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Book reviews for "Schoepflin,_George_A." sorted by average review score:

My First Two Thousand Years: The Autobiography of the Wandering Jew
Published in Paperback by Sheridan House (2001)
Authors: George Sylvester Viereck and Paul Eldridge
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

top 100 novel on the subject of the Wandering Jew & Jewess
"...Audacious and magnificent." "The book is in both substance and method of the highest originality; it is both fascinating and brilliant; the historic pageant is unrolled with a colorfulness and clearness that astonish me. And I am delighted too by the play of implicit wit, the quaint malice of the innuendos, the symbolic pattern sustained throughout." "...fascinatingly interesting and instructive...very ingenious conception and treatment of the various psychological and philosophical themes...I am particularly impressed with your ingenious way of presenting the various phases of psycho-sexuality....A great work." "It is a remarkably interesting idea to present the pageant of the World as it unfolded before the eyes of the same man during two thousand years. Also, to keep him a young man instead of a doddering grey-beard. It is like reading a series of entrancing short stories with the added interest of logical sequence. Their erudition is amazing, and it is presented in a manner that lures one on-and-on, as well as inducing the pleasant belief that one is learning something really worthwhile. It is a big thing to have attempted, and as far as I have gone there is certainly nothing to cavil at." "The book is gorgeous in its epigram and cold satire. It is one of the most brilliant books of sophisticated World-wisdom ever written. It sums up the case of intelligence against life. Isaac Laquedem is the Ulysses of your brain." "`My First Two Thousand Years' looks to me like a big thing." "Instead of leaving the reader stimulated, this would-be entertaining and philosophic tome leaves you prostrated...quality-of-life, so difficult to define to any healthy piece of literature, is absent." "The story captures the reader's interest in the beginning, holding it enthralled through every short chapter to the very end of five hundred and one pages. This number is significant. It recalls those gentle tales of one thousand and one nights." "The halfpenny cynicism in which the authors revel is the type resulting from protracted adolescence. The greatest mystery of it all is that the authors if not their book comes recommended, however guardedly, by no less than Sigmund Freud, George Bernard Shaw, and Havelock Ellis." "`My First Two Thousand Years' has occasional defects, but, out-weighing these, are pages of beauty, clearly seen and transcribed; and chapters of adroit and smiling satire...throughout there persists the restless reach of man toward a forever elusive finality." "This is in may respects and astonishing book, and in all respects one that deserves attention." "Cartaphilus's speculations and comprehensions about life, as without growing older, watching others grow old and idle; his amatory experiences, his judgments of great men of history, his increasing self-knoledge...all these give the book substance and intellectual stimulation, as well as very occasional brilliance. But in no major sense does the book triumph over its inherent difficulties. It is not history surveyed from high philosophical peaks, but history regarded by two intelligent minds. It is all human experience collected and annotated, but not interpreted with any profundity. So is its irony without depth, and its wit without freshness." You would think that anyone might, in two thousand years, grow weary of tryingto solve the riddle of life through sexual orgies, especially if, along about the middle of the fourth century of it, a Chinese adept has taught him two hundred and eighty secrets of love. But not Cartaphilus...undeniably an eenormous achievement." "...a work that must not be measured by ordinary standards....It will be read and thoroughly enjoyed by any lover of good fiction no less than by him who has a preferment for history and biography." "...As a work of creative imagination, Viereck and Eldridge have written a fascinatingly unique and alluring story. It is done with a spareness of words that sometimes approaches the beauty of the Greeks....In summing up the is the story you remember." " unusually good story...some readers will detect a slight suspicion of Kraft-Ebbing; our respectable ancestors would have burned the book -- and perhaps the authors -- with a clear conscience. But a good many moderns will read it with enthusiasm." "...too colossal, too powerful, too broad in scope to be tarnished by the tired adjectives of reviewers....No detail is left untold; no intimacy is too delicate to go unrelated....A great work."

With fascinating social commentaries
George Sylvester Viereck (1884-1962) was a German-born poet and novelist. Paul Eldridge (1888-1982) was a poet and authored a number of plays and essays. In My First Two Thousand Years: The Autobiography Of The Wandering Jew, Viereck and Eldridge collaborated to write an impressive, 512 page novel that purports to be the story personal story of Cartaphilius (alias Isaac Laquedem), a young man who was the "wandering jew" of ancient myth. An elegant and immortal young man, his "autobiography" provides us with portraits of Salome, Jesus, Mary Magdalen, Nero, Attila, Mohammed, Don Juan, Leonardo da Vinci, Pope Alexander, Rothschild, Spinoza, Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Lenin, Mussolini, and other historical figures. All intertwined with fascinating social commentaries, philosophic observations, as well as history and science based episodes with a new perspective through which we can view them. My First Two Thousand Years is an original and enduring work of literary substance that a whole new generation of readers can now discover with enthusiasm and appreciation.

Celebrates the story of love through Time and Space.
Viereck, later a propagandist in the Nazi Regime, corresponded with Albert Einstein, incorporating the nature of relativity to the story of mankind, using the extra-scriptural legendary characters, the Wandering Jew (Isaac Lakedam) searching the earth for his female counterpart, the Wandering Jewess (Salome) who is similarly cursed to dance forever, for having asked for the head of John the Baptist to be served upon a silver platter. The specific expression of their version as a novel makes for enlightening and fascinating reading on the nature of historical events through the past two milleniums. Please enjoy watching the movie!

Sleep Talk: A Breakthrough Technique for Helping Your Child Cope With Stress and Thrive Through Difficult Transitions
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (1999)
Authors: Lois Y. Haddad, Patricia Wilson, Judith Searle, and George H. Tucker
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.15
Collectible price: $21.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.11
Average review score:

A new Father's thoughts.
I could only image what my two month old daughter thinks as she smiles at me,"I know this man; he is my father, who loves me and cherishes me, and he will protect me. I know his voice because before I was even born, he spoke to me and comforted me. I know that I already love him, even though I can only let him know this with my little smile." Phoebe is at peace with her mother and me because we used the Sleep Talk scripts. And, we are convinced that Phoebe sleeps all night because we continue to use Sleep Talk today.

Sleep Talk works
What this book does is provide words (scripts) of encouragement to read to your child while they sleep to help with problems they might be experiencing. For example, my son wouldn't go to sleep easy AND would wake up more that once during the night. Getting him back to sleep took some time. This went on for two years. We tried everything including the Ferber method. Within three days of using one of the scripts in the book it was easy to get him to sleep. If he did wake during the night he would go back to sleep on his own or be easy to sooth and fall asleep. This was using a script right from the book. Even more amazing was when we would fight with him to give nebulizer treatments. As I fought with him through a treatment I made sure he knew what the nebulizer was and it was good medicine. That night I read a script I wrote using the same words I used during his treatment. The next day he was calm and took the "good medicine." This book provides scripts for many situations and gives you the tools to write your own scripts. It is easy to understand and you can be using the method in short time.

A Wonderful Tool for Childrearing
How I wish I'd had this book when raising my children! It's now at the top of my list for new parents. Not only does the author give specific scripts to use with children as they sleep (with impressive results from clients), she offers wonderful little tidbits on dealing with issues that arise in all families. All of this is presented in a loving, thoughtful, intelligent and logical manner. One of my favorites is the "one-finger" technique. Instead of saying, "No, don't touch that!", she suggests, "You may touch that with one finger." When I'm fortunate enough to have grandchildren, much of what is presented in this gem of a book will be put to good use.

True Leaders: How Exceptional CEOs and Presidents Make a Difference by Building People and Profits
Published in Hardcover by Dearborn Trade Publishing (15 December, 2001)
Authors: Bette Price and George Ritcheske
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.28
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

I read this great book and couldn't wait to interview at least one of the authors. The timing of this book couldn't be better because we need something to restore our faith in True Leaders.

This book was so well written that I felt like I really got to know 25 of the best business leaders; the only thing better would be to have interviewed them myself.

I did interview George Ritcheske on "The Inside Success Show" and and what a treat that was. His book is powerful because he took the time to really discover the secrets of True Leaders - You'll love it!
Here's some of what you'll learn from the book:
** Why you should aim toward becoming a 'True Leader'
** What you can do right now to make people respect you
** How you can avoid the BIG mistakes of BAD leaders
** Why you should lead with passion and trust your intuition
** How you can succeed by treating learning like 'dirty dishes'
** And much, much more ...

Randy (Dr. Proactive) Gilbert
Author of "Success Bound" and editor of "Proactive Success" ezine

Learn from success stories!
Instead of the usual single sided text written by an individual corporate leader on what a wonderful contribution to America they have made, this book explores the commonalities of many successful leaders in and out of the corporate world. Readers will find the writing style to be easy to read and easy to learn from with the "Explore and Discover" section at the end of each chapter. The length is long enough to get an solid overview of the concepts presented, yet short enough to keep the reader anxiously turning pages.

Kudos to authors Bette Price and George Ritcheske for presenting a fresh approach on the leadership topic!

Can't put it down!
This is a wonderful book that anyone who wants to lead should read. It is also a great read for those who want to understand the strengths and weaknesses of management within their own company.

The Music of George Harrison : While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Published in Hardcover by S A F Pub Ltd (2003)
Author: Simon Leng
Amazon base price: $18.20
List price: $26.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.14
Average review score:

Try Some, Buy Some - I Want to Tell You to Buy this Book!
This book is truly a masterpiece and will delight all readers, from the inveterate George Harrison fans to people just becoming familiar with his works. Leng has a real flair for written expression and research. His extensive knowledge of Eastern music and how Harrison incorporated Eastern styles into his music enrich this work. Leng offers extensive coverage to people who influenced the late guitarist such as Klaus Voorman, an artist who had known George since the inception of the Beatles and who later drew the 1966 album cover for "Revolver," pianist John Barhman and Ravi Shankar, the man who taught George to play the sitar.

Leng plainly respects the intelligence of his readers and his writing is clear, clean and crisp. There is no extraneous matter. Leng has a gift for piquing the interest and curiosity of readers. In reading this, one wants to know more about John Barham and the other people who influenced George Harrison. Leng's work is expansive; he excites interest and curiosity in an almost "ripple" effect form; each person named in his book "interlocks" in the way they influenced George Harrison. It is this approach that maintains readers' interest. Leng has researched his information well and his respect for George and the many people who influenced him and his art comes through plainly in this work. I like the way Leng accepts and acknowledges George, warts and all and the musical analysis he provides in this work.

The writing's on the wall - try some, buy some and please try and buy this book! This is a superior work!

Thanks to Simon Leng
Simon Leng's book not only provides wonderful insight to George Harrison's music, but manages to do so in a thoughtful, informed and unbiased manner. Leng's knowledge of Indian music and its application in Harrison's work is particularly welcome in light of the many critics, Iam MacDonald in particular, who overlooked Harrison's talents in their haste to credit the Beatles' success to the genius of John Lennon. In addition, Leng refutes much of the criticism heaped on Harrison's work in light of commentary given by musicians who toured with Harrison and documentary footage of live performances. Even so, Leng never excuses all of Harrison's shortcomings nor forgets to acknowledge his indebtedness to other artists.
This is a very enjoyable book, and one could only wish Leng had been able to include material on Brainwashed and the Concert for George given in his honor at Albert Hall. The inclusion of drawings by George's longtime friend and fellow musician Klaus Voorman are a wonderful addition. Read this work near your stereo, and have ready George's "I, Me, Mine" for additional reference.

Possibly the best book yet on George Harrison
I agree with the praise given this book by other Amazon reviewers, but would like to add a few points. First, Simon Leng discusses Harrison's musical relationship with pianist, composer & arranger John Barham, ranging from George's first interest in the sitar through their work on Ravi Shankar's "Chants of India" album. I would like to read more about Barham. Secondly, the book gains quite a bit from Klaus Voorman's involvement. Voorman is the artist and bass player who met the Beatles in Hamburg, produced the covers for "Revolver" and the Anthology CDs and played on Harrison's early solo albums. Voorman also contributed two nice sketches of George for this book. There are extensive quotes from others, including Doris Troy and David Bromberg (the latter of whom, although very insightful, may be quoted a bit too much considering his brief acquaintance with Harrison). This book may be the best available work on George Harrison.

The Reluctant Dragon
Published in Turtleback by Demco Media (1988)
Authors: Kenneth Grahame and I. M. Richardson
Amazon base price: $8.55
Used price: $6.00
Average review score:

A classic for all ages.
Thank goodness this classic tale is still available for readers of all ages. The timeless nature of this tale endures. A satisfying tale and delightful ending for everyone.

A Treasure!
Author of historical fiction.

This book is a treasure for your library. It brings endless pleasure, and is the kind of story that spans all ages.

It is the tale of a boy and his dragon who lives up on the Downs. In spite of the bad reputation dragons have, the boy and he become quick friends. Saint George shows up to do battle with the reluctant lizard, and the boy arranges a mock battle, unbeknown to the villagers that pleases everyone.

Andrew's book Report


The Sicilian Gentleman's Cookbook
Published in Paperback by Firefly Books (2002)
Authors: Don Baratta and George Walker
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.25
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

The Sicilian Gentleman
For anyone out there who is Sicilian/American, this is a great cook book. The author's stories are great. Brings back memories about what your grandpa might have said. I'm going to make the "Ricotta Pie" (recipe in book) for the holidays this year to keep up the tradition of our wonderful heritage. I enjoyed reading through this cookbook as much as I enjoyed the recipes in it.

With insights into Sicilian culture and culinary styles
The recipes comprising Sicilian Gentleman's Cookbook were gleaned from the author's Sicilian background and provide over 150 dishes from pasta dishes combining meats and vegetables with stews, sauces, and soups. All come embellished not with color photos, but with the author's insights into Sicilian culture and culinary styles.

Sicilian Cooking and Salty Opinions
Back in print--at last--is "The Sicilian Gentleman's Cookbook," which Don Baratta originally self-published back in the 1980s. It's a very personal effort, an hommage to his late father, who was born in the little town of Mussomeli in central Sicily and who came to the U.S. in 1905. The elder Baratta was a man of strong opinions; for example, he didn't consider many mainland Italians to be Italians at all or, as he put it, "anything north of Palermo is Swiss." The younger Baratta minces no words either, and often in this book he and his father combine delightfully: "Cauliflower is a much-hated vegetable in this country [the U.S.], yet it need not be so. It is usually boiled and accompanied by small groans. A non-Italian guest once watched with interest the respect my father paid this detested food. Her curiosity broke down her ancient reservations, and she tried a piece. The result was near-disbelief in the lively flavor. The Old Man flatly pointed out (indifferent to the insult he offered the poor girl's family), 'If it had been prepared correctly, you would have always liked it!' So much for polite chatter. He remained unrepentant all his life."

There's much more of the same in these pages, and plenty of recipes--many of them unusual and delightful (Sicilian cooking is ine of the richest and most varied cuisines in the Mediterranean basin). The pages are large, the type is clear, and there's only one recipe to a page. So whether you try the cauliflower recipes--or the cardoons or the meat and seafood dishes--you're in for a treat. Still, the best part of this book is the salty talk of two Sicilian gentlemen--the one who wrote it and the one who inspired it.

Simply Heavenly!: The Monastery Vegetarian Cookbook
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (1997)
Authors: George Burke and Abbot George Burke
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

please please PLEASE reprint this book, after reading so many great reviews I decided that I must have it!! And through much searching I found it at icon book store. I was so happy. I mean, to be honest I LOVE meat, however, I'm vegetarian for religious and health reasons. So when I saw someone say that they showed you how to make fake meat. I jumped at the chance!! This book is excellent!! No more spending lots of money on already processed veggie meats. I'm so happy. I love this book!!! If u find it GRAB IT QUICK. If you became a vegetarian because you hate meat, then don't even bother with this book. Because the stuff tastes real. Now I can have my fried UNchicken, and be happy and healthy. Beef, chicken, sausage, bacon, ham, fish, scallops, shrimp, cheese. You name it, this book tells you how to fake it. I'm so glad I have found this book.

Like I said, this is the best book for meat lovers who have gone vegetarian. I love my vegetables and all, but it's a good change from eating tofu all the time (even though I'm a tofu fanatic). With the techniques in this book, you can make almost any dish from other cookbooks. I love it!!

Anyway, I'm through rating and raving.

The canonical un-meat cookbook and more
This cookbook tends to be difficult to find, but if you want to prepare vegan faux-meat meals, there's simply no better cookbook. Burke's marinades are clever and obviously honed, and really live up to his promises.

Beyond his gluten techniques, all the other sections are great, too, and quite a few of the recipes are very simple and fast to prepare, which for me is a very important factor in purchasing a cookbook.

One important distinction is that while some vegan cookbooks embrace the view that vegan cuisine is fundamentally different from omnivorous cuisine, this cookbook is something of the opposite. Much of its focus is on using vegan foods to emulate meat, dairy, and eggs.

That's great, and I'm often in just the mood for the BBQ gluten (which is a spot-on match for good barbeque, incidentally) or any of his other great meat substitutes. But it's kind of a novelty, at some point, and so it's not one of those cookbooks for which I could say, "This is the only cookbook I ever use!" or such.

Still, that's not much of a detraction. Sure, sometimes I have to turn to another cookbook for what I want, but *Simply Heavenly* covers many areas, and it's the superlative for all of them. Put another way: I have never been disappointed with a recipe from this cookbook.

If you can find a copy of this, snatch it up quickly. It's inexpensive, contains great information, and fills what would otherwise be a very notable gap in my cookbook collection.

Soo Good!!!! This book has EVERYTHING!
I've been a vegan for 7 years. When I started out, I bought a ton of cookbooks. Now, this is the ONLY one I need. The recipes are easy and things I actually like to eat! Most vegan/vegetarian cookbooks are composed entirely of things with ingredients like avocado, eggplant, weird stuff I've never heard of, and always whole wheat everything, with a major lack of flavor and many recipes that don't even turn out! This book, on the other hand, has EVERYTHING, from interesting new exotic stuff, to (what most new vegans REALLY want), ways to make all your old favorites vegan and still just as good or BETTER! There are literally 1,400 recipes in this thing, and every single one I've tried is good. Want to make barbecue chicken? It's here. Eggplant parmesan? Yup. Vegan pizza that actually tastes like real pizza, with "cheez" and everything! Of course. Every imaginable style of cakes, cookies, pies, and puddings? You bet! And tons of delicious yummy vegetable dishes, fake meat dishes, soups, salads ... and random stuff like pancakes, biscuits, vegan fudge ... Basically, this book has EVERYTHING (and it's all 100% vegan). :)

Portrait of the Panama Canal
Published in Paperback by Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co. (2003)
Authors: William Friar and George R. Goethals
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Fasinating read while transiting the Canal
I purchased this book while transiting the Canal on the maiden voyage of the Norwegian Star . This was a historic trip, as the ship was the largest tonnage vessel to transit the canal. It also paid the largest fee of $214,000. The ship was designed to exacting specifications and barely cleared by width and length. To read the book regarding the canals history while transiting at the same time was exciting! The book's read is light and most informative. It added a great deal for me to what was already a "Trip of a Lifetime". I would highly recommend this book to anyone of any age. Truly Awesome!!!

Leisure reading while cruising the Panama Canal
I purchased this book while on the maiden voyage of the Norwegian Star from Miami to Los Angeles while transiting thru the Panama Canal. It was a historic trip as the ship was the largest tonnage vessel to transit the canal. The vessel was nearly as long as the locs could hold and the width was at its maximum as well. I understand the vessel paid the highest recorded fee of $214,000. To read the book and learn about the incredible construction of the canal both in the early 1900's and still today as we were actually transiting the canal was exciting. The book added to the most Awesome trip. The book was a fasinating read and very informative, making my trip truly a once in a lifetime adventure. I would highly recommend this book to others.

Perfect combo of writing and art
The first thing you'll notice about this book is the beautiful photos, marking the canal's history and beauty. The second thing you'll notice is this is no ordinary coffee table book. The writing is substantive, informative and engaging. It makes a great gift for someone who's going to Panama or has been there.

They Shoot Canoes Don't They? and Other Stories/Audio Cassettes
Published in Audio Cassette by Dh Audio (1991)
Authors: Patrick F. McManus and George S. Irving
Amazon base price: $16.99
Used price: $34.95
Average review score:

pretty funny
I didn't think this book was quite as funny as A Fine and Pleasant Misery, but I still enjoyed it. I get a kick out of reading humorous literature about the outdoors, however, I'm not really into hunting and fishing, two activities that McManus spends a lot of time on. I mostly enjoy the stories about camping, hiking, and general wilderness survival.

favorite author of all time
Patrick McManus is the greatest reading material I have come across in years. I found his books in my local library and have read every one three or four times. McManus tells storys that make outdoorsmen laugh because they know his hysterics are all true. I can relate to most of his humorous tales myself. A must read for all outdoor enthusiasts.

Pat McManus....outdoor humor champion
Ahh The legend of Pat McManus...lost person, helpless person, hopeless person. i have personally read and heard every book/audiocassette in the series, and not a single one of them has failed to split my sides with gales of laughter, without resorting to profanity or direct hostility, McManus regales us with stories about a time period that most people would have thought there was'nt anything funny about, He brings Hilarity from Horror. If your an outdoor enthusiast, or a sportsman of any type, or you just enjoy seeing the underdog win sometimes, then get this book, and hold on for the ride of your life.

The Shaman's Bulldog: A Love Story
Published in Paperback by (1998)
Authors: Renaldo Fisher, Renaldo Fischer, and Michele St George
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.36

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