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Book reviews for "Bilbrough,_Norman" sorted by average review score:

Slam-Dunking Wal-Mart
Published in Hardcover by Raphel Marketing (15 July, 1999)
Author: Al Norman
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $24.26
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Average review score:

Another side of the WAL we never hear about.
This book takes us behind the WAL to see another side of the company that so many small towns are fighting. I think this book is indispensable to any person who is appalled by what companies like Wal-Mart and Home Depot are doing to communities. Slam Dunking explores not only the quality of life reasons why people are trying to stop sprawl, but the hard economic facts as well. Many local officials think that if a new building is going up, it must mean economic progress. This book refutes that myth, and other misconceptions about uncontrolled retail growth. I liked the handy lists of how to organize a citizen's group, what towns have beaten Wal-Mart and Home Depot, and the strategies that can help bring down Goliath. As Norman says: "It ain't over until the fat company sings," and this book can help local communities find the right song. After you read this book, be sure to pass it along to everyone on your Town Council, and to your local reporters. It's a real eye-opener!

The Activist's Bible
I found out about this book from friends in a citizen's group in Maryland that was fighting a Wal-Mart. They said Al Norman's book was their Bible. I have read other books that are business history titles--but Slam Dunking Wal-Mart actually gives you the information you need to stop superstores in your community. Norman has helped dozens of communities do just that over the past 7 years, and he's become the "guru" of the anti-sprawl movement, to quote 60 Minutes. I found this book more and more useful as I reread it, and I've copied sections to give to my local officials. This is not some pointy-headed academic book--its a good read for the average homeowner or merchant who is looking for arguments and strategies for stopping superstore sprawl. Get one--and get one for your Mayor to read as well! Now I understand why Wal-Mart doesn't like to debate this guy. I was appalled to learn that Wal-Mart has over 300 "dead" stores on the market today. This book also has good info on Home Depot and other logos. The NY Times doesn't know this book exists--but citizens'groups have made good use of it.

Al Norman Brings Warning Light To Red Hook, New York
Sooner or later every beautiful rural American Town will have to deal with the threat of a corporate Goliath like Wal-Mart invading their community. Al Norman's book Slam-Dunking Wal-Mart educates, not only citizen groups, but Planning and Zoning Boards across the country. It also assists them in directly dealing with these inevitable imposters to the quietude of Rural America. If you can't get Al Norman to come to your town (you might be able to if you contact him) - this book is the next best thing. Mr. Norman and his book are presently bringing the Warning Light to the Town of Red Hook, New York (upstate New York, about 60 miles south of Albany). Believe it or not, everybody's listening to Wal-Mart's nemesis. Slam-Dunking Wal-Mart is a must read for community activists and Planning Boards alike!

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People
Published in Hardcover by Upper Room (December, 1990)
Authors: Rueben Job, Norman Shawchuck, and Reuben P. Job
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $29.93
Average review score:

structured, thematic devotional w/scripture & readings
A Christian devotional that provides structure/ritual for use throughout the church year; weekly and retreat model. Weekly devotional themes include Choose Life, The Call of God, The Meaning of Discipleship. Format is eight steps of (1) An Opening Invocation, (2) Psalm for the week, (3) Reading and Reflection (readings include numerous authors as Mother Theresa, Henri Nouwen, Carlo Caretto and John Wesley), (4) Daily Scripture Readings, (5) Reflection: Silent and Written, (6) Prayers: For the Church, for Others, for Myself, (7) A Hymn, and (8) A Closing Benediction. Properly utilized, the format can take 20 minutes or an hour. I usually take about 20 minutes on a daily basis. As a pastor, pastoral counselor, and clinical psychologist, I utilize this for my personal spiritual journey as well as for group devotions and as a resource for clients seeking to nurture the soul.

A unique gift for those who seek God
I was given this book in 1984, shortly after it was first published. Since then the bible and this book have been the foundation of my daily prayer life. I have given countless copies to family and friends. Each of the men I meet with each week for prayer all use it as the foundation of their spiritual reading. There is hardly a week goes by that one or the other of us begin our sharing with the words, "I was reading THE BOOK this week and came across...."

As a retreat leader, I have used this book as the source of readings for reflection and sharing on many retreats. I've built whole retreats around one week's scripture and reading selections.

A must for all seekers.

Excellent devotional guide
This book is an excellent guide for an individual's daily devotionals. It includes prayers, selected readings from great writers, as well as a daily scripture passage to lead you to the Sunday selections from the Common Lectionary. By using this guide I find myself mentally and emotionally prepared to hear the message my pastor has to share with us on the Sunday following a week of devotionals. Each week also includes a psalm and a hymn selection, adding richness to the worship experience. All in all, I find this guide a wonderful way to begin my day with praise, petition, reflection, and worship.

The Magic Pudding
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollinsPublishers Australia (September, 1998)
Author: Norman Lindsay
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $50.00
Collectible price: $250.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

The Wonderful Magic Pudding
My father bought this book when he was a little boy, he loved it so much. It is the hard bound edition and so old that it does not have a publishing date in it.

My father read the book many times. When he had children, he read it to us. And now, we are reading it to our children.

This is a great book for children. It sparks their imaginations and you can see as you are reading it to them, that they too are with Bunyip, Bill Barnacle, Sam Sawnoff and Albert, The Pudding.

For the best in reading adventures for your kids, get The Magic Pudding.

the best childrens' book ever !
Little known and unobtainable in america, THE MAGIC PUDDING is the best childrens' book ever. I first read it in the 1940's and loved it; my children considered it their favorite also, and now its my grandchildren's turn to love the marvelous songs and illustrations. I had to order it from Australia,however; it will be wonderful to be able to get it in the U.S. for my friends' grandchildren.


It's over 80 years since this classic children's book first appeared.

With the recent release of an animated movie version, a new edition of the book will hopefully soon be in Amazon's catalog.

It's one of those books that should be read aloud. You will have to be in good voice since many of the characters often burst into song. Can a Broadway musical be far away?

The illustrations are also by the book's author Norman Lindsay, one of Australia's greatest artists of the early 20th century. Each page is graced with his masterful charcoal drawings humorously depicting the action. The pictures perfectly depict the quirky and amusing antics of the "Magic Pudding" characters.

Some young readers may find the language a little difficult. It's a combination of high Edwardian with sometimes archaic (but very colorful) slang. However it's the hilarious imagery, both written and pictorial, which will captivate children's attention.

Some of the language is almost Shakespearian but it's worth persisting. Take for example Bunyip Bluegum's burst of oratory..... " Base, indeed, must be the scoundrels, who, lost to all sense of decency and honour, boldly assume the outward semblance of worthy citizens".

Lindsay's writing includes some beautiful political social satire with observations like ... "you only have to wear a top hat to be a respected pillar of society".

No doubt the animated movie version of "The Magic Pudding" will introduce a new generation to this classic story. Hopefully many of the children (and their parents) will be encouraged to read and enjoy Norman Lindsay's original.


The Great American History Fact-Finder
Published in Paperback by Mariner Books (March, 1993)
Authors: Ted Yanak, Pam Cornelison, and Norman Y. Mineta
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $6.45
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

American History
I had Mr. Yanak before and he's one of the greatest people I've ever met. If you want anything on American History, get this book. Anything American is in there. It is especially helpful in the 8th grade and it will never let you down. If you've never met Mr. Yanak, he's a great person and a great teacher. The Great American History Fact-Finder has everything, I can't stress that enough, it's great!

good for reference
This book was very helpful back in High School as an AP US History student. I still use this book frequently at the undergraduate level. I use it for history papers, social science papers, and general reference. Although a good overall reference, it is by no means definitive. Several "key" terms are not addressed.

very very useful
If it happened in American History it's in here. A great reference book for any 8th or 11th grader by a man who is an expert at teaching kids ( I should know, I had him as a teacher)
Brief, but descriptive articles about everything american.

1000 Most Important Words
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Ballantine Books (January, 1995)
Author: Norman W. Schur
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $4.09
Buy one from zShops for: $3.96
Average review score:

Would you believe an entertaining dictionary?
Mr. Schur has a gift for glibly describing the essence and etymology of obscure words. He's my favorite philologist!

This book is his first of the four "1000 Words Series." Basically, each book is a mini-dictionary targeting the weirdest and odd words. He provides the word, and pronunciation, then a brief entry explaining the etymology and use of each word. His pen shines and his tongue is blarney. I am impressed that any human being could make a dictionary entry so lively!

A freebie:

Exacerbate: (ig zas' er bate) vb. To exacerbate a situation is to worsen it, to aggravate it, in the sense of increasing its bitterness. A clumsy nurse's ministrations serve only to exacerbate the pain of the patient. Harsh words can only exacerbate bitter feelings. Inept handling exacerbates any situation. The -acerb- part of the word is found also in acerbic. We get exacerbate from Latin exacerbates, a form of exacebare (to exacerbate, embitter).

You can click on the "Look Inside" function to see other samples. I wish my Webster's had this spunk and vigor.

This book is for the English major or grad student, copy editors, or the public speaker. This book also works for your snob-ling friends, your eccentric associates who are into Crispin Glover, or for someone that is hard to shop for. Cruxverbalists will certainly underline and dog-ear this book.

The only drawback to this book is that it relies heavily on Greco-Latin words. This violates "Strunk and White's" Reminder #14: Avoid Fancy words. They assert: "Avoid the elaborate, the pretentious, the coy, and the cute. Do not be tempted by a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-center handy, ready and able. Anglo-Saxon is a livelier tongue than Latin, so use Anglo-Saxon words." Therefore, this book is great for personal edification, and the soul who loves to connect root words with their branch meanings.

Excellent Resource
Just like the cover says, "For anyone and everyone who has something the say!"

Listed in alphabetical order, it's great to use as resource when reading a work of classical literature, writing a paper, or of course to enrich your vacab. From abashed(disconcerted) to zealot(fanatic), Schur provides definitions, synonms, roots, and plenty of examples so that even an obtuse(slow-witted, thick--headed) philistine(one who not only lacks culture and is smugly indifferent to it, but tends to attack it) can learn copious amounts of new words, establish a penchant for being articulate, and perhaps, if he's lucky, even acquire a prodigious amount of savoir-faire like moi.

enhanced my "functional" vocabulary
I originally learned English is a non-native environment, and always struggled with the low correlation between spelling and the "non-intutive" pronunciations, and other exceptions in English. Many of these words were difficult to pronounce [correctly, for me] and, therefore, my functional vocabulary was much less than its passive counterpart. Sometimes I didn't use these words for the fear of missing - either the pronunciation, or the context, nuances etc. I have used several vocabulary books in the past, but this is the only one which had 90%+ words that are very "usable" and will truly enrich my speech. I have a much better "feel" for these 1000, and many of them will soon be part of my written and spoken language. The phonetic transcription presented with the words was also of great value (the key to my "active" vocabulary). The best $[money] I have ever spent on a word book.

Speech, language, and communication is what makes us effective (and human too!), and I am glad to have read this.

Affairs: Emergency Tactics
Published in Paperback by Someset Publishing (01 February, 2001)
Authors: Carol L. Rhodes, Norman S. Goldner, and Carol Jonson
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

Necessary reading if you think you're being betrayed
There are few things that are as destructive as adultery and if you're the one who is being betrayed, you need good advice fast. That's what you'll find in Dr. Rhodes' book. Good advice. Fast! Get it, read it. Then take care of yourself.

More Than Just An Interesting Title!
A comprehensive, eye opening study, that will hit home. At first you look around the bookstore to make sure that no one sees you take the book off of the shelf (with a title like this, you wouldn't want anyone to think that YOU or anyone you know could possibly have a problem). As you peruse the pages, you are struck with the gentle no nonsense style and understanding that Dr. Rhodes exhibits throughout the book. Suddenly, you are through the checkout line, at home, reading, and more important, for the first time, YOU ARE READY TO DO SOMETHING POSITIVE ABOUT THE PROBLEM!

No One in a Relationship Should Be Without It
Would you board a ship if there were no lifeboats or life preservers? Of course not. Then why not make sure you're fully protected in your relationship, too. How? Buy and read Affairs: Emergency Tactics. Dr. Rhodes' excellent, practical, down-to-earth, nuts-and-bolts guide is for every person who is hi--or might be hit--by the disaster of a suddenly discovered partner's affair. It's required reading for women and men who want to protect themselves from the emotional damage of an affair and use it instead as an opportunity to rebuild their lives. I found the section on the different kinds of affairs particularly helpful. Dr. Rhodes enables you to understand what happened, gives you the information to figure out what to do, and empowers you to do it. A winner, from beginning to end.

Performance Management in the 21st Century: Solutions for Business, Education, and Family
Published in Paperback by Saint Lucie Press (16 March, 1999)
Author: Norman Jones
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.50
Average review score:

Thought provoking material for anyone
Norman Jones is an author on a mission with a message anyone in management can use right now. Performance Management in the 21st Century (Solutions for Business, Education, and Family) has especially helped me to take a new look at my own choice of words in life situations, particularly giving orders. There are examples of good, bad and insensitive uses of power to examine and improve our performances. What I liked best about the 188 page book is Dr. Jones wrote it and designed it so that it is easy to read in spare moments. I find enjoyment in opening it up anywhere and just begin reading. Furthermore, I get new insights each time I read the passages over again. Quotations from industry leaders are set off to stand out. Important information is bracketed to reinforce my memory. For these reasons and many more, this book will be on my shelf for a long time.

Lin Stone author of How To Buy Land at Tax Sales

Read it and then return to it for inspiration and guidance.
Once read, this book can be set aside for the moment, but a compelling urge requires that you return to it for insight and guidance. Dr. Norman Jones has assembled a work that reflects his knowledge of how we relate to each other within our family unit, in our business, acedemic, and social lives. We can improve our relationships within these units, by using the techniques that he outlines. It is not just our own genetic make-up that determines out actions, but it is how we are treated by the people in our lives that have the most influence on us.

Maybe, just maybe, Dr. Jones' approach to the humanistic values in our relationships, expecially between students, their teachers and parents, could have helped prevented the violence that is currently happening in our schools.

Keep it on your bookshelf for inspiration and guidance, go back to it when you need help in any personal relationship, on the job, in your school, or within your family.

Thanks to Dr. Norman Jones for his insight and for this exceptional publication.

A jewel of a book!!! Dr. Dudley Sykes-Univ. of Mississippi
There is no wasted verbiage in this book. Counting the index, it is but 205 pages in length. In those 205 pages are jewels of wisdom that most management teams are lacking.

The most prevelant gems are pithy observations set aside by top and bottom border lines. One example:
"The atmosphere in most American companies is so riddled with fear of expendability that workers are afraid totell a boss what they think of his methods of managing."

The book is organized in such a way as to point out the shallowness of bottom line neurosis and the strengths of inclusive decision making. Over and over, Dr. Jones identifies "Spirit Killers," i.e., those actions in an organization which diminish productivity and, subsequently, profitability, educational insight, and family harmony.

This book intertwines management schemes in business, education and the family. such integration serves to:
-Expose the fallacies of autocracy.
-Explore the possibilities of democracy in an organization.
-Break up management notions that have been set in stone.
-Propose better methods for bringing about civilized organizations.

The book seems to be intended as a tool in business, a text in academia, or a how to book for families. Personally, I'm inclined to recommend it to business schools and/or corporate trainers, though not to the exclusion of the other two entities.


Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal
Published in Paperback by North Atlantic Books (15 July, 2002)
Authors: Richard Gordon, Eleanor Barrow, Carrie Toder, and C. Norman Shealy
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Quantum Touch = Quantum Healing
"Quantum-Touch" is a powerful book. I have used energy healing techniques for over 23 years, and after applying the easy and accessible techniques in this book I have increased my capacity dramatically in just the first few weeks. The book is written in easy to understand language that demystifies healing energy work. I cannot say enough good things about this book and the author. I was fortunate enough, after reading the book, to attend a workshop presented by Richard Gordon. I found him to be sincere and dedicated to the idea that we all possess the power to heal and if given the chance we will use it. I encourage anyone interested in life and health to read this book. It not only contains wonderful and simple techniques, it also contains invaluable information for general health and well-being all presented with humor and love. Buy it, read it, use it and spread the word, we are ALL healers.

Wonderful Book
As a nurse-healer, I am always studying the dynamic and often mysterious process of energy-based healing. When I read Quantum-Touch, I knew I had discovered an important key to the process of accessing and directing the subtle energy which we healers use. I quickly put the information into action and feel as if the quality of my healing work has taken a quantum leap. The book is a true joy to read, never complicated, down to earth. I loved this book and after reading it cover to cover, I went out and bought 4 copies to give to my closest friends. I am now rereading it. Richard Gordon is a deeply developed healer with the ability to communicate the process of energy (life-force) science in a beautiful style. I recommend this book to anyone who has interest in developing the art and science of hands on healing.

Breakthrough in Hands-On Healing
This is exciting stuff:

Alternative Medicine Magazine in the July 2001 issue calls Quantum-Touch, "... a significant breakthrough in hands-on healing." They go on to say that "...for professionals and lay people alike, Quantum-Touch is an essential and invaluable tool."

Dr. C. Norman Shealy, Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association calls Quantum-Touch, "... the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers." He also wrote the foreword to this book after he became impressed that Quantum-Touch provided dramatic and lasting pain relief to his patients with 20 to 30 years of chronic pain, who had not been helped by any traditional or alternative modality.

This is the only book I know of on hands-on healing that is praised by physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, nurses, Reiki masters, chi gung instructors, and a host of other health care professionals.

Dr. Darla Parr, D.C. wrote, "You actually have to see this work to know how good it is. Bones move into alignment with just a light touch, and it speeds up the healing process."

Amazingly, you can actually learn to use Quantum-Touch from just reading the book, but if you get the chance, I highly recommend attending a Quantum-Touch workshop.

Modern Project Management : Successfully Integrating Project Management Knowledge Areas and Processes
Published in Hardcover by AMACOM (15 March, 2001)
Author: Norman R. Howes
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $34.64
Buy one from zShops for: $35.59
Average review score:

It's about time someone got it right!
It is a pleasure to find a comprehensive text that provides the type of information necessary to easily keep track of my ongoing tasks and projects. This book is filled with numerous facts and background information from a real management perspective. I personally found it a useful reference from the moment I started chapter 1, and have accessed it on several occassions since. Howes provides a good read and timely information on all levels. I would recommend every serious project manager keep a copy nearby for quick reference and application.

Measuring Earned Value Correctly
I concur with other reviewers that this book is
extremely valuable, insightful, and comprehensive. It
provides clarification of several Project Management
concepts that are typically glossed over and sometimes
completely ignored in other texts. Perhaps the most
important contribution the author makes is in his
explanation of the subtleties of Earned Value - the
primary measurement for a project's performance. Many
Project Managers that I have worked with do not
understand how to measure Earned Value and end up with
incorrect measurements, or simply fail to use this
critical indicator altogether. I recommend this book to
all project managers who want clarification on this and
other topics that will help them improve their own
performance as managers.

Best of Breed
I was lucky enough to read this book before it became generally available. Mr. Howes has distilled a lot of wisdom, insight and superb project management technique into this book. The methods of top-down quantitative and qualitative project management methods (with supporting software) will help keep the biggest and smallest projects out of trouble.

Tales from on the Surface: The Adventures form 'Monroe's Talkabout the World'
Published in Hardcover by Big Show Publishing, Ltd. (28 October, 2000)
Authors: Julian Monroe Fisher and Norman D. Vaughan
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $24.24
Average review score:

Tales From On The Surface by Julian Monroe Fisher
We had the pleasure of meeting Monroe on a recent vacation, and knew we had to read his book after hearing him talk about some of his adventures. The tales are exciting and interesting--if one can get past the incredible grammatical and spelling errors throughout the book. The editing is positively nonexistent. In fact, it reads as though Monroe printed up his travel notes without even rereading them! I don't know who "Big Top Publishing" is, but their reputation is on the line with this one.

Tales from on the Surface
I had listened to Julian Monroe Fisher's weekly radio show called 'Monroe's Talkabout the World' on The JohnBoy and Billy Radio Network for the last several years. I had also kept up with Mr. Fisher's travels through his Internet website editions.... And although his radio show and website are excellent, his new book is absolutely fabulous. It takes the reader to some of the most exotic locations on the planet with stories that are so exciting that it's hard to put the book down. And it's all about stuff that really happened. I especially liked the story entitled 'Travels with Roy Smith' about Mr. Fisher's adventures in Belize. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in exploring the world at large!!

"The road goes on forever, and the party never ends..." These lyrics by singer/songwriter Robert Earl Keen were the fuel for Monroe Fisher's trek around the world. From the trail of Lewis and Clark to the Alaskan Highway, from the Ivory Coast to the Mosquito Coast and from the Arctic Circle to the Grand Island of Tierra del Fuego, Monroe takes us to places that most only dream of visiting. Throughout Monroe's first book TALES FROM ON THE SURFACE we are introduced to all types of characters including Presidents, scientists, explorers and the Great Train Robber. These characters along with the numerous travel sights and the cultural anecdotes transport the reader to the authors side. Make no mistake, this is not a tourist guide, Monroe's adventures take us to countries where terrorism is a part of the everyday happenings. For those of us who are not able to travel abroad, Monroe gives us the opportunity to go with him, and for those who can...the road goes on forever.

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