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Book reviews for "Vasvary,_Edmund" sorted by average review score:

Edmund Burke: A Genius Reconsidered
Published in Hardcover by Intercollegiate Studies Inst (1997)
Author: Russell Kirk
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Great Introduction to Burke
Kirk's introduction to the life and politics of Burke is essential to understanding Edmund Burke in his time and ours. More of a Political biography than a general biography, it is still a book whose prose is very readable and understandable. A biography of a great man by a great man.

Edmund C. Tarbell: Poet of Domesticity
Published in Hardcover by Hudson Hills Pr (2001)
Authors: Laurene Buckley and Edmund Charles Tarbell
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

An erudite biography and commentary adds depth
Edmund C. Tarbell: Poet Of Domesticity by art historian and expert Laurene Buckley is an impressive and informative artbook showcasing the breathtaking work of Edmund C. Tarbell (1862-1938), a leading painter, teacher, and contributor to American Impressionism. Black-and-white and color representations of his most notable masterpieces fill the pages, while an erudite biography and commentary adds depth to the representations of skilled artwork. Edmund C. Tarbell: Poet Of Domesticity is very highly recommended for art history students as well as the non-specialist general reader having a passion for American Impressionism.

Edmund Campion
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1987)
Authors: Evlyn Waugh and Evelyn Waugh
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Truly a prize winning book!
This biography of the English saint and martyr Edmund Campion won the Hawthornden Prize in 1936, and I read it because of that. It is very well-written , tho it lacks a bibliography and footnotes. Campion was executed Dec. 1, 1581, after being sentenced to "be hanged and let down alive, and your privy parts cut off, and your entrails taken out and burnt in your sight, then your head to be cut off and your body divided into four parts." It surely makes one grateful for the 8th Amendment against cruel and unusual punishmnet. This is a fast read and eminently worth reading.

Edmund Dulac's Fairy Book
Published in Hardcover by Portland (1989)
Author: Edmund Dulac
Amazon base price: $7.99
Average review score:

Wonderful fairy tale book
I have the original published in 1914. The fairy tales are unique and the illustrations are beautiful.

Edmund Husserl: Philosopher of Infintie Tasks
Published in Paperback by Northwestern University Press (1974)
Author: Maurice Alexander Natanson
Amazon base price: $29.00
Average review score:

An eloquent presentation of Husserl's phenomenology
Natanson's book is amazingly well-written. Husserl's often difficult and wordy ideas of phenomenology are covered clearly enough for the beginner, and in-depth enough for the student of Husserl. Natanson offers not just a review of phenomenology, but covers all from attitudes to methods, existence to the application of phenomenology. This is the first book I recommend to anyone studying Husserl.

Edmund Spenser's "The Faerie Queene": A Study Guide from Gale's "Epics for Students"
Published in Digital by The Gale Group (23 July, 2002)
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:

Finally I understand this book!!!
This is a terrific study guide. Just what I needed to get my paper written. Finally I understand this poem! Who knew how easy things could be with a little help??? The plot, characters--everything--are described really well. And the price is great, too.

Edmund Spenser's Amoretti and Epithalamion: A Critical Edition (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Vol 146)
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1997)
Authors: Kenneth J. Larsen and Edmund Epithalamion Spenser
Amazon base price: $25.00
Average review score:

An Excellent Scholarly Source
As I understand it, this book results from years of scholarship; certainly it's the most detailed edition of the Amoretti and Epithalamion that I've found.

Larsen has a clear editorial "take" on Spenser's sonnet cycle (which includes the 89 Amoretti and the 24 stanzas of the Epithalamion). He joins the many historicist Renaissance scholars who argue that one cannot understand Renaissance literature fully without taking its religious and political context into account. In particular, Spenser, like most of Elizabeth I's subjects, was steeped the the new Protestant religion begun by the queen's father and brother in the middle of the 16th century, and this religion, in turn, found its life in the 1559 Book of Common Prayer.

Building on the work of Alexander Dunlop and others, Larson pays particular attention to the resonances between the Amoretti and the lessons and psalms specified for particular days of the year in the Prayer Book. Most critics agree that almost all of Spenser's 89 Amoretti correspond to specific days in the calendar year 1594. Larsen supports this theory by noting many connections between specific sonnets and the Prayer Book readings which correspond to those sonnets' presumed dates. His introduction (some 60 pages) offers an especially helpful discussion of how Spenser may have read and used the Prayer Book and various English translations of the Bible.

Larsen also notes Spenser's numerous classical and Petrarchan sources. My only complaint here is that in his notes Larsen will often quote a source in the original language without providing a translation. Over all, though, Larsen's notes are extensive and provocative without shutting down further inquiry or discussion. I'd recommend this work to anyone who's doing a serious investigation of the Amoretti and Epithalamion.

Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene and the Monomyth of Joseph Campbell: Essays in Interpretation (Studies in Comparative Literature, V. 35)
Published in Hardcover by Edwin Mellen Press (2000)
Author: Dennis Quinn
Amazon base price: $99.95
Average review score:

Pure excellence
I have recently had the great pleasure of reading this wonderful work by Dr. Quinn. It does shed more light on Spenser- it is doubtlessly an excellent work, one to be truly referred to for reference in the future. It is pure excellence.

Edmund Wilson; a bibliography
Published in Unknown Binding by D. Lewis ()
Author: Richard David Ramsey
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

I'm glad to see that people still find my book useful.
Back in 1971, I published my bibliography of Edmund Wilson. Occasionally I still come across references to it, as I did today while surfing the 'net. These electronic searches were hardly even science fiction when I was doing the research for the book. Times have changed. I wish I had had today's search engines back when I put two or three years of my life into that book. Nonetheless, the geometrically expanding range of information still makes a bibliographer's job challenging. Attempting to find and verify everything which Wilson had written, and which had been written about him, during his many prolific years was a daunting task. At one point I wanted to quit, but my M.A. thesis advisor at Vanderbilt, Thomas Daniel Young, urged me on. I met Edmund Wilson at his home on Cape Cod shortly after I published the book. I came with a friend who had a history degree from the University of Virginia. Both of us left his house very much impressed with how Edmund Wilson seemed to know something about everything; in person he had the same extent of eclecticism which characterized his writing. Dan Young, who was also series editor for FUGITIVE BIBLIOGRAPHIES of which my book formed a part, passed on to his reward in 1997. In the last Christmas card he sent to me before his death, he indicated that he had written or edited 32 books. I'm glad that some people have found my book useful and that you continue to list it at I am interested in hearing from anyone who wants to do research on Edmund Wilson. Richard David Ramsey, Ph.D.

Edmund's New Cars Winter 2001: Prices & Reviews (Edmund's New Car Prices and Reviews)
Published in Paperback by Edmund Pubns (1900)
Authors: Edmunds and Edmund's
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

An Outstanding Reference Book
This book is invaluable to anyone about to purchase a car and also willing to do some research before buying. Edmond's also has a usefull web site, but having the book allows one to review car pricing and not be connected to a computer. The price of the book is modest and well worth it.

I just purchased a truck and after negotiating with a handful of dealers I have a high degree of confidence that I paid an appropriately low price. The Edmond's truck edition was very accurate on prices. The pricing guidance is useful, but more valuable is understanding how a dealer prices and sells vehicles. Knowing where dealers can be flexible and where they cannot is helpful in negotiations.

Whenever I buy a new car getting a copy of this text has always been my first step. I will need to buy a car for my wife soon, and one can guess what I am reading. Purchasing this book is a best first step for anyone else.

One needs to remember that the book is really a periodical that is updated ... periodically (quarterly I believe). So, when buying, pay special attention to the date on the cover and be sure it is the latest edition.

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