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"The Wall" is the first story presented. It consumes the reader because of its brilliant writing style. The story is narrated by a man named Pablo Ibbieta, who is in a jail cell with 2 others awaiting execution the following morning. Every event that transpires that particular night is analyzed almost too thoroughly thus leaving the reader in a trance. I wont get into it too deeply, but believe me, this story is worth reading...i guarentee it will have to be read again. After finishing the story, I felt as though nothing mattered. Who cares if the dishes were not washed, who cares if I would be late for work. Believe me, this story will have a profound impact on the way you think. Don't be surprised if you have a new appreciation for life. This story enlightens the mind.
Another great story from this book is called "Erostratus". Erostratus was a character who wanted to be famous, so he burned down the temple of Ephesus, which was one of the 7 wonders of the world. This is the central symbol of the story, the quest for glory. It also brings up an interesting point when the narrator asks one of his colleagues "Who built Ephesus?" and the colleauge did not know, he only knew who burned it. "Erostratus" in short is one mans decent into madness because of his quest to be remembered. The ending of "Erostratus" is filled with suspense and makes your heart beat in fear. It serves as a grim reminder that there are people of this type, and we should be prepared at any time for them to strike.
There are also 3 other stories, that being "The Room", "Intimacy", and "The Childhood of a Leader", which also draw the reader inside the workings of the mind through an existential window (ie: we are all here by accident, man is condemned to choose).
In short, these stories are all perfect, and leave the reader with a feeling of enlightment. Sartre is an extremely intelligent and clever writer. This is evident in these short stories. So turn off the television, buy this book, and start questioning your existence, you owe it to yourself. Besides, they are short stories, so you will be able to get through at least one a day...that isnt much to ask considering the benefits you will reap by reading them.

Used price: $53.00
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List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
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The text that accompanies the following forty color plates (a selection of paintings) is the calm, clear art criticism that Grohmann is so good at. The plates' reproduced colors are good but not great. What's best is that Grohmann is such an able teacher. He describes each painting straightforwardly, and then asks intelligent questions, suggests answers that seem well-thought-out, and inspires one to further thought and research. His friendship with Klee gave him some additional understanding of his friend's work and lifelong passions and motives.
A very worthwhile book on a great artist.

Mousnier doesn't hide the fact that his admiration for Paul Paray goes quite beyond what he has for others in the series. But there is no hint of the "groupie" boosterism that clouds so many such books. This is an impeccable, scholarly study that takes us--as far as we can go--into the world of artistic genius that Paray inhabited.
The writer offers considered probity into determining what it actually was that Paul Paray did to imbue his art with such enormity, such sense of occasion, such a sense of history. Paray concerts were unique in their electric atmosphere that palpably moved both audiences and musicians. Seating and acoustic diagrams, transcripts from key rehearsals, repertoire sheets and some cogent snippets of what Paray would actually say off the podium combine with telling analysis of where the Maitre fit into the international music scene. It all makes for absorbing, fascinating, "thrilling" (critics' favorite adjective for Paray) reading.
Certainly, Paray was a fascinating personality, too--a war hero and a racconteur equally--but while Mousnier acknowledges this, he stays somewhat away from it, too. This is fortunate because Paray never spoke of what his connections with the Resistance were, and what hold he had on the occupying Nazis that allowed him to get away with what he did. Mousnier lets it rest that the old man had mysteries and facets to his life that we simply aren't ever going to know about. Mousnier concentrates on the mystery of Paray's musical genius that, after all, is the greatest of all his genii, and the one he dedicated to the world.
I also find it telling the Mousnier has been the producer of some of the coveted releases of Paul Paray that emanate from the ORTF archives. I own these, and the live recordings are just as amazing as any of Paray's studio efforts.
I urge those who truly care about the art of conducting to find a copy of this book, have it translated if need be, and plunge into the world and the mind of one of the 20th Century's deepest and most alluring musical minds.

Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $63.53

Used price: $3.68
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