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Book reviews for "Baudhuin,_John_S." sorted by average review score:

Jonathan Taylor Thomas: Totally Jtt!: An Unauthorized Biography
Published in Paperback by Simon Pulse (January, 1996)
Authors: Michael-Anne Johns and Nancy Krulik
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.35
Collectible price: $24.00
Average review score:

I loved the entire book!
I am a total JTT fan, and when I read this book, it really informed me evern more! I loved how it was so complete with stats, quotes, color pics, and everything from a-z! I couldn't put it down until I was done

JTT is the best!
For anybody considering to buy "Totally JTT", this book is excellent. It goes through with you everything in great detail, including how his work got started, up until Tom and huck. The book was published in 1996, so obviously you will not get all of his credits, because he has done such a lot more since then, but it does have a fabulous chapter on "girls". You can compare how matchable you are with him, and also a very interesting chapter on his character, Simba in the Lion King. The best part about this book is the eight pages of exclusive pictures included, and pages and pages about his T.V. series Home Improvemnt, which began in 1991, and ended in 1999. All in all, you get a great package of his achievements, and a fact file at the end to finish it off. There is a second book to this one after you have read this, but I cannot find it anywhere. It is called "Just when you knew everything about JTT". Anway, i've rambled on way too long, Happy Reading!

An excellent in-depth biography!
Congratulations to Michael-Anne Johns! He has written a fantastic fun and fact-filled book on the life of Jonathan Taylor Thomas on and off-screen. Unlike some biographies, Johns uses more words than pictures, so you learn a lot more about what they're like, rather than what they look like. He has done a lot of research and included a nice review at the back of Thomas's favorites and quick facts. Every Jonathan Taylor Thomas lover should read this great book. Hopefully Johns will come up with a new JTT book to talk about Wild America and his new roles. Congrats again Johns

Macromedia Flash MX Designer's ActionScript Reference
Published in Paperback by friends of Ed (September, 2002)
Authors: John Davey, Glen Rhodes, Jen deHaan, Scott Mebberson, and Sham Bhangal
Amazon base price: $49.99
Average review score:

Not JUST the best ever AS reference for designers...
I thought this would be a reference. Well guess what, I was wrong. This is a reference in the back half, but a How-To in the front half. I'd say, skip every other ActionScript book till you buy this one. If I'd known this would have tutorials in the first half (yes the first 400 or so pages are tutorials), I wouldn't have bought some of the other ones I have. Combined with the CD content, this book is a great first book for the intermediate animator moving into scripting. And, it will stay usefull for as long as you are using Flash MX. Between this book and the O'Reilly book "ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition" by Colin Moock, you'll have all you really need. Then you can buy the specialized stuff on games or UI or whatever.

Excellent way to get your feet soaking wet
I've just finished getting through a book on Lingo, and decided to pick this book up in the hopes of becoming an Actionscripter. The writing style of this book is excellent-- it wastes NO time with senseless conceptual jargony and gets straight to the point. You'll find yourself actually learning at a quick pace through a series of short examples of Actionscript that become more advanced and build on previous examples in the book. Better yet, the CD is packed full of open source examples for every short tutorial in the book.

This book is the definitive actionscript reference. Though, beginners be forewarned-- this is not a book for those who are not familiar with the fundamentals of programming and those who are not fully acquainted with Flash's interface and a conceptual understanding of animation.

5 stars if you are a beginner and 3 if you are not
I just bought this book about a month ago. I have experience in C, C++, Java, and Assembly Language programming. I've been messing around with flash mx for awhile and I wanted to get into actionscript. In my opinion, if you have experience in any programming language this book will really help you get into actionscript. It has alot of tutorials that let you see the structure of how things are related. Using flash's methods(functions), creating instances, and dot notation referencing. I would say that it doesn't lead you on any long creation projects. It's alot of one or two pages and done examples. Good for beginning and bad for deep insight. The thing that I think will make this book end up being a great purchase for a first actionscript book is the complete a.s. dictionary in the back. It has a complete def. of every method and how it is used in the back of the book. That is something that will always be good as reference no matter what you are doing. If you have no experience in coding this book should still be able to help you. It's been awhile since I started coding so it's a little harder for me to judge on that note. Pretty good book though.

things needed more of:
xml tutorials, deeper web design creation

Ride the Airwaves with ALFA & ZULU: Technician Amateur Radio Ham License Manual
Published in Paperback by Abtronix (01 July, 2000)
Author: John Abbott
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $29.99
Average review score:

Great Book
I bought this book and found it to be well written and easy to understand. I studied it for a few weeks and I was able to pass my technician license test with a 100%! Keep up the great work, John! I recommend this book highly to anyone wanting to get involved in amateur radio.

The book "ALFA & ZULU" has been a great book for me and my friends. K6YB did a great job of explaining all the answers! I have gotten my Novice and Tech with this book. My friend has recently gotten into the hobby of Amateur radio and I let him borrow the book. It has helped him a lot. I later upgraded to Tech Plus and am trying for the General. My friend is taking the Tech. Thank you for your great book K6YB....

Ride the Airwaves... and join a great hobby!
This is a great book to help both young and old (and everyone in between) learn about amateur radio. John, K6YB, has presented all of the technical concepts and FCC rules and regulations in a light hearted and engaging way that works. Using graphics and text, each idea is explained clearly and matched with the appropriate questions from the FCC Techincian License Question Pool. For anyone interested in becoming an amateur radio operator, this book should be their first choice!

Cabaret: The Illustrated Book and Lyrics
Published in Hardcover by Newmarket Press (May, 1999)
Authors: Joe Masteroff, John Kander, Fred Ebb, Joan Marcus, Rivka Katvan, and Linda Sunshine
Amazon base price: $9.99
List price: $29.95 (that's 67% off!)
Average review score:

I've seen the movie, the revival, and I remember the original production with Joel Grey from my childhood....but nothing ever beats the book! A complete script, with stage directions and brilliantly captured moments of the play; a thick and hearty slice of life backstage at one of Broadway's most fun and intriguing shows-- get it now!

Life is a Cabaret!
This is the next best thing to seeing Cabaret in studio 54! Pictures of the Roundabout theater production light up this book and tells the story of the revived new musical. This book does not tell the story of the Liza Minelli version, or any of the other Cabaret versions, but of that of the revival. I have seen the new production in person, and can only say that this is the next best thing...and the book even has the whole libretto in it!

Wonderful Book for Wonderful Revival
(note to reader below:Jill Haworth was the original Sally Bowles, Alyson Reed was in the first revival and in this revival, the first Sally was Natasha Richardson)

"Cabaret" is by far my favorite musical and I've already seen it three times. This book is wonderful and a great addition to anyone's theater book collection

Zac Attack!: Hanson's Little Brother
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (February, 1998)
Authors: Tracey West and Michael-Ann Johns
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.45
Buy one from zShops for: $1.44
Average review score:

Caution: Dangerously Cool!
Hey there Hanson fanz! This book rocked! I'm surprised that the author didn't even interview Zac herself! I love the pix and the quiz in it to see if you're the type for Zac. Very well written! There may be a tinie tiny bit of false info, but still cool!

As Zac once Said: "'Peace, Love, Happiness, and Bullet-Proof Marshmellows!!"

This book will satisfy your Zac Fact Needs!!
Well, all I have to say to fellow Hanson fans is; if you haven't read this better go out and buy it as soon as you can (if your local bookstore hasn't run out of copies yet!!) It has great behind-the scenes photos, cool tid-bit facts, and anything you wanna know about Hanson's drummer boy!!! (Beware of a little false info here and there)

Hey there Hanson fans! This book is totally awesome! I love the pix in it! The info is also a little bit different too! There are 16, yes 16 pix inside!!!! Is that cool or what? This author is AWESOME for a unautherized writer!


P.S. This book rocked!!!! It also had funny stories about Zac and his bros!

Out of the Shadows: An Exploration of Dark Paganism and Magick
Published in Hardcover by 1stBooks Library (October, 2002)
Author: John J. Coughlin
Amazon base price: $29.45
Used price: $26.21
Buy one from zShops for: $23.93
Average review score:

Somewhat disappointing
In general, Out Of The Shadows is well written and well-presented. However, I found the author's ideas on the topic to be rather shallow. I must say thatI found the whole issue of the 'gothic' subculture to be as irrelevant to the theology of Paganism as, say tie-die and flowers might be. Personal aesthetic choice does not, in my opinion, have much to do with spirituality, and the book spends far too much time defining and defending goth culture (to which I have no objections)for my taste. On the other hand, when it comes up against actual theological issues, such as the presence of pain and death in the world, the book seems to fall short of deep thought on these interesting matters.
All in all, an interesting first effort on a topic that deserves more thought - maybe, in the end, we can simply discard the ideas of 'light' and 'dark' as useful spiritual metaphors...

Take it from Jung: "I'd rather be whole than good."
Dark paganism and spirituality aside, this book is a fantastic modern adaptation of Jungian theory (esp. "the shadow"), which can be very therapeutic for those who find themselves stuck between the "goodie-goodies" and the gung-ho Satanists. While this book definitely appeals to those who veer towards the "darker" path, it is in no way extreme to that end. I found it to be much more about the theories behind darkness and paganism (or whichever alternative lifestyles), rather than about the nuts and bolts of practical paganism. It is very refreshing to see someone else who is paying attention to the concept of achieving **balance** for personal growth, rather than adopting a brand of spirituality as some crutch or political statement. I was on Mr. Coughlin's mailing list for a long time awaiting this book's release, upon which it greatly exceeded all my expectations. If you like dark spirituality and/or paganism, but can't stand the "fluffies" and don't agree with the Satanists, this is your book.

Outstanding Read
This book is absolutly outstanding.The author takes on a dificult subject and section by section covers all the aspects of darkness and dark spirituality.The author has a very easy style writing and you really get the feel that you are having a one on one conversation. Anyone even slightly interested in the subject, and anyone interested in Paganism shoul definatly read this book.

River of Lakes: A Journey on Florida's St. Johns River
Published in Paperback by University of Georgia Press (September, 2001)
Author: Bill Belleville
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.57
Average review score:

One of the Best Books Ever Written!
River of Lakes is a masterpeice and will sell itself! Environmentalist and adventurer Bill Belleville traveled the entire length of Florida's fabled St. Johns River in a very small boat. The past comes alive! He writes so vividly you can almost see, hear and smell the Timucuans, Spanish explorers,the early settlers and the smoke belching paddlewheelers and, especially, the reality of the present day St. Johns. I thought an alligator tried to bite me while I was reading this book! The author has probably researched this river better than anyone in history and turned it into a fascinating story as well as a benchmark for generations to come. Also, the exploitation of this beautiful river is detailed and its future is brought into perspective. Belleville who is best known for his expeditions on behalf of the Discovery Channel has written a great book. His style, at least in my mind, resonates with the travel writings of Paul Theroux. River of Lakes is a delight to read and I loved it!

An Invitation
Bill Belleville invites you aboard an allegorical raft as he explores Florida's St. Johns River. I was glad I accepted his invitation. With him as your guide "discover" this river with its many surprises and wonderments. With Belleville you learn how much of the "old" has survived modern day Florida and how important it is to preserve what remains. It is a wonderfully written book and before you know it you are caught up in Belleville's storytelling and when his story is finished you wish there were more bends in the river to travel and more tales to read about.

A beautifully written portrait of the St. Johns River
Bill Belleville takes to Florida's St. Johns River in "River of Lakes" to tell the story of its history, culture and nature with eloquence and ease. He is truly smitten with the waterway, and it shows. His descriptions of the river's flora and fauna are sure to captivate readers, taking them along for a vividly colorful ride as he explores the river and its tributaries and springs via airboat, houseboat and kayak. Belleville's provocative thoughts also prompt deep ponderings of the river and its fate as Florida steps into the next millennium and struggles with the issue of balancing growth with its fragile environment. This is a Florida rarely seen by tourists, and, thankfully, Belleville delivers a stunning and remarkable guided tour.

Tunnel of Night
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (05 January, 1999)
Authors: John Philpin and Patricia Sierra
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $3.20
Collectible price: $3.60
Average review score:

The serial killer in this novel, originally introduced in "The Prettiest Feather" is named John Wolf, and boy is he one sick but intelligent individual. His cold, calculating approach to murder goes beyond what most of us have experienced in other serial killer novels.

Philpin and Sierra have given us a credible coda to the first book, bringing the notorious Wolf back in a highly believable manner. Matching the evil Wolf is the less than perfect hero, Lucas Frank. His understanding of the dark side of evil is enhanced by his own dark thoughts and obsession with solving murderous crimes.

The authors use effective narratives in the first person by Lucas, his daughter Lane, and Wolf. Much suspense and mystery are piled on throughout and the resolution, although a little quick, is satisfying.

A great entry in the serial killer genre.

Frightning, chilling and believable-very scary mood piece
John Wolf was supposed to be Lucas Frank's final case as a psychiatric profiler, but the cunning sociopath had other plans. Lucas, accompanied by his daughter Lane, tracks Wolf to his Vermont lair. Lucas uses the killer's bomb against Wolf to enact justice.

Almost a year has passed since that explosive summer day in Vermont. Frank is enjoying his retirement. However, unbeknownst to Frank, John Wolf turns out to be a cat as he survived the bomb. Wolf has been working on vengeance against those who tried to stop him with Lucas and Lane heading up the list. By the time law enforcement officials realize that Wolf is back, it is too late as the killings have begun anew. The stage for a final confrontation between profiler and serial killer is set with only one person expected to walk away alive.

TUNNEL OF NIGHT is hair raising psychological suspense that evokes terror in the bravest of humans because readers will believe that Wolf is modeled after a real human monster. Lucas is an anti-hero who does his job well because he values his principles instead of a simple law book. John Philpin and Patricia Sierra address social issues with dignity inside a well designed novel that will have the audience demanding the return of the father and daughter team.

Harriet Klausner

An incredible read!
"The Prettiest Feathers" began the bizarre saga of two men, Lucas Frank, the reluctant, semi-retired psychiatrist who knows crime and criminals inside out, and John Wolf, the brilliant, insatiable killer fixated on Dr. Frank. "Tunnel of Night" continues the tale. The authors' characterizations are real and totally believable, and give substance to a quick moving plot that doesn't let up. Read these books! They are psychological thrillers and so much more! With a supporting cast of quirky characters, and a myriad of seemingly unrelated details that tie up nicely at the end, these novels are tremednously satisfying. Can't wait for the movie that's sure to come. A month ago I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Philpin speak and read from his work. He is every bit as mesmerizing as his books. Best news: he assured me that there will be additional titles in the Lucas Frank series.

Wingtips: Stories (Johns Hopkins, Poetry and Fiction)
Published in Hardcover by Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (January, 1999)
Author: Avery Chenoweth
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $22.05
Average review score:

Chenoweth rules!
Flannery O'Connor, John Updike, James Joyce, and now: Chenoweth! Each story does the work of a novel, and the novel does the work of twelve stories. They intertwine in a threnody of hope and longing. Congrats, I say. Highbrow style covers these poor cousins to the rich in a multi-hued texture of language and wit. The view from the outside, like a poor boy staring at the candy store window, or F. Scott looking longingly as the belles of the ball circulated in their pastel dresses inside the country club of his imagination, is the predominant flavor of the book, and a haunting one too. Wilde wrote that all of us are in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars, and Chenoweth renders this aphorism into fiction that both dazzles and despairs. Next time, though, he should go for the money with a novel that reaches the folks in the trailer park as well as those in the halls of literary academe.

Wonderful stories of family and intrigue
These stories connect on many levels; I found them very entertaining. My favorite was Going Back-- a universal story of college days done as a complex of witty and constantly shifting dialog. This one ought to be a movie!

A superb first collection, the best I've read in ages.
It will be a long while before the reader forgets the Goodpasture family members. This superbly written first collection of interrelated short stories depicts a seemingly dysfunctional American family that, on reflection, are not all that unusual in their struggles with life and with each other. The collection includes two of the funniest scenes I've had the pleasure to encounter in a long time. The one in "If I Were You," the final story in the collection, had me giggling hysterically, albeit a bit nervously, since the devastating truth that the sharp humor cloaks is revealed only at the end. I look forward to this writer's next effort, whatever it may be.

Reelecting Lincoln: The Battle for the 1864 Presidency
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (13 November, 2001)
Author: John C. Waugh
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.17
Buy one from zShops for: $5.93
Average review score:

Surviving the Mythical Lincoln
It fascinates me how many great histories and biographies there are to read these days. You don't have to be a historian to enjoy this analysis of one of the most influential times in US history. It entertains, it enlightens, and it builds momentum like a well-written novel.

I spent my boyhood worshipping Long Abe, influenced by the school texts that anointed him a hero. Reelecting Lincoln reveals a more human Lincoln, yet one that I admire and respect. John Waugh exposes the Saviour of the Union for his frailties as well as his strengths. His research unveils the criticism of the President during this important period of the war, the fact that he was seen by many as a yokel, undeserving of the presidency, and the multiple factions, North and South, within and without his own party, even within his own cabinet, that were plotting to defeat him in the 1864 election. This book is well-researched from primary sources, including Lincoln's two personal secretaries and the letters and biographies of major and minor historical figures of the day. A journalist, Waugh also uses material from a multitude of very political newspapers, most of them embued with the opinions of their egomaniacal editors, men like Horace Greely, to describe the events that shaped the campaign during the conflict of the rebellion. There was indeed much underfoot during this year that was so essential to shaping the young nation. The United States was very close to turning out very differently than it looks today. Waugh weaves this story expertly. Reelecting Lincoln is a fascinating, entertaining book.

A marvelous work of History,It reads like a novel.
The election of 1864 was probably the most important Presidential election in our History.It is no understatement to say that if Abraham Lincoln had not been re-elected Our History would have been very different.In fact had Lincoln not won the United States might not even exsist today. In Re-electing Lincoln John Waugh gives us a superb account of this crucial campaign.Mr. Waugh is a former Political Reporter. And it shows.As I read this Book I often had the sensation that I was reading this in the newspaper or watching it on CNN. Mr. Waugh also has the gifts of a Novelist. He gives us a powerful and a suspenseful story with a cast of simply unforgetable Characters. As a History Teacher the thing that I gained most from Re-electing Lincoln was the realization that Political campaigns really have''nt changed much in 134 years.Those who think Campaign finance practices are sleazy today will find this Book a real eye opener.This Book is a wonderful read,even if your not a Civil War Buff. Don't pass it up.

The most important presidential election in our history
John Waugh's book is a great insight into Lincoln's re-election bid in 1864. The book is replete with examples of Lincoln's astuteness as a politician. Although, Lincoln was a self-made commander in chief with no real military experience, he was very able. Lincoln envisioned, before his generals, that the war would be protracted. He came to mistrust many of his top generals; they were not aggressive enough for him. The conduct of the war is starting to wear on the morale at home. This causes a split in the fledgling Republican Party. The Abolitionist thought that Lincoln was too soft on eradicating slavery, but they couldn't get a candidate of their liking chosen at convention. The anti-war wing of the party believed that Lincoln was bleeding the country dry; they abhorred the human and economic suffering. Lincoln was able to out maneuver both factions and win re-nomination.

He then had to prepare to run against General McClellan, the Democratic Party's nominee, who he had fired for not aggressively prosecuting the war. The Democrats had selected McClellan on an anti war platform. Much to their chagrin McClellan ignores the party platform and runs as a pro-war candidate. This reversal is the first time in presidential political history that a candidate runs counter to the party platform. Despite McClellan's reversal the election is looking dire for Lincoln in August. Although Grant, the new general, is at least pursuing Lee's army, the war isn't moving fast enough. Many people in the North are looking to a decisive field victory to show that the war is at least coming to an end. All the doom and gloom in the White House comes to an end in September when General Sherman burns Atlanta. Lincoln can show the nation that the end is finally in sight. Lincoln very adroitly allows military units, especially from New York to travel home to vote. This shrewd political tactic garners Lincoln 7 out of 10 military votes. He winds up winning the election with 55% of the vote and a large portion of the Electoral College.

Waugh who is a journalist by trade writes in a style reminiscent of the great newspaper editors of Lincoln's day. He uses many of the articles as background information for the book. This was a very interesting book, which illuminates Lincoln's adroitness as a politician. As a retired Army officer and student of political philosophy, I found this to be a great book on leadership. Highly recommended.

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