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Book reviews for "Baudhuin,_John_S." sorted by average review score:

Hack Attacks Encyclopedia: A Complete History of Hacks, Cracks, Phreaks, and Spies over Time
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (22 August, 2001)
Author: John Chirillo
Amazon base price: $64.99
Used price: $7.10
Buy one from zShops for: $11.48
Average review score:

Gain Insight of the Mindset of Hackers, Crackers, Phreakers!
The widespread availability of computers and access to telephone and Internet technologies has contributed to the sharp rise in the number of people going online over the years. Unfortunately, many of these people found their way online through less-than-honest means, and once online, they would set out to perform a great deal of mischief and damage to various computers and computer information systems.

Hack Attacks Encyclopedia edited by John Chirillo serves as the ultimate source for collected information on the history of hacking, cracking, and phreaking. The book features nearly 2,000 text and HTML document extracts that includes news articles, online postings, and other snippets of insightful information. Some of the accounts are startling. Readers will quickly pick up just how clever some hackers, crackers, and phreakers really are. The following snippet exemplifies available talent in Northern America:

"Silver Spy has everything going for him - comfortable surroundings, a father who is an engineer. He ranks in the top 3 percent of his high-school class. His SAT scores for college admission totaled 1,400 of a possible 1,600. He wants to attend Stanford or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But in the eyes of the phone companies he is a thief, and in the eyes of the law he's a criminal. Such is the portrait of this 17-year-old computer "hacker" and "phone phreaker" who lives about 20 miles outside Boston. He spoke with U.S. News & World report on the condition that neither his real name nor home town be revealed."

The Hack Attack Encyclopedia is broken up into major sections by decade - the 70's, the 80's, the 90's, the Millennium, and a special historical synopsis. From beginning to end, readers will be able to follow the history of mischievous behavior. It will be an eye-opening experience for anyone to follow the advancements made in communications technologies and how they can be easily circumvented and otherwise compromised to carryout further activities. Although some of the technologies disclosed in the book are outdated and have been replaced, readers will still gain helpful insight of the mindset of hackers, crackers, and phreakers operating today. They are a force to be taken very seriously.

An extensive 217-page glossary of terms will enlighten readers about the slang talk used in the hacking, cracking, and phreaking communities. As a special bonus, the CD accompanying the book features full-length editions of the article and snippet extracts included in the book, hundreds of computing and Internet exploits, and a sampling of useful utility programs.

Hacking, cracking, phreaking, and virus infection still poses problems for many people today. This book will open the eyes of many people - including business people, IT managers, and law enforcement officials. It will serve as an excellent starting point for taking necessary corrective action to prevent further mischief and harm caused to personal and company computer systems. I can't wait to see an updated edition. Highly recommended reading.

five stars on the scale of worthless-ness
this book is culled from sources across the internet, almost all of the information is freely available somewhere. in most cases the author has not even bothered to change the filenames or unique file extensions. the book itself is barely an index of the cd-rom, with the first paragraph of a file serving as a description. there is some (un)original writing done by the author himself, comprising a miniscule amount of the actual text. if you would like to learn what these files are actually about, you would be much better served by going to the sites they were taken from

great book
What a great book, with tons of info...recommend it to anyone who knows anything about hacking.

Dead in Their Tracks: Crossing America's Desert Borderlands
Published in Hardcover by Four Walls Eight Windows (May, 1999)
Author: John Annerino
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $7.75
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Immigration. What do we really know about immigrants as people - especially the obstacles they face and the hazards they must endure to reach the United States? No one wants to examine this terrible situation, and the press tries to ignore it. John Annerino is a brave photojournalist who wants to open the eyes of this country and the eyes of Mexico. In Annerino's book, DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS: Crossing America's Desert Borderlands, he writes of crossing the Arizona desert along the historic route called the Camino del Diablo, (Road of the Devil), during the summer. Annerino accompanied 4 Mexican farm workers on a grueling struggle across the desert to get into this country. Annerino risked his own life to experience the killing heat migrants endure to cross the desert, and at one point writes of his and his companion's slim chances of surviving their journey, "We would all die like dogs in a killing ground that has claimed hundreds - perhaps thousands of their countrymen." Annerino not only witnesses and endures the hazards and rigors of his companions, but he also photographed many of the people who died in the middle of the desert. He writes graphically of one dead man: "His mouth was still open from the horror, because no one heard him gasping or saw him dying at the finish line to America's Killing Ground." How long will we permit this tragic situation to continue? One brave man cared enough for people to risk his own life to open our eyes with his camera and pen - John Annerino. And you need to read his book, DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS, to understand the human toll and suffering on our borders, and the lives that are lost among those who flee the poverty of Mexico lured by the same American Dream that brought me here. Why? To quote Annerino, "Because they're out there dying right now."

DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS is a remarkable, tremendously important
August 11. I sat down this evening to read DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS, and just finished it. All in one sitting. I really couldn't put it down. I think it's a tremendously important book. It should be required reading for those planning to cross the border, and track and control the border through immigration policies. The author did a huge amount of research, and legwork. I commend Annerino's efforts and results. His photographs, along with the maps, work well together to give the reader a first hand encounter with the land and people who cross it. I like the pacing of the chapters, the inclusion of both the men who cross the border and the Border Patrol agents, and Annerino's very thoughtful reflections on the value of Mexicans killed in the killing fields in search of a paycheck to send home to their families. It makes me feel real bad. It is hard to read at times only because it's so sad. Boy, am I glad I wasn't the photographer on those trips! Thank you for the remarkable book.

Another terrific work from Annerino
A story like this demands a great deal from an author. Although Annerino has obviously spent many hours researching the borderlands of the Southwest, the key to this monumental work is the extent to which he is willing to live the story he writes. He has taken immense risks, walking side by side through the desert with Mexican immigrants, and coming face to face with the coyotes and narcotraficantes and Border Patrol agents and ranchers of this volatile area. With Annerino's books, you always learn tons of local history, but never at the expense of that vivid sensation of dust and sweat and heat and imminent danger that keep it an interesting read. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to learn more about the little-known wilderness along the Mexican border and the human cost it extracts due to current immigration policies.

John Adams: A Life
Published in Paperback by Henry Holt (Paper) (June, 1996)
Author: John Ferling
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $13.72
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

One of the best biographies I have read
This book captured my attention from the first chapter. JOhn Adams was a fascinating person and left behind an extensive amount of his own words in journals and letters. The problem for a biographer is to make it interesting and Mr. Ferling does a wonderful job of showing the good and bad of John Adams.

I think the best part of this in-depth one volume biography is how the events taking place around John Adams as well as many of his important historical contemporaries are also explored, giving the reader a true vision as to how John Adams fit into the world of the 18th and early 19th century. Franklin, Sam Adams, Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton are all discussed and examined.

Although John Adams is not typically thought of as a notable president, after reading this book, you will understand why two recent polls of historians showed that he was rated as a "great" president who was as instrumental as any in the formation of the United States. By going directly against his own party while president, he was humiliated and initially ignored, but his actions were later realized to have likely saved the US from ruin soon after it's formation. If you are interested in John Adams, or colonial history...Buy This Book.

An inspiring story of an important and unique American.
I have been reading biographies of the founding fathers from Washington to Madison. I picked up this book knowing that Adams was the one that I, and most people, know the least about. Ferling brings this man to life to the point that I felt that I knew him personally more than any of the other bios I've read so far. I was amazed at how attached I became to this intense and profoundly intelligent person who is regrettably most remembered as a vain and awkward curmudgeon. Ferling's story is complete, covering the varied facets of Adams as farmer, lawyer, philosopher, negotiator, statesman, friend, husband and father. If John Adams is more of a mystery to you than the much celebrated likes of Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Madison, then this is the book for you.

An exceptional biography
This book drew me in with its fascinating account about John Adams life and its historical details. Ferling has written a very entertaining and inspiring biography on Adams. Although it is not as deep in detail as Page Smith's biography on the same subject, it is full of information that will edify both students of John Adams and those people who are interested in United States revolutionary period and the early years of the republic.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (June, 1995)
Authors: A. S. Hornby, A.P. Cowie, Jonathan Crowther, and John R. Crowther
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $36.62
Average review score:

Still a good choice
I will not repeat what other reviewers have said about this classic learner's dictionary. It has been a valuable reference for ESL students for many decades. I own several learner's dictionaries published recently (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4th Edition, Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, and Collins Cobuild 3rd edition) and some of them have features this one does not have. But I still use this dictionary a lot and will continue to use it. I hope a new edition of it will come out soon.

Best Choice For Students Of The English Language
I have recently bought the millenium edition (hardbound) of this book. In my scientific studies (I study Scientology which uses a precise study technology that demands a good dictionary to look up misunderstood words) a good dictionary is vital.
This one has been very helpful to me as it gives precise yet comprehensible definitions. This is maybe the most important point of all.
I found it very easy to look up a word i did not understand and gain a conceptual understanding of that word after a short period of time. The definitions just make sense and are not too complicated and confusing.
It also includes example sentences and idioms and information for the further usage of a particular word.
It also has a section with colored pictures (maps, categories such as clothing, food, animals etc.) that provide a picture of the real thing that the word represents - a quite useful tool for foreigners and non native speakers like me.

If you are currently studying english, reading english texts (but have a limited vocabulary) or just don't want to run into too many complexities when using a dictionary and don't want to be too confused but you just want to know the meaning of a word and understand it, then this is the right dictionary for you.

As it is a dictionary for "learners" it does not include things like etymology and syllables (the only negative points), technical definitions (although it includes some where their appearance is reasonable) etc.

But it includes phonetic symbols at the bottom of each page and has, as all dictionaries, a section wich explains each symbol and abbreviation that can appear in an entry.
If there would appear some symbol or abbreviation in the entry that you wouldn't understand, you would find it easy to find its meaning as everything in this dictionary is exactly where you would consider it to be.
So you don't fool around loosing time and getting frustrated. I think the editors of some dictionaries assume that you already know all these symbols but include their definitions anyway in a very complicated way.

Not with this one.
I highly recommend this dictionary. You can buy it without reservations. should have a second one with etymologies at hand.

My MVB (most valuable book)
No other book on my bookshelf is more worn out. I use it all the time. When I started to study English I used to use an English / Portuguese (my first language) dictionary but I could only actually improve my English when I started using the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

The dictionary has lots of pictures (over 1700) for words that can be explained but for which a picture is much more effective like "hinge". The words have a pronunciation guide with a mark (') showing the main stress. There are many useful appendixes like irregular verbs conjugation, usage of numbers, punctuation, family relationships and a few colorful maps.

Over 220 usage notes clarify the subtle differences among words such as dealer trader and merchant. Although it's mainly a British English dictionary the differences in spelling, use or pronunciation between American English and British English are stressed.

By far the most interesting feature is the extremely reduced defining vocabulary constituted of 3500 words. The great majority of definitions are written using that reduced defining vocabulary. This simplifies the definitions and it's a great starting vocabulary for the beginners. The use of such a small defining vocabulary rules out the use of this dictionary as a thesaurus but the advantages compensate this drawback.

My copy is a paper back that has been reinforced with adhesive tape. This makes the dictionary lighter and handy. I used to put it on my back pack and take it to all my classes when I started college in USA.

The drawbacks are the need of an additional thesaurus and the fact that the entries are not syllabified. Nevertheless I would give it 10 stars if I could.

Leonardo Alves - December 2000

Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy: Advances Since Nimzowitsch
Published in Paperback by Gambit (March, 1999)
Author: John Watson
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $16.94
Buy one from zShops for: $17.95
Average review score:

Good for all platers- better suited to those over 1400
Most people say this book is advanced and can't be appreciated by weaker players (under 2000s). I disagree, even if only my personal experience with the book supports it.

I think that this book, coupled with the Silman series and the Nimzovich series, will give players a better insight into how stronger players think. I think that the reality as described by Watson really helped me understand what was meant by not following rules blindly and exceptions. It also enabled me to read annotations better. I now know that when people admire the two bishops, there must be factors in the positions supportng them. When analyzing an idea, tactical nuances regin supreme and concrete analysis is the true judge of the merits and demerits of the idea.

Now, I happily memorize opening lines, classic games and positions and try to augment them with the positional ideas I gleaned from Silman and Nimzovich. The result is a rating that is growing fast -> I was 1500 and now I'm expert strength. I discovered that you just have to find your own way in chess, and use the games of masters as a guide on how to play, but in the end, you just have to trust yourself.

I hope these books can reward you the same way they have rewarded me. I cna now look at GM games and appreicate the ideas. Howver, I now have to imrpvoe my tactics :) Then I will be master strenght. But the thinking that got me there started with this book -go go buy it!

Comprehensive survey of middle-game strategies
Watson is an opening theoretician who has written many books on specialized openings over the past 20 years. I havent read all of this book, but I have read several chapters and have skimmed every remaining page, and can say that the crux of this book is that you must think for yourself in every situation instead of relying on general principles. This goes beyond the obvious adapting that needs to be done due to tactical considerations, and focuses on exploding myth rules such as "never post your knight at the edge of the board".
The diagrams are large and easy to see though the text print is small. There are hundreds of interesting essential classic and modern grandmaster examples in this book, which was not written as a self-improvement method (the author agrees that most of those types of books fall short) but rather as a tour of the exceptions to every rule you ever memorized in the past. There is alot of material here and in my opinion is well worth the price. It will take a few years to digest all of these examples. This is the type of book that lasts a lifetime. These rules havent changed much over the past 100 years or so.
An exceptional book and one of my best out of a large chess library of nearly 100 books.

The best book on modern chess strategy.
This book is one of the best book I've ever read.This book is about how modern chess have changed since Nimzowitsch.Nowdays most dynamic modern GM like Kasparov, Shirov, Anand, etc. accepts double pawn, backward pawn, conceading the two bishop, etc. to get dynamic counterplay.Watson touch on new concepts like Exchange sacrifice, Prophalaxis, and Dynamism.If anyone had not read Nimzowitsch work, I recommend to just buy this book alone because you will develop your intuition according to dynamic and modern play easier.I think I have improve my play since reading this book and sure you will too.I can't think of anyone who didn't enjoy this book.

Owl Moon
Published in Hardcover by Philomel Books (October, 1987)
Authors: Jane Yolen and John Schoenherr
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.02
Collectible price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.48
Average review score:

Simple yet strong
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen and illustrator John Schoenherr created a wonderful adventure about an experience between a little girl and her father owling in the forest. Owling is the act of looking for an owl at night by calling out: "Who-whoo-who-who-who-whooooooo." To go owling you have to be brave and quiet. You don't need words or warmth. All you need is hope. This book won the Caldecott Award in 1988. It was written for children four to eight years old and is a great bedtime story for children.

The artistic media used is watercolor. The artwork made me feel as if I were walking in the woods quietly with the characters. Each page conveys the feeling of actually being in the woods. I also enjoyed looking at each page for hidden animals within the illustrations. The illustrator spread each drawing across two pages using space to illustrate the openness and size of the woods.
The story is told from the girl's point of view as they walk through the woods in search of owls. The setting of the woods creates a quiet space that shows a bond between a father and his daughter. The special time being spent by the girl and her father is never actually pointed out, but the words along with the illustrations created a feeling of spending quality time with a parent. It paints a picture of a memory that a child will never forget.
The sentences are short and there aren't many words, but the author's style along with the illustrations are enough to tell the story and leave your imagination roaming. The story is organized in a way that one action leads to another smoothly. It is told very simply and without the need of fancy words to get the story, mood, and thoughts across to the reader.
The illustrator used a combination of various lines. There are short, long, heavy, light, straight, and curved lines. Most of the lines are painted at a diagonal angle that creates a feeling of motion. The lines definitely convey emotions of tranquility and quiet.
Most of the colors within the paintings are warm colors like different shades of blue to create the feeling of a chilly night and darkness. They are also mixed with white to create a sense of space. The colors compliment each other wonderfully. The various shades of brown depict the trees and owl. I like the way that the colors are more defined in the front of the picture and blur away in the background to create depth. The illustrations and the way they are positioned and shaped make it clear what the subject of the paintings are.
The texture of the paintings is soft and smooth. They give the illustrations an impression of realness. They also provide contrast within the picture.
The composition of the artwork doesn't take away from the story. I believe that it adds to the book. Each page has a white space for the words and the images of the paintings are created around the words. Everything is blended together in a way that nothing stands out more than anything else, but the author still managed to make the story stand on its own without taking away from the artwork or vice versa.
The book format gives the reader or purchaser of this book a quality appearance. The first impression of this book compliments the story and artwork within it. A paper dust jacket covered with a clear plastic cover wrap around the book. On the cover you see big bold letters that clearly show the title Owl Moon. The title's letters are bold, but colored with a light blue, which blend in perfectly with the artwork on the cover. The author and illustrator are also clearly stated using a smaller font with bold black letters. The font used within the story is black and bold. It is set to a size that makes it easy to see the letters and is spaced perfectly for the young reader.
Each page layout uses what is called a doublespread, which is when the picture extends across the two facing pages. The doublespread adds to the effect of motion by having the reader's eyes move from one page to the other.
The pages within the book are big, smooth, and glossy. The pages used give it another sense of being a quality book,
The size of the book makes it great for read-alouds because everyone will be able to see the pages clearly. It is a great picture book that needs to be shared with children.
I see no reason why anyone would find this book offensive. There are no censorship issues within this book that I can see. The woods aren't destroyed, the animals aren't mistreated, and the language is clean and simple.
Owl Moon is a great adventure that can be shared with any child. It is recommended for children between the ages of four to eight, but I think that even adults would enjoy this story. I have never heard of owling, but found it fun and interesting. I even thought that one day I might take my daughter out into the woods to experience a quiet walk through nature so that we can experience the sounds of the woods. I believe that anyone reading this story doesn't need any background information to relate to what is going on within the story. It is a simple adventure that can be understood by any person, race, or sex.
I found the book to be heart warming and fun to read. It gives the reader a sense of importance in spending time with our family members. It also shows that sometimes words aren't needed to spend time with another person, just being with one another is special and memorable. Finding a book that conveys feelings of love and warmth with something as important, yet sometimes forgotten, like spending time with others is rare these days. I believe that the rewards a child can take away from a story like this are invaluable in today's world.

Owl Moon
Owl Moon

Owl Moon, by Jane Yolen, is a wonderfully told story. It is a perfect story to read aloud and share with children at bedtime. John Schoenherr tells the story through pictures beautifully. They could almost exist alone. Children will love this heartwarming story about a very special night.
The story is about a little girl and her fathering going owling one winter night. In search of the magnificent and elusive owl, they have to be silent and brave going deep into the dark and scary woods. The story says that words are not important when you go owling, you only need hope. This story depicts the special relationship of a child with her father.
This story reflects a theme that children will understand. Nearly every child has something that they share with their father. In this story their was no conversation between the father and daughter, but it was still a special moment in time that the two will cherish forever. This story will show to children that it is not the words that make a special memory, but it is being together that makes it so special.
The illustrations are truly exquisite. They are done in watercolor and they capture every detail of their journey. He uses space to convey a silent mood and to show the greatness and bigness of the woods. They add a important element to the story.
Owl Moon is a wonderful story, well deserving of the caldecott award. It will be enjoyed by the young and old alike.

Both Story and Art Enchant
I like this book and so do my children. Although it will have more appeal to fathers and sons, any parent and child can enjoy this story of the magical bond that takes place when a parent introduces their child to one of life's moments of wonder.

Who among us doesn't remember wonderful moments when you and you alone were the focus of your father's (or mother's) attention in a special setting that created a life-long memory pleasently returned to again and again. That's the magic of Owl Moon where a little boy takes a long walk in the woods over new fallen snow with his father. They are journeying to, as his older brothers had done before him, find a great owl, if he can be coaxed from his high above throne where he rules the night.

The story is simply told but carries all of the magic foretold by the setting. The water color illustrations are beautiful in their simplicity and convey the wonder of nature and the togetherness of father and son.

John Shaw's Landscape Photography
Published in Paperback by Amphoto (April, 1994)
Author: John Shaw
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.59
Buy one from zShops for: $15.94
Average review score:

Useful information, beautiful photographs
This is one of the best books on landscape photography techniques. An excellent combination of practical technical information and inspirational creative ideas. The technical information is oriented towards 35 mm SLR's, so those with point-and-shoot cameras will find some of the content irrelevant, but the remainder of the book is so good that it's still well worth the price.

Excellent book for amateur photographers!
Shaw does a wonderful job of 'filling in the gaps' for aspiring amateur photographers like myself. Everything needed for landscape photography - equipment, technique, and vision - is skillfully presented: neither losing the beginner, nor boring the more advanced shutterbug. I highly recommend "Landscape Photography" to anyone interested in landscape/nature photography.

Great for learning
This John Shaw book is one of the must haves for people starting landscape photography, Shaw uses down to earth language to explain the basics of landscape photography. Reading this book makes you wanna go out and take lots of pictures.
Also highly recommended; John Hedgecoe's Landscape photography

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself
Published in Paperback by Harvard Univ Pr (10 March, 2000)
Authors: John S. True Tale of Slavery Jacobs and Harriet A. Jacobs
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.94
Buy one from zShops for: $7.39
Average review score:

Intended to convince northerners -- particularly women -- of the rankness of Slavery, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl presents a powerful autobiography and convincing writing that reads like a gripping novel but is organized and argued like an essay.

Incidents follows the "true story" (its authenticity is doubted in some places) of Linda [Jacobs uses a pseudonym] who is born into the shackles of slavery and yearns for freedom. She lives with a depraved slave master who dehumanizes her, and a mistress who mistreats her. As the novel progresses, Linda becomes increasingly starved of freedom and resolves to escape, but Linda finds that even escaping presents its problems.

But Incidents is more than just a gripping narration of one woman's crusade for freedom, and is rather an organized attack on Slavery, intended to convince even the most apathetic of northerners. And in this too, Incidents succeeds. The writing is clear, and Jacobs' use of rhetorical strategy to preserve integrity is astonishing.

Well written, convincing, entertaining, Incidents is an amazing book.

Heartbreaking and eye-opening
When my history professor told us that we'd be reading this book and writing a paper over it I was less than excited. I thought it was going to be just another boring History text. To my surpise and delight I was hooked after only a few pages.

This true story of Harriet Jacobs, a 19th century slave, is absolutely mind-blowing. Ms. Jacobs spent 7 years of her life living in what was literally a wooden box in the rafters of her grandmother's shed. She was waiting for the perfect moment to escape to the North and bring her children out of slavery. From her perch in the shed she could look out onto the street and watch her children play and hear them talk about how much they missed their mother and wished to see her again (they had no idea she was in hiding). Jacobs even went so far as to send letters to her vicious master to make him believe that she was really in the Northern states.

Sure everyone learns about slavery in school, but we only get the narrow and highly shortened version of what it was to live in slavery. This book is an emotional account of slavery in all its brutality and what it was like to live in fear every moment of every day. Jacobs is a perfect portrait of an unbreakable spirit.

A very poweful tale of the great injustice put on slaves.
I have read Incidents in the Life of a Slave by Harriet Jacobs, twice! I enjoyed reading her book. Her book is full of rich vocabulary. Her writing skills and the description of events she used was impressive, i.e. the separation of mother and child being sold to slaveholders, I felt the pain. In her writings, she constantly humbled herself because of her circumstances of being a slave and how she felt incompetent to write her life story. I must say that Jacobs did a magnificent job, considering her life of chattel slavery. Besides being courageous, strong and enduring, she was a very wise person. I think Jacob's does not give herself credit for being wise. She was very wise because she had to plan various strategies to outwit her devil master's attempts to capture her. She was wise in not trusting Harriet Beecher Stowe. What was Stowe's purpose of forwarding Jacob's writings to Mrs. Willis, which included her sexual history? Jacobs was no fool. Finally, the most indelible impression on my mind was when she hid in her grandmother's house, above the storage room, for seven years! I was right there with her. Great job Harriet Jacobs!!

Published in Hardcover by Philomel Books (May, 2001)
Authors: Anthony Horowitz and John Blackford
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $5.75
Average review score:

The book Stormbreaker was written by Anthony Horowitz. This book was one of the best books I've ever read! Its about a boy named Alex Rider who lived with his Uncle Ian Rider because his parents died. Alex and his Uncle used to have fun together since they were all each other had. One day Alex's Uncle died from what they said was a car crash. Alex knew this was not true when he found bullet holes in his Uncle's car. To find out what really killed Ian Rider read Stormbreaker.

Review For the Great Book Stormbreaker
The book I am reviewing is Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. My favorite character is Alex Rider. The story takes place in London. In this story Alex Rider tries to find out who killed his uncle, Uncle Ian Rider and how. Alex is sent by M16, the group his uncle worked for, to get the Stormbreaker computers. Alex Rider has trouble and has to go through many obstacles to achieve his goal. I would definitely recommend this book to you or a friend.

...Do you have a sweet tooth for action packed adventure books? Do you have a craving for that one good book you've been waiting for? Stormbreaker is the book for you.

One rainy night in Chelsea, England, at the residence of Ian Rider and his nephew Alex, two Bobbies, British policeman, rapped sharply at the door. It was three a.m. Ian was away on a supposed business trip for the bank that he supposedly worked for. Alex was the only one home. The Bobbies told Alex that his uncle had gotten into a car accident and had died because he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Alex automatically knew that they were lying, so he started to investigate his death. Along the way, the bank that Ian had allegedly worked for called Alex and said they wanted to meet him. They wanted to send him into Port Tallon and take out a top-secret terrorist act taking place at a world-renowned computer company. Alex took it, went to Port Tallon, and went through with the mission.

As Alex went along in his mission, he encounters countless dangers and has almost died. Will Alex complete the mission and save all of England? You'll have to read the book to find out.

We give Stormbreaker five stars out of five. It was one of the best books that we've ever read. The action of Tom Clancy is mixed with the suspense and mystery of Dean Koontz, to form a brilliant masterpiece that hooks you right away. This is a great book and we recommend it to anybody and everybody. Anybody who likes action is sure to love this book.


Lord of Vengeance
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (June, 1999)
Authors: Tina St. John and Tina St John
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $2.92
Collectible price: $5.51
Average review score:

I wanted to personally thank Tina St John for one of the best romance I have read this year. Gunnar and Raina's story was heart felt when faced with revenge at last and how love stop him cold, because love found his heart to bring him back. I absolutely love this story, I can't wait to read his next book Lady Of Valor.

Compelling story... Believable characters... A great read!
When I first started the story, I couldn't believe that Gunnar would ever "fall for" Raina. I could sympathize with him and his need for revenge. Her viewpoint was understandable as well.

Nevertheless, Ms. St. John pulled it off! A I read further, it seemed entirely plausible that the initial lust both characters felt would turn to trust and eventually to love. I was impressed! Love does indeed conquer all.

If you like historical romance, you really should try this one! A fantastic first novel! I look forward to future works from Ms. St. John.

A love story as timeless as love itself!
Look out romance world here comes Tina St. John. LORD OF VENGEANCE is one of the best romances that I have ever read. I couldn't put it down. Gunnar was definitely the hero of my dreams, and Raina, his perfect lady love. When these two are together, the sparks fly and the temperature goes through the roof!! Bravo, Ms. St. John! Bring on LADY OF VALOR. I can't wait!

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