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Book reviews for "Bettenbender,_John_I." sorted by average review score:

Confusing Love With Obsession: When You Can't Stop Controlling Your Partner and the Relationship
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (December, 2002)
Author: John D. Moore
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

I purchased and read this book a week ago after a painful divorce was finalized. Fast forward to now and here I am in the same situation yet again, falling in love with a different man. I read the book and did not take much to heart, basically because I was in denial. But after picking up the book again and giving serious thought to what Moore presented, I can see how addicted I am to relationships. I also found myself feeling a bit embarrassed as I read this book, because much of what was presented hit a little too closee to home. Looking back on my marriage, I behaved just like some of the people in the case studies did - using food to manipulate my ex-husband into gaining weight. I also broke into his computer and deleted emails and tried to cause trouble for him. Why? Because I was obsessed with my ex husband and addicted to our marriage. I have now been motivated to join a support group and get help from a therapist. As for my new relationship, I am putting that on ice until I begin to heal. If you decide to buy this book, be prepared for some moments where you might cry. This is perhaps one of the best books I have ever read, because Moore writes with compassion and shows how relational dependency effects both WOMEN AND MEN!

It will change your life!

It came alive
We were assigned this book to read by our instructor at the university I attend for undergraduate social work. Confusing Love with obsession advances so many psychological concepts ways that are easilly understood by the reader. I think what I found most alluring about this book was the level of compassion offered by the author. He went out of his way to not cast blame on relationally depedent people and offered concrete reasons as to why someone might behave destructively in personal relationships. There were a few times I had to put the book down because it started to influence me emotionally. If you are looking for insightful reading material that will hold your attention, get a copy of this book.

Hard to put down!
John D. Moore is truly a gifted & talented writer. In this book he exposes the problem of "Confusing Love with Obsession" and challenges people everywhere who are in abusive, addictive and unsucessful relationships to take the focus off of the person we are involved with and put it where it can do the most good: On ourselves!

If you are dealing with an addiction to another person - THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. At times, you will find yourself having to put the book aside because it is too painful to read...but make sure you pick it up again! Kudos to Mr. Moore, he has written a powerfully clear and meaningful book for women and men everywhere.

Tested Advertising Methods
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall Trade (April, 1985)
Author: John Caples
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $8.90
Collectible price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99
Average review score:

Excellent - Best book on advertising and copywriting ever!
I have read this book twice cover to cover and refer to it almost everyday. If I could have given this book 6 stars I would have done it without reservation.

I have ordered and read at least 4 different books on copywriting and advertising in the last year. Most of the books have good ideas, but none of them describe the methods of writing headlines the way Caples does. He spends 4 chapters on it and let me tell you when he is finished you will know it cold! Personally that would have been enough to sell me on the book, but he doesn't stop there. He talks about scientific advertising to make sure you are writing ads that sell and not waste money. In addition, he talks through how to write the first paragraph and how to structure the copy. Finally, he spends time to talking about how to improve the selling power of copy.

Since I have read this book my ability to write copy has reached a whole new level. If you are in this field or responsible for writing copy I would advise you that this is a book you MUST own.

They laughed when I got this book, but when they saw my ad--
And when they saw the RESULTS of my advertisement, the other guys simply said "Where do you get your ideas?" But, truth be told, my ideas are not all that original, but they do work, and I get my source from Tested Advertising Methods.

And that's the premise of this book--ads that are going to work; ads that will bring in customer response; ads that will produce sales. Sometimes you see advertisements with clever copy. But this book shows you how to write headlines, use effective copy, and properly use graphics that will help you SELL a service or product.

In most advertising books, you get clever ideas on ads. Some of those ads may have worked, and some may have flopped. If you want tested advertising methods, then get the book "Tested Advertising Methods". If you want one book that will show you how to sell a product or service, then get this book.

If You Want 5 Star Content, This Book is The One!
There's a reason why David Olgilvy calls this the most useful advertsing book he's ever read! I hold a Ph.D in Sales/Marketing and they simply DO NOT teach this money producing stuff enough at our colleges and universities! Instead, most of them opt for creative mush that's clever and makes for good awards and 5 minute speeches....but doesn't sell anything! If you want simple, brass tacks, powerful advertising advice, this book will be the most delapidated marketing resource in your library!
Is you're serious, RUN, don't walk to the checkout and pickup this incredible book. You'll pay guys like Dan Kennedy hundreds and even thousands of dollars for this advice...but it's all right here! Good stuff!

Warfare in the classical world : an illustrated encyclopaedia of weapons, warriors, and warfare in the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome
Published in Unknown Binding by Salamander Books ()
Author: John Gibson Warry
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.84
Collectible price: $20.00
Average review score:

Don't think. Just buy it. Even if the cat has to go hungry.
An absolute must have for anyone who is remotely interested in warfare in the classical world. Not just dry descriptions, but beautiful, realistic, full color illustrations of the soldiers from each important evoloution. (Such as the Homeric and Spartan hoplites, the Macedonian Phalangite, the Companion Cavalryman, the Thracian Peltast, the varied Persian troops, and the various evoloutions of the Roman Legionary and their foes (including Hannibal's Iberians, the Celts, and the Huns), along with detailed descriptions of each one's panopoly and tactics. Also describes all major battles, seagoing and siege tactics and the historical timeline surrounding each. The one thing it lacks is analysis of the great generals, which is appropriate as a good study of any great leader can easily fill a book this size. However, is a must-have companion to any T. A. Dodge or similar work on the period. Really puts a face on the fighting soldier.

A beautifully illustrated guide to ancient warfare
I first found this book in a public library in the early 1980's. Shortly after that it was stolen and I searched for it until about a year ago when I found it in a bookstore. This is the most comprehensive guide to the arms, armor, and tactics of the ancient world that I have ever seen. The illustrations are incredible and the diagrams of famous ancient battles shed new light on what really happend. If you enjoy studying ancient warfare, especially Greek and Roman, then you will LOVE this book.

A Wargamer's Review
This is an exceptional book for wargamers interested in the art of war in Classical times. The text is clear, concise, and gives a good overview of the political and cultural events that shaped the art of war and the history of the particular period in a particular chapter. The illustrations give good looks at uniform and organisational details, and the descriptive maps/illustrations give a decent look at tactics.
Getting all of this in one volume at a reasonable price makes this a "must-buy" for wargamers (particularly beginning wargamers) looking at the Greeks, Macedonians, Persians, Cathaginians, and/or Romans as potential armies for the tabletop.

Apollo : An Eyewitness Account By Astronaut/Explorer Artist/Moonwalker
Published in Hardcover by Greenwich Pr Ltd (October, 1998)
Authors: Alan Bean, John Glenn, and Andrew L. Chaikin
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.00
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $17.95
Average review score:

Impressionistic Representations of Apollo
This is a nice addition to the currently available literature on the Apollo program. For those who are unfamiliar with Alan Bean's work, it is more impressionistic, rather than focusing on complete, detailed accuracy. Those who watched "From the Earth to the Moon" and expect the same kind of art may be disappointed. However, Bean's work adds another layer to the basic photographs we've already seen, incorporating the sense of grandeur and "magnificent desolation" that the astronauts were able to experience. Chaikin's text does not add anything that was not already covered in his book, so don't purchase this text to find out new facts about Apollo. DO purchase this book for the paintings. It makes you want to own a Bean original!

Alan Bean : Painter/Astronaut
A truly magnificent portayal of mans greatest achievement. I followed Apollo 12 as a 14 year old kid back in 1969 and the wonderment of those flights to the moon has never left me. Seeing Bean's paintings puts me on the surface of the moon better than any photograph could. I advise anyone interested in America's Manned Space Program or the History of Art to buy this book. Unlike some of the reviewers in this section, I believe the astronauts of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs went on their journeys for ALL of us, not just to enable the United States to beat the Soviet Union to the moon - we must look at things far deeper than that.

An inspiring view of the Apollo program
I have read all of the Apollo astronauts' accounts of their journeys, and this book adds something different. Alan Bean gives a unique view of the United States' greatest adventure. His paintings renewed my excitement for our space program. The narratives that go with the paintings are genuine and speak to every American. This book will inspire young people to be proud of our space achievements--a quality that both the news media and our politicians sorely lack these days. Bean's love of the space program is displayed by the colors and settings of his works. Many times, Bean reminds us that Apollo was an act of all of America, not just the astronauts. From a space enthusiast's point of view, we need more books like this!

City of the Dead
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Author: John Whitman
Amazon base price: $12.40
Average review score:

best book in star wars galaxy of fear
this book was realy great. i liked it because boba fett is in it and he has a big part in the book. i also liked it because it reminded me of event horizin the movie. i hope you read this realy good book.

Book of the not so dead
Zak Tash and their uncle Hoole need a new ship. They land on Necropolis(city of the dead). Zak finaly meets a friend. But,will everything stay that way? I liked this book because I couldn't put it down to do something else.

The Greatest Book By John
If you like action and fun this is a great book to read, I got it mainly because I like Boba Fett and when I read I loved it. It's a great story about Zac and Tash and their Uncle Hoole go to a planet called Necropolis and how they get pretty mixed up with Boba and get into a bit of trouble.

May All Be Fed : 'a Diet For A New World : Including Recipes By Jia Patton And Friends
Published in Paperback by Quill (October, 1993)
Authors: John Robbins and Gia Patton
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $3.16
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Vegan diets are very healthy, but this book is too lowfat
I highly recommend buying this book for the way that it exposes the cruelty and shameful atrocities of the meat and dairy industries. For vegetarain nutrition info, I recommend a book with more monounsaturated fat like Becoming Vegan. In any case, definitely a must read along with Diet for a New America, also has some very inspiring quotes. I think John Robbins is very honest and well-meaning, but his lack of a medical and/or nutritional education often leads him to give less than perfect advice. Becoming Vegan is a better, more accurate nutritional book. I also recommend eating nuts instead of soy products which taste bland and may be overrated.

Great Recipes and Much More!
A friend kept bringing delicious vegan dishes to potlucks. Every time I asked her for a recipe, it was out of "May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World." I pulled this book off the shelf and into the kitchen, and now people are complimenting my cooking and coming back for seconds--even meat eaters. At a recent party, meat lovers kept coming back for seconds of the Vegetable Tofu Loaf, and I knew I had a goldmine of a cookbook. Every recipe I've tried has worked out great. I cut the oil in half in the Lemon Rice and Peas, because it didn't need 2 tablespoons for 4 servings, and it was still delicious.

The cookbook portion is the second half of the book. The first half is full of well referenced, easy-to-read information on a variety of nutritional and health topics, including protein (ch. 3); chicken, fish, dairy, and eggs (ch. 5); the marketing of infant formulas (ch. 6); and what individuals can do about the problems discussed in chapters 2 - 6 (ch. 7). I found the charts and graphs great for concisely conveying Robbins' points. Although he discusses serious societal and individual problems, the tone of the book is positive: all these problems are correctable and here's what you can do to help solve them.

Whether one uses this as a just a cookbook, a reference book, or both, this book is worth having!

Third World issues/possible solutions addressed.
Diet for a New World will make you think twice about your next meal. Robbins offers real solutions to third world issues. When we consume meat, the crops were grown in abundance in a third world or extremely poor country, then it was exported to a meat farm to feed the cattle. Robbins explains that the grain used to feed the cattle could have fed the starving population of the growers and us as well.

Some of this book is difficult to read because it makes us take a serious look and the way live, eat and purchase everyday items. I'm glad I did- it changed my life.

Becoming vegetarian or vegan is only part of the solution. Buy the book, read it, practice it, bring veg dishes to gatherings and share what you know. Buy the book as a gift too, that's how I got it.

I realize we have One Earth and One Chance- let's make it count. John Robbins can get you started on the right path.

Satellite Encryption
Published in Paperback by Academic Press (15 September, 1999)
Author: John R. Vacca
Amazon base price: $74.95
Used price: $32.95
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Enlighting, very informative and thought provoking !
John Vacca has put together a vivid presentation on the subject. Our future communication security is dependent on secure Satellite Encryption. This book presents Satellite Encryption, it's many issues and concerns, in a format that can be understood by all. Complex national security, corporate and personel security issues are technically presented and discussed. Views of the author on the "electronic battlefield" of the future are both enlighting and thoughtful. I sincerly recommend this book for individual and educational reading.

An intriguing view into the world of satellite encryption!
Satellite Encryption by John Vacca describes the complex security issues that continue to arise as the amount of electronic, voice, and video data is transmitted via satellite communication channels. Of particular interest was the number of satellite launches by major corporations that are planned in the near future. As a business, we are finding the need to conduct business at a much greater speed via the Internet. The book goes on to describe the importance of this trend but also details the perils that face companies that will be required to conduct business using E-Commerce. The book informs the reader how satellite encryption methods are utilized today to safeguard critical and confidential information, and what techniques are utilized to implement these methods. The book emphasizes the inadequacies of the current encryption methods and the direction that improved encryption methods are taking to combat misuse by government, terrorists, and criminal organizations. Overall the book provides an intriguing view into the world of satellite encryption and brings to light the increasing need for confidentiality of both personal and government information in a rapidly changing information age.

This is an A++ book about satellite encryption
Highly recommended!

Mr. Vacca's book, Satellite Encryption, is a must read for anyone. *Every* aspect of our life is affected by the new information age and how satellites are (un)able to provide reliable communications though encrypted pathways. Satellite technology now affects Internet, banking, personal communications (e.g. phone, pager) as well as our governmental infrastructures.

Detailed and highly accurate information is well described in this book and will surely be the core material for Tom Clancy's future techno novels. Mr. Vacca provides an expose of the susceptibilities of our satellite systems like no one else has.

I have read a few of Mr. Vacca's other publications, and like the others, this book is a jewel because very practical implementation information is provided. In particular, Part three, "Implementing Satellite Encryption", is fascinating reading to understand how end to end data flows in various satellite systems.

This books is very easy to read and the examples in the sidebars are excellent. The last chapters provide sobering insight into the future and what steps should be done to assure a viable future for this technology. The warfare implications are challenging and scary. Great reading.

Big Pumpkin
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books (December, 1999)
Authors: Erica Silverman and John McDonough
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

Big Pumpkin is Big Fun!
This delightful retelling of the old Big Turnip story is a Halloween favorite of my Kindergarten class. They learn the repetitive lines quickly and love to exclaim "DRAT" with the witch as she patiently watches the ghost, vampire, and mummy fail to yank her big pumpkin from its vine. And when the bat has the winning idea, we learn that cooperation is good for all. We also love to act this book out. A Winner. My suggestion, however, is to AVOID the paperback. Mine fell apart after three readings and is now held together with LOTS of tape!

Teacher's Favorite
Of all the Halloween books I have in my Halloween box at school, this is the one my students love the best. Since I began using it 4 years ago, my classes(K-2)have usually had it memorized and could say the verses outloud with me as I read. The pictures are incredible. The story is darling. If you happen to come across the book on tape, grab it up quick. The producers put the words to delightful music, and voices that make the book come to life.

A wonderfully written Halloween story for preschoolers!
For those who celebrate Halloween, this book is a treat. The audio cassette, in particular, truly captures the essence of the story (in song) of a witch who has trouble picking a pumpkin, (a Halloween version of The Turnip). Her friends; a ghost, mummy, vampire, and bat all help. The result is a picture book with repetition and wit. A must for any school or teacher library.

Wither's Rain : A Wendy Ward Novel
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 February, 2003)
Author: John Passarella
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $4.12
Collectible price: $7.40
Buy one from zShops for: $4.64
Average review score:

A Horror Novel with a Realistic Pagan Twist
"Wither's Rain" is the second book in the Wendy Ward saga which began with "Wither". As the story opens, we find Wiccan college student Wendy dealing with the traumatic aftermath of her good versus evil battle against the creature-witch Elizabeth Wither and her coven. Wendy thinks the ancient evil has been laid to rest, and now it is time to pick up the pieces of the shattered lives Wither left in her wake. But soon Wendy begins to suspect that all is not well in Windale, Massachusetts. Has Wither managed to cheat death again and returned to rain havoc upon those who survived her earlier rampage? Has a new force of darkness moved to town? Or is it merely Wendy's overactive imagination and lingering guilt revolving around the amount of damage Wither managed to inflict before Wendy found a way to stop her? Wendy must reclaim her wavering faith in herself and expand her magical talents to find the answer to that all important question before time runs out.

"Wither" was one of the very few novels that I've ever found so engrossing that I literally could not put it down; "Wither's Rain" follows in what will hopefully be a long tradition of excellent horror writing. Wendy is a realistic and decidedly human heroine, with all of the foibles and flaws that come entangled in flesh and blood. Her Wiccan practices are realistic to a great extent, with some dramatic flair mixed in to make the story exciting. Her opponent is a witch of a different color and character, leading to interesting contrasts and comparisons between the two. And the tension generated will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. A definite must-read for any horror or pagan fiction fan.

I also recommend Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series, M.R. Sellar's Rowan Gant series, and Mercedes Lackey's Diana Tregarde series.

Passarella has a hit!
[CAUTION: minor spoilers!]

I was elated upon my discovery of Wither, Passarella's first novel in what I believe will be a trilogy of horror/thriller novels centered around the ever-diabolical witch Elizabeth Wither. I had searched high and low for a quality story about witches, and here it was, embodied in this wonderful novel. You can imagine, then, the absolute euphoria that swept over me when I read Wither's Rain, the sequel to Wither, and found that it involved not one, but two of my mythical interests, beautifully adding a young werewolf to the mix.

Well, maybe not a werewolf per se. Nine year-old Abby MacNeil, changed irrevocably by her first encounter with Wither, has become a shape-shifter, taking on the form of a white wolf. Also changed by their earlier encounters with the evil witches of old Windale, Massachusetts are Karen Glazer and her daughter Hannah, who seems to be maturing in both body and mind at an exceptionally accelerated rate. And, of course, there's Wendy Ward, the teenage Wicca whose body had been chosen by Wither herself to inhabit after her three-hundred-year nap in a farm outside of the city. Wendy thought she'd rid herself of the evil witch, crushing her in the final chapters of Wither, but she was wrong. Now, Wither has taken refuge in the body of high school student Gina Thorne, and continues on with her chaotic behavior, and her prideful pursuit of Wendy, the woman who almost destroyed her. With the aid of a watchful old woman from the future, Wendy must destroy Wither once and for all, before its too late and no matter the cost.

Passarella is incredible in his ability to make his characters come alive on the page. I could literally feel the fear that swelled through Wendy as she raced to save her parents from Gina's wrath, and oxygen seemed a rare commodity to me as little Abby lie dying on the cold floor of Wendy's cabin. More than once I found myself whispering such phrases as No, don't go in there! Hit him, hit him! Look out! You'll be okay, it'll all be okay. Passarella has a rare knack for making his readers empathize with his characters, and an even rarer talent for scaring the hell out of us.

The characterization of Gina Thorne was purely magical. The indifference with which she regarded her victims, the whimsical way she expelled them and moved on, the sexy wiles with which she engaged her intended "Keepers" or simple play things. Never have I liked a villain so much, she has become my newest guilty pleasure.

My only qualm with this book was that it had to end, as do all good things, they say. From page one to the final confrontation, the chills never stopped coming. Passarella is making a name for himself in the horror writing industry. If it were up to me, that name would be bathed in light, the light reserved for only the best.

Passarella weaves a tale that can't be missed!
Wither's Rain, the second book in the Wendy Ward saga, begins with Wendy and her friends resuming their lives after their confrontation with Elizabeth Wither. While they are battered, injured, and exhausted, they are relieved to move on with their lives again, free of the evil that was Wither. Their relief is short lived, however. Wither's black essence was able to escape the fire that supposedly destroyed it, and it strives to live again.

Wither is an ancient evil which awakens every century from its slumber to wreak havoc upon Windale, Massachusetts. Wendy Ward is a practicing witch and is beginning to realize that there might be more to the powers that awoke in her on All Hallows Eve, during her battle with Wither. These two adversaries are destined to fight again, although Wendy is unaware of her destiny. Will she realize what is going on before it's too late?

Jack Passarella weaves a tale of Horror and Suspense that keeps you turning the pages. His writing style is smooth and engrossing. It pulls you into the world of Wendy Ward and won't allow you to leave until you live the tale with her. This second book in the series expands upon the main character of Wendy, but also focuses in on the others who opposed Wither: Alex, Hannah, Karen, Abby, and Sheriff Nottingham. We see the lingering effects of Wither's curse upon these unlikely heroes, and we know their lives will never be the same again.

If you are a fan of horror and suspense, strong characters and story, then you can't miss Wither's Rain and its predecessor, Wither. You will find yourself unable to tear away from this masterful tale. Jack Passarella is making his mark on the literary world; expect more to come from this talented author.

Awakening from Grief: Finding the Road Back to Joy
Published in Paperback by Open Heart Publications (01 December, 1999)
Author: John E. Welshons
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.75
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.25
Average review score:

A diamond of a book
In my house I have a box in which I reverentially keep those few precious writings and items that most help me heal from the death of my daughter last year. "Awakening From Grief" is in that box. Believe me, I've read a whole lot of grief books and this is one of the best.

John Welshons has a genius for blending life experience and philosophy into a provocative healing balm for the soul. You can feel him reach out from the pages. "Awakening from Grief" helped me unite my emotions and thoughts so that they worked together to form a new outlook on the situation.

The book works as memoir as well as grief companion. Welshons shares touching stories from his own life that let readers know he has lived on the emotional landscapes about which he writes.

His writing voice is assuring, conversational, honest and caring.

This book will make you weep but when you finish it I believe you will find, as I did, that you walk more peacefully and happily in the world. You will feel, and be aware of, how your grief has deepened you.

If this book were a gem, it'd be a diamond.

An excellent book to help set the tone for your grief
This is the first book on grief that I read after my husband died, and I'm glad it was this book. It set the tone for my grieving, because it helped me gain the perspective that loss gives us the opportunity to develop a deeper experience of life. I still refer back to it from time to time, and it continues to give me a sense of peace.

A sublime joy to read
The next best thing to hearing John Welshons share his insights on grieving in person, is to read this fine, fine book. His voice is warm and deeply penetrating, his style so easy, one would forget he/she is reading a work about death and loss.

There is certainly a place for Mr. Welshons alongside this generation's most hallowed champions of the human potential movement...Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Stephen Levine, Dr. Wayne Dyer, et al can be proud to include him as a contemporary and a torch carrier, who, with bold honesty and great love, takes their work to a yet more personal level.

A wonderful gift for all of us...

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