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Book reviews for "Osborne,_Mary_Pope" sorted by average review score:

Lions at Lunchtime
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.03
Buy one from zShops for: $7.88
Average review score:

Neat book for countless reasons!
This book was my first, but my 4th best. I mean, it's still tremendous, but the action isn't the best, but good enough. My favorite part is the part where Jack and Annie face a terrible time getting back to the tree house. Also, the funny part is at the time mentioned above, and at the beginning of the story. It's where Jack and Annie discover lions dislike giraffes. I get the reason, but it was still very funny. Also, I didn't know that giraffes could give a big kick like that. Well, I'm not going to spoil the book, so read it for yourself, and I guarantee you'll love it even though it may not be the best.

You're off on another great adventure!
Lions at Lunchtime is a great book, written by Mary Pope Osborne. It is about Jack and Annie's adventures in Africa. The magic Tree House takes them to Africa to solve a riddle. Jack and Annie meet a lot of animals. They also meet a worrior. You will have to read the book to see if they meet any lions.
If you like animals, you will like reading Lions at Lunchtime. It was an exciting book. I really like the part when Jack and Annie walk under a giraffe. You will have to read the book to find out why they walk under the giraffe.

This a good book.
Annie and Jack are getting out of bed. They started to sneak outside. They walked to the tree house and climbed up and looked at the Africa book with giraffes on one side and zebras on the other. It took me two weeks to read this book. I can't tell you any more, but I think it's a good book for 2-4 grades. The book is adventurous to me, and I think it's a great book.

Buffalo Before Breakfast
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.10
Buy one from zShops for: $8.10
Average review score:

Indian History
This book is exciting and cool because you could learn more about Indians. The main characters are Jack, Annie and Teddy. Teddy is their dog. They start out in a treehouse. Then Jack says, "I wish I was there." The wind blew! The treehouse spun. It spun faster and faster. Then everything was still, absolutely still. Then they are at the Lakota camp. It is an Indian tribe and they are trying to free Teddy from a spell.

buffalo before breakfast review
Buffalo Before Breakfast by Mary Pope Usborne.
Would you ever want to go into the time of Indians?
Jack and Annie go into the time of Lakota Indians and meet a Lakota boy. The Lakota boy shows them how to hunt buffalo. Jack and Annie learn to ride ponies. Jack and Annie meet the Lakota boy's
Grandmother. One of the lessons in this story is to not show off. The picture on the cover is colorful. The
Buffalo had stopped stampeding. Find out who stops them.

Fantastic As Buffalo Themselves!
This is one of my favorites, probably my 3rd. I like buffalo and Indians, especially because of what fun they cause on good western movies, like "How The West Was Won", and the Indians got of to a good start in "Stagecoach", "The War Wagon", and especially "The Pony Express. Another reason why this book exceeds 5,000 stars is because of all the fun there is, it seems like a Hardy Boys book rather than a learning book. But for some reason I'm starting to think that the more action there is in a Magic Tree House book, the more learning topics the book has. Definitely one of the Top Five, too good to say Top Ten.

Tigers at Twilight #19
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

Tigers at Twilight
Tigers a Twilight
I absolutely delect the book titled Tigers a Twilight by Mary Pope Obsorne , a fabulous writer that discribes the problems that occur in a way that you will react, like the part when the children, Annie and Jack try to rescue the might inmediatly get attracted to the book after you read only the first word from the book. I totally reccomend this fabulous mystery book because two kids magicly appear to be in India and learn more about nature.

Like Tigers? Read This!
Tigers At Twilight by Mary Pope

If you read this book you will think it is very interesting. A little boy and girl go on a quest to solve a riddle. They almost get run over by a rhinoceros and ride an elephant in the forest.

I think this book is really cool. It has a magic tree house and I like tree houses.

Mary Pope wanted to teach us to never be afraid to do something hard.

Tigers at Twilight
Join Jack and Annie in this thrilling expadition to find the third gift to free the enchanted dog Teddy in the 19th book of the series of the Magic Treehouse, Tigers at Twilight. Jack and Annie have one more gift to go before Teddy is freed from the enchantment. In this outrageous adventure Jack and Annie must face many dangers such as tigers, snakes, and rinos! In my opinion this is the most outstanding book in the series of the Magic Threehouse that I have ever read! I hioghly recomend this wonderful book. Hope you enjoy Tigers at Twilight!

My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Civil War Diary (My America)
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2002)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.94
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

My Brothers Keeper
Hi I am Glenna Miller my book is My brothers keeper .The auther is Mary Pope Osborne.There are a 107 pages. The setting is Gettisburg in 1863.The Genre is fiction. The plot is her brother and dad go to her uncles to help hide his horses from the rebs. So she has to stay with Reverand Mcullys family.Jane Ellen Reverand Mcully daughter likes Jed her brother but she only saw him once.The rebs came and yelled "have the union came"I like the place and I like the way it goes in 1863 it is pretty cool. I like her name it is Virginia cause it is my home town.I hope you like this book the way I did. So pick up this book My brothers keeper

A Promise at Gettysburg. . .
Nine-year-old Virginia Dickens is left in the care of Reverend and Mrs. McCully while her father and brother help her uncle hide his horses from the Confederate raiders and fight. She promises to keep a journal for Jed, her brother. Her family thinks she'll be safe but they are wronged when Gettysburg is ambushed. After the battle, she and her father find her brother in a makeshift hospital. The book ends as the town slowly recovers and Virginia hears President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

Mrs. Osborne has successfully creates individual characters, and she poses difficult questions about war and the waste of human life. There is a lyrical quality to several passages, and the author slowly builds suspense and release.

Also recommended: All the Dear America Books

My review on My Brother's Keeper
The book is about a young girl named Virginia that stays at her neighbors' house while her father and brother Jed, are at their Uncle's to help with the horses. We learn what happens when when the Civil War starts and she writes her thoughts and what she sees and hears in the diary Jed gave her before he left.
What I like about the book is how the author uses such descriptive words about the war and it seems like it's happening right in front of my my face. Also, I love what Virginia writes in her diary. It seems so true. Once you read this book you know what it feels like and what she's trying to say.
The book's theme I think is you can never know what's going to happen when your family is away and what might come between you and your family. I'd give this book two thumbs up!!

Viking Ships at Sunrise
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.76
Buy one from zShops for: $8.71
Average review score:

Number 15 in the series.
VIKING SHIPS is a really fun book. I actually lost myself in the story. It's short, but exciting, with a real sense of adventure. This is a great series for kids to read and to own. I could tell from the introduction that it's probably better if you read them in order. The first in the series is "Dinosaurs Before Dark."

Accurate and engaging
This was our first Magic Treehouse book and I am pleased. I had just returned from Scandinavia when I bought this for my 6 yo and 4 yo daughters, hoping that they could learn something of what I had garnered from my trip. Happily, I think they did.

I like the format of the series. As a child I would have *loved* to have travelled via a treehouse to distant times and places. What child wouldn't want to meet characters from somewhere else? I like the idea of fetching books- I love books so the task would be appealing to me.

From my reading of Viking raids, it is very likely that raids took place as described here, against the Irish monks. Vikings were in search of stored foods, wealth and whatever else they could grab on a quick morning attack. There would have been many ships and a fast assault as portrayed here. Many aspects of the raids were left out, and that is just fine for the young school-age reader.

These are chapter books that can be easily read by an advanced first grader over several days, or read as bedtime stories by parents over one or two evenings. There are some illustrations to augment the storyline, but the main focus of the book is the text.

Good book about the Vikings
This Magic Tree House book really teaches you about the Vikings. It's a neat setting, and there's some good action, especially when Jack and Annie are in their darkest hour. I highly recommend this book to any Magic Tree House fan, because this is more than one of the best. Enjoy!!!

Mermaid Tales from Around the World
Published in School & Library Binding by Scholastic (1993)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Troy Howell
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $2.94
Collectible price: $37.06
Average review score:

For water maidens and those who love them...
This work as a whole will enlarge your understanding of water maiden creatures, but don't expect to find any rivetting storytelling.

The value of this book lies in its cultural scope. How intriguing to note that water maidens play a significant role in the folk lore of such diverse cultures! And how interesting to see how these creatures vary from country to country (for they are not all mermaids as the title would suggest). Readers will discover an added bonus in Howell's artwork, which enhances the cultural flavor of each tale to great effect.

However, each tale is written in a sparse, folk tale style--flat characters and settings with little descriptive embellishments. For this reason I would recommend this book mainly to those who love mermaids and other sea creatures, rather than to those who just looking for a good story. But recommend it I do, for it is a fine collection.

An incredible book for all mermaid lovers
i'm 15 years old and have always loved mermaids. My favorite movie is Disney's The Little Mermaid, and i am always interested in any books i come across about them. i came across this book in 6th grade. it was my teacher's book, but i stole it for the entire year! i read it over and over again, i was mesmerized by the stories and pictures. most of the stories i havnt even heard before. i was so sad when i had to give it back, but just now, 3 years later, i found it on this website! i ordered it right away and couldn't be happier. i reccomend this book to anyone that has a facsination with mermaids. this book is truly wonderful.

Excellent stories and illustrations
This book is wonderful for all ages. It includes stories from all over the world, not just Europe. The illustrations are excpetional, with the artist emulating the style of whatever area of the world the story is from, resulting in a genuine feel. The stories are told well, and the book is large enough to be able to show the pictures to a story-time group if desired. I am an adult, yet I found the stories to be interesting and though not dumbed down, accessible to almost all age groups.

Pirates Past Noon
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.20
Buy one from zShops for: $8.10
Average review score:

I Love Pirates!
My book is about two kids whose treehouse takes them back to a time when pirates were alive. Now is that cool or what? Anyway back to the story,as Jack and Annie are in the boat with the pirates they go to an island called,''Kidds Island''. As they get off the boat,Jack and Annie make a plan to escape while the pirates are digging but their plan is messed up by the captain. Will Jack,Annie,and the pirates find the lost treasure?
I like this book because it was very interesting and it has very cool adventure. It also has really cool and scary endings.

Time of the Pirates
Pirates Past Noon
Mary Pope Osborne

Would you ever want to travel to the time of the pirates?

This is a story about two kids Annie and Jack. They have found a magic tree house and travel to the time of the pirates. The pirates show up and capture them. The pirates make them tell were the buried treasure is. They tell them they don't know were it is, but then Jack & Annie find the treasure and tell them were it is. The pirates found it too and leave to get some shovels and in that time something happens to Annie and Jack, but you'll have to read the book to find out what happens to the two of them.

I thought this was a great book think it is for people who like adventure books.

I recommend this book to kids 6-10 years old and I think kids would love it if they like adventure.

Undoubtley one of the best Magic Tree House books
I just loved this book! It was a book with tremendous action, cool characters, some cool magic, and a great plot! What made the book so good was that there were really funny pirates. Also, the parrot is neat, and what happens to the parrot is so neat! I highly reccomend this to any Magic Tree House fan.

Favorite Medieval Tales
Published in School & Library Binding by Scholastic (1998)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Troy Howell
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

A good sampling
I was taking a course on storytelling for children when I came upon this book. What first caught my eye were the old-style illustrations by Troy Howell. They were done in such a way as to enhance the book without distracting from the story. When I was able to peruse the book, I was impressed with the way the author chose and arranged the stories so that you could almost track the evolution of medieval storytelling (and quite possibly has one of the more easier versions of Beowulf that second and third graders could manage). The stories are short enough that they can be read out loud for a class or reading circle; yet have enough content to hold the children's attention.

Another bonus to the book (for parents and teachers) is that Ms. Osborne in her introductions gives her reason why she chose the tales in this volume... and (for the kids, as well as parents and teachers) in the back there is a glossary of sorts-- notes to each story as to where it came from, and why it was written, brief writeups for the different cultures, story forms, time periods, and evolution of the English language. There's even a small section with words.

This would be a good book to have in libraries for teachers and parents; for the children to be exposed to several different classical stories, as well as give them a variety to read and experiment with. It might encourage a love of history as well as a love of literature.

Good Intro to medieval literature
Well, I don't really like Osbourne's "Magic TreeHouse" tales, but don't judge THIS beautiful book by "those." THIS BOOK is very nicely done. All the representative tales from the middle ages are here, retold in a clear, easy to read (or listen to) prose that captures most of the original (in most cases.) The illustrations are captivating. Each tale includes a title page that has a short quote in the original language (with a modern translation) which will intrigue some children, and there is a fine time line at the back of the book. We used this to supplement medieval studies in our homeschool for a second grader. A great resource.

Knights, Monsters, Heroes, and Dragons.....
As Mary Pope Osborne tells the reader in her marvelous introduction..."In the beginning of medieval times in Europe, books did not exist. Most people were unable to read or write. Nevertheless, there were stories - stories of heroes and monsters, told by minstrels and poets, that were passed down orally from one generation to the next..." Eventually, these stories were written down by scribes, and Ms Osborne has collected nine favorite tales to share. From Robin Hood And His Merry Men, The Sword In The Stone, Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, and Finn Maccoul, to Beowulf, The Werewolf, The Song Of Roland, Island Of The Lost Children, and Chanticleer And The Fox, these engaging retellings are dramatic and entertaining, easy to read, and often better when read aloud. Meet monsters, knights, heroes, and dragons, and travel to faraway, mysterious, and enchanting places. Troy Howell's vivid, lush paintings, stay true to the medieval style, and add just the right touch to enhance each story. Ms Osborne and Mr Howell include informative reference notes on the stories, medieval story forms, people, time periods, language, chronology, and the art of the middle ages that is sure to peak the interest of young and old alike. Perfect for youngsters ten and older, Favorite Medieval Tales is a masterpiece of intriguing storytelling that will whet the appetite, and send readers looking for more.

Rocking Horse Christmas
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2001)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Ned Bittinger
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.65
Collectible price: $4.25
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

good but not all that and a bag of chips
I think this book is good, But it's not all that and a bag of chips.I mean its 1:45 and i have to read a book and only have 15 min. to read this book is the grate one to read its cute and short of i like it i am shore you would too.

More Than Another Christmas Story
A small boy finds Shadow, a rocking horse, under the Christmas Tree. In his imagination, the two ride to the West, joust, race Seattle Slew in the Kentucky Derby, and go on safari. But then the inevitable happens: the boy starts to grow up, as boys always have and always will (it's at this point I have a hard time reading this to my five year old without pretending there's something in my eye). Shadow ends up in the attic. Years pass.

And then the boy's own little boy finds Shadow (as I read this part to my son, there's more pretending that I have something in my eye). Shadow's spirit returns, and they "flew through the sky all Christmas Eve and didn't come home until dawn."

The illustrations of this book are some of the best I've ever seen; the facts of growing up are utterly convincing. This book is delightful and devastating. And there's no need to wait for Christmas to read it: we're Jewish, and we read it all year round.

A Treasure Is Found!
I am a Christmas Freak, I will completely admit. However, I LOVED this story. As I read it, I could almost see exactly where I was being taken as a reader. I knew I was about to be pulled in, but I loved every moment of it! The story, quite simply, is one which could be said of any child's favorite Christmas toy. Eventually, that toy is replaced by something -- be it another toy or simply the heartbreak of every child's growing up. Reminiscent of Silverstein's _The Giving Tree,_ the rocking horse keeps vigil, waiting for the little boy who used to have great adventures with him everyday. A happy ending rewards readers who know in their hearts that it is coming (but keep a tissue handy!). A beautifully illustrated book, _Rocking Horse Christmas_ is a holiday treasure to add to any collection!

Adaline Falling Star
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion Books for Children (2000)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.80
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $11.78
Average review score:

A Good Book
I enjoyed the book Adaline, Falling Star. I cheered her on in her determination to get past her prejudice relatives and find her father. At times the book was amusing, especially when she was with Dog. If you like Native American culture you will enjoy reading Falling Star's story. Adaline's religion is a mix of the Great Spirit and the Holy Spirit. Overall you should enjoy reading this exciting, easy to read novel by Mary Pope Osborn.

Um...Like I said, I really loved this book. This is the first time I've read a book on the journey of a young Arapaho girl and a dog she met on the way. I believe Falling Star is a hero. This book is meant to be about the real life and views of the real Adaline/Falling Star. She is the daughter of an Arapaho mother and a White Man called Kit Carson. Since her mother died, Falling Star is forced to live with her cruel ignorant cousin while her father goes on an expedition. Before Falling Star's father leaves, they exchange promises that he'll come back and that Falling Star will stay and wait for him. As soon as he leaves, Falling Star is treated badly by her cousin's family, forcing Falling Star to act mute so that she will not speak to them. She is treated as a slave and not a student, like her father wished. Falling Star obediently waits for her father to come back, and then one day, she is told that he is in New Mexico and mentioned nothing of his daughter to anyone during his expedition. Falling Star feels betrayed. Was her father ashamed of his half red daughter? This news causes Falling Star to run away from her cousins and down the Mississipi River to find her Arapaho people. Just when she was just about to give up, Falling Star is saved by an ugly mongrel. At first, she tries to leave the dog, but finds already that the mongrel has already slipped into her heart. Together, Falling Star and her dog start their journey to find her people and her father who left her. The theme of this story is about promises, wether they are said or not. The promise in this story is to never leave your loved one, whatever the consequences. I really enjoyed this book and the journey that Falling Star and her dog go through together flying through tough times with the spirit of the Holy Spirit and the Great Spirit of the Arapaho and the Catholic Religion. I loved this book and I admire the heroic spirit of Adaline Falling Star.

Adaline Falling Star is a must read book
The book Adaline Falling Star by Marietta D. Moskin is a great book. This story is about a girl whose mother died and the only thing she has to remember her by is a doll. She is now living with her father who has to go away on business, so Adaline is left with her father's awful cousin Silus and his family. They won't let her play games and they make her do work all day. They think she is really weird because she barely ever talks and she always seems to be busy with something in her bag. Adaline calls this bag, "Her bag of possibles." So one day they take her bag of possibles (which had the doll her mom made for her) and burn it. She became so upset she cut herself with a knife and ran away looking for her father. You should read this enjoyable book and find out what happens to Adaline on her journey.

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