized as "the culture of war." The culture of war is evident first and foremost in the hostilities between people and states, between nations and faiths, and in the inability to solve conflicts by peaceful means... Humanity has made it into the third millenium because the lust for power has been restrained by fear of nuclear war, but this restraint is not to be counted on permanently... The danger hidden in the separateness of people of different countries, unfortunately, remains a legacy for the next century... If humanity renounces the legacy of the culture of war, it can start down the road of cooperation, peaceful creation, and enlightenment. This is the only road leading to the culture of peace."

This book tells of the enormous cost to the Russian people of building and maintaining their war industry for so many years, a militarized economy where people got second best. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, defense industry just about shut down, but civilian industry has not grown great enough to support the population. There are horrendous unemployment, and terrible health and social problems. There is some danger that the path of least resistance for Russia, if we neglect the situation, could be to re-start weapons production, for export at first.
In my opinion, the United States also, to a lesser degree, has neglected the manufacture of quality consumer goods, importing them instead, and has let its physical economy deteriorate, despite much activity in the financial sector. We, too, have been insufficiently careful of the environment. This book provides some idea of what these trends could lead to, if carried to extremes.
Perhaps the involvement of United States companies in Russia, could lead to more of a recognition here, of the importance of the physical economy. Hopefully, both countries could also work to put industry on a healthy environmental footing as well.
There is awareness of the problem of Russian defense conversion, at high levels of our government. I hope this book helps educate people and sustain that interest.

Used price: $67.50
Collectible price: $74.12

Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $24.99
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It was one of the funniest books I ever read, but will appeal only to those who play, or are at least familiar with, rugby.

List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99

Used price: $14.00

List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.93
Buy one from zShops for: $11.55

Basically, in "Until The Stars Turn Cold," which collects issues #40-45, two things happen. First, the dust is settling from the aforementioned revelations (Aunt May gives JJJ a piece of her mind regarding her new perspective on his Spider-man vendetta), and Peter is finally getting around to doing something about his estrangement from Mary Jane. However, this is complicated by the second set of things which happen within these pages, namely a set of three-issue battles. The first is with a new villain called the Shade, and requires the help of Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts. The second is with Doctor Octopus; actually, this would be Doctor Octopi, since there is the original Otto Octavius and a new, younger, leaner, meaner, version. Of course, both conflicts thwart Peter's endeavor to reconnect with his wife (so what else is new?).
Although there are some echoes from Volume 1 in terms of the time there were two, count them, two Vultures, what Stracynski and Romita are really doing with this second story arc is their own homage to what I consider the greatest Spider-Man story of all time, in "Amazing Spider-Man" #31-33 (yes, even over the first two issues down by Romita's father when the Green Goblin learned Spidey's secret identity, the three drug issues with the Comic Code seal of approval, the death of Gwen Stacy, the wedding to Mary Jane, the death of Aunt May the first time around, or anything else you want to name as a possible alternative). If you have access to that story, which also involved Doc Ock, then check it out before or after you read these stories so that you can appreciate the resonance of the old within the new.
As a homage "Until the Stars Grow Cold" is not bad; we do not have Aunt May on death's door this time around, but we do have here constantly being cute as the dickens when it comes to dealing with her knowledge about Peter being you-know-who. Actually, the part of Stracynski's writing that I find myself enjoying the most is his wry sense of humor (which becomes pretty blatant in terms of the movie Mary Jane is making out there in Tinsletown). We will have to wait and see how this avatar of the spiders thing turns out, but Aunt May knowing (and Aunt May knowing that Mary Jane knows that she knows) is turning out pretty well. It would have to, because it changes a major element in the dynamic of the comic book.