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Book reviews for "Schoepflin,_George_A." sorted by average review score:

One Two Three . . . Infinity : Facts and Speculations of Science
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (01 May, 1971)
Author: George Gamow
Amazon base price: $2.25
Used price: $1.58
Average review score:

The book that introduced me to the wonders of science
I read this book long long ago (30 years) in a place far far away (in Chenappady, India where I was born and raised). I was in high school and Prof. Gamow introduced me to the wonders of science - everything from Fermat's last theorem to the theory of relativity to the stars and galaxies and atoms and electrons. This book influenced my career choices; it taught me to look up and wonder, to sit down and think, and to appreciate the wonders of science and the greatness of the minds of the scientists who explored and invented and dreamed up science and math. I read the book from cover to cover again recently, and I still loved it! Thank you Prof. Gamow.

A nice introduction to Science and Math
This book was written, thank god, before physics got so esoteric that it started sounding like metaphysics+philosophy, and the only thing that kept it physics was that math was still involved a bit. It clearly explains a lot of concepts clearly, but its not a baby book either. The book is fun to read, never boring and wide-ranging. Gamow has written other good books eplaining elementary relativity and quantum mechanics to the mostly layman, such as his 'Mr. Thompkins' series, which I loved. I hope that other athors can try to explain concepts so clearly and lucidly, in a friendly manner without sounding overbearing.

The inspiration for scores of scientific careers
George Gamow tends to get forgotten these days. He died some time ago, and his books are now over forty years old. Some, like his history of 20th century physics, may seem a bit dated in light of the discoveries since then.

Yet there's still magic in these pages. Gamow was one of the greatest of 20th century physicists, and at the same time, a great teacher whose passion for the sheer fun of math and science was communicated in his books, whether explaining the wonders of infinite series, or how to locate a hidden pirate's treasure chest using imaginary numbers. Unlike a lot of modern poipular science writers, Gamow didn't shy away from showing you the math- but he could explain in a way that even an elementary school child could understand.

A wonderful book for the child or adult who isn't afraid to think.

Star Wars - the Original Radio Drama (Star Wars - the Original Radio Drama)
Published in Paperback by Titan Books (20 April, 1995)
Authors: Brian Daley and George Lucas
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Star Wars As A Radio Drama Was Stunning!!
All the sound effects and music added much as well as having two members of the original cast from the movies(Mark Hamil and Anthony Daniels)was wonderful!! Anne Sachs was brillient as Leia and Perry King was magnifesent as Solo although getting used to King's voice instead of Ford's was a bit difficult.I enjoyed getting more background on Luke and Leia. Brian Daily wrote a wonderful script!! All in all this series should be re-brodcast.

...A Time Of Revolution
When the Star Wars Radio Drama made its debut in 1981, on the NPR network, it was an instant success. Saga creator George Lucas sold the rights of the story to his alma mater for a dollar After that, a highly creative team took on the task of adapting the very visual film, for the radio medium. The end result is an enjoyable and very worthwhile, experience that makes the film come alive all over again, despite the lack of any of the film's landmark visuals

Using sound effects, the original score by composer John Williams, and with 2 key actors reprising their roles from the film, the radio drama boasts lavish production values. This is not some cheesy adaptation that they slapped together, quickly and put the name Star Wars on it, hoping for the best. Author Brian Daley's radioplay expands on the film verison by including additional "scenes" and backstory. Directed by John Madden (Shakespeare In Love), the radio drama has a top notch cast. Mark Hamill and Anthony Daniels add some additional class by recreating their film roles as Luke Skywalker and C-3PO respectively. Brock Peters as Darth Vader, makes the part his own, while Ann Sachs gives Leia the right amount of spunk. Perry King, as smuggler Han Solo, may not be Harrison Ford, but he could be Solo, and that's what counts. Bernard Beherns as Ben Kenobi and the late great character actor, Keane Curtis, as Grand Moff Tarkin, round out the main cast, with style. While I was listening to this, I got the impression that, even though it must have been a lot of work to put this production together, it seems like everyone had a good time too. Sure some of it may sound a bit off at times, because most of us know the film so well. But one must remember that no one working on the project set out to just copy the film. The Star Wars Radio Drama captures the sprit of its of source material perfectlly...and that's all it needs to do.

I highly recommend this presenation. The Star Wars Radio Drama on CD contains all 13 episodes as originally presented, spread over 7 discs, with a running time of about six and a half hours. The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi radio drama adaptations are also available as well.

A Brilliant Tour De Force of the Force on Radio
At first, the idea seems bizarre, even ridiculous. Star Wars, a movie best known for its vistas of alien worlds and epic battles, as a 13 part radio drama? No way would it work, right?

Well, unless you have the cold heart of a Sith, Star Wars did indeed translate well from the silver screen to radio, thank you very much. Yes, Star Wars' visual effects are a big part of the magic of the saga, but the heart and soul of George Lucas' galaxy far, far away are the characters and the storyline. And while the movie is satisfying on its own, the radio dramatization written by the late Brian Daley takes us beyond the movie....beyond the screenplay...and even beyond the novelization.

By expanding the movie's story beyond its two hour running time, the Radio Drama allows us to catch glimpses of Luke Skywalker's life BEFORE the movie. It tells us how Princess Leia acquired the Death Star plans....and what, exactly, happened to her during her interrogation aboard the Empire's battle station...(it is an interesting scene, but not for the squeamish, by the way). In short, by expanding the story to nearly seven hours, characters we loved on screen acquire depth only equaled by novelizations.

The Radio Drama makes extensive use of material written (and in some cases filmed) for A New Hope's silver screen version but cut for editorial or technical reasons. Also, Ben Burtt's sound effects, John Williams' score, and the acting of Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) and Anthony Daniels (See Threepio) give the whole project its "true" Star Wars cachet.

The Secrets of Word-Of-Mouth Marketing: How to Trigger Exponential Sales Through Runaway Word of Mouth
Published in Unknown Binding by AMACOM (2001)
Author: George Silverman
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

The Tips Are Easy to Grasp
The concept of WOM (word of mouth) marketing has always been in the arsenal of any experienced marketer. Silverman gives an abundance of tips and examples to put the concepts to work, and how WOM can be deployed in both the offline and online world. For example: word of mouth is accelerated if you give customers "experiences" to talk about. Silverman believes that WOM can significantly shorten the buying cycle.
This book may be especially good for small business owners doing their own marketing--there are lots of ideas they may have not thought of. For more experienced marketers, this book is certainly worth a skim, but maybe not an end-to-end read.


Your book was absolutely fantastic.

In the past 6 months I have read over 50 books on sales, marketing and advertising. None have really stood out to me and delivered the inspiration I was looking for to develop a successful marketing plan that is truly unique and special.

I started reading your book on Tuesday, today is Thursday and I have read it three times. It is hands down the best book on sales, marketing and advertising I have ever read.

We are working on our marketing plan now, and it is centered around the word of mouth tactics outlined in your book.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Finally marketing that's systematic!
I'm a graduate from Wharton and a professional marketing consultant. When I first began doing marketing professionally, I longed for an integrated theory to guide me in whatever marketing challenge I would encounter. I started by turning to some very general marketing books ("The Portable MBA in Marketing" was one), but was quickly turned off by the stodgy tone of these books and the excess of information that beared almost no relevancy to everday marketing challenges! It seems the only thing classical marketing was albe to suggest was to find out as much as you can about the customer and then profile him, segment him, test out concepts on him, and keep doing this until you've found something that works.

That approach seemed too brute force to me, so I continued looking around for my grand unified theory. Not at all thinking I'd found my golden chalice, I noticed George Silverman's "Word-of-Mouth Advertising" in the bookstore and was intrigued by the prospect of sysmetically generating word of mouth.

After reading it, I realized I'd finally found my theory. In fact, what I considered my ultimate marketing theory was only the foundation for this book! Silverman then went on to use these ideas to discuss how to create systematic word-of-mouth campaigns! The grand theory, by the way, is simply modeling the customer buying process--not a huge innovation at first glance, but when presented by Silverman it becomes clear just how overlooked an idea it is. I've seen the customer buying process in marketing textbooks before, but it was never presented as the foundation for all marketing everything as, in my opinion now, it should have been.

The remainder of the book discusses how word of mouth works, the different levels of word of mouth, and plenty of other ideas. It tells you why people spread word-of-mouth (basically being so over-satisfied with a product/service that they feel compelled to talk about it) and how to help them do it (give them tools to quickly contact their friends).

In the end, this book makes me feel like a better professional because now I have an intellectual basis for approaching all my projects, rather than just "instints", "intuition" or other pools of ideas whose reliability and accuracy is somewhat flimsy.

I hate to say it since I'm basically talking to competitors here, but if you're in marketing, you pretty much need to buy this book.

The Story of Ruby Bridges
Published in School & Library Binding by Scholastic (1995)
Authors: Robert Coles and George Ford
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.92
Collectible price: $15.34
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

An excellent history lesson for young children
I teach Kindergarten in New York City. My students sat totally engrossed as I read the story of Ruby Bridge's struggle to gain an education in New Orleans, Louisiana.

After I finished the story they asked to hear it again. My five year students actually had a sophistated discussion about the moral wrongs of Ruby's experience. To quote one little boy, "But that's not right. It doesn't matter what someone looks like, they should be able to go to school."

My students totally got it! In January we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and they instantly connected the Civil Rights struggle lead by King to Ruby's experience of going to an integrated school. They also learned the value of education. It was an awesome experience.

I highly recommend this book to anyone with children or works with children.

The Story of Ruby Bridges, An Eye Opening Book
The Story of Ruby Bridges Written by Robert Cole

Robert Coleengages readers in a surprisingly emotional book. Though short,"The Story of Ruby Bridges" is amazingly eye opening and introduces readers to the perils of a major event in history. In this case, the event is an account of a small girl's battle against overt racism in New Orleans. Young and old readers alike can benefit from the lessons learned in this story, though hints of violence, and strong religious ties may not be appropriate in certain situations. In spite of this, the author relates true facts only, and does not directly preach controversially in this book. Down to earth reality helps to rule out ideas that may upset people and keeps the story interesting and educational. Thus, the book can be used as a prime tool for learning about segregation in classrooms and even homes. The strong lesson that is carried throughout this book is that believing in yourself can get you anywhere. Ruby may have been a tiny six year old, but she changed the course of history for all generations to follow hers. The use of real quotes like this one from her teacher, "Sometimes I'd look at her and wonder how she did it," helped to add mood and interest to the story line, while giving the reader an insight into actual happenings. Robert Cole definitely knows how to weave creative writing and history together in a way that can teach kids while entertaining them at the same time. In closing, "The Story of Ruby Bridges" can teach readers more through the main character's true emotions than any textbook ever could.

The Story of Ruby Bridges, An Amazingly Eye-Opening Book
The Story of Ruby Bridges Written by Robert Cole

Robert Cole engages readers in a surprisingly emotional book. Though short, "The Story of Ruby Bridges" is amazingly eye opening and introduces readers to the perils of a major event in history. In this case, the event is an account of a small girl's battle against overt racism in New Orleans. Young and old readers alike can benefit from the lessons learned in this story, though hints of violence, and strong religious ties may not be appropriate in certain situations. In spite of this, the author relates true facts only, and does not directly preach controversially in this book. Down to earth reality helps to rule out ideas that may upset people and keeps the story interesting and educational. Thus, the book can be used as a prime tool for learning about segregation in classrooms and even homes. The strong lesson that is carried throughout this book is that believing in yourself can get you anywhere. Ruby may have been a tiny six year old, but she changed the course of history for all generations to follow hers. The use of real quotes like this one from her teacher, "Sometimes I'd look at her and wonder how she did it," helped to add mood and interest to the story line, while giving the reader an insight into actual happenings. Robert Cole definitely knows how to weave creative writing and history together in a way that can teach kids while entertaining them at the same time. In closing, "The Story of Ruby Bridges" can teach readers more through the main character's true emotions than any textbook ever could.

Zoƫ Copoulos Liam O'Brien Brian McDowell Drew Gascon

Sixth Grade Greenland Elementary Students Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

General Electric's Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process Into Profits
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (10 November, 2000)
Author: George Eckes
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.91
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $16.98
Average review score:

Powerful and Understandable
This book was not only helpful in understanding what Six Sigma is, but how to practically implement the initiative. George Eckes takes what could be a cumbersome and difficult concept of quality improvement and makes it understandable and down right exciting. The "Six Sigma Revolution" is certainly a must read for anyone who desires to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization.

Intriquing Application for Business & Beyond!
I read the Six Sigma Revolution because of my facination with exploring ways to improve the quality of life, both as it relates to business as well as to relationships and life generally. Every now and then an author comes along who not only has technical expertise but also has both feet on the ground. George Eckes has painted a picture that illustrates not only mastery of Six Sigma content, he also exemplifies giftedness by communicating profoundly detailed concepts and principles with clarity and simplicity. And he paints his picture with splashes of fun and humor.

I believe that anyone who is committed to improving effectiveness and efficiency in their world, whether in their business or in their personal lives, can benefit significantly by reading the Six Sigma Revolution. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of his next book, Making Six Sigma Last.

Once , Twice, Three Times Over
As an Organizational Development consultant I had heard of Six Sigma. I knew that it had to do with quality-but that was about the extent of my knowledge. Then, I came across this book by George Eckes, The Six Sigma Revolution. I must confess I am on my third reading of this book. No, it's not that I'm slow-quit the contrary. It is simple that George supplies the reader with so much information-it's not something that a beginner will be able to absorb all at once. Let's remember Mr. Eckes is a Six Sigma expert. My first read was for general understanding and pleasure. Pleasure? Yes, this book was a pleasure to read. I must admit I was expecting and ready to delve into a highly techno-speak, two cups of coffee to stay alert book. George you surprised me! You give the reader real business and personal examples of Six Sigma concepts so that even the beginner can grasp what Six Sigma strategies and tactical components are all about. For example, what better way to learn about DOE then through Eckes mother-in-laws'lasagna recipe. George shows the readers what is needed to be in place before an organization even considers implementing Six Sigma, through holding the gains that Six Sigma achieved. I have read two other books on Six Sigma since picking up George Eckes, The Six Sigma Revolution. One, was a cute fable about implementing Six Sigma, this added nothing to my knowledge. And the other, let's just say that I don't have enough coffee in the pot to make it through the book. George your books takes center stage in my learning and understanding the power of Six Sigma. When done right you show us all it will be nothing less than a revolution.

The Complete Star Wars Trilogy: Original Radio Dramas
Published in Audio CD by HighBridge Company (1996)
Authors: George Lucas and Highbridge Audio
Amazon base price: $136.50
List price: $195.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $129.31
Buy one from zShops for: $114.90
Average review score:

I remember receiving bad recordings of all 13 episodes of Star Wars and only 6 of the 10 episodes of Empire from my English teacher many years ago. Despite these disadvantages, however,I listened to these episodes religeously, whether it was after school or on the weekend. Why? Mostly because of their atmosphere and if you're a Star Wars fan you would know that the Star Wars movies alone are drenched in atmosphere. The Radio Dramas however go one step further and extend the already classic story.To understand What I mean...GET IT!!...NOW.

Great set! If you are a collector, this is worth it!
This CD set is great. You think you know Star Wars because you've seen the movie? Wait till you hear it! I'm so glad I decided to go for the Collector's Edition. There were only 7500 of these made, so it is quite expensive, but I think it is worth it.

Important about the COLLECTOR'S EDITION: it contains the following special tracks: comments from four of the principals, the speederbike scene without sound or music added, then with all the effects, for comparision, two public radio membership spots by Tony Daniels (C3PO), and the touching "Message for Brian." For me, "Message for Brian" was worth the extra all by itself. (Brian Daley, the writer, was ill with pancreatic cancer when this was recorded, and the cast recorded this "get-well card" for him, only to find that he died within 24 hours of the completion of the recording sessions.)

Unfortunately, Brian never got to hear this message. But the radio dramas he created, which are now dedicated to him, are a great monument to his efforts. I would recommend this set to anyone who is a real fan of the Star Wars universe.

Simply breathtaking
This is a wonderful production. I came too late to really appreciate radio dramas when broadcast, but when I first heard this I fell in love with it. You can really imagine what's going on visually, and the drama gets into much deeper parts of each character than Lucas's script ever went into. This simply is a must for all Star Wars fans. I copied it onto MiniDisc and listened to it on the way to work each morning.

Patton on Leadership
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall Press (28 August, 2001)
Authors: Alan Axelrod, George, III Steinbrenner, and William A. Cohen
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.64
Buy one from zShops for: $5.55
Average review score:

What a truly great reader this book turned out to be. Easy to pick up, difficult to put down, and filled with inspiration. While a small percentage of war techniques do not transfer to the business world; Axelrod pulls concise information and quidance from a library of the General's quotes. Wars are won by making the enemy die for his country. Always move forward. When in doubt, attack. The soldier is the army. Gather accurate information and make decisions quickly. And take the high ground.

My only complaint is with the author's desire to open the book with political-correctness and apologies for Patton's frank language.

This book will spark you up and fill you with pride, boldness, and audacity! I have found my Covey books and Minute Mangers have collected dust where "Patton on Leadership" is starting to look like a well worn Bible.

L'audace, L'audace, Toujour L'audace
Frederick the Great may have said it, but George "Blood 'n Guts" Patton lived it. What a remarkable man, and what a remarkable presentation about that man, his life and his leadership skills. One should read this book just for the hell-of-it if not for any other reason. What a great first read for anyone wishing to know more about the General.

First of all, this book reads well and fast, and it's hard to put down. Mr. Axelrod tells a great story, conveys the essence of Patton's Generalship and Management styles, and along the way adds some very good history. Axelrod clears up the legends and myth surrounding the famous slapping incident, and details the campaigns into Bastogne and to Berlin in short, clear and entertaining fashion. It was truly enjoyable to read this book.

To keep the record straight, the format of the book allows for a 3 - 4 hour total read time due to the fact that many of the pages have only 18 - 25 lines of print on them, where as others are in standard layout. The stories will excite, entertain, and cause "out-loud" laughter. The language is harsh sometimes, but perfectly appropriate to the original situation.

I say get the SOB book and read it "...every God damn night", and smile.

George C. Scott and then Some
Frankly, I had some reservations as I began to read this book. By now I have become weary of so many books with gimmicky concepts (eg Chicken Soup for Dummies, Caligula on Management) and was pleased to find that Axelrod has skillfully correlated Patton's expressed ideas on leadership with key issues in the contemporary business world. Many of those ideas probably reflect the influence of Sun Tzu and von Clausewitz whom Patton no doubt studied while a student at V.M.I. (for one year) and then the U.S. Military Academy at West Point from which he graduated. In any event, this is a well-written book with solid substance. After a Foreword and Introduction, Axelrod organizes 183 "Strategic Lessons" within ten chapters:

1. What He Did and Who He Was (Patton's Achievement and Background)

2. "A Commander Will Command" (On the Dimensions of Leadership)

3. "Always Attack, Never Surrender" (On Developing a Winning Attitude)

4. "How Do We Know That?" (On Fact Finding, Preparation, and Planning)

5. "Speed -- Simplicity -- Boldness" (On Execution and Opportunity)

6. "The Soldier Is the Army" (On Training, Mentoring, Motivating, and Inspiring)

7. "Letters of Instruction" ((On Communication and Coordination)

8. "Only One Direction -- Forward" (On Creating Efficiency)

9. "Success Is How High You Can Bounce When You Hit Bottom" (On Courage and Character)

10. "Audacity" (On Managing the Impossible)

I provide the chapter titles and subtitles to suggest the specific areas in which Axelrod examines Patton's ideas. Patton remains one of the 20th century's best-known and least-understood military leaders. Mention his name and most people immediately conjure an image of George C. Scott whose inspired portrayal provided an accurate but incomplete representation of Patton. It is worth noting that Patton's strategies minimized casualties of his own troops while maximizing destruction of those whom his troops opposed, that he assembled an extraordinarily talented staff to whom he delegated effectively and whose members remained steadfastly loyal to him, and that under his leadership his troops achieved truly stunning results, often with severely limited resources and under political constraints. There is a great deal to learn from this man...and Axelrod has done a brilliant job of suggesting what that is.

Axelrod includes a Recommended Readings section to which I presume to add Puryear's 19 Stars (A Study in Military Character and Leadership). In it, Puryear examines the careers of George S. Patton, Jr., Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, and George C. Marshall. You may also wish to check out Sun Tzu's The Art of War (Oxford University Press) and von Clausewitz's On War (Penguin).

Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Signet (1995)
Authors: William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, William L. Riordan, and Peter Quinn
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $0.74
Collectible price: $0.49
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Plunkitt Tells it Like it is
Plunkitt was a king in a world that needed benevolent despots. In a place like turn of the century of New York before Keynesian economics and the Welfare State, Tammany was the only relief the poor knew. Plunkitt reveals with refreshing honesty the seemingly rough and coarse manner with which one needed to play the game of politics in his town. However, one must look at it in context. This was a different time from our own, and the reader must imagine whether a person of Plunkitt's demeanor can last in the information age political world. Then again, the book also illustrates how many of the problems Tammany had still exist today.

He gives all the secrets
I originally read this book in undergraduate school as Political Science major, and had to go back and find a copy because of the profound affect it had on my psyche. George Washington Plunkitt was a "stereotypical" politician. You know, the one who says what he needs to say to get elected; but once there does what's necessary for his party.

Comparing his comments to the actions of present day politicians, I don't think there are many differences. Everyone does a little grafting and civil servants are still "civil servants." Understood?

As with any politician, Plunkitt "seen (his) opportunities and (he) took 'em." This is a must for anyone interested in any realm of politics.

The Most Honest "Crook" You'll Ever Meet!
I first read this highly informative, often hilarious book for Intro to Political Science back in college. In this short tome are pearls of wisdom about politics and human nature still relevant 100 years later. Plunkitt, high atop his regular boot-black stand in NYC, declaims to his biographer, Riordan, a life spent in the political machine known as Tammany Hall, with such disarming honesty that is nearly non-existent today. Plunkitt's diatribes on "honest graft vs. dishonest graft," "Brooklynites Natural-Born Hayseeds," and the evils of civil service exams are outright hilarious. I highly recommend this book to anyone with even a passing interest in politics.

E.E. Cummings: Complete Poems 1904-1962
Published in Hardcover by Liveright (1994)
Authors: Cummings. E. E., George J. Firmage, and E. E. Cummings
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $30.00
Buy one from zShops for: $33.92
Average review score:

Canonical Cummings Compendium
I have a few E.E. Cummings books of poetry, but quickly despaired of every finding them all. This collection is a terrific resource for someone who simply wishes to have all the poems collected in one volume.

Typography was preserved very well (with Cummings this is critical), and I find the order of appearance by date helpful in charting his growth as a poet; the first few poems are radically different from the later ones.

Of course, acquiring his individual issues has its own appeal, but if you simply want to have his work easily at hand, this is your only choice (the indexing at the back is extrememly good at helping you remember a poem by its first lines).

"what a gently welcoming darkestness"
ee cummings is a magnificent poet - almost as much of a visual artist as writer. His poems fall and flow and jump and dance, their patterns and punctuation adding so much more to the words and essence of meaning. I have tried reading cummings' work aloud: it never quite works. He has an exceptional turn of phrase, and with one line (give or take a pattern or two) can bring about powerful emotive responses.
This book is fantastic - I had quite a lot of difficulty finding collections of his poetry, and although I'd found a couple of small volumes, this one was exhaustive. I reread it - or at least parts thereof - more often than any other poetry book I own, and always seem to discover another nuance or aspect or pattern that I hadn't seen before. cummings wraps you in words, and the best way I can think of to describe how I feel after reading his works is to steal a quote from one of his poems - "such strangeness as was mine a little while."
Worldwords. And he is the creator of my favourite quotation of all time...
there's a hell of a good universe next door:
let's go."
And there is.

Beautiful words
e.e. cummings is a master of the English language. The way he uses words to paint a picture will leave you breathless and touch your heart. These are not poems to be read will need to think about what has been written and how, but I think that each poem in its own way will reflect a part of your own life once you figure out exactly what is being said. His combinations of words are unique and beautiful and create a melody of poetry that you will fall in love with. "rain fell(as it will in spring) ropes of silver gliding from sunny thunder into freshness as if god's flowers were pulling upon bells of gold" How could you not want to read this?

Ancient Iraq
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: Georges Roux
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $18.00

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