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Book reviews for "Brynildsen,_Kenneth" sorted by average review score:

The Alchemist
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Pub (1987)
Authors: Kenneth Goddard and Outlet
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $2.15
Average review score:

Great Book!
From the beginning of the book, Goddard shows superb writing skills. He uses very specific descriptions allowing the reader to visualize exactly what is happening, to the smallest detail. His subject choice for this story is a new and unique one, and is very interesting. Such a situation helps keep the reader glued to the book, as with all great books. He shows great knowledge in the subject on which his book is based. This book is one worth reading.

A Simply Wonderful Book
This book changed my outlook on life and dreams. It is full of inspirational and beautifully poetic allegorical references. I reccomend it to all my friends (and any foes).

The Anatomy of God
Published in Paperback by Whitaker House (2002)
Author: Kenneth C. Ulmer
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.25
Buy one from zShops for: $6.49
Average review score:

A Must Read
Bishop Ulmer presents a powerful picture of who our Father really is and just how much He really loves us. New members classes everywhere should have this book on their list of required readings. Seasoned believers are not left out because Bishop Ulmer's presentation will shed new light on our relationship with Him.
This book is Awesome!!!!

Know God for who He really is !
In a nutshell - it's REAL! I was expecting a lofty book on theology but found instead a real-world understanding of how I can know God for who He really is. Dr. Ulmer has a definite passion and love for the Word of God and presents it with honesty, humor and humility that is easily understood and appreciated. I loved it, but more importantly, I learned from it !

A definite read for those who have enjoyed books like "The Prayer of Jabez" (Wilkinson) or "The Attributes of God" (Tozer).

And Then There Were None; Book 1
Published in Paperback by (2000)
Authors: Ken Smith and Kenneth E. Smith
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $6.50
Average review score:

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
And Then There was None is a mysterious and suspenseful tale that I would compare with novels like Stephen King's Red Rose. Like many suspense stories, this novel started off slowly, while Agatha Christie, the author, introduced characters and such. But as people mysterious began turning up dead in the third chapter, I found myself taking the role of dedective, trying to figure out who was responsible and putting together my own clues. The conflicts that arise between the guests, the mysterious but predicted deaths, and the scheme behind them, kept me more than interested in this novel.
The story begins with the introduction of 8 guests who have been invited to Indian Island by some unknown person who they think is an old friend. The guests are accused of murders, and they all mysteriously begin turning up dead. The author uses many twists throughout the action of this story to keep the reader guessing.
The suspense throughout this book was the sole thing that allowed me read it in only two sittings. Each time another person died, my main suspect of the murders would change, and I would gather new clues. Christie uses short chapters with limited detail. She gives only the information that is required to keep the reader hooked. She also uses conflicts between characters to add to the chaos and confusion of this novel. Once the killer was revealed, I was in shock. I never saw it coming! While this book is probably better suited for a younger crowd, I still find it one of the best suspense novels I have ever read.
I would recommend this novel to junior high students and anyone who enjoys a suspense, mystery, or murder story.

And Then There Were None
I had to read this book for my high school summer reading. I say had because i wasn't looking foward to or wanted to read during the summer. I was trying to hold off reading as long as I could. Just read a few chapters here and there. But once I started reading it I couldn't put the book down. This is my favorite and the best book I have ever read. All the twist and cliffhangers kept me reading for four and a half hours straight and thats all it took for me to finish this book. I recommend this book to everyone. It doesn't matter if you don't like mystery novels. You will like this one.

Apocalypse and Millennium : Studies in Biblical Eisegesis
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (2000)
Author: Kenneth G. C. Newport
Amazon base price: $60.00
Used price: $59.95
Buy one from zShops for: $59.95
Average review score:

Vitally Important Book
Given the remarkable growth in apocalyptic speculation, especially since September 11, this book is extremely important. It is important because it reminds us that the speculation surrounding the end of the world has been with us for centuries. Not only that, but it has been a weapon to denigrate other movements and groups. For all those millions of Americans who are buying evangelical books on how September 11 fulfils Biblical prophecy, this book is an absolute must.

Apocalypse and Millenium Review
This book is very informative and offers the reader a direct and unbiased interpretation of pratical events relating to the end of the world and how many religious fanatics have interpreted the Millennium as the end of the world. In the last chapter it concentrates on the Waco issue and shows a clear understanding of both the FBI/ATF and David Koresh's views and methods with his own knowledge of the subject and brilliant illustration using actual audio recordings of the Waco conversations between Koresh and the FBI. This book is a good buy if you want it specifically and not just as a general interest.

Aristophanic Comedy
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (1972)
Author: Kenneth James Dover
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $4.79
Average review score:

Aristophanean Basics
Admittedly, Strauss' Socrates and Aristophanes is the best book of higher criticism on Aristophanes' remaining plays. Unfortunately, that book has a painful deficiency: Strauss overrates his readers, assuming they know their agon from their parabasis (a dubious assumption). Dover, while not where near so insightful, makes up for Strauss' deficiency by explaining the parts of the comedy, how they were staged and all the other practical details Strauss disdains. If you are a classical scholar, well maybe Dover's book is a waste of time. If not, then it is a valuable adjunct to Strauss( Better read before Strauss. I did it the other way. Not pretty.).

Aristophanic primer
If you don't know your parabasis from your agon, your are probably better off starting your study of Aristophanes with this book than one that assumes more like Strauss' Socrates and Aristophanes. In this book, Dover gives you an overview of the structure of the Attic comedy, defines terms, explains how they were staged and selected for performance (all the mundane issues Strauss does not deign to cover). Strauss is, of course, still the undisputed champ in explaining the meaning of the plays, but you have a better chance of understanding his explanations if you've read Dover first. Crede experto. I did it the other way round.

Art of Prayer
Published in Paperback by Kenneth Hagin Ministries (1992)
Author: Kenneth E. Hagin
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.97
Average review score:

A book born in the laboratory of Bible and experience
If you do not understand and know the truths of this book, it is highly unlikely that you will not be all that you can be as a believer in Jesus Christ. There is information here that you can rarely find in books about prayer. It is not written from theory. The text comes from life experience in the secret place with God. There are many who think they understand faith and prayer. Sadly, without the truth that this book exposes, it is doubtful at best that those who think they know something about receiving from God and praying for others, really do know anything worthwhile. There are some books today that build on this work. However, either the Holy Spirit Himself has given you the truth found in these pages or He has poured through Kenneth Hagin as a ministry gift to get the goods on the subject of prayer over to you. It reaches far in its scope and highlights much that will only be understood best over a full life of praying as the Spirit of God accurately leads you. It is practically certain that those who want to be unashamed at the Judgment Seat of Christ have either had the Holy Spirit teach them the revelation in this book without the book or He has used the book to get the same points across. There is no office of an intercessor. Rather, every believer is called to intercede and to pray and this book will help you do just that if you act on the understanding presented.

A must read for any Christian
A very clear understanding and teaching of Gods word. I have found his teaching to help heal both my body and Spirit as well as others. Invaluable in understanding the supernatural and the nature of our Lord.

Asia's Computer Challenge: Threat or Opportunity for the United States & the World?
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1998)
Authors: Jason Dedrick and Kenneth L. Kraemer
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $100.00
Buy one from zShops for: $135.30
Average review score:

Review from a research student
I really love this book because I'm writing my research thesis on ACER, the Taiwanese PC multinational. This book gives a great overview of the global computer industry as well as in-depth analyses of the individual's an interesting read on the newest and most exciting industry in the world - even if you are not formally studying the subject.

Review from a research student
I really loved this book because I'm writing my research thesis on ACER, the Taiwanese PC multinational. This book give a great overview of the global computer industry as well as in-depth analysis of the individual's an interesting read on the newest and most exciting industry in the world even if you are not formally studying the subject.

Away All Boats
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1980)
Author: Kenneth Dodson
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.00
Average review score:

A Surprise
Excellent military fiction! I picked up this book (1954 edition) at a public library free offering three years ago and just now starting reading it. Surprisingly well done, and reminiscent a bit of the Seafort saga and The Big 'E'

Excellent novel dealing with Naval amphbious warfare
Dodson's 'Away All Boats' is a novel that is both a study of human nature and the art of command. The central theme is the ship and it's missions. The charecters of the crew bring this mass of steel to life and give it personality. There are strong charecters amongst the officers as well as the Sailors. Likewise there are officers and Sailors that one would cross the street to avoid. they are all thrust into the confines of theat attack transport Belinda and give the story so much of it's richness. The captain is a driven man and his goal is to make his ship the best attack transport in the Pacific Fleet. HIs drive whittles down the rough edges and shows up the weak leaders and followers. He makes few friends but ultimately gains the respect of many. This book is an excellent leadership text and would aid many, in the military as well as the civilian world, as they work with what they have been given and turn their people into a cohesive whole. This is a masculine book; women appear only in letters. It is a monastic existence as the men serve the Gods of War and now that the bulk of U. S. Naval ships are crewed by men and women, it is a reflection on an era that is rapidly slipping into the realm of memories.

Be the Boss Your Employees Deserve
Published in Paperback by Career Press (15 April, 2002)
Authors: Ken Lloyd and Kenneth L. Lloyd
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.88
Average review score:

Building trust and confidence in one's leadership
Be The Boss Your Employees Deserve by Ken Lloyd is a solid guide to giving one's employees the best, and getting the best from them in return. From building trust and confidence in one's leadership; to handling problem employees efficiently; and checking up on one's own performance, Be The Boss Your Employees Deserve is a practical, useful, "reader friendly" and strongly recommended guide to supervisory management success.

A Role Model Worthy of Emulation
Now that Lloyd has written this book, I hope he will consider writing a book in which he explains "how to be the employee your boss deserves." He writes with uncommon clarity and assuredly has much of value to say about that subject as well. Especially today, everyone involved in a given organization must embrace change, build respect and trust, create and then sustain a "winning atmosphere," prepare for tomorrow, and maximize everyone's potential. In my review of Serven's The End of Office Politics as Usual, I observed that it is no coincidence that the companies which are most highly admired, which generate the greatest number of applicants from among those who work for their competitors, are also the most profitable. One of several reasons is that companies which are both admirable and prosperous have zero-tolerance of what is generally referred to as "office politics." Presumably Lloyd agrees that employees not only need but deserve a supervisor (I personally dislike the term "boss") who simply will not tolerate inappropriate behavior by anyone. Period.

The information and suggestions which Lloyd provides in this book are obviously based on an abundance of real-world experience. He carefully organizes his excellent material within five Sections:

Building the Foundation

Key Concepts and Practices

Everyday Roles and Responsibilities

It's the People

Passing the Tests

Much of my time is involved with the accelerated development of what are sometimes referred to as "fast track" executives. (I refer to them as "tigers" and "tigresses.") Also, I continue to be retained to work with CEOs and their management teams. I presume to include this personal information to make a point: Even decision-makers at the highest organizational levels need frequent reminders of management principles which they may perhaps view as "basic," "obvious," or "simplistic." They need to re-read Lloyd's book at least every 90 days. (NOTE: In the final chapter, Lloyd provides a lengthy series of "Self-Assessment Questions." In the strongest terms possible, I urge supervisors at all organizational levels to answer each of these questions with total frankness and then review their answers on a regular basis.) My own experience supports all of Lloyd's key points. What he does not state but implies throughout his book is that the most effective male supervisors are gentlemen; the most effective female supervisors are ladies. For whatever reasons, civility is among the most important yet least discussed qualities of great leadership.

Think about it. Over the years, which relatives, neighbors, teachers, coaches, clergy, "bosses," and others with whom you have been associated do you now respect most? My guess (only a guess) is that they were those who believed in you and in the potentiality of your abilities, set high standards, then held you fully accountable to those standards, who had what Hemingway once described as a "built-in shock-proof crap detector," cheered you on, provided crisp but fair discipline when you needed it, and -- in all other respects -- did everything possible to nourish your personal growth.

Now there is a role model worthy of emulation!

Bending the Twig
Published in Hardcover by 1stBooks Library (2002)
Author: Kenneth Goetz
Amazon base price: $25.45
Used price: $20.71
Buy one from zShops for: $20.68
Average review score:

Bending the Twig
I have not yet read the book, but have just ordered it. My mother grew up with this man in the small mid-west town where they both lived. I have just bought the book for her.

Captivating Character
This first time author captures your imagination and holds it like a seasoned professional. This true story of Kenneth Goetz growing up in the midwest, takes you into his childhood and shows how his early life experiences have shaped him. You don't have to be from the midwest or have grown up in the thirties or forties to appreciate his descriptive writing and feel what he felt. As you "grow-up" with Kenneth and finish the book, it leaves you with a strong desire to know how his childhood has shaped his adulthood.

The best compliment that I can give Kenneth Goetz is that by the end of his first book you really feel like you know him; and you like what you know.

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