Used price: $80.00

If you are an obviously advanced student then you will want a book with more meat. Books with more "meat" generally do not have the word "Introductory" in the title. Strange how all of the anonymous geniuses missed that.

Used price: $25.00

The title of Goodstein's book, Feynman's Lost Lecture, may be a bit misleading in terms of the overall content. The book is, in truth, mainly an explanation of the elliptic patterns performed by the planets, among other things, that an unpublished Feynman lecture originally referred to (although the lecture is included in text and on CD, the lecture is only a fraction of the overall book). Goodstein provides a geometrical means of explaining elliptical patterns that even a non-physicist will find easily comprehensible, especially considering the frequency of companion diagrams. The book also includes a rather unique introduction providing a brief biography of Feynman along with the author's personal experiences related to the well-known physicist. An unexpected, but greatly appreciated, addition is Feynman's original notes regarding his lecture contained in the back of the book.
Feynman's Lost Lecture details how to use geometric proofs to find answers to problems such as the speed of a planet when in motion around the sun and how to prove geometrically that an object is an ellipse. The author properly explains and demonstrates these concepts throughout the book via written and visual examples.
Goodstein presents the topics in such a fashion that the reader can easily try for himself\herself the idea portrayed. This is generally due to a generous selection of diagrams and exemplary situations, which properly convey the ideas that Goodstein presents (although it would probably be much more beneficial if more of the diagrams accompanied Feynman's actual lecture). The main text is also of a form easily understood and more than adequately conveys the topic that the author presents. However, the literary style is slightly lacking - in that it often becomes a bit informal in description and detail.
Overall, the literary shortcomings do not interfere with the author's ability to convey the topic and makes for a rather interesting read. Yet another above-par lecture accompanied by a surprisingly above-par explanation, Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun is more than worth it's price and should be a welcome addition to any reader's (both physicists and non-physicists alike) personal library.

But if you have the background and patience, it's some pretty cool stuff. Like many folks, I learned planetary dynamics using calculus, not geometry, and so this was my first exposure to the elegant relationship between velocity diagrams and orbits. While Feynman's lecture is somewhat unorganized and not entirely clear, the book does a great job filling in the blanks. There are certainly some rough spots (way too much time on the initial simple properties of ellipses, the argument connecting Kepler's third law to the law of gravitation is not clear, and more) but anyone with sufficient background willing to invest a few hours will be able to get past these minor problems. I kind of like how the pace accelerates to a ridiculous level by the end, leaving you to pretty much work out all the hard details of Rutherford's law of scattering for yourself.
Listen to the lecture, scratch your head wondering "what the heck was that", then read the book and study the arguments, then listen again and feel enlightened.

A lot of the diagrams in the book jump from one section of the subject to another, but they are brought back together eventually. If you get lost in 1 of the 20 (or more) diagrams within one section of the whole lecture you may not totaly understand when the conclusion is reached. It helped to have the book in front of me - where I could go back and re-read from the part that I figure I got lost.
Listening to the CD and reading along (in Chapter 4) was a bit tricky. After a few pauses/rewind/replay I caught on and can say I understand planet orbits.
A good book to have if you are a fan of R. Feynman.

Used price: $1.24

Used price: $14.00
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I can not recommend this new edition. At $42.95 the cost is probably about four times that of the original edition. For a book of this size and limitation, a bargain at $10, $40 is ridiculously overpriced. At $42.95 there are too many attractive alternatives.

This book covers the basics and discusses more physics than mathematical tricks. At approximately 100 pages, it still provides excellent discussions on scattering, perturbation theory and symmetry. I would hope that such a text as this one marks the beginning of a shift in physics textbooks - from the overly verbose with reams of algebra and calculus to the essentials - to one which concentraits on physics.

Used price: $3.75
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Used price: $96.10
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Here,s the problem;You read the book,you are attentive at the lecture,you can't do the homework,you get the solutions to the homework,you still can't do the homework!For this book to be effective, an extensive supplemental solved problems programmed learning document must be authored! Silly me,I thought study hard be successful!Ha.Ha.Ha!

My only dislike of the book is the examples that are shown are very elementary and don't offer a lot of help on solving new problems. Another thing that the book needs is answers to the problems, because if you are working the problems and arrive at an answer, you don't know if you are correct.

Our class used this text to supplement another, though I thought the course could have stoof alone on the Incropera and Dewitt text. An excellent introduction to the topic.

Used price: $50.00

One day I discovered this book, and then had to buy its sequel.
They are awesome in their storytelling ability and in the clarity they bring to some very difficult concepts. The depth of content is simply HUGE, from Integration and Differentiation to Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics.. I can't wait for the telecourses to come out on DVD.
In the meantime, Annenburg also sells the series on video tape to consumers, and any books by Goodstein and Apostol who contributed to this book are similarly astounding.
Consider this a recommendation for casual reading, I already had my grades for the college courses and developed my fanaticism "after" school was out.
Trust me these are to Physics and Mathematics, what "Cosmos" was to Astronomy.

Used price: $8.88
Collectible price: $11.79

Used price: $11.88
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- Anupreet Singh