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Book reviews for "Vasvary,_Edmund" sorted by average review score:

triptych: Poems by Denver Butson
Published in Paperback by The Commoner Press (1999)
Authors: Michael Carroll, Edmund White, Denver Butson, Gary Butson, and Cedric N. Chatterley
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $6.65
Average review score:

Triptych (also check out Mechanical Birds)
I was in college when I first met Denver Butson (crazy man, Italy semester again- but maybe this time with hot water?). Great person, master poet, entertaining teacher -managed the Pisan Cantos steps from an Italian princess and literary heir.
Tryptich is self help for everyone who finds themselves burning.

Thought-provoking, insightful, light rays flirt in darkness
Denver's mastery of exact word useage portrays volumes of meaning. Tiny rays of light in his darker works flirt with the reader. His good news? There is always hope!

A challenging and forceful new voice in American poetry
Do you know what a "textual marriage" is? Are you familiar with the poetic form "ghazel"? Have you mused recently over crows? Have you considered the difference between drowning and dancing? With this first collection of poetry from Denver Butson, a challenging and forceful new voice has emerged in American poetry. A textual marriage is a poetic form Butson invented that alternates successive lines from two different texts--in one case, a sensational NEW YORK POST article and a poem by Kenneth Patchen--to create a startlingly orginal poem. A ghazel is a Persian poetic form as intricate as a sestina. "No one waves to the blackest birds." Crows. This image resonates throughout the collection: black wings, the darkness, the common-ness of the common crow (first introduced in association with a brother who did or did not commit suicide). And, curiously, in one poem it is the absence of the word "crow" that sustains the poem. And is it possible to read the verb "waves" as the noun to introduce another central image? That of drowning? Briefly, this collection teases and stimulates and excites the reader's mind. As Butson notes, "These broken syllables / we try to re-form." Language, imagination, image, meaning. Denver Butson is a poet of depth, complexity, and strangeness who has a brilliant career before him.

World Atlas of Coral Reefs
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (03 September, 2001)
Authors: Mark D. Spalding, Corinna Ravilious, Edmund P. Green, United Nations Environment Programme, and World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Amazon base price: $38.50
List price: $55.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $30.80
Buy one from zShops for: $37.43
Average review score:

A truly beautiful book, although I expected the pictures to be larger. There is not one full page photo in the book unfortunately. It would really enhance the book to have some of those lovely photos blown up full page.

I bought this for my daughter, a graduating Biologist, but it was so fascinating that I'm afraid she got a slightly used book. It covers all coral reefs anywhere in the world. The maps are superb, as are the color photographs of the reefs. Each reef had a discussion of conditions in the reef, and the life that grows there. It's a huge book but one starts wishing for more; more maps, more photos, more detail. Maybe in the next edition, but meanwhile we can enjoy this superb book just as it.

A groundbreaking (waterbreaking?) achievement!
As the author of books about the ocean, I've read a lot of other books and articles about coral reefs. This is by far the best and most thorough book of its kind. Want to know what conditions are like on the Great Barrier Reef system? Around the Red Sea? Off Sulawesi? This is the place to go for answers. With wonderful maps and easy-to-understand text, it's destined to become the standard reference for divers, marine biologists and armchair adventurers who just want to learn more about this precious and fascinating ecosystem.

Published in Hardcover by Random House (1995)
Authors: Robert Mapplethorpe, Mitchell Ivers, and Edmund White
Amazon base price: $100.00
Used price: $23.50
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $127.99
Average review score:

A great collection of his work.
This book is large format (12" square) and comes supplied with a strong card case which protects the book and dust jacket from damage.

The photographs themselves are extremely well presented, many in colour or with colour surrounds or mounts. The range moves from formal portraits to some sex images to self-portraits to flowers and a couple of excellent still-life pieces. The book is simply sumptuous in its feel.

Most of this work is definitely towards the 'art' end of this photographer's spectrum. There is a very useful list of plates at the rear of the book with full details of the date, subject, photograph size, etc.

There is also a rather meandering essay by Edmund White which can safely be ignored or, if you enjoy pompous and meaningless written drivel, enjoyed depending on yourself.

A superb addition to the bookshelf of any Mapplethorpe fan, or indeed any lover of art photography.

One of the most beautiful collections of Mapplethorpe's work that I have seen; it is a very good overview of his photography and is a must-see for any art aficianado.

Antarctica and the Arctic: The Complete Encyclopedia
Published in Hardcover by Firefly Books (2003)
Authors: David McGonigal, Lynn Woodworth, and Sir Edmund Hillary
Amazon base price: $42.00
List price: $60.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $41.95
Buy one from zShops for: $40.94
Average review score:

Excellent book!
I am an Earth Science teacher and I have done research in Antarctica. The book has many wonderful photos and highly informative text about the geologic, oceanographic, atmospheric and biologic features of the polar regions. I recommend this book for anyone interested in these areas, especially teachers.

An excellent book on Antarctica!
I recently took a cruise to Antarctica and this book was in the ship's library. This is an excellent book on Antarctica and the pictures are fabulous! This makes a great coffe-table book!

Beyond Anxiety and Phobia: A Step-By-Step Guide to Lifetime Recovery
Published in Paperback by New Harbinger Pubns (30 March, 2001)
Author: Edmund J., Ph.D. Bourne
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Beyond the Typical Advise (that you've already heard)
This book is extremely helpful to those who have found other advise too elementary. If you have tried the basics - diet, relaxation, medications - and are not satisfied that you are getting to the ROOT of your problem, try this book. The author helps you discover personality traits and other issues that could be undermining your basic sense of security. I have always considered myself to be a very strong person and I was at a loss when I began experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. I quit caffeine, learned to relax and started eating better. It helped, but I still didn't feel "right." I have gotten much more relief from my symptoms by reading this book. The author asks questions to help the reader explore the BIG things in life, including love, spirituality and having a sense of purpose. He includes a lot of food for thought as well as practical advise on how to build for yourself a secure, meaningful life. The language is very easy to read, written intelligently and respectfully. I highly recommend this book.

This is a wonderful book!
This book picks up where the author's Anxiety and Phobia Workbook left off. The affirmations in the back alone are worth the price of the book, which presents a wide variety of ideas for living a more peaceful and satisfying life. The author is obviously a highly sensitive and caring therapist with a deep understanding of these problems. Highly recommended.

The Burning Library: Essays
Published in Hardcover by Knopf (1994)
Authors: Edmund White and David Bergman
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $1.97
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

The Reader in the new world--non fiction.
As a struggling writer I find it difficult to consult my creativity in a nurturing yet properly instructive way. One of the main difficulties is finding the right literary setting to allow my ideas to flourish (or at least a place to plant them). Until I read The Burning Library I was only familiar with White's fiction. I was apprehensive about his essays; that the power of his imaginary voice would be subdued in the realm of non fiction. It is subdued but it is no less brilliant, no less insightful, and no less stimulating. White rules his world with a brutal and sensitive brain; he debunks "myth" as he creates it. When the essays turn to biography it helps to be familiar with who he's talking about (I reccomend a class in contemporary French Literary Criticism) but it isn't necessary. White is accessible, provocative and entertaining. After reading these essays it took me a long time to return to fiction--both reading and writing it. These are inspiring articles; intellectual, risque, humorous, and most importantly... still chic. I am--as with all White's writing--inspired to create but usually disappointed with how short I fall in my attempts to be similar. I highly reccomend this book to anyone interested in gay history or the contemporary gay culture.

A Provocative and Far Ranging Collection
Edmund White is one of the foremost novelists of our day. He is also a literary critic and social observer of the first order.This collection of essays and reviews spans the period of the late 60's through the mid 90's and charts the changing views and mores of the gay world of which White is an important member. In addition, White's literary analysis of both well known figures such as Nabokov and lesser known poets and authors from all over is acute and thoughtful. White's discussion of his own work is invaluable to those of us, like myself, who are devotés and places it within the greater context of literature. Reading these essays and reviews made me want to explore further the authors and poets favored by the author, and that is what literary criticism is all about.

Cardiac Surgery in the Adult
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (12 May, 2003)
Authors: Lawrence H., Md. Cohn, L. Henry, Jr., Md. Edmunds, and Lawrence, MD Cohn
Amazon base price: $250.00
Used price: $222.50
Buy one from zShops for: $230.00
Average review score:

A must be textbook for all cardiovascular surgery residents.
In my opinion, what the "Harrison's textbook of internal medicine" means to an internist,so does Edmunds' textbook for a cardiovascular surgeon...You can find everything about adult cardiac surgery comprehensively. Thank you Mr.Edmunds!

Excellent - Full marks
This book offers those interested in cardiac surgery a wonderful source of information. It is presented in such a manner that it is educational and understandible for those just beginning medical school through those who are active attendings of cardiac surgery. A book that should be on everyones shelf, or better yet.. open on their desk!

The Church (Contours of Christian Theology)
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (1995)
Authors: Edmund P. Clowney and Gerald Bray
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.80
Buy one from zShops for: $11.69
Average review score:

God's Grace Makes a Glorious Church
Clowney's book The Church is a work of theological art. In it, Clowney paints deep and "artistic" images of the church using her historical beliefs and many Biblical texts.
Recently a very good friend of mine left the Protestant church and joined the Roman Catholic church. In my discussions with him over the years he mulled over his decision, the beauty of the Church seemed to take precedence in his mind. In his final decision, the Roman Catholic church best represented the beauty and doctrine found in the Bible. Before he converted, he mentioned some discussions he had in a class with a well known Protestant church leader. He requested the Protestant definition of the church. In the end, he was not satisfied with the answer. I wish he had read this book before he switched as I think he would have seen a representation of the church that was both true and beautiful.
One of the things my friend did not do will with, in my estimation, is dealing with the polemics between Protestants and Catholics. He did not like polemical arguments, tended to avoid them, and when he did engage them, he found that popular Protestant arguments did not accurately represent true Roman Catholic doctrine. As a result, he would often defend the Roman Catholic perspective.
One reason I like this book is that Clowney deals with a number of controversial topics without (for the most part) using polemical arguments. It makes for an attractive and positive presentation of the Protestant doctrine of the church. He deals with issues such as whether Peter is "the rock", whether women should be deacons, and other "hot topics", with clarity, conviction, and charity. Clowney bears his sword and deals with error, but does not malign his opponents before doing battle. As I reader, I found I was in awe of the way he wielded the sword, and hardly even noticed that he left his opponent in tatters. The one striking exception to this non-polemic presentation is his discussion on the doctrine of his former student and friend Wayne Grudem in a discussion of the continued relvance of prophecy today.
Overall, Clowney's "The Church" is an excellent theological book that motivates his readers to work for the the unity and purity of the church. Not overwhelming or unnecessarily negative, it helps Christians who love the Church to see the magnificent bride God is preparing for His Son. It helps to keep us on track for the most important things in this world.

Christians - Please Buy This Book!
In our culture, the church is almost irrelevant in the eyes of many Christians. It ultimately becomes a consumer item, and and people choose to attend the one that meets their "needs" the best. Dr. Clowney, a gifted scholar, gentle spirit, and dedicated churchman, has written an important work on what the church IS according to Scripture. Dr. Clowney, an ordained minister in the PCA, does not argue that any one denomination is the most biblical, instead, he shows what the Lord has called His church to be.

"If [the church] is to stand against the gates of hell, it must know its own divine charter, its bond to Jesus Christ, and the 'Holy Spiritual' power of its calling. For the church to be the church in the year 2000, it must be more than 'seeker-friendly'; it must be 'Seeker-sent', thrust forth by the Lord to bear his gospel of the cross to the peoples." (from the preface).

Dr. Clowney deals with both the theological foundations of the church, and many issues that are controversial in Christendom today. But his arguments are Biblical, and his tone is gracious. Give this book a chance, and let the Lord use it to give you a greater love for the bride of Christ, his body- the church!

Coping with Anxiety: 10 Simple Ways to Relieve Anxiety, Fear, and Worry
Published in Paperback by New Harbinger Pubns (2003)
Authors: Edmund J., Ph.D. Bourne and Lorna Garano
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.61
Buy one from zShops for: $7.08
Average review score:

Simple, concise, very readable
This book offers a concise, easy-to-read version of Dr. Bourne's previous work. It presents a wealth of useful information on how to handle anxiety in just 150 pages. Highly recommended.

Not Just For Anxiety
This book is informative, well-written, and is an easy to read guide for coping with anxiety. But it is more than that. We live in a world of stress, and that world can seem overwhelming at times. This is a guide that can be helpful for anyone struggling to cope with challenges in life. I highly recommend it.

Creatine: What You Need to Know
Published in Paperback by Avery Penguin Putnam (1999)
Author: Edmund R. Burke
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $3.49
Buy one from zShops for: $8.98
Average review score:

A practical book
A very interesting and practical book with many scientific data.

The Honest Answer
This book helped me a lot in my decision as to the benefits and detriments of using creatine. It is unbiased in its factual base yet a large portion is about proper use of the muscle builder in case one decides to use it. A must for anyone considering this product.

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