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Book reviews for "Osborne,_Mary_Pope" sorted by average review score:

Dingoes at Dinnertime (Magic Tree House #20)
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2000)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.76
Buy one from zShops for: $8.63
Average review score:

Longest and best adventure Jack and Annie have had!
"Dingoes At Dinnertime" is the book where they free Teddy from his spell, as you probably know already. It all starts when Annie hears Teddy's barking, then they go to the tree house, go to Australia, and then begin their adventure. It's too much to say, but you can't miss this one. So read this one and enjoy it!!!

Almost The Greatest Book I've Ever Read
I thought this was the greatest adventure that Jack and Annie ever had so far. I liked it because therer was a lot of action and it was fun to read. This is my second-favorite series of books. I like them even more than Goosebumps. It would be pretty hard to get better than Magic Treehouse, even though I like Harry Potter better, but that's all.

Dingoes at Dinnertime
I was almost as excited as my 8 year old daughter when she finished reading this wonderous adventure, completing the four part series to break Teddy's spell. It had been tough getting her to read, until I found the Magic Tree House series. She really enjoyed the adventure and the involvement of animals as characters in the story. I like the fact that at the end of each story is "More Facts for You and Jack" - reinforcing the educational elements of the story.

Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2002)
Authors: Will Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $12.70
Used price: $12.65
Buy one from zShops for: $12.65
Average review score:

Read This Book And You Will Be Crazy For Dinosaurs!
This book is a good book.I learned alot about dinosaurs.This book inspired me to love and study dinosaurs.Now everybody says I'm crazy for dinosaurs!This book talks about plant eaters and meat eaters.It has pictures of dinosaur skelatons.It has lots of theries on how the dinosaurs disapeard.So read it!

I Love the Magic Tree House Series!
This is my favorite book in the whole Magic Tree House series, because they wrote about a new dinosaur called Giganotosaurus. It was even bigger than T-Rex, and if they find more fossils of Giganotosaurus, it will be the king of dinosaurs. I think it was funny when Annie pretended to be Dromiceiomimus because she looked silly with huge eyes!

Fun, entertaining and educational.
What a wonderful idea. Mary Pope and Will Osborne share the research that they put in to writing "Dinosaurs Before Dark" with their readers in a fun and entertaining way. My 8-year old daughter has devoured this book and "Knights and Castles : A Nonfiction Companion to the Knight at Dawn". These books are not only instructing her on the particular subject of each book, but they are also teaching her how to do research on her own. They also build vocabulary and fill her head with wonderous thoughts and questions. I highly recommend this series to every young reader and their parents.

Knights and Castle
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (2001)
Authors: Will Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $12.70
Used price: $10.73
Buy one from zShops for: $10.73
Average review score:

Wonderful book for kids of all ages
This is a wonderful book for kids of all ages. The reference works in back to museums, internet sites and other books is well done. I recommend this book for any one who has children interested in Knights and Castles!

Terrific Reference for Middle Ages * Art * Theme!
I'm an artist and art teacher, and after discovering this book, I ordered copies for my middle school ART students! While it's an easy read for students of this age (5th through 7th grade), it's packed with understandable text and pictures. It's a great reference for the various art projects that my students are doing as part of our study of the Middle Ages, and the kids have really enjoyed it....

Knights and Castles
Mary Pope Osborne does it again!

Our Family loves the Magic Tree House series. They hit us on many levels. Our youngest loves to be read to, our next just hit chapter books, our oldest is beyond this intro. level chapter books - but loves this series & reads the books over and over.

I am delighted to introduce reasearch ideas in such a non-threatening, inviting manner to my children. Learning and reading is so fun; and this concept sheds new light for a young audience. Not only will this help after reading the MTH series, it will add a new dimension when going on field trips, museums, the library, the internet, etc. I am going to share this book with our elementary school.

Ms. Osborne and her husband take the opportunity to be thorough, while simplifying for young minds - and the illustrations keep a young reader's attention.

Bravo! Keep 'em coming.

Magic Tree House Collection
Published in Audio Cassette by Random House (Audio) (2003)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $23.00
Average review score:

My Review of Ghost Town at Sundown
Since I like scary stories, I really, really liked this one. The best part was when they heard a ghost playing the piano. The ghost's name is Lonesome Luke.

Fins Up for Dolphins at Daybreak
My name is Grant. I am in third grade. Last week I read DOLPHINS AT DAYBREAK because it looked like a really exciting book. DOLPHINS is my favorite Magic Treehouse book so far. I have already read VIKING SHIPS AT SUNRISE and CIVIL WAR ON SUNDAY. I would give all of the Magic Treehouse books I have read 5 stars, but I like DOLPHINS best because I love dolphins and the submarine adventure was really exciting!!!

Here's a bit of what happened: Annie was curious about the mini-submarine and talked Jack into exploring it. Inside the sub Annie pushed the wrong button and it started to go down to the bottom of the sea. They saw an Octopus, which started to grab the submarine...they also saw a hammerhead shark...

That's all I will tell you or it will spoil the story for you.

Night of the Ninjas
Night of the Ninjas is easy to read with short chapters and pictures. This book can hold the interest of children from 8 on up. The characters are fun and children can relate to them. The characters are a brother and sister, so this book will be of interest to either boys or girls. I have found that the Magic Tree House Books make children want to learn more about history.

Earthquake in the Early Morning
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media (2001)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $10.44
Average review score:

This Book Is #1!
Earthquake in the Early Morning
By: Mary Pope Osborne

Have you wondered what it would be like to be in one of the biggest earthquakes in the world? This book is about two kids named Annie and Jack. They go back in time to 1906.The kids have to find something to lend, because they have to save Camelot.
You can picture when the city gets on fire in California, because the story says, "The fires raged for three days, nearly destroying all of San Francisco. Over 28,000 buildings burned down."
The author of this story teaches you to always be prepared.
I like this book because it has adventures.
Read this book to find out what happens at the end. Will Annie & Jack get back to the treehouse & save Camelot?

Earthquake in Early Morning
Once there lived two kids named Jack and Annie.They had a magic tree house.They had to go to San Francisco .When they were at San Francisco there was an earthquake.

Adventure and Knowledge "Shaken" Together
Once again Mary Pope Osborne had conjured up another exciting adventure for Jack and Annie. Young readers can travel with them on their quest for the last item they need to save Camelot.
As a teacher, I am always impressed with the knowledge students can gain as they read these adventure stories. Mary Pope Osborne includes interesting facts and real-life situations in her stories. In this book children can use their imaginations to get a feeling of what it was like in California during the big earthquake and at the same time read about the true experiences of the people and actual events.
This and other Magic Tree House books are great for in-class whole group readings or individual readings.

Polar Bears Past Bedtime
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.03
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

Polar Bears Past Bedtime
This book was a good learning book, but still it showed more miracles and wonder, but there's no doubt it's a learning book. Otherwise, I don't know what else to say about this book, and I'm glad because I don't want to spoil a single surprise.

Polar Bear Perfect!
This book was fun. I like it when Jack and Annie go to the Artic. They have to act liked polarbears to get off some thin ice.I liked this book because it was full of adventure.

Polar Bears
It's icicle city when the Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie to the freezing Arctic tundra. Luckily, a seal hunter on a dogsled (led by huskies) lends them warm clothes and takes them back to his igloo (which in Inuit, means house.) They run out to feed the huskies and Jack accidentally takes masks that the seal hunter made. Annie finds some polar bears and they play tag with them. Jack suggests they go back to the igloo, but Annie and the polar bears lead him down a little hill. Then, unluckily the ice starts to crack. A female polar bear (which happens to be the mother of the polar bears that Jack and Annie found) comes to rescue them. Jack reads in the reasearch guide that even though female polar bears can weigh up to 750 lbs., they can slide on very thin ice. So, the female polar bear takes the cubs and slides on the ice. Jack and Annie put on the masks and slide on the ice, too. When they get up the hill, they see a burst of red, green, and purple in the sky (which happens to be the Northern Lights.) But after Jack read that fact, the lights disappeared. The seal hunter finds them and takes them back to the igloo. Then, Jack and Annie think they've solved the riddle. The riddle is: I cover what's real, and hide what's true. But sometimes I bring out the courage in you. What am I? They think it's a mask, and they're right! But before they can go home, they find another riddle. Soon, they solve it.

After the Rain: Virginia's Civil War Diary, Book Two (My America)
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (2002)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Will Osborne
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.37
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

After the war. . .
In the final months of the Civil War, Virginia, now 10, and her family move to Washington, D.C., where the cold winter brings uncertainty and hardship. But just as things start to improve ­ her father gets a job and the war finally comes to an end ­ the tragic assassination of Ginny's beloved President Lincoln occurs. In this, her second diary chronicling the Civil War, Ginny learns that life is constantly changing.

This "My America" diary of ten-year-old Virginia Dickens gives us a glimpse of the nation's capital during the Lincoln presidency--the joy at his election, the despair when he dies; the challenges of finding work for newcomers like Virginia's father and even Virginia herself. The book is easy to read with large text and a diary format, as well as historical notes and pictures at the end. It is a touching though not adventurous story that gives life to the Civil War era off the battlefield.

Also recomended: All the other Dear America books

After The Rain
Hi,I am doing a book review on After The Rain.The author of After The Rain is Mary Pope Osborne.There are 98 pages if you want to know.The genre of my book is realistic fiction.
The setting of this book is the Civil War around the 1800's.
This book is about this young girl who has envy(which means jealousy)See what all of this means by After The rain.
The 3 reasons I like this book are because it is exciting and it is about a Virgina's Civil War diary.2 The girl's father plays at Fords New Theatre.3 There lives turn around when she changes her live.I all like these reasons because this book has many changes And excitement.I would only recommend this book to people who like historical fiction and My America books.If you want to read this book go to your library or your local library.
Go and read After The Rain.See you later !!!! bye!!!!

Another nice My America
Ten-year-old Virginia Dickens, her father, brother Jed, and Jed's wife Jane Ellen, have left Gettysburg to move to Washington, D.C. There they hope to start a new more prosperous life. Jed hopes to find a nice job but ends up with a low-paying job that he hates. After Ginny's dad gets injured during work the family finds themselves no even being able to send Ginny to school because they need her to work too to make ends meet. So Ginny finds herself having to work as a house servant in a wealthy family. To the Dickens winter seems very bleak and long. The only bright spot is the baby Jed and Jane Ellen are expecting. Finally when the war finally comes to an end and thing seem to be getting better Ginny must face the awful news that her hero President Abraham Lincoln had been assasinated. Ginny learns that life is constantly changing and you have to take both the sweet and the bitter.

Favorite Greek Myths
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne, Troy Howell, and Econo-Clad Books
Amazon base price: $13.85
Used price: $11.63
Buy one from zShops for: $11.63
Average review score:

Top Quality, A Suggested Buy For a Beginner of Mythology
This book was pretty informative and told every story very accurately, which is very goood. Some mythology books these days don't always tell the story the same way and then you have contradicting information. But, ont thing that bothered me throughout the whole book was that the title of the book is Favortite Greek Myths, but clearly they use the Roman names for all of the gods and characters. This can be somewhat misleading. They also focus on some of the gods that are more minor and ignore more popular ones, which I am critisizing. But I have always loved the stry of Daphne and Apollo, and this book has the best version I've ever heard of it. It also includes other stories about Echo and Narcissus, King Midas, Hades kidnapping Persephone, and Arachne, all classics in Greek folklore. Onne thing that was also very useful was that there was a passage in the back of the book giving the names and occupations of each god and goddess. The color paintings in the book are also very beautiful and describe the story, and are therefore well-chosen. This book is very good for beginers of mythology (it was my first mythology book and is very good for children), but not recomended for advanced mythologists. Though the stories are brief and quick to get to their point, they are still informative enough to get the plot. That's why the book is so good for kids. It's really nice to share Greek mythology with kids early because all during junior high you have to study about it (trust me, I'm fourteen), and it's helpful to already know something about before you start. And this book is a good source for that sort of thing.

Mary Pope Osborn retells her favorite Greek myths
The really nice thing about "Favorite Greek Myths" is that Mary Pope Osborne has not simply picked the most famous or most popular stories from classical mythology. Once you read the stories of Ceyx and Alcyone or Callisto and Arcus I think that is pretty clear. Each of these dozen stories focuses on a pair of mythological figures, from parents and children like Phaeton and Helios, to lovers like Echo and Narcissus, to gods and mortals like Minerva and Arachne. The fact that Osborne uses Minerva rather than Athena reflects the Latin origins of these particular Greek myths. With the exception of the story of Cupid and Psyche, first told by the Latin writer Apuleius, all of the myths retold by Osborne come from the "Metamorphoses" of the Latin poet Ovid. Each story is accompanied by a full-color painting by Troy Howell that is evocative of the artwork of Pyle and those from a century ago. The back of the book includes a list of the "Gods, Goddesses and Mortals," as well as "Modern Words With Greek Origins," both of which teachers and students alike will find useful. "Favorite Greek Myths" works well as both an introduction to this series of classic myths or as a next step up for those who have read more juvenile accounts of these same stories. Osborne adopts her writing style to each tale, so that the comic elements are heightened in Bacchus and King Midas while the tragedy tones are enhanced in the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. This is an excellent book to turn to once young readers have an understanding of the pantheon of classical deities and want to savor individual myths.

I took mythology in college and loved it. I had lost the text book though and it was sadly missed! I love art and collect books! This is a beautiful book, with beautiful art! The illustrator also did work on the time life series enchanted world, which I own the entire collection so it was a pleasant suprise to see his illustrations for this book. The stories are wonderful, some I remember some I didn't. I read it from cover to cover and will cherish it! Hopefully she'll write more greek myths, a series! I plan on getting her other book, Favorite medievil tales, I'll write a review either way! If you appreciate beautiful art and good stories this is a must have for any library, I'll pass this one on to my children!

Ghost Town at Sundown
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne and Sal Murdocca
Amazon base price: $9.24
List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.73
Buy one from zShops for: $8.25
Average review score:

Ghost Town at Sundown
This book, by Mary Pope Osborne is 10th in an excellent series,the Magic Tree House stories.This is a wonderful antholgy for children between ages of 7 and 12. From ghosts playing the piano to rustlers stealing wild horses,this is is a great book about the wild west.So I recommend you pick this book up and start reading it as soon as you can!!!

I thought it was cool!
It was extremely awesome to go somewhere in the treehouse with Annie and Jack. All of the Magic Tree House stories are mysterious because in Ghost Town at Sundown, every night the ghost would play the piano at the bar. My favorite part was when they were riding and the herd of wild horses was after them. Something had scared the horses. I am seven and a half.

Exellent, great fun (and frights) for Jack & Annie!!!!
On Jack and Annie's 10th adventure, they go back to an old Western town, nearly a ghost town, by a sorceress from Camelot, Morgan le Fay. In Rattlesnake Flats, Jack and Annie meet a mustang herder named Slim Cooly. In this terrific book, meet a ghost, learn what it's like to wear brand new cowboy boots, and also learn how to change (and how it feels to know you've changed) a cowboys life.

Magic Tree House Collection Books 1-8
Published in Audio CD by Listening Library (09 October, 2001)
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Amazon base price: $36.00
Average review score:

Helpful for kids who can't concentrate or remember details!
A great cd(s) to have. I've initially tried it out with children who loves to talk and can't focus long enough to listen and pick up necessary information from people around them. The interesting stories kept them focus for the duration and encourages them to recall and discuss the story later.

It also helped rekindle a particularly slow reader's, in grade school, interest in reading. He is now keen to give reading another go if he gets to listen and visually follow the words in the book.

How I wish subsequent books are also available in cds instead of just cassettees only!

Captivated my 3.5 yr old son and almost 7 yr old daughter
My seven year old daughter received the set of CDs (books one through eight) for Christmas. She listened to books one, two, and four non-stop, in one morning. Now, two days later, she's listened to them all, some twice.

I had the first book on hand, and she followed along page by page. Later that day I went to the library and got as many of the rest of the eight that I could, and she drank them up! It was great to watch her "reading along", and I'm sure it will help her feel more confident as she begins to read chapter books.

What really amazed me though, is that my 3 and a half year old son listened as well. Though he sometimes played while he listened, he was obviously caught up in the excitement of pirates, knights, dinosaurs, and the rest.

I found the books easy to listen to, and interesting enough. The author does a great job of using her voice to distinguish whose talking. I am amazed at how well the stories kept my kids' attention for hours at a time! And introduced them to some history as well, no less.

One thing to note though, our "disc two" is labelled as though it were disc three, and vice versa. A little confusing, but we figured it out. (5 discs in all).

Magic treehouse books 1 to 8
The magic treehouse books are fun to read. There are big adventures in each book. The kids go back in time and do neat stuff. I like when the kids find their way back to the magic treehouse at the end of the books. I like that if they are wearing short sleeves and short pants and they are in cold weather, they find coats and things they need in the adventure. Sometimes the people can be nice or mean, but the kids always get away before the bad guys get them!

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