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Book reviews for "Tanchuck,_Nathaniel" sorted by average review score:

Second Wind : A Sunfish Sailor's Odyssey
Published in Hardcover by Parnassus Imprints (1999)
Author: Nathaniel Philbrick
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

What a great read for a winter afternoon.
Just when I was suffering cabin fever, I discovered this book. Reading Nat's re-introduction to Sunfish racing, I felt myself in my own boat again. His historical contexts were very interesting and his descriptions of sailing were very vivid. Thank you Nat. Summer doesn't feel so far away.

one of his best!
i loved this book, nat philbbrick is one of the best nantucket authors. most of nathaniels books are historical about the island, but this one focuses on nat himself. very well written!

Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1979)
Authors: Nathaniel Lande, Afton Slade, and Nathaniel Lande
Amazon base price: $10.50
Average review score:

Ethical and Moral Decision Making
Based upon the findings of Harvard's Lawrence Kohlberg, the great pioneer reseacher in the psychology of moral development, this book not only identifies the six stages of moral development but guides us through each STAGE. We come to understand why we make the decisions we make. STAGES offer a unique way of looking and living life. Considering this book was published years ago, Nathaniel Lande is a visionary, far ahead of his time with meaningful scholarship. It a timeless book that should a handbook, a moral manual for historians and politicians, professors and students, and of course by decision makers everywhere.

Understanding Moral Decisions
With graceful scholarship, STAGES indentifies six stages of ethical decision making. It is a way to look at life and history, literature and philosophy, as if through a moral telescope that reveals details of familiar landscapes.

Professor Lawrennce Kohlberg: Harvard University

Tanglewood Tales
Published in Library Binding by Buccaneer Books (1990)
Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Amazon base price: $22.95
Average review score:

Great introduction to Greek mythology for children
I am 30-ish. When I was a child, my grandfather who lived overseas sent me "Tanglewood Tales." From the second I opened it, I was enthralled - not just by the stories, but by the fabulous illustrations. I agree wholeheartedly with the 79 year old reviewer who commented on how much good illustrations enhance a good book. But even without drawings, the book is well worth reading. I took that book with me on one of our family's summer holidays and the entire family spent many an evening before bedtime absorbed by the doings of the Gods.

At 79 y/o and remember this book vividly from childhood.
A wonderful collection of tales for children, however, the edition available from amazon does not have the wonderful illustrations which did so much to enhance the stories. Try to get the old version.

Vigilante Days and Ways
Published in Hardcover by Ayer Co Pub (1940)
Author: Nathaniel Langford
Amazon base price: $42.95
Average review score:

A thrilling primary source!
This account of one of the most fascinating eras and places in Old West history thrills the reader more than fiction could possibly do. I read this book as a kid and it remains one of my all time favorites. (Studying the Old West is my hobby, and I teach high school history.) The characters Mr. Langford presents from his own observations are more colorful than any invented by Zane Gray, for example. I'm surprised that no feature film has be made on Henry Plummer. His duel role as sheriff and bad man has been depicted several times stereotypically in Western movies, but no actual account of his life in the early gold-rush towns of western Montana has yet been done. Dimsdale's "The Vigilantes of Montana" is the most well-known primary source of vigilante action in Montana, but his was written much later after the fact. Mr. Langford's book came fresh from his memory of his own participation in the dealings of vigilante justice to "clean up" the commonplace violence in old Virginia City and Bannock, Montana.

First person account of Vigilante justice in MT.
If you want to read about the rise and demise Henry Plummer and his band of cutthroats, this is the best book I can recommend to you. Langford was the executive secretary of the Virginia City MT vigilence committee and he "tells it like it was". This book's dust jacket says in effect the book's victorian prose is worth wading through to hear a stirring first person account of the MT vigilante's activity - and that comment is nonsense. Langford's tale may ramble on occasion and his prose may be stilted on occasion. However, you will probably feel your sphincter tighten as the good guys start kicking dry goods boxes out from under cutthroats who, unlike today's criminals, knew justice was being served with dispatch. It's history, but a moving story told like no one else could.

The Way
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1974)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Easy to read and faithful to the Catholic Church
I was given this Bible as a Christmas gift, and my initial reaction to a Bible written in contemporary English was one of skepticism. I thought that this would surely be a watered-down version of Sacred Scriptures that compromises the true meaning of God's Word for the sake of making it easy to read. After spending some time with this Bible, I am pleased to say that I was wrong. It is written in easy to read contemporary English, but still manages to convey the truth of God's Word in a way that is consistent with Catholic faith and morals. One thing I didn't like is that the deuterocanonical books were placed in a separate section at the end rather than in their traditional order among the other books. Still, I think this Bible is worth buying for anyone who wants a very readable version of Sacred Scripture that is faithful to the Catholic Church.

Great Bible for young adults
This bible has a great layout. Each book is preceeded by an application to real life which helps the reader understand the book he/she is about to read. At the front of the Bible there are questions that people frequently ask and Scripture sites that contain the answers to those questions. It's just great!

Wonder Book For Girls & Boys (volume 4) (The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne (12 Volumes)
Published in Library Binding by Reprint Services Corp (1999)
Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Amazon base price: $79.00
Average review score:

A Vibrant Treasure
This affordably priced quality paperback edition of familiar tales from Greek mythology is truly a treasure and a wonderful way to enjoy these timeless stories or to introduce them to young people. One of America's greatest writers, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote these versions of stories about Pandora, Medusa, Hercules, King Midas and the host of gods and goddesses that make up the Greek pantheon. The language is evocative and colorful yet easily understandable. You needn't worry if your high school teacher's assigned reading of "The Scarlet Letter" bored you to tears, as this collection of stories is filled with exciting adventures and vivid characters. I love the beautiful illustrations in this book. They were done by Walter Crane, one of the most popular illustrators of children's books in the late 19th century. The paintings are in the Pre-Raphaelite style in full color. The decorations at the beginning of each chapter are filled with Victorian charm and make this new editon seem like a well-loved antique. There are many excellent anthologies of the Greek myths on the market but rarely will you find one that utilizes such substantial talents as those employed by Hawthorne and Crane or that so thoroughly draw the reader in to the romantic and turbulent world of heroes, maidens and the capricious deities who stir their fates. I highly recommend this book. It is a classic that will enrich the mind and heart of a young reader and open the way for further discovery.

A Beautiful Book!
This is a remarkable book, with rich detail in both illustration and prose. Particularly wonderful for reading aloud together, my sons enjoyed this book through several years, and asked for the stories often.

Achieving High Self Esteem
Published in Audio Cassette by Sound Horizons Audio-Video (1997)
Authors: Nathaniel Branden and Devers Branden
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Life's Greatest Adventure!
From the cassette cover. Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety- The journey into serinity and peace, can only be made with increasing self-awareness and social awareness. He shows us that there is a way to think with integrity, to know the difference between good and evil, to overcome narcissism, to love and be loved, to live with paradox, and to accept the consequeces of our actions all through life. With a unique blend of profound psycological insight and deep spirituallity, Dr. Peck explains the compelling necessity to make the right choices in our lives. Life, learning and spiritual growth are an adventure, Dr. Peck declares -- Life's greatest adventure. It's an adventure all it's own.

The American Practical Navigator: "Bowditch"- 2002 Bicentennial Edition
Published in Hardcover by Paradise Cay Publications (25 September, 2002)
Authors: Nathaniel Bowditch and National Imagery and Mapping Agency Staff
Amazon base price: $49.95
Average review score:

The bible of navigation
This is the book the other navigation books keep referring to when trying to make a point or explain some fact of navigation. Might as well just get this book to start with. I just wish the first line on page 230 would have printed, I would like to know what it says.

American Sea Writing: A Literary Anthology (Library of America)
Published in Hardcover by Library of America (2000)
Authors: Peter Neill and Nathaniel Philbrick
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A terrific collection of stories and tales and poems about the sea, from all the usual suspects plus some you might not have thought of--Thoreau, for example, on the wreak of an immigrant ship, or Langston Hughes on his trip on an old cargo ship to Africa--and some you won't have read but really should--like Fanny Kemble's diary notes on her trip "over" to the new world, and what the weather was like, how the food was, who she met and what they spoke of . . . this is a magnificant collection of American authors.

The Antichrist
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (2003)
Authors: Arthur Walkington Pink and George Nathaniel Henry Peters
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Thorough outlook on modern life
Realistically, this book thoroughly delves into the "deeper things" concerning scripture. Let he who "has an ear to hear" understand, and the less intellectual stand aside.

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