Book reviews for "Jean_Paul" sorted by average review score:

Quantum Theory of Finite Systems
Published in Hardcover by MIT Press (19 December, 1985)
Amazon base price: $90.00
Used price: $58.24
Buy one from zShops for: $77.27
Used price: $58.24
Buy one from zShops for: $77.27
Average review score: 

This book is recommended to anyone who is interested in quantum mechanical system composed of finite interacting particles. Although authors are inclined to nuclear physics, each subject is interesting and description is comprehensible to a quantum chemist like me. I agree to the authors' opinion that there are too few books on finite systems and they seem to succeed to improving this situation.

Saint Genet
Published in Paperback by New American Library Trade (1900)
Amazon base price: $14.50
Used price: $2.29
Collectible price: $10.00
Used price: $2.29
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score: 

'Grandly conceived and executed' .... 'Magnificent'.... 'Nothing less than masterly' ... critical tributes offered Sartre's Saint Genet that end as mere words. Saint Genet is an unearthly book wrought with the passion of a gospel narrative, explicit and wrenching. It is, finally, an entire act of redemption. The language is apocryphal and never operatic, epic in delivery, even greater than it seems; page upon page of an exceeding pure, and never vulgarly rich, damask brocade! I'll not critique Sartre's thought --it's privilege enough to be presented it!-- but this seminal work is a miraculous construct of human will and unbearable genius that will live forever, a complex and magisterial book ranking among the great achievments of modern literature because of its erudition, humanity, and fierce literary reach. There is not a page that doesn't honor wisdom, nor is there a single idle component. It is indisputably Sartre's crowning achievment as a genius, and as a man. The evocative humanity of two literary giants of the 20th century plays like a dance, the captured aesthetic of which Sartre reveals; everything is taken to the temple of Genet, everything explained, everything mortified, slain and remade. Reading this book is a revealing experience; be willing to be stolen. Theft happens in broad daylight, perpetrators already known.. My favorite chapter is 'Cain,' in which Sartre makes his most profound arguments about Genet as Other, Genet as the living inverse Liturgy, and presents a stupefying image of his subject: 'Everything is possessed, worked, occupied, from the sky to the subsoil...' Intimidating in its greatness.

Sartres Wieder-Holung
Published in Unknown Binding by Passagen ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score: 

great text that shuttles between two (or three) kinds of paris - interesting reading of sartre with derrida and foucault

Scale-Up Methodology for Chemical Processes
Published in Hardcover by Gulf Professional Publishing (1993)
Amazon base price: $145.00
Used price: $75.00
Used price: $75.00
Average review score: 

I was having a difficult time with a 5-fold scale-up of a batch process in our facility. Not any more. This book did the trick.

Self-Deception and the Paradoxes of Rationality
Published in Hardcover by C S L I Publications (1998)
Amazon base price: $64.95
Used price: $19.95
Used price: $19.95
Average review score: 

Jean Pierre Dupuy is a great guy from France.He's working in the famous school polytechnique, and also teaching in barclay university. He's research is based in the CREA, research center of applicated epistemology, near cognition, philosphie and so... I would like very much to le rencontrer, so, Jean pierre, si tu lis ça, envoie moi un mail ! This work on rationality is a part of a whole reflexion on the figures of rationality in economics, philosophy, cognitive sciences...

Serving HIV-Infected Children, Youth, and Their Families: A Guide for Residential Group Care Providers
Published in Paperback by Child Welfare League of America (1989)
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score: 

I can not stress enough the importance of this guidebook. If you are providing care to HIV infected youth add this book to your library immediately. Well written, cogent, easy to use, and effective.

Shape Optimization and Optimal Design: Proceedings of the Ifip Conference (Lecture Notes in Pure and Appied Mathematics, Vol 216)
Published in Paperback by Marcel Dekker (2001)
Amazon base price: $185.00
Used price: $85.00
Used price: $85.00
Average review score: 

A useful book filled with interesting and important papers. At least some of them are, i haven't read them all...

Situaciones: Intermediate Spanish
Published in Paperback by D C Heath & Co (1994)
Amazon base price: $50.24
Average review score: 

I have used this book in my Spanish classes for the past 6 years. It is one of the best Spanish text books that I have come across and I highly recommend it to people. It is designed for the intermediate level student. It delivers extensive vocabulary and conversational phrases for a topical unit per chapter. The book includes grammar instruction and exercises for every level from the simple present tense to the past perfect of the subjunctive and just about everything in between. The book works best when it is used together with the workbook which provides additional practice in vocabulary, usage, and grammar as well as creative writing exercises.

Situations I
Published in Paperback by Schoenhofs Foreign Books (1949)
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $9.95
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $9.95
Average review score: 

This selection of essays by J.P. Sartre seemingly choosen at random, presents his authentic and multi-dimensional view of philosophical, cultural and political issues among wchich a reader can find a literary black sounding note written after the death of his friend Albert Camus revealing their true commitement

Spanish for Mastery 2: Entre Nosotros
Published in Paperback by D C Heath & Co (1994)
Amazon base price: $20.48
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score: 

Spanish for Mastery II provides you with excellent Spanish daily-life situation to get into the use of the language in a very easy way for either a stundent learning in class or anyone who wants to acquire idiomatic knowledges in self-study. As an exchange stundent from Germany I think, in contrast to other study materials, this is a rather vivid study material in combination with the tools like the S. for M. II workbook. The grammatical part is in my opinion placed well to the student's progress of learning making the student build up a good tight knowledge to apply. Nevertheless, it is required to work with the book regularly. Also, the books provides the student with important cultural aspects and historical information.
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