List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Jim Paulin
Rubicon Construction
Lincoln Park, MI
Oftentimes, we turn to books and other resources that are readily available to help in our decision making process.
There are many entrepreneurship and business/project start-up books out there in the marketplace. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find a good one that can really help you. Very few authors of such books make the effort and spend the time to help you reflect on your idea(s) and test it/them before putting into action.
I am very glad to have found, among other few good books, David Bang's 'Smart Steps to Smart Choices,' to be a well-written guide. Also, very user-friendly!
Most entrepreneurship and business/project startup books concentrate too much time on the 'implementation-execution' end, and not at the 'thinking-planning' end i.e. the evaluation & testing phase, which comprises the critical decision making process, and which to me is far more important.
This book contains a well-structured series of 'personal workshops' (to me, these are an excellent form of planning checklists, with thought-provoking questions & hands-on activities) which have been designed specifically to help you develop practial insights about your business/project idea & also help you face and work out your answers to critical issues that may make or break your business/project success. Systematically, with this book, you can determine:
- whether entreprenership is right for you in the first place;
- whether your idea makes business sense;
- whether your idea makes market sense;
- whether your idea makes money sense;
This is one book that you have to work through it to appreciate its latent power and usable value. With this book, you will also find learning about entreprenership fun, interesting and meaningful.
As a matter of fact, I use a small pilot project of mine to test run it. Upon completion, I found that I have a better sense of my project direction, in terms of business, market and financial implications. Not many books can achieve such feats for the reader.
What I also like about this book is that it is graphically driven. It is packed with many margin icons to help you stay on track while you read and work through your answers. I love books written in this manner. They really make your life easier as a reader.
Although the author has written many other books on business and market planning, I find only this one book from him that has impressed me very much, in terms of learning points and application value in the field of opportunity recognition and evaluation.
Lastly, this book can also serve as an excellent reading companion to Jeffry Timmons' and Karl Vesper's books on entrepreneurship & new venture strategies!
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
This is a really fun read. Kemelman has a very engaging writing style, and the smart, stubborn Rabbi Small is a marvelous character. There is occasional dated language ...but overall the book really holds up.
The story offers a really intriguing look at a Jewish community and specifically at life within the synagogue. A number of interesting issues are raised--the role of the synagogue in society, the role of the rabbi, etc. A good book not only for lovers of crime fiction but also for those interested in Jewish-American studies.
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)