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Book reviews for "Shirley-Smith,_Hubert" sorted by average review score:

Lectures on the Theory of Phase Transformations
Published in Paperback by Times of Acadiana Pr Inc (2000)
Author: Hubert I. Aaronson
Amazon base price: $84.00
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

Great Detail
This is an advanced text on the topic of pahse transformations. And I mean ADVANCED.

This book would be best used as a follow-up to a first year graduate phase trans course; it's far more in-depth than Porter and Easterling's book.

This text has five chapers (I have the second edition):

1) Application of the Gibbs energy-composition diagrams

2) Influence of elastic stress on phase transformations

3) Theory of capillarity

4) The kinetic equations of solid->solid nucleation theory and comparisons with experimental observation

5) Moving phase boundary problems

These are all very detailed reviews of the topic. Ch. 2, especially, I find helpful to my research.

So, in summary: An excellent text for people who need to understand *advanced* phase transformaiton theory.

Let Me Encourage You Today: Daily Devotions
Published in Paperback by Mark Beaird (2002)
Authors: Mark A. Beaird and Hubert P. Black
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Timely and uplifting
Pastor Mark does exactly what the title of this book implies. This is a devotional, but it reads more like a series of true mini-sermons that present biblical truths as well as practical applications of the subject matter. Many of the devotionals have a relevant story with them, and they all turn your focus back to the Bible. In a day and age when things aren't so hopeful, this is a blessing from God that really delivers what the title promises. Highly recommended!

Machig Labdron and the Practice of Chod
Published in Paperback by Snow Lion Pubns (1996)
Authors: Jerome Edou and Hubert Decleer
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.50
Collectible price: $13.22
Buy one from zShops for: $11.45
Average review score:

Long on psychology, short on superstition
Loved this book! This book emphasizes the psychological nature of chod practice, and works very hard to disentangle historical fact from mythical or mystical explication. The explanations of the lineage, and the historical context of different chod lineages was very, ahem, elightening. Good book.

The Masques of Amen House
Published in Paperback by The Mythopoeic Press (2000)
Authors: Charles Williams, David Bratman, Hubert J. Foss, and Bernadette Lynn Bosky
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $7.00
Average review score:

I couldn't put it down!!
Published by Mythopoeic Society, this trade paperback has a really cute cover. To those of you who know me I am a friend of the Mythopoeic society the American fan group which has been responsible for keeping the memory of "The Inklings alive since its inception in 1967. Okay I confess that in the last thirteen years I have missed only two of three of their conferences.

The organization has produced far beyond its numbers over the last 33 years. It has held conferences, producing academic journals, and developed a whole new generation of scholars who have made high fantasy a respectable genre, and I might add a very hot marketing category to say the least. The Modern Language association has deigned to index their major publication Mythlore. This is no small honor because it means that as a respectable peer reviewed journal publications in it count towards tenure if you play the academic game.

The Mythopoeic Press which published items like this as a labor of love, and those work for its project do so for the best reason, they believe they are worth doing. This item is limited to a print run of 300 copies so it is in fact a rare book from the start. I read it over the weekend at a science fiction convention where I got a complimentary membership and I could not put the weird little thing down. It is weird because it transports one back to Oxford University press in London in the 20's and 30's This is the world which Charles Williams work is way up from a literary nobody who worked as a proof reader; to an individuals who became a peer of Likes of C.S Lewis, and J.R.R Tolkien. This is a world that might visualize like an old Alfred Hitchcock Movies, like the several we have been watching over the last month. But, it is a world that has almost receded out of living memory-which is a sad thing.

Here is what some of the big names in publishing in the second half of the 20th century have had to say about. From the Inside Flap "Charles Williams's masques are an intellectual frolic. Sometimes they deliver sharp and shrewdly apt comments on the publishing process. Sometimes this merges into a virtuoso display of Williams's own quirks and oddities. They are fun to read, and to imagine being performed before Caesar--also known as Humphrey Milford, Publisher to the august Oxford University Press. As a former London publisher myself I can vouch for the accurate but impish background to the masques. Such events would be hard to imagine occurring within the book-publishing industry today. But then Williams, like all the Inklings, was an original, and caused unexpected things to happen." --Rayner Unwin, former Chairman, George Allen & Unwin Ltd.; publisher of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien -----

"It is good to have, at last, easy access to these remarkable products of Williams's overflowing creative energy, which he placed here at the service of his ideal of congenial and mutually supportive community. The ingenuity and serious playfulness of his masques provide much delight. Selections from the music composed for them and from related occasional verse help round out our experience. An excellent introduction and judicious notes guide us through the topical and personal allusions and offer glimpses into the enigmas of Williams's life." --Charles A. Huttar, Professor Emeritus of English, Hope College; co-editor of The Rhetoric of Vision: Essays on Charles Williams About the Author Of course you would expect that sort of thing from those involved in this items production,

Charles William's (1886-1945) was really interesting in the sense that he was a self made man whose formal education was interrupted but never the less on the basis of his determination and intellectual merit was able to play in the field of power at a time when academic publishing was more than the grist mill for as tenure factory. Williams was also more than a bit of a ladies man but that is yet another story about the shortest lived of" The Inklings"

By the way a Masque is a kind play which the lines between audience and player are blurred indeed. The three plays take a bit of getting used, and some of the jokes take a bit of work to get, but as I read through it I found I just could not put it down. 206 pages with notes and index. Copyright 2000

Phillip Kaveny, Reviewer

More Weekend Crochet Projects
Published in Hardcover by Van Nostrand Reinhold (1987)
Authors: Margaret Hubert and Dorothy Gusick
Amazon base price: $3.98
Used price: $5.39
Collectible price: $9.99
Average review score:

A must-have for the avid crocheter
I just find this truly enjoyable book an excellent source of patterns for those who just crave to make crocheted garments. The book has more than 70 patterns to make, and most can be accomplished in a weekend. All instructions are not abbreviated, allowing the novice to fully appreciate the craft of crochet. Includes both black and white and color photos of finished projects, helpful hints on how to perfect your craft, and definitions of terms as used in the book. Great addition to a crocheter's library. If ever this does get in stock back, buy it, buy it, buy it!

Published in Paperback by Lectorum Pubns (Juv) (1997)
Author: Hubert Monteilhet
Amazon base price: $30.95
Average review score:

Excellent book.
Any fan of historical fiction will love this book. It is informative, but never dry, with many plot twists and turns. I couldn't put it down. You will be transported to the back streets of Rome under Nero's rule, you will laugh, cry, and be shocked. My other favorite authors are Anne Rice and Colleen McCullough, so if you enjoy these authors give Monteilhet a try.

One-Piece Knits That Fit: How to Knit and Crochet One-Piece Garments
Published in Hardcover by Book Sales (1982)
Author: Margaret Hubert
Amazon base price: $37.00
Used price: $10.51
Average review score:

A Knitting and Crocheting Must
I received this book in the 80's as a gift. I've used it over and over again. It contains sizes 6 months through adult for knitted and crocheted sweaters and has sections for baby, worsted and chunky yarn. I'm buying a second copy for a friend.

The Origin of Perspective
Published in Paperback by MIT Press (04 August, 1995)
Authors: Hubert Damisch and John Goodman
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.50
Buy one from zShops for: $24.27
Average review score:

this study, intense and multi-faceted, is a mandatory text for anyone who attempts to re-understand perspective.

Patton; a study in command
Published in Unknown Binding by (01 January, 1974)
Author: Hubert Essame
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $3.35
Collectible price: $28.00
Average review score:

In this book, British Major-General (retired) Hubert Essame (1896-1976) gives the reader a look into the military career of George S. Patton Jr. (1885-1945), commander of the Third Army, and one of the greatest generals produced by the United States. Devoting the first three chapters to Patton's early career, he then launches into a powerful chronicle of Patton's experiences during World War II.

Even though General Essame was British, he was evidently a great admirer of Patton, and this admiration shines through throughout the narrative. If you are looking for a critical analysis of Patton, then this book will disappoint you. However, the strength of this book is that it provides an in-depth look at Patton and his character, while giving the history of what Patton did.

Overall, I found this to be a great book. I am something of a Patton fan, and enjoyed the excellent narrative provided by this book. If you are interested in General Patton, then I strongly recommend that you read this book!

Quantum Theory and Measurement
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (1984)
Authors: J. A. Wheeler and Wojciech Hubert Zurek
Amazon base price: $49.50
Average review score:

Must own collection for quantum physics
This is a must-own collection for anyone studying or working in quantum physics. These are the original papers concerning the so-called problem of measurement. Minority views are included; for instance, both parts of Bohm's 1952 paper are here. Not only physicists, but also historians and philosophers of science, will want to read these papers.

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