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Book reviews for "Bumsted,_John_Michael" sorted by average review score:

Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children
Published in Hardcover by Fulcrum Pub (1991)
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $35.95
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $35.95
Average review score: 

I've been lucky enough to see Michael Caduto perform theseNative stories in person. He brings Native beliefs to life inunexpected and delightful ways. The stories he and Josheph Bruchac have put together here do the same thing. They give young readers a chance to explore Native cultures while they learn and enjoy the stories! In addition to Native tales, this book provides factual information and activities on nature and animals. It's an outstanding resource for teachers, parents, and kids of all ages.

Keys to fungi on dung
Published in Unknown Binding by (c/o Brooms Barn Experimental Station, Higham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk), British Mycological Society ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score: 

This book is not out of print - a new edition was published by the British Mycological Society in 1997 ISBN 0 9527704 2 3

Lecture Notes on Psychiatry
Published in Paperback by Blackwell Science Inc (15 August, 1998)
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $24.98
Buy one from zShops for: $35.41
Used price: $24.98
Buy one from zShops for: $35.41
Average review score: 

Like many in the Lecture Notes series this book provides comprehensive coverage of the subject. The important syndromes and most of the undergraduate syllabus are dealt with in a clear and straight forward manner making this as good a text for a first look as for last minute revision. More interested readers will find it a good launch pad for more in-depth studies. I recommend it to undergraduate medics as a book that should get you through finals with room to spare.

A Life-Giving Vision: How to Be a Christian in Today's World
Published in Paperback by Thomas More Publishing (1995)
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $12.43
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $12.43
Average review score: 

Through the words of John Powell, my own ongoing journey to wholeness in Christ has been affirmed yet one more time. Fr. Powell shares his own personal experiences and philosophies which focus on God's love for us through Christ and His gift of the Holy Spirit. This is not a book for just Catholics, but instead for anyone who wants to have a personal walk with their savior Jesus Christ and their Abba.

The Macmillan Dictionary of Measurement
Published in Hardcover by Hungry Minds, Inc (1994)
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $14.00
Used price: $14.00
Average review score: 

This is a very complete and useful reference work for anyone who deals with measurements. I have been able to find almost every term I have looked for in this book. Every measurement professional should be able to find a place on their working bookshelf for it. However, there is one glaring omission: the word "metrology" (the science of measurement) is NOT one of the entries in the book!

The Majors: In Pursuit of Golf's Holy Grail, Set
Published in Audio Cassette by Books on Tape, Inc. (1999)
Amazon base price: $67.20
List price: $96.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.99
List price: $96.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.99
Average review score: 

John Feinstein gives us a glimpse into the people who make up the PGA Tour by following a variety of the golfers in their pursuit of a major championship during the 1998 PGA Tour season. Any true lover of the game will find his enjoyment of following the Tour greatly enhanced by this look into the personalities of many of the PGA's top stars and lesser known players. Couples, Love, Duval, Daly, Stewart and many more will be more than just names and faces that you watch on TV each Sunday afternoon, they will become real life heroes not simply because of the game they play but because of the people they are. You will gain respect and admiration for many of the players and the PGA Tour as a whole in this wonderful journey in pursuit of "the holy grail'.

Management and Organizational Behavior Classics
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (1996)
Amazon base price: $37.25
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score: 

This is a book of profound proportions. Matteson and Ivancevich originally printed their first version of this book titled simply Management Classics with Goodyear publishing way back in 1980. Trust me for the money you will not find a better compilation of management and organization thought anywhere. This is a well researched and edited selection of management articles from the enormous names of the 20th century: McGregor, Parker, Bernard, et. al. If you are a business professor, a biz student, or a businessperson who truly wants to approach management in a scholarly and logical manner, then do yourself and your bookshelf a favor and buy it.

Managing Computers in the Hospitality Industry
Published in Hardcover by Educational Institute of the American Hotel Motel Assoc (1992)
Amazon base price: $62.95
Used price: $5.79
Used price: $5.79
Average review score: 

It's one of the few books that combine two subjects: computers and hospitality services. It's a must for the hoteliers. Cover from the basics concepts. Perfectly organized. Each chapter includes review questions and a list of related web sites to make useful for students, too. Ideal for understanding the aplications of technology in the actual hospitality industry. Excellent treatment of the computer based reservation systems and the food & beverage aplications.

Maryland Commercial Financing Forms: Practice
Published in Hardcover by Aspen Publishers, Inc. (1986)
Amazon base price: $145.00
Average review score: 

I couldn't put this one down. Stalfort captures the crackling intrigue of Maryland commercial forms in a way that grabs you by the lapels and won't let go until this thrill ride is over. Show me where to sign!

Master Guide to Photography
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1982)
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $8.95
Used price: $8.95
Average review score: 

Michael Langford's "Master Guide to Photography" is one of the most comprehensive and nicely illustrated books on photography. It's a shame that the publisher has let this title go out of print--it should be updated and republished. Michael covers everything from camera basics to the history of photography to very advanced camera techniques and it's all presented in an interesting and aesthetically pleasing way. Time to reprint and expand it--but worth finding the original from a used dealer.
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