Used price: $24.50

Why do I say this? Well, I have read three other introductory Fluid Mechanics books (cover to cover). Two of them are consider classics by Fluid Mechanicians. I have also referenced countless of other books looking for better explanations. But I must say, this book has by far the most complete and best explanations on the physics on fluids. If you really want to get good introductory insights on fluid behavior, this is the book for you.
Warning though... This is not your typical fluids book. If you are looking to learn how to solve problems by pattern recognition, this is not the book for you. It doesn't have lots of examples. What it does have is good explanations, good mathematical rigour, excellent writing style, excellent fundamental examples and anologies (for better understanding of concepts) and lots of test problems. Ah! It has wide coverage of the field. Just to give you an example, how many introductory books do you see out there that have dedicated whole chapters to topics like vorticity and one-dimensional compressible flows.
If you are a student who has gone through a first course in fluids and wish to read other similar books on the subject to get a better feeling for the subject, this is your book. If you haven't completed a basic course in fluid mechanics, but feel up to the challenge, then by all means read this book.
Thanks Dr. Wilcox. Your students were right in encouraging you to write this book.

Used price: $44.43
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By the way, the contents of this book are available online (and free) at the IOP website, which I did not find out until the semester began.

If you need a fast coverage of the literature in evolutionary computation, this is the book. Pointers to all decisive contributions to the field are there. Reading from cover to cover might be difficult if the purpose is to introduce one to the field, but this is certainly the reference i would suggest to students and researchers new in this field. Each chapter is self-contained and references to the most important works for each chapter is provided at the end of the chapter.

Used price: $31.00
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While i found the first volume great, this second volume lacked the details that are required to provide an intuition of the working of advanced evolutionary techniques. I feel that "How to solve it" by Michalewicz and Fogel and "Genetic algorithms + data structures = evolution programs" by Michalewicz both provide this experience useful to implement evolutionary techniques, by not trying to trade-off pages for understandability.
I would not recommend this book because it tries to introduce advanced aspects that are too difficult to cover in a single chapter each. If you really want to understand the practice of evolutionary techniques, you need a good intuition of how the various operators and structures work on real problems, just reading a few pages will not do the job.

And the presentation is really modern.

Used price: $167.15
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String theory in Bailin & Love is done in a similar fashion as the susy: lots of words without the messy calculation. B&L don't bother with conformal field theory at all and use basically the "old covariant quantization". Once again though, B&L is a great thing to be reading as a companion to Green Schwarz Witten or as a companion to Polchinski.
In the end, Bailin & Love is a great place to begin learning about supersymmetry and string theory. I read it after a year of quantum field theory and found it very quick and easy to read. Bailin & Love does a good job of getting the reader in a good position to read the more advanced texts (Wess & Bagger, Weinberg for susy and GSW and Polchinski for strings). Unfortunately, there are many typos in the equations. Corrections can be found at the author's page ...

Used price: $78.85
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Unfortunately, since the book is not in print the price is a bit too steep for a new copy.
Also try "Structural Life Assessment Methods" by "Liu" - sold through ASM.

Used price: $80.01