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Book reviews for "Osborne,_Mary_Pope" sorted by average review score:

The One-Eyed Giant (Mary Pope Osborne's Tales from the Odyssey, 1)
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Press (2003)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

I read it in one day it was so good!
This book was exciting, tense and kept me reading it. I love Ms. Osborne's style of writing. I ran out and bought the 2nd book the next day, and finished it that day.

My favorite part was when they met the one eyed giant.

Age 10

Spider Kane and the Mystery Under the May-Apple
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) (1993)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Victoria Chess
Amazon base price: $39.50
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $9.95
Average review score:

best kids book
i think that this book is the best kids book of all time.

Titanic: A Nonfiction Companion to Tonight on the Titanic (Magic Tree House Research Guide (Library))
Published in Library Binding by Random Library (27 August, 2002)
Authors: Will Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Sal Murdocca, and And Ma Osborne
Amazon base price: $11.99
Buy one from zShops for: $11.94
Average review score:

This book is a excellent book
I love this book because it like takes to the plase were they are and it make you want to read the book these book take you on a advender. It makes you like be the characters Jake and anny.

Dinosaurs Before Dark
Published in Paperback by Random House (1998)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $0.99
Used price: $0.49
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

My 2nd grade son eats these books up.
I agree with the other customer reviewers: something about this series of books appeals enough to 2nd grade readers that they will read them on their own -- and ask for more. I read one of the books to make sure it was suitable for my son and I found it remarkably lacking in substance -- I'm grateful I don't have to read them aloud! My 7-year-old son reads a Tree House book in one or two sittings and he doesn't balk when I ask him to read aloud to his 3-year-old brother. Now the 3-year-old is crazy for them, too, and carries the books around and quotes passages from them. All I can say is: I wish I had stumbled on this Osborne chick's gold mine first.

A great series!
Yeah! A series of books that will captivate all of my children from the youngest (age 6) to the oldest (age 12), so we can still enjoy our bedtime "group read." And even better - one that I enjoy reading to them! Oh, and it gets even better - the books even teach about different times and places in history! (I have to add a recommendation for you of my favorite new parenting book: Perfect Parenting: The Dictionary of 1000 Parenting Tips - very helpful!)

Magic Treehouse Books Are Terrific!!
This first of the Magic Treehouse series is a wonderful book to read to young children interested in the concept of time travel. Jack and Annie must travel through time and gather clues while on a mysterious mission which lasts several books. Annie is a good role model for young girls; she's bold, brave and independent. Her older brother Jack is slower to react and is more a researcher than a leader in their adventures. There is suspense enough to thrill 4-8 year olds but the tension is not extended for long enough that it is actually scary. My six-year old looks forward to the next book with great anticipation, and his enthusiasm for reading has increased incredibly. He insists that we read one a day! Here's hoping Mary Pope Osborne doesn't run out of ideas anytime soon...

Tonight On The Titanic (Magic Tree House 17, paper)
Published in Paperback by Random House (Merchandising) (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.33
Collectible price: $1.58
Buy one from zShops for: $1.38
Average review score:

Terrific Tonight on the Titanic
Fans of Mary Pope Osborne's Magic Tree House series will enjoy the latest addition. Tonight on the Titanic begins a new mission for main characters, Jack and Annie. This mission requires them to travel back and visit a ship lost at sea. The magic tree house takes them back to visit the Titanic. Their adventure aboard the sinking ship is full of suspense and action. The story is not only interesting but also informational. Facts on the ill-fated ship are worked into the story. However, this is done in a very natural manner. Children will not feel as if they are receiving a lecture. Illustrations add to the story by showing the reader what is happening to Jack and Annie. The information presented and the style in which it is written is very appropriate for primary and elementary students. The language used is very rich. However, it would not be too difficult for young children. Students who like to follow characters will certainly enjoy reading about Jack and Annie in their latest adventure. All in all, Tonight on the Titanic is an excellent easy chapter book for beginning readers.

A great book to get young readers hooked on chapter books.
Imagine! having a magic tree house in your backyard that is filled with books that with a touch can take you anywhere you wish to go. These elements and more are part of Mary Pope Osborne's Magic Tree House series, marvelous transitional picture books for primary students. Jack and Annie, the story's protagonists, are summoned to the tree house in the middle of a stormy night. They climb the rope ladder and in a corner Annie's flashlight shines on a terrier puppy. Lying on the floor is a note from MorganLaFaye, a magical librarian from the time of King Arthur, who tells the children that this dog is under a spell and needs their help. They must gather four special things to break the spell. The first is a gift from a ship lost at sea. Teddy, the terrier pup, brings a book entitled,The Unsinkable Ship, to the children. With a touch of the front cover, the adventure begins. Children enjoy books in a series. This book encourages children to begin reading chapter books with confidence. The text is divided into short chapters with interesting titles. There are frequent black and white illustrations that integrate well with the text. The book is filled with adventure and suspense a great combination for a "hooker book" for elementary children. (6-9)

This book is an excellent tool to use in the classroom!
I am a fourth grade teacher and I have just completed this book. Tonight on the Titanic not only uses fantasy (treehouse going to another time) but throws a little history in with it (historical fantasy). I can't wait to begin my unit on famous ships and shipwrecks. Mary Pope Osborne also captures an element of suspense that children will love. Even I was worried that Jack and Annie would become trapped on the Titanic and never return home! This book will promote not only reading but encourage history as well. My advice to any primary educator is to become familiar with the Magic Tree House Series and use it in your daily curriculum!

Civil War on Sunday
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2000)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.03
Buy one from zShops for: $7.88
Average review score:

A new Adventure
Having taught 2nd graders who enjoyed the Magic Tree House series books as read alouds last year, I decided to embark on a new adventure with the tree house books, this time choosing to read #21 Civil War on Sunday. Like the previous books, the two main characters, Jack and Annie, are transported through time via a magic tree house that only they are able to see. In Magic Tree House #21, Jack and Annie are sent to fullfill the task of finding a special piece of paper with writing of "something to follow". After discovering a civil war book in the tree house and wishing to go there, Jack and Annie are soon transported back to Civil War times as they encounter Nurse Clara Barton and her field hospitals. Throughout the remainder of the book, Jack and Annie spend their time helping Clara and the other nurses care for the wounded soldiers. Jack soon realizes that war is not a glorious event as he had once thought. The book interestingly ends with a close personal connection to Jack and Annie.
After having read previous Magic Tree House books written by Mary Pope Osborne, I was quite surprised to find her writing a children's book on such a complicated subject as the Civil War. I was skeptical the children would be able to understand and relate to the subject of the Civil War. However, my skepticism was quickly put to ease. Ms. Osborne does a very nice job of presenting an "overview" of the Civil War. She easily relates the Civil War to children through Jack's own personal feelings of what war is. This is an excellent book for children 8-9 years of age. Through its broad use of dialogue, language, and illustrations, children (and teachers) will quickly want to read of Jack and Annie's next adventures in Magic Tree House #22 Revolutionary War on Wednesday.

Good Series, Great Installment
I've now read 21 Magic Tree House books to my son, and he truly has enjoyed them all. In this series, the author employs a creative time travel portal - siblings Jack and Annie visit exotic times and places through the books they discover in Morgan le Fay's enchanted tree-top bookmobile. My son particularly enjoyed following Jack and Annie on their adventures in Pompeii (featuring Hercules), outer space, under water, and the Wild West (where he learned the song Red River Valley). He's reveled at accompanying Jack and Annie when they've met pirates, ninjas, knights, mummies, and Eskimoes. Conversely, as a parent that frequently reads children's books aloud, I've often been disappointed with the books' repetition, limited vocabulary, and uninspired plot development. Fortunately, that was not the case with Mary Pope Osborne's most recent tree house installment, Civil War on Sunday. Like her other books, Osborne offers young readers an intriguing view of a complex subject, in this case the Civil War. She also introduces Clara Barton and provides some insight into the birth of the Red Cross. As is often the case, Jack and Annie learn a difficult lesson in compassion. But the Civil War on Sunday goes deeper. Rather than serving as mere interlopers in significant chains of events, here, for the first time, Osborne actually makes Jack and Annie relevant to the thread of history. (Sorry, but I can't explain how without spoiling the story.) This minor adaptation goes a long way, particularly towards keeping a young reader's attention through the closing chapter. (Even four-year-olds quickly discern that the concluding chapters in most of these books - once the Tree House returns to Frog Creek - are not very entertaining.) This is Osborne's most complete effort, and I hope she continues her series in this new direction.

Civil War on Sunday was a FABULOUSE read!
I bet a lot of people have heard of the Magic Tree House series. Well I really like book #21 Civil War on Sunday. It is about Jack and Annie go back to the Civil War. They help some people and meet some people along the way of helping people.

My favorite part was when Annie and Jack were in the tent with the wounded drummer boy John. What they did for him was very nice. They were nice to cheer him up.

I would recommend this book for K-4. You might need to read it out loud to a kindergartner, first graders could get through it with some help, it is just right for second graders, but for third and fourth grade it might not be much of a challenge.

This book has 21 others in its series. The next book will come out in May of 2001. These great series of books can also help teach many different things. This book was written by Mary Pope Osborne.

My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck (Dear America)
Published in Unknown Binding by Scholastic Paperbacks (E) (2000)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

My Secret War-The Wold War 2 Diary of Madeline Beck
This book is about a girl named Madeline Beck and the World War 2. Well, she really isn't in the war, but her father is. She worries all the time to see whether her father is all right or not. Her mom is the same way as Madeline. Madeline and her mom live in an old, run-down boarding house called Mansion-by-the-Sea. The owner of the boarding house is Mrs. Hawkins. The people who live here is Theo, Miss. Burke, and Mrs. Rosenthal and her daughter, Clara. Madeline and her mother always send letters to her father to see if he's o.k. out in the war. Madeline's mom says as long if we don't get a telegram, we don't have to worry. Madeline Hopes not to get a telegram from the war army. Meanwhile at her school, her history class is also talking about the war. Madeline then told her teacher, Mr. O'Malley, that her dad is in the war. Johnny Vecchio, the cutest boy in Madeline's class, was interested in war, too. He asked Madeline if her father was really in the war. Madeline answered yes. As the days went by, Madeline and Johnny soon started a club called K3F. This club of theirs involves all the kids to help support the war. Everyone thinks it is a great idea. Madeline and Johnny are the only ones who patrol the beach for any strange things in the ocean. Then, one day, a telegram had come from the navy. Madeline was screaming and crying for the past days they got the telegram. She then wrote a letter to Johnny stating her resignation as colonel. Madeline then walked the beach at night. This was against the law and she could get caught. Only beach patrollers walk on the beach when it's night. The second time she went, she got caught. She was shaking and was scared. In the end, her dad was fine in the hospital.
I read this book because I like reading these kinds of diaries. It's very exciting to read books with mysterious and strange things going on. This book isn't mysterious and strange, however. It's adventure. I always read the back to see if it is my type of book to read. It was, because what caught my eye was the part when Madeline got caught. On the front of the book, the title also got me interested in reading this book. "My Secret War" is an interesting title. I love books where it involves secrets and other things. I also wanted to know about the World War 2. This book sure helped me a lot in knowing about the World War 2. No one encouraged or had shown me this book; I just picked it up from the library and started to read it. I suggest anyone who likes to read diaries; they should pick up one the Dear America books.
My favorite part out of the whole book is the part when Madeline and Johnny started a club, called the K3F club. This club is suitable for all kids who want to join. The motto of this club is "Victory does not come without a price." The one who had thought of this club was Madeline. She soon told Johnny and he was all excited and ready to start. Madeline would be the colonel, and Johnny would be the major. The rest of the K3F club members would be the sergeants or corporals. The members of the club have many duties to do in the club, such as giving allowance to the Red Cross War Fund and collecting used books for servicemen. I admire those great deeds because they are helpful to the people in war. Mr. O'Malley thinks that Madeline and Johnny's club is a wonderful idea. If I were one of the K3F members, I would definitely do my part.

MY SECRET WAR is a must-read for kids around ages ten to thirteen. The main character, Madeline, expresses her life through her diary. Madeline vividly tells us (her diary) about Johnny (her crush), the popular Star Points, her idea to help US in World War II with a club, and about her letters to and fro her dad, who works in the Air Force to help the US. Madeline is inspired by her dad to start a club that collects things that the US needs for ships and war planes. Madeline is also inspired by a Jewish refugee,from Poland,living in the same house, named Clara. She didn't want anything to happen to her or her dad so she tries to do everything she can. Firstly, I like this book because, in the ending, the story doesn't leave you hanging as to what happens afterwards, like most diaries. I also like MY SECRET WAR because it combines a little of everything into a vividly written diary of a thirteen-year-old girl. All of the above is why I rated this book five stars! *****!!!

Excellent book
Madeline Beck is a 13 year old 8th grader, who lives in Long Island, New York. Her father is an air pilot in the navy, and she is somewhat of an outcast, who is snubbed by her classmates for no reason (although she thinks it's because of her clothes, hair and the gap between her teeth). Madeline is friends with Johnny, a boy who is fascinated by both Madeline and her fathers line of work. Madeline and Johnny become good friends (a little more than friends too) and soon organize a club for kids who want to help out during the war.

Madeline soon finds that there are people with strange accents following her (one who almost runs her over), ever since she walked along the beach one night and was found by the Coast Guard. Johnny and Mad (Madeline) soon tip off the FBI, and help to catch Nazi's. Not only that Mad's dad comes back from the war after being injured, and Mad and her mother have to move to San Francisco to be with him.

This was an excellent book, and I think that every kid should read it.

Day of the Dragon King
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.03
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

An Adventure Story
Jack and Annie find a magic tree house in their backyard and it takes them back to China. There, a powerful Dragon King appeared and tried to get them, but Jack and Annie hopped in a cart and if you want to know what happened, READ THIS BOOK!

A Great Time Travel Adventure
Mary Pope Osborne has created a magical tale around her Master Librarians. Jack and Annie must travel back in time to save at least one bamboo book from the emperor's bonfire. The emperor is afraid that books are a threat to his power. During their adventure, Jack and Annie interact with characters from an ancient Chinese legend and observe history as it is happening. Jack describes many authentic Chinese artifacts and habits. These tidbits of Chinese hisory stimulate a desire to learn more about the Chinese culture. This easy-to-read tale will captivate children from ages six through twelve who wish to enjoy a good story and get a small dose of Chinese history.

It was one of the best books I have ever read!
I like the part when the soldiers shoot arrows at Jack and Annie. I liked it when they wished to go to China. I like each book being different.

Twister on Tuesday
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.76
Buy one from zShops for: $8.63
Average review score:

Twister on Tuesday
In the book Twister on Tuesday Jack and Annie go to pioneer times. Jack teaches Jeb, a older boy to read and write.Annie made friends with two yonger students in her class.I really recommend this book. I'm sort of disopointed that I didn't get to read the whole series in a row.If you are into historical fiction books then you will probly like all the Magic Tree House Adventues.

Twister on Tuesday
The Magic Tree House is a very imaginative series of books. Jack and Annie are seven and eight year olds who find a magical tree house in the forest. The tree house allows them to travel to travel to different places and time periods by reading book s found in the tree house. In this particular story #23, they travel to the prairies in the 1870's. They are on a quest that began in book #21 to find the third of four kinds of writing to help save Camelot. On the paries they, learn first hand, how wagon trains were used, how one room school houses were used, how grasshoppers cause problems on the praires and the most important lesson they learn in the story is how important storm cellars and dugouts were! This is a great book to read while learning about the 1870's, prairie lands and weather. The back of each book also includes facts about twisters, pioneer life on the prairie and poineer school books. The illustrations used in this book are essential for understanding vocabulary if you haven't discussed wagon trains, dugouts and one room schools with your class. This is a very infomative book and keeps 6- 9 year olds avidly reaading and listening.

Twister on Tuesday
This story was about a boy named Jack who is eight years old and his sister Annie who is seven years old. In the first book thay find a magic tree house in the woods. They find out that if they point to a book cover, that is where they will go. Mary Pope has written more books in this series. In Twister on Tuesday, Jack and Annie land in front of a schoolhouse and soon a giant twister appears. Read to find out what happens. My favorite part is when they ate frozen potatoes.

Mummies in the Morning
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.29
Average review score:

Mummies in the Morning
This book was an okay book! This book is about these kids named Annie and jack. Jack and Annie go to Egypt and in a pyramid. When they go inside the pyramid, Jack and Annie have to find the book of the dead. Now you will have to read the book to find out about the rest of the book.

It's the best story I ever read! by Cecilia
In this book there's one girl named Annie and a boy named Jack that are in a tree house.They imagine that they are in Egypt and they end up in Egypt. Then they see a parade of people going to a pyramid .They meet a queen and the queen asks Jack and Annie if they can help her. In the pyramid Jack and Annie have to find a book that the queen lost. I like this book because they go in a pyramid. They see a ghost queen and they get lost. You wonder if they will get out. The author is trying to teach about pyramids in Egypt. You should read it.

Encourages a child's imagination
I enjoyed reading this book with my 10 yr. old grandson. The two main characters, Annie & Jack, prove that children can have fun using their imagination by reading a book and traveling through time using their imagination. The book provided useful information regarding Mummies in ancient Egyptian times and certainly kept my 10 yr. old's attention. From beginning to end, we found it to be an exciting and great little story that didn't take too long to read. We will certainly read more of the Magic Tree House books. We recommend it highly!!
Granny & Kenny

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