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Book reviews for "Baudhuin,_John_S." sorted by average review score:

A Killing Frost
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (27 April, 1998)
Author: John Marsden
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $5.39
Average review score:

A good book for young adults
Tom Braden, in his book Eight Is Enough, suggests that the worst thing you can do if you have good books you want your children to read is to put these books on a shelf and then suggest to your children that they read them. Rather, what you're supposed to do is forbid the reading of the books or put them on the highest shelf and then say to your children that the books are very private and you hope they will not read them.

I'm not sure this is a comment on the waywardeness of children as much as it's a comment on the wisdom of children in wanting to preserve the element of discovery that's part of finding a really good book. In any case, I came across John Marsden's "invaded Australia" series by accident.

I'd picked up a copy of A Killing Frost, the cover caught me, and I found I was reading the third book in a series. This book is still the one in the series I would choose as best. I find this is often the case: that I like to discover I'm entering a series in the middle and that the book I enter a series with turns out to be what I would choose as best. This was certainly the case with C. J. Cherryh's Invader and Nevernever by Will Shetterly.

With his "invaded Australia" series, I think Mr. Marsden meant to quit after three books but then sacrificed excellence to a demand for more. Like Sherwood Smith with Crown Duel. What a wonderful book that could have been. It pays to know when to quit.

John Marsden's "invaded Australia" series is way to old and violent and explicit for you.

I forbid your reading of these book.

Absolutely not.

Don't read them...

This book is absolutely unputdownable! It has a huge amount of adrenalin and you really ought to check your heart rate as you read! I've read all of John Marsden's books except the new one which is coming out soon. They have got to be in the top five list of my favourite books. Why is this book called "A Killing Frost" in the U.S? We know it as "The Third Day, The Frost" in New Zealand and Australia. Thanks John Marsden for writing this brilliant series of books.

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!
I would just like to say, you've got one thing wrong, the fourth book in the Tommorow When The War Began series is not called 'The Killing Frost' it is in actual fact called, 'The Third Day, The Frost'. Why have has it been changed in the US? I think the original title is much better and it is how John Marsden would like it to be called. John Marsden is the most brilliant author to come out of Australia in years. His books, especially this series, are amazing. The characters become part of you, and they make you laugh and cry. It is must for every teenager around the world to read these books, it's a necessity. The only down side is that you never want them to finish, and when they do, you just want more and more. So a big thank you to John Marsden, of whom i have been lucky enough to meet on several occasions, and keep up the brilliant writing.

John Shaw's Nature Photography Field Guide
Published in Paperback by Watson-Guptill Pubns (31 October, 2000)
Author: John Shaw
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.23
Average review score:

Very useful information, irritating style
I've read this book cover to cover several times and I have to say it has greatly improved my understanding the technical aspects of photography and my results have improved rapidly. I highly recommend the book, especially to beginners like me. That said, I have to say that when I'm looking through the book for the umpteenth time for advice and technical information, the condescending, know-it-all tone that the author occasionally adopts to make his point gets really irritating and detracts from my enjoyment of the book. Also, although the brand-specific information is probably useful for Nikon users, and in the cases of some kinds of equipment like tripods, for people with large pocketbooks, it is of little use to people with other systems or limited budgets, and once again this makes me as a reader feel a bit like a second-class citizen. My point is that John Shaw is a very experienced photographer and decent writer who has collected a great set of useful tips into a handy book, but I wish he would stop bragging about himself and his equipment in the process.

If You Can Buy Only One Book
If you are interested in nature photography and can buy only one book this is the one to buy. For the beginning and intermediate nature photographer this is a complete course under one cover. But even the expert can derive something from the refresher course this book provides.

Shaw begins with fundamentals, with a discussion of the bedrock of photography, exposure. He makes clear in simple steps the relationship between shutter speed, aperture and film speed. Even in this day of high tech cameras that handle all of this information if you let them, anyone who really wants to master photography must understand this relationship so they can lie to the camera. (If you don't know what I mean, you need to
read this book.) At the very least you'll learn when to select aperture, shutter or program mode.

Shaw then goes on to discuss equipment and film, lenses, composition, closeups and working in the field. He even provides a seasonal guide to shooting locations, mostly in the United States.

The book is profusely illustrated with Shaw's photos. How does someone whose prose is so straightforward and concise take such poetic pictures?

At first I was surprised at the amount of space devoted to closeups. I knew that these were a Shaw specialty but I felt that most of the audience for this book would not be that interested in the subject. Then I realized that I felt this way because I didn't know how to do this well in nature. After
reading this chapter I was inspired to journey into the yard to take a Shaw-instructed closeup of a day lily. I was so pleased with what I had learned and applied that the picture now hangs on my wall.

I have a few minor quibbles with some of Shaw's advice. For example he urges the reader to use slide film and gives good reasons. But, particularly in this day of digital imaging, the greater range of color negative film has its uses. I think Shaw could have acknowledged this.

But my quibbles are minor. This book belongs in every nature
photographer's library, even if it is the only one.

Excellent exposition -- practical "how to" and art vision
John Shaw's books are the best I have come across on the subject of "how-to-do" outdoor photography. Shaw is very purposeful in explaining the basics and supporing them with magnificent visual clues. What makes Shaw unique is his ability to intermingle the practical aspects of photography (exposure, equipment, composition) with the artistic vision. His style is entertaining, lucid and very easy to read and follow -- even for novice photographers. I highly recommend this book to amateurs and advanced amateurs who aspire for a higher quality outdoor photographs(to which group I belon as well)!

Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement
Published in Paperback by Harvest Books (October, 1999)
Authors: John Lewis and Michael D'Orso
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

Walking With the Wind is a soon-to-be American classic.
John Lewis chronicles his ascendancy from the backroads of Alabama to the hallowed halls of Congress - an experience which reads more like carefully contrived fiction than real life events. The struggles, the triumphs, the emotions, the meanings are all carefully woven to create a soon-to-be American classic literary canon, depicting the Civil Rights Era. Lewis, described as an American treasure, lives up to the title with his intimate details of the renown leaders of the movement and the not-so-well-known heroes, who fought tirelessly to end the social injustices of the segregated South. Twenty-first century textbook authors would be remiss, if not negligent, by not including the perspectives of Lewis' Walking with the Wind. Amazingly, Lewis remains humble, despite his successes. He is a role model, and more importantly, a 20th Century American hero. Walking with the Wind is a must-read for all.

It would have been really easy to have ego..
But Congressman Lewis does not reveal it in his autobiography about participation in the civil rights movement. What we get instead is a brave highly motivated young man who put his belief into a free and equal society into action.;

Lewis, who is currently one of the few southern democrats in congress has a record of defending the civil rights of all groups. Although I had always admired his voting record, reading about the seeds of activisim was very moving and touching.

Braving arrests, poliice brutality, political apathy and confusion, Lewis and his friends were early disciples of Martin Luther King. Also interesting is the uncanny habit of rubbing shoulders with John and Robert Kennedy. Although revisionist history has cast some doubt on the actual motives of the civil rights position, Lewis fondly remembers both as American heroes.

According to Lewis, both men were genuinely anti-racist, but were unpreppared to deal with dixiecrat resistance to intergration or the actual sight of segregation. Indeed,many readers such as myself still find the conditions under which Affrican Americans were expected to exist horifying.

Although many books and memoirs have been written about the civil rights movement, Lewis attaches unparralleled grace. One can almost hear the representative personally narrating the epic journey himself.

The story of a true American hero
John Lewis was seemingly everywhere during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. From the Nashville Sit-Ins, to the Freedom Rides to the famous march from Selma and more. It is akin to someone having been at the Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. Not only was Lewis there but he was an active participant, one of the many brave souls who risked injury, even death to bring down segregation. Lewis knew all the key figures in the Movement, such as Dr. King, and was a leader himself. Today, of course, Lewis serves his country in the House of Representatives.
It's hard to go wrong with such a compelling story to tell and Lewis doesn't dissapoint. With the help of co-author Michael D'Orso, we learn not only of one person's participation in the Civil Rights' Movement, but gain insight into the Movement as a whole.
Lewis is vastly under appreciated by Americans today. Hopefully Waking With the Wind will help future generations appreciate John Lewis, an American hero.

In His Own Write
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (May, 1988)
Authors: John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $50.00
Collectible price: $44.50
Average review score:

Really Funny!
I found this book today at Borders, it was the only copy they had left. It's full of funny,witty little poems and drawings by John Lennon, with a few that were written in partnership with Paul. The plays on words in this book are halarious, and add to the funniness. I reccomend this book to anyone who is a beatles fan. Only problem is, that at some parts the humor may be a little hard to understand, but once you read it a few times and realy think on it, it'll eventually come to you. This book is pretty good. Even though I haven't read it yet, I'm sure I Me Mine by George Harrison is pretty good also, seeing as how he is my favourite Beatle. Anyway, bottom line is: You should buy it if you're a beatles fan.

It's a good "larf"
I love The Beatles and I love nonsense so this was a perfect match. When you feel you've been thinking too much for one day this is the book to read it is just pure fun. The little short stories just make you giggle even if you're one of those people who never laughs when reading. This book also makes John Lennon seem more human since he has become this legend you get to see this silly but still genius side to him. Just a warning don't try making sense of this book it will just give you a headache just read it for kicks. To quote dear Mr.Lennon "this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I've ever ready."

Typically Lennon Made for past present & future
I read and bought this when I was a kid when it first came out . It stayed with me all my life. His humor was cynical and dry,: but asolutely right on target with the times that past and the times to come. Hilarious and not so funny but completely understood. A book that I would love to repurchase when I return back to work and have an income again. To pass on to my kids and my grandkids. A shame to have lost such a vibrant,intelligent and loving man. He gave me the will to survive a very dysfunctional life. His music and his write may they live forever.

Wherever You Go There You Are
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Books (January, 1920)
Author: John Kabat-Zinn
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $5.81
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

A great complement to Kabat-Zinn's first book.
In Jon Kabat-Zinn's first book, Full Catastrophe Living, he details the relationship between stress and health and outlines his program for reclaiming your life. True to his style of revealing the extraordinary aspects of the otherwise ordinary, this book shows the reader how to enrich many day-to-day activities through mindful living.

I particularly enjoyed the format. The book first introduces the reader to the concept of mindfulness and then it provides short chapters about how mindfulness can be applied to various aspects of life. Making the chapters short and focused on a particular facet allows the reader to quickly read and apply the techniques in a step-wise fashion, incrementally applying mindfulness to different aspects of life.

If you are interested in meditation, or, if you want to find
a way to slow the pace of your busy world, Jon Kabat-Zinn can express the "out of body" concepts of meditation in a way that no one else can.

You get to choose: "Wherever you go...." is a book that can be explored over and over, that can start you on a path to a new habit to find within yourself what you need to survive today's busy world; that can help you find a new habit to renew the life you lead. Or, utilize its message just as a brief "chapter read" to jump start the positive if you are not looking for a lifelong habit.

It is very difficult to express, in words, the inner activities that result in becoming comfortable in your own skin. Kabat-Zinn writes thoughtfully and honestly about how he has accomplished this, and what things might work for you. There are many treasures in this book. For me, his ability to describe the rewards one gets from practiced patience, and to impress upon the reader the simplicity of the "body scan" and how it can lead to the habit of lying down meditation are two examples of things that readers can take away at any given time from his book.

Many self-help readers today are looking for the "quick fix" or some small coping practice they can employ to keep their days positive. In some ways, in addition to helping you understand why meditation works and why it can change your life, Kabat-Zinn writes a poetic and illuminating version of the "one minute help" chapters that the "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" series provided to these readers in the busy working world.

When you couple his vision and ideas with the lovely verse that liberally sprinkles his book (Kabir, Thoreau and Whitman are favorites) you have a quiet and inspirational message that can do more to help you understand and eliminate your stress than can all the meditation, control and organizational techniques advocated in today's America could ever do.

Read "Wherever you go, there you are" and learn how mindfulness can change the course of your daily life for the better. It works.

Interesting, insightful *and* useful<BR>
This book definitely has a lot to offer. Whether you currently meditate, used to, or never even considered trying, there's something useful to be found here. As another reviewer noted, if you've avoided meditation because of its religious or mystical associations, this is an interesting, secular introduction to the practice.

Kabat-Zinn's writing style is clear, polite, compassionate, and perhaps most importantly, accessible. You don't need vast sums of cash, your own Zen rock garden, a year's supply of incense, or even necessarily this book (although the latter is definitely helpful) to do this. Can be read cover-to-cover, or piecemeal, depending on your preference/lifestyle/interest; each chapter is brief and to the point, with a nice humorous touch that suggests that life is far too much fun to get so worked up over.

When Worlds Collide
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 2001)
Authors: Philip Wylie, Edwin Balmr, John Varley, and Edwin Balmer
Amazon base price: $17.71
List price: $25.30 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.20
Collectible price: $175.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.66
Average review score:

This is a true science-fiction classic. The reason is simple: it is plausible. I first read this story almost forty years ago when I was in junior high school, and in the intervening years, it has lost none of its' fascination for me. I especially was taken by the sequel. The basic story is this: an astronomer discovers two planets from outside the solar system that are on a collision course with earth. One of them is a gas giant the size of Uranus, the other is a planet similar to earth, which will be destroyed. The other planet will assume the approximate orbit that the earth had. The scientists of earth build space vehicles in an attempt to save the human race. When I heard it was back in print, I orderd a copy and was very happy to find that the sequel was included. After Worlds Collide deals with the adventures of the people who land on the new planet.Some of the criticisms of these books are somewhat understandable. For example, the dialogue is sometimes--to be charitable--unrealistic. And the absence of diversity will offend some. There were only whites and Asians mentioned, and the "Asiatics" were, for the most part,the villains. Ignoring these relatively minor flaws however, still leaves a story that fascinates.One disappointment in the Bison reprints is that they do not have the maps of the new planet in it, but I am still glad it is back in print.If your local bookstore does not have it, order it. I doubt that you will be disappointed.

Amazing that so MANY people have read this book repeatedly!
Like so many people who have read this book, I too have read it many times. It is that type of book. I read it the first time as a young boy, and over the years (when I can find a copy)I read it again. It captured my imagination from the beginning and has not let go in over 40 years. I believe this book, with its vivid scenes of catastrophe, and its portrayal of the triumph of human ingenuity, affected me deeply for the rest of my life. This book illuminates ones imagination, sense of wonder and longing for adventure. I heartily recommend it for readers of all ages, and sincerely wish that this book will be published again for a new generation. I am sure that this book, and its exciting sequel (After Worlds Collide), which is full of mystery and intrigue, will capture the imaginations of yet another generation. Just imagine what Hollywood could do with a remake of this novel as a movie!

My favorite sci-fi book!
I first read this book (and it's sequel,"After Worlds Collide") in my early teens and it has remained a dear friend since then. I own the movie, but reading the book is the best treat. If you want to own this title, try checking Advanced Book Exchange or Bibliocity for used copies. You may have to wait for awhile, but ultimately, you'll get you copy!

Juggling for the Complete Klutz/With Block Beanbags
Published in Paperback by Klutz, Inc (June, 1994)
Authors: John Cassidy, B. C. Rimbeaux, and Diane Waller
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.19
Buy one from zShops for: $0.45
Average review score:

An amusing read but don't believe all the claims.
I did indeed enjoy this book. The subject is approached with humor and simplicity. However, I went into this thinking (as others have claimed) that I'd be juggling away within minutes or, at most, an hour or two. Not so. Four days later and I'm still trying to master the basic cascade. Maybe it's an age thing or maybe I truly am a klutz. Whatever the reason, this book with its set of beanbags will get you on the road to the basics of juggling but don't expect to be able to join the circus next week. It may take some time to learn the basics but it will happen with patience and persistence. This book will help in that with its quirky humor. However, to learn more advanced juggling you will need a book like "The Complete Juggler" by Dave Finnigan. For those of us in the world who need a little extra help, I would recommend starting with scarves instead of beanbags. I would definitely recommend this book as a gift. It would make a great stocking stuffer for pre-teens, teens and young adults.

It delivers whatever it promises..
I first read about how to juggle from the Internet but I couldn't find a set of juggling bags in my area. So I turned to this one.

The bags are more than adequate. A lot better than tennis balls when you don't have your own ball boy. I got what I expected. But the books happen to be more valuable than these bags. It is a fun to read, there are a lot of witty illustrations. Writing is easy to understand and get its points across. I started to get the feel of juggling by the fourth hour I practiced. By the seventh day I was able to do 3 balls circular juggling which is a very neat trick to impress your friends. It's that easy given you have a strong will.

After the normal 3 balls juggling becomes boring (believe me you'll have the same feeling), you'll find a few more tricks that will keep you busy for a few months, like 2 balls in one hand or 2 balls in each hand. Five balls juggling is also possible, though the author claimed no one had ever succeeded in less than three months of intensive practicing.

Juggling is no longer a spectator sport. It is about how you train your automatic pilot. Now I know what's in the juggler's mind. Good luck! ...

A good book and a great gift.
Although I didn't actually learn how to juggle from this book, I have read it, and later went on to juggle professionally. So, coming from that perspective, I think this book is really as good a first juggling book as you can find. It's encouraging and fun, and does a solid job explaining the basics. The amount of people I've met who have learned to juggle from this book is pretty impressive. So I guess you might say that this book is the best thing to happen to juggling since the invention of the ball. Okay, that was going overboard - but this book is a good introduction to juggling and a great gift which people will appreciate for years to come.

The Dead of Night
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (29 September, 1997)
Author: John Marsden
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.12
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.20
Average review score:

I loved it!
I really loved this book. I wish I could read the rest of the series, but all I can find is the first 2! The characters are so real. My favorite character is Lee. The characters have matured a great deal since the first book, yet are just as likeable. I liked how they put in some of Chris's poems, like ELlie I couldn't make much sense of it, but they were beeautiful sounding. It's interesting how the author works in drunk driving in a survival book. I also thought the book had a good romance. I'm glad Ellie's with Lee and not with her original crush, Homer. I like the character FIona, she's great. One good part of the book was Harvey's Heroes! It made laugh until I read the twist at the end! (If you read it, you know what I Mean.) I urge you to read it1 I'm not into action stories, but Marsden's characters won a place in my heart.

Riveting, not at all mediocre!
I've read 2 of these books and disappointed that I can't get more of them..however this weekend I am picking up one I managed to order. The Dead of Night was just as good as Tomorrow, When the War Began; actually I preferred it although they were both awesome. It's not "medicore" in the slightest, it was beautifully done, and really makes you care about the characters. It's really refreshing just to sit down and read a truly good book instead of sitting in front of the TV and being sickened by commercials. I loved how in the Dead of Night they have Chris's poems in it. I couldn't make sense of them, neither could Ellie, but like her I thought the poems were beautiful and had a wonderful sound. The romance with Lee was good. I like Lee's character. The series has inspired me in my own writing. I love how they mix deep, serious thinking and analyzation of death, hot and cold blood, with action packed scenes, as well as romance. I definitely recommend you read this, if you don't read this, you're missing out on a treat from Marsden. Great job!

The greatest war story/ comming of age tail ever told
I was first introduced to this serioes at school, we were assigned to read it for English, before this book all books assigned to us in school were all garbage and I expected the same, as did most the other students in my class, most wouldnt bother to read it, so the teacher read it aloud in class, for most of it upuntil the half way mark I ignored most of it, until it dawned on me that this book was actualy sounding o.k. When I got home i got my copy from the bookshelf and actualy started to read it, and I read at any chance I had, and when I finished I read the second and third and then had to wait while the rest were written and released
The amazing story starts off with a group of teenagers going camping, and when they return the find the Australia has been taken over by another country, they go to the bush again to hide, but can't just sit back and do nothing and decide to fight back in what ever way they can, although unconventional, when all is said and done and the series is over they made a huge impact on the war, sometimes planned, sometimes fluked, of coarse not all survive and with every loss you can not help but feel the emotional pain of the others, it is the best comming of age story I have read, and although it is listed as a young adult series, it will be unforgetable to all ages and you will develop a bond with Ellie, Homer, Kevin and the rest of the gang, I have never fell in love with any fictional charactors the way I did with these guys, not even in T.V series
A story like this comes along once in a life time, do not, and I mean do not missss this book

Bob Books First! Level A, Set 1
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (April, 2000)
Authors: Bobby Lynn Maslen and John R. Maslen
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.77
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Yep! These are good ones.
Once a child knows the basic letter sounds, he or she is ready for Bob books! I have 6 kids, and we homeschool. I used other books for my 2 oldest, but my son Alex began reading with Bob Books. He loves them!

They are written at a perfect gradient, beginning with 3-letter, short vowel sound words. They are written just as I would have written them!

I do wish the books were larger in size (not more pages, just bigger pages) and the pictures are just drawings - no color. An improvement of better, more colorful pictures and larger pages would get a 5-star vote from me.

These are great tools, and I recommend them for every beginning reader.

Excellent for new readers
This is an excellent series of books for new readers. My son started kindergarten in September and was very frustrated that he was unable to read. A lot of books like Cat and the Hat have some words that he can and can't read, but Bob Books First have three letter words that are easy for him to sound out and read. Bob Books First is a 12 book series that build off of each other, so his confidence grew as he went from the easy red books to the more challenging yellow books with longer sentences. I am looking forward to going through the entire series now that my son has mastered the first set, and I strongly recommend the first set for young children who want to learn how to read.

My Three-Year-Old Can Read!
Of all the books I have purchased for my son, this is has been the most encouraging. I have been teaching my son phonics on my own, and sounding out words on a flashcard was becoming dull. I knew he understood the basic concepts of reading, but I couldn't find anything interesting to him that he could actually read. Bob Books are amazing! The little storybooks are THE perfect first reading books for any child. They feature simple, easy-to-sound-out three letter words with interesting storylines. There are 12 mini-books which progress phonetically as each book has been completed. Included are character finger puppets, which I recommend saving for after the books have been read the first time (so the child can focus). The puppets provide extra motivation. My son adores these books. He read the books the very first time I opened the box! Both mommy and son are thrilled! I strongly urge parents to jumpstart their children's reading with these books.

Mind Prey
Published in Audio Cassette by Simon & Schuster (November, 1996)
Author: John Sandford
Amazon base price: $14.40
Average review score:

If you haven't read this series you have missed a treat!
Mind Prey was the very first "Prey" book I ever read. I picked it up in an airport and was instantly hooked. John Sandford has the rare ability to build "real" characters that are flawed but real - cruel but interesting - attractive but not cheesy.
For those of us with kids - this particular book is savage! It starts with a guy fishing on a lake... and right then your nerves will start to fray - you know that something BAD is going to happen.

Step in Lucas Davenport - Part detective, part game designer, part animal. This guy is about the best detective I have seen portrayed. He isn't Sherlock Holmes and He isn't Mike Hammer, but he is definitely a bit of both.

One last thing - if you read one - be prepared to buy the rest!

The best series with the best character, Lucas Davenport
I started out with the book "Night Prey". My friendand I were in school, when she told me to read this book when she wasdone. I read it within 36 hours, it was such a page-turner. I then found out that this book was just one in a series of "prey" books by John Sandford. I've read almost all of them, and I'm planning on buying "Certain Prey" from soon. The best series that there is. John Sandford is definately my favorite author! He's created such a likable character in Lucas Davenport, and he definately knows how to add in unsuspecting twists and turns to every novel. If you like James Patterson's novels, you'll definately enjoy anything written by John Sandford.

Seventh in the Prey series
Lucas Davenport faces a new challenge in Mind Prey. He is not hunting a killer through clues left at a murder scene, but instead is trying to find a kidnapped family, who may still be alive.

Davenport's fame helps him out because the killer cannot help but call him and challenge him to a duel of wits. Lucas and his team must unravel clues given by the kidnapper, as well as decide who would profit the most from the families death.

If you have read the other Prey books, you will be happy to know that Lucas' love life is still cruising along in one-woman gear. I would also add a warning that, although Sandford does not describe the attacks in detail, the woman who is kidnapped is repeatedly raped and beaten. If that sort of thing disturbs you, you may want to skip this book.

Read this book, and keep reading the Prey series.

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