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Book reviews for "Steensma,_Robert_Charles" sorted by average review score:

Confederate Corsair: The Life of Lt. Charles W. "Savez" Read
Published in Hardcover by Stackpole Books (2000)
Author: Robert A. Jones
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Sea Power
This book is an excellent source of information for anyone with an interest either in the American Civil War or in warfare in general. For the casual reader, one can find interest in the stories of Read's early career and of his swashbuckling adventures. To the historian, one can find interesting insight into the importance of sea power, during the Civil War. This concept has a sort of Alfred Thayer Mahan ring to it, who wrote about sea power as important to nations during the nineteenth century.

Confederate Naval Hero - at Last!
Admiral Dewey said "America never produced a navy officer more worthy of a place in history" and thanks to Jones he has it and we've got a great book to read! Read captured over 20 union ships and burned most of them - he was captured once, made several nearly successful escape attempts, and at one point had over 30 Union ships at sea just to try to stop him. The main part of the book reads like an action novel, but it's all real - as he moves from river warfare to commerce raiding and back, but it has a detailed, 23 page section of notes and an 11 page bibliography. So you'll learn a lot about the naval side of the war, and lots of information is there for those doing research - but read it first for the story - you'll love it!


**Hey, SOMEBODY [Ted Turner maybe?] ought to make a MOVIE out of this! ** ======

Lt. Read's true story, captured in this well-documented & very readable biography, has All the earmarks of a great, action-packed adventure! -- This Civil War "sea story" has everything: Lt. Read graduated last in his class from the U.S. Naval Academy; he fought on the Mississippi River in various ships, including an ironclad; he raided as far north as Portland, Maine; he was a prisoner of war & made multiple escape attempts... What a fantastic story line for a movie! But this is all true!

This is a very well-written account of a heroic figure, and it's one that will hold you in suspense! (...other than the fact that you already know how the war turned out.)

Bravo, Robert A. Jones!... I like your book!


Images from the Storm
Published in Hardcover by Free Press (2001)
Authors: Robert Knox Sneden, Charles F., Jr Bryan, James C. Kelly, and Nelson D. Lankford
Amazon base price: $12.99
List price: $50.00 (that's 74% off!)
Average review score:

An outstanding example of military art
Images From The Storm will appeal to two audiences: those who appreciate treatises on early military art and those with an interest in the Civil War. The Virginia Historical Society unearthed a treasure trove of photos by Union photographer Robert Knox Sneden: this shares his handwritten memoir and a sampling of his storehouse of nearly 1,000 watercolors, sketches and engravings about the war. An outstanding example of military art.

Civil War Artwork like you've never seen!!
If you love to see pictures from a fascinating time in American history, this is your book. The details and the description really put you there to experience what was happening. No flowery, romatic view of war from this guy!! This book provides
extra pictures that were not included in "Eye of the Storm".
Don't miss this piece of history.

A Fresh Viewpoint
Private Sneden, a survivor of the Civil War was long forgotten when this was published recently. What is so vital about this book is that it is untouched by politicians, generals,and other propogandists of that era. Furthermore it is done through the viewpoint of the artists eyes, and done by his hand - without the editorial expections of the time.

It is so refreshing to see this long studied subject being given a fresh viewpoint from someone who was actually there.

Recommeded for any serious student of the Civil War.

Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (15 August, 2001)
Authors: Charles E. Daniels, Robert L. Dedrick, Charles V. Grudzinskas, Sanford P. Markey, and Arthur J. Atkinson
Amazon base price: $79.95
Average review score:

Excellent resource for post-graduate training
In my opinion, this is the best book on general principles without going into detail on specific therapeutic areas. I would consider it a must-read for those in clinical pharmacology post-graduate training or those working in clin pharm. However, previous knowledge of pharmacology is needed, as this book is not suitable as a first primer for medical and undergrad students.

Excellent resource for post graduate training!
In my opinion, this is the best book I have come acrorss in terms of "PRINCIPLES" The book focuses on general principles, not specific therapeutic areas. Topics covered range from drug discovery and development to individualization and quality assessment of drug therapy. This is an excellent resource for those in post-graduate Clinical Pharmacology training or who are working in this area. Readers will,
however, need a basic knowledge of pharmacology as this book is not suitable as the first and only Clinical Pharmacology textbook for medical or undergraduate students.

The best book for "Principles of Clinical Pharmacology"
I think this is the best book so far when it comes to "PRINCIPLES". The book focused on general principles, not any particular therapeutic areas. It covers from drug discovery and development to individualization and quality assessment of drug therapy. Excellent resource for people in post-graduate Clinical Pharmacology training or working in this area. However, readers will need basic knowledge of pharmacology from other sources. This is not suitable to be the first and only Clinical Pharmacology textbook for medical students or undergraduate students.

Stone Canyons of the Colorado Plateau
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (1996)
Authors: Jack W. Dykinga, Robert Redford, and Charles Bowden
Amazon base price: $45.00
Average review score:

The Best Landscape Book
In 1998 I'd seen a photo on a calendar of the Vermillion Cliffs in Utah, but had no idea where exactly it was located. I teach photography and my students and I had done some research to find it, but discovered it was a very large area. When I found Mr. Dykinga's book I was even more determined for my students to see and photograph the area. Needless to say, the book is truly inspirational thanks to Jack's remarkabe work.!
If you know a photographer or a traveller - this is the book for them! Enjoy the treat yourself as well.

Jeff Grimm
Bedford, TX

An exquisite exploration of the Colorado Plateau
The number of photographic works exploring the nuances of the Colorado Plateau is seemingly endless. Many can be browsed once and left behind. This book is the scintillating exception.

Jack Dykinga's photographic work is simply exceptional, and beyond the pale. Each color photograph appears as exquisitely crafted as a piece of fine crystal, beginning with very cover of the paperback edition. One can only envy his great patience and expertise in composing each work.

Much of the photography comes from the Paria Wilderness, an area of the Plateau not usually treated to any degree in most works, and the novelty is refreshing. A particularly enjoyable facet of the book is that use of a telephoto lens has been largely eschewed, leaving a series of scenes that the enterprising tourist can find and view with his or her own eyes, just as depicted by the book.

Charles Bowden's accompanying text is evocative and hearkens a wild diffusion of images and memories of the fascinating region.
It is an apt companion to Dykinga's superb work.

If you are limited to five or less books about the Colorado plateau, let this be one of them. I enjoy it more every time I read it.

Book comment
An hymn to the nature and it's landscapes, whose pictures are superb in both the technical and artistic plans.

Ten Stocks That Could Change The World
Published in Hardcover by August House Pub (2001)
Authors: Larry Waschka, Charles Martin Greg Combs, and Robert Bacon
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Ten Stocks that Could Change the World
An amazing book featuring companies that have fascinating products. Certainly a "field to watch" of tech savvy, smart companies.

An invaluable resource for the smart investor...
This book has already provided me with excellent guidance and I anticipate relying heavily on the wisdom Larry Waschka shares in this book as I further refine my long-term investment strategy. No informed investor should miss this book.

The "lightbulb" lit up several times -
I enjoyed reading the book. I now understand some of the complexities of the revolutions in technology ie. photonics, e-learning, and fiber optics. The chapter on photonics was particularly interesting to me. Thanks for taking the mystery out of those technologies that at one time I thought I would never get my brain around! Kudos!!!

Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1994)
Authors: Robert W. McIntosh, Charles R. Goeldner, J. R. Brent Ritchie, and J. R. Richie Ritchir
Amazon base price: $54.75
Average review score:

I really like this book!!
This book is very insightful on both, aspects of tourism and travel, as well as the financial affects that tourism can play on a country's economy. The authors seem to know what they're talking about and they're very good at relaying their knowledge to their readers in a concise way.

A great introduction to tourism
This text provides a great overview of the tourism industry, from what tourism is to its organization to the theories that help fomulate such a diverse industry. This book should be studied by every student studying tourism.

Outstanding blend of theory and implementation
This book offers a fusion of theory and practical advice that is directly relevant to managers - an area where many current tourism texts fall short. It is both strategic and tactical, providing readers with a broad overview of the tourism environment as well as implementable ideas for improving business performance. I have read and enjoyed the original version by McIntosh, and the new insights from Ritchie and Goeldner add new depth to an already exceptional read.

Look around. You'll find no book in the field as thorough and well written as this.

Astrology, Aleister and Aeon
Published in Paperback by New Falcon Publications (01 April, 2001)
Authors: Charles Kipp and Robert Anton Wilson
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

A True Master
Author Charles Kipp has earned the title of Master for this truly magnificent book. With a mix of western culture, astrology, science and magick, you get an eye opening experience of pure ecstasy.

This certainly is not a step by step how-to, new age astrology guide. This is a complete book of revelations in the field of astrology that practitioners of the science itself need to experience. Leave behind all you thought you knew. Open the first page and read the introduction by Robert Anton Wilson. Then read the first page from Charles Kipp. You won't be able to put down this book once you start.

Master in his own right, Robert Anton Wilson introduces the book with his own personal experience while studying Crowley. You can see how Wilson has remained objective and open minded in his 28 years of reading and researching a man who, to this day, remains an enigmatic icon. His respect for Crowley shows clearly through the lines as he tries to explain not only who Crowley was, but why he lived his life the way he did. Although no one will ever know for sure Crowley's mindset, Wilson gives an award winning performance in presenting a fresh, very believable point of view.

Following this marvelous introduction isn't easy, but Charles Kipp is equal to the task as he takes you on an enlightened journey through astrology in a way you have never traveled before. Using Aleister Crowley as a test subject for his topic is, in a word, brilliant! Kipp calls on 30 years experience as student, practitioner and teacher of astrology to delve deeply into Crowley's life through his own writings. Intertwining them with Astrology not only makes for easy comprehension but sheer enjoyment!

Never before has such an in-depth book been written to keep the reader aware of each step; it's like taking several courses simultaneously. Kipp expands your horizons with the experience and proves that he really is the new master on the block!

For one who was reared on a steady diet of propaganda which taught that astrology was well-represented by the colorful charts, graphs, and horoscopes on the newsstand rags at the local grocery store, I had my biases. A certain cynicism usually kicked in and got in the way of my even picking up a book with the word "Astrology" in its title.

Silly Me.

Something profound drew me to this book and I have been thankful ever since. This highly impressive work is a benchmark for what makes for truly great reading, in my opinion. A nice coalescence between hard core science and then fanciful, poetic musings. To remain so open-minded while maintaining a well-grounded basis really gives Mr. Kipp an edge on others who have attempted similarly lofty tasks. Kipp elegantly pulls together a symphony of ideas.

Tying together such disparate topics as mysticism, astrology, psychoanalysis, history, and science - no simple task - is performed by Mr. Kipp with unique scholarship, and impeccable flair.

The rascal Aleister Crowley is rendered very human and great sympathy is aroused by Kipp's amusing characterization of Crowley's strange and at times brutal upbringing. We are compelled to understand the psychology and mythology inherent in Crowley's (and our own) universe.

Ultimately, we are brought full circle to a deep insight of the theoretical perspectives - including both critical and expansive views - necessary to establish a sense of "wholeness."

This reader was left amazed at the beauty of the language and the harmonious interplay of really cool, strange subjects.

My amazement at the fact that someone could come up with the idea for this book was superseded by the fact that the idea was so powerfully executed.

Bring us another one, Master Kipp.

Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (04 January, 2002)
Authors: Charles Cerami, Charles A. Cerami, and Robert M. Silverstein
Amazon base price: $19.57
List price: $27.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Benjamin Banneker:Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot, by Charles A. Cerami has expanded our knowledge of this renowned 18th century African American. To those familiar with the contributions of blacks to American society, Benjamin Banneker's accomplishments are well known. He was a free black man, son of an African, his grandmother, an indentured servant from England. He built a wooden clock using a pocket watch as a guide. Later on in life, he parlayed his scientific and mathematical skills into the creation of an almanac. He then went on to become an integral part of the team that surveyed the area that was to become the nation's capitol. He wrote letters to Thomas Jefferson critical of the latter's racist views, and even received a response. The author covers this ground well. We are aware of how stunning Banneker's achievements are, given that he was a black man living in a nation where the vast majority of black people toiled in slavery. Even a free black was a degraded, stigmatized creature in white eyes. The author, however, lifts Banneker out of this limiting context to elevate him into the company of truly original thinkers. Thus, Banneker becomes more than a brilliant black man who rose above his station to live the life of the mind, a pursuit which, if he were white, would not have garnered much attention. Banneker made an assertion that no one had made up that point (at least not with his degree of logic). He speculated on the existence of life on other worlds. The author presents an excerpt from Banneker's writings as proof that this humble black farmer was far ahead of his time. Indeed, such a revolutionary thought would not be adopted by scientists as a credible theory until well into the 20th century. Charles Cerami's work is of monumental importance because now we have a new insight into the depth of Benjamin Banneker's intellect. Hopefully, this book will be so widely read that Banneker's role as the man who memorized the plans to Washington, D.C. will not be his ultimate achievement in the popular imagination. Hopefully, scientists, historians and lay enthusiasts will recognize the significance of Banneker's thinking in regard to the possibility of life beyond our precious, little world.

Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot
I can't believe the genius of Benjamin Banneker, the man. I always knew his name through his famous letter to Thomas Jefferson. In the pages of this fascinating biography, I discovered his excellence in so many professions, especially astronomy. His speculations on light and stars were revolutionary and opened the door to modern astronomy. He is a true American hero.

Blessed Are the Barren: The Social Policy of Planned Parenthood
Published in Paperback by Ignatius Press (1991)
Authors: Robert G. Marshall and Charles A. Donovan
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

The truth about Margaret Sanger
This book is required reading for anyone who wants to fully understand the philosophy of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Blessed Are The Barren presents, in well written and painstakingly researched detail, how the population control movement was launched in the U.S. under a carefully calculated guise. Donovan and Marshall extensively document the important role racism and eugenics played in the thinking of Sanger and other early "family planning" activists -- neither of which is usually mentioned in Sanger's whitewashed biographies. This is the most informative book I've ever read on the social history of Planned Parenthood, and I highly recommend it.

Well documented, insightful. You have to read this book!
I was given this book by a friend, opened the front cover and couldn't put it down.

It gives a very complete biography of the life of Margaret Sanger in a way that is very fair to her and the Planned Parenthood Organization she started.

This is a must read for anyone in health care, religion or politics.

The Best Pitcher in Baseball
Published in Hardcover by New York University Press (2001)
Author: Robert Charles Cottrell
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)

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