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Mourning Song
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $12.85
Used price: $11.91
Buy one from zShops for: $11.19
Average review score:

This is the first book i've read from Lurlene McDaniel and i must say it's GREAT.After reading this book i realize how much the people around me means to me and that i must always treasure them as long as i live my life.This book is about love stronger than death and i strongly agree with it.As well as life is a gift.Everyone's life is a gift and how we live our life is the gift we give ourselves and people around.I like what the character,Austin who is Dani's best friend and the one who's always been there for her durng all the pain in losing her beloved sister. Anyway,because of this book i've read i begin to Mcdaniel's story though its quite sad but that's something u should learn to cope with it in life.Hope u'll check out this book and many others too..

Lurlene McDaniel sure ought to be proud of herself for writing such a sensational book. In Mourning Song, Dani, sister of brain tumor possessing Cassie, takes her from the hospital where she is receiving treatments to Florida so that she can see the ocean after her sister's negative prognosis. McDaniel uses plenty of emotion to get her point across: Live each day to the fullest: it may be your last chance. One turnoff was the characters. I found them to be extremely annoying and irritating, but this is a small price to pay for such a magnificent novel. The story was very sad, tears rolled down my face all day when I thought not only of poor Cassie, knowing that these were her last days alive, but of how their mother payed tousands and thousands of dollars so that her daughter had some hope. I thought of Dani, risking arrest as well as her mother's anger and hysteria to bring Cassie to Florida. And I thought of Austin risking the same as Dani. I thought of how grateful I'd be if people were that nice. This book is so touching. Read it!

A Mourning Song
The first time I read this book it brought tears to my eyes. To think, Dani and Cassie's mother forks over all that money so Cassie could have the best treatment. And Dani and her friend Austin brings Cassie all the way to Florida just so she could see the beach. It was so touching I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face.After I had finshed I just had to recomend the book to all my friends. Most of them read it and cried also.I like the thought that Dani would go through all that trouble just so her sister could see the ocean.Lurlene McDaniel writes the most touching books I have ever read in my life. I think I must have read all of her books and cried while reading them all.

One Last Wish
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Bantam Books (13 October, 1998)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $0.70
Buy one from zShops for: $0.70
Average review score:

Great books come from great authors :)
Lurlene Mcdaniel is a great author. I never used to like to read until i went to the bookstore and saw her books. Ever since then, i have read constantly. My favorite book by her so far was called "Sixteen and Dying." It's a great book with a surprise ending. I recommend everyone to read it, i won't ever forget it!

One Last Wish
One Last Wish combines 3 compelling tales into 1 book. The stories are so vivid it seems as if you're right there alongside the characters, feeling their pain, and sharing their friends' sorrow. I cried after each of these stories; they seemed so real. It really shows how terminaly ill teenagers feel, and what they're going through, it definately made me take a step back and put my life into perspective! I can't put this book down, it's a must read!

One Last Wish is a wonderful hope for all deadly ill teens.
One Last Wish is the story of a girl named who lives with her grandmother on the eastern coast of the United States. As in all of Lurlene McDaniel's Books, there is a tragedy of an illness involved. Jenny is diagnosed with Leukemia and through the plot learns what the hard conditions of being a cancer patient is. Her grandmother is very wealthy which enables Jenny to have special care even though she doesn't want the extra attention. She just wanted to get through the hard times as quickly as possible and get into a remission.

Jenny and her grandmother aren't the only people that are worried. Richard--Jenny's best friend since she was 8 years old--has not been able to see her, because she doesn't want him to see her so sick. Richard loves her dearly and she loves him to, but she doesn't want him to see her in such pain.

This book has been inspirational to me in many ways. I knew cancer was a deadly illness that some people get through and some people die from. I think that this made me more aware of what some teens have to go through. No one should have to endure such awful pain in their life.

I reccomend this book to anyone who knows people going through some sort of an illness or any of Lurlene McDaniel's books. Lurlene tends to write about people dealing with illnesses and all of her books are heartwarming and sentimental.

When Happily Ever After Ends
Published in Paperback by Bantam Starfire (March, 1992)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $3.44
Buy one from zShops for: $3.36
Average review score:

Appearances are deceiving
Shannon Campbell seemed to have the perfect life. Her wealthy family owned a ranch, and she was falling in love with one of their ranch hands. But during the summer of her 15th birthday, her beloved father began acting very strange. She tried to identify his problem, but he shut himself off from the family. Unable to deal with tragic memories of his stint in the Vietnam war, her father committed suicide. This was a great shock to the Campbell family and the community. Gradually, Shannon began to heal with the help of her mom, grandma, and the handsome young ranch hand. I loved this book, even though I'm not fond of horses.(obviously, they're prominent in the story) I reccomend it to other Lurlene McDaniel fans and anyone who's lost his/her will to live. It shows how much pain suicide causes for the person's loved ones and may stop suicidal people from killing themselves, or teach others how to recognize their cries for help.

When Happily Ever After Ends
When Happily Ever After Ends is a great book. It's about this girl that lives on a ranch and does horse shows for fun.Her father misses one of the biggest shows in her career and she knows something is wrong. When they come home they find the most terrifying thing.Even though there is this guy that's hanging around she doesn't like she doesn't really try to acuse him of what happened. You'd be amazed at how close they actually got.Lurlene McDaniel put this book together well. She picked the perfect setting a quiet ranch, very peaceful and calm, anything could happen.This book would be a great book to read if you enjoy sad stories with happy endings.I would recommend this to everyone.

12 yr. old reader
I think that this book really helps people who have lost loved ones to get over the loss.
I'm not going to tell you anything about the book because I want you to read it. Okay I'll
give you a hint. It's about this girl whos' dad comites suiside. That's all I'm saying.

No Time to Cry
Published in Paperback by Darby Creek Publishing (September, 2003)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

The book was interesting and taught me about cancer.
Dawn Rochelle has been through more then kids here age, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and the death of her best friend. Dawn just turned sixteen, and wants to lead a normal life in high school. She wants people to forget her past, and think about her future. Will Dawn's cancer return to scare off her lifr once more? I really enjoyed reading this book, because it let me see what it would be really like to have cancer. There was something going on, which helped the suspense of the story more interesting. This book was very sad one, and overall was a very meloncoly book. The book was fiction, but you have to wonder about real teenagers, the ones who are dieing everyday because of cancer. Lurlene McDaniel does a great character sketch of Dawn, really opening her up, showing the reader her hopes, and dreams. For example, in the book, Dawn lies in her hospital bed writing in her diary, and wishing she could go to th efootbal game with her friends. One of the saddest parts in the reading book, was when Dawn had to celebrate her birthday in her hospital bedroom. All her friends came, bringing her presents. Asthey left, all they talked about was how fragile Dawn looked, and they finally realized how sick she really was!

This book lets others know how cancer victoms feel.
For a long time, I never knew much about cancer. Well, I guess I knew what it was, but not until after reading this book was I really sure how it felt. Dawn was a very courageous young girl. I doubt I would be able to deal with all she had to if I had cancer. I have not read the other books about Dawn, but I think I will now. A firend recommended that I read this. I felt every ounce of pain Dawn felt throughout the entire book. I like books that are so moving that you could not put them down. That is how this one was for me. Each night while I lay in bed after reading a chapter in the book, I wondered what was next for Dawn in her battle with cancer. If Dawn were here, I would tell that she is certainly the most bravest person I know. I am glad that I now know how cancer victoms feel because many of us don't understand half of what they have to go through. I think everyone should read this book!

Anything by Lurlene Mcdaniel is great
I love reading her books, she's a great author. She really understands how cancer people think and feel. And I should know, comsidering I am a cancer survivor. Dawn Rochelle is like me in a way, I also had a BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant).
(insert from book) >> But no matter how long she stays in remission, Dawn fears that her battle with cancer will always be with her.<< This is very true. I have been in remission for 4 year, but I still remember almost everything and I will always wonder if my Leukemia will come back. Anyway, this is a GREAT book!!

Let Him Live
Published in Paperback by Bantam Starfire (February, 1993)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.42
Collectible price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.02
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Let Him Live
Let Him Live shows the effect meeting someone could have on your life. Megan, a candy striper does not want the job because it might be too much for her to take being around sick people all day. While working as a voluteer she meets a seventeen year old boy, Donovan, who is waiting for a liver transplant. He tells her the secret of a lifetime. The One Last Wish Foundation has given Donovan one hundred thousand dollars. As Megan tries to help Donovan figure out what to do with his gift, they become friends. Will the outcome of the book change the way they feel about each other?

Let Him Live
Let Him Live was an amazing book. It showed how falling in love and giving love will always be with the two people no matter where they are. Megan had a lot of hardships in her life. But what she really needed was love. Donovan needed a liver transplant. But what he really needed was love. And lucky for them they both experinced loved. The book was amazing and I cry tears of joy every time I read the book. You really should read this book. It puts life and love in a whole new prosecptive.
Besides every one needs love in thier life, even you!

One of my favorites!
Here's why. It opens with Megan reluctantly getting a job as a candy-striper at the hospital where her father works. However,she soon makes friends with a very sick boy named Donovan. He confides in her about a check he receives from the One Last Wish foundation. Can she help him attain his wish in time? My favorite part was when Donovan was cold and Megan climbed into his hospital bed to warm him with her body(trust me,it's not as erotic as it sounds). I wish the book could have ended differently. Otherwise, I totally loved it! If you like this novel,read If I Should Die Before I Wake. The books are somewhat similar and both very great!

Time to Let Go
Published in Paperback by Bantam Starfire (01 January, 1991)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.47
Collectible price: $1.71
Buy one from zShops for: $3.22
Average review score:

Hanging On To Long!
Best Lurlene McDaniel book ever!
I love this book! I could read this book over and over again. I could start on this book right now and it would be okay with me. I am still enjoying this book. It was probably one of the better books I have read so far.
This is the story of a girl named Erin,which her sister Amy died in automobile accident. Erin is taking a lond hard period getting over her sister's death. She has been getting these headaches and been going to a conselor.The counselor still does not know why she is getting these headaches. This book tells of Erin meeting a guy and getting over her sister Amy's death.
Lurlene McDaniel is a brilliant author. She gets the reader into her books.The dialogue was great in the book. She expressed each character and detailed each one.
This book has a happy ending to it. A excellent book.... you have to read it.

Another masterpeice by McDaniel
I recently finished this book and it was REALLY GOOD! I love all of her books that i have read! Its about a girl who's younger sister recently died. She thinks that shes over it, and that shes accepted her sisters death. But she still continues to get immobilizing headaches that started after her sister's tragic death. A therapist who she begins to see helps her to solve the mystery behind her headaches. Soon she begins to wonder- am i over Amy's death, or is it Time To Let Go?

I couldn't put it down.
I thought that this book was excellent. I couldn't put it down and read it in a couple of hours. It really makes you think about how hard it would be to lose someone so close to you. Lurlene McDaniel did a good job as usual, the book was very well written. While no doubt it would be hard to deal with your sister's death this book helps by teaching you that life goes on and you shouldn't feel guilty because you can't change faith. I'm in the middle of one of McDaniel's books right now and will continue to read them because they are great books and I haven't read one that I didn't like.

Please Don't Die
Published in Paperback by Bantam Starfire (November, 1993)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.78
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $3.32
Average review score:

A Great Book and A View Of Reality
This is a great book that I will probably never forget. I have been reading Lurlene McDaniel books for a few months now, and this is by far the best one yet. I have loved the One Last Wish Books, and I have been dying to know who JWC was.

Katie O'Roark gets invited to Jenny House, a summer camp for sick kids. She is big sister to Amanda, a very sweet thirteen year old with lukemia who tries to make light out of everything; Chelsea, a 14 year old girl with a heart condition who's parents are way too overprotecting; and Lacey, a 16 year old with diabetes who is such a snob and no one can stand her. These girls bond very closely, and by the end of the summer, they are inseparable. Then, something happens, and one of the girls gets sick and has to go to the hospital. She is unable to fulfill her dreams.

This is a heartwarming story about friendship, and I learned that life isn't as happy as everyone as it is for me, and everyone should take life for granted. I hope this was helpful to you!!

In this book, Katie O'roark is invited to stay at Jenny house. There she becomes friends w/ Amanda, a 13 year old and a victim of leukemia, Lacey, a 16 year old with diabetes, and Chelsea, a 14 year old(who turns 15 in this story) who is a candidate for a heart transplant. At first Lacey is indifferent and disagreeable, Chelsa is too afraid to do any thing, and amanda is plain entusiastic. Amanda shows Katie, Lacey , and chelseaup to this mountain plateau where they watch the sunset. Up their they all learn the true meaning of friendship and its power to endure beyond time.

Dieing For Love
I loved this book. It made me cry. If you like love and romance, you need to read this book. If you like Lurlene McDaniel's books, you will like this one. You will find out why it is called an One Last Wish novel. This book will make you laugh and cry.

You will love this book. I give it two thumbs up. Katie gets to help at the Jenny House. You can find out her, her friends, and the Jenny House in this book. Lacey is sixteen. She wants to be normal, so she refuses to deal with her disease. Clelsea is fourteen. She needs a heart transplant. Amanda is thirteen with leukemia. Read this book to find out more.

All the Days of Her Life
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Skylark (September, 1994)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.32
Average review score:

Annoying Till the End
This book, All the days of her life, is the most annoying book I've ever read. Lacey is the most annoying character. All I wanted to do while reading this book was yell, "Open your eyes! You are a diabetic! Deal with it!" Lacey's passage through fitting in with the "In" crowd with diabetes is a very, very irritating story. I would not recommend this book. I cannot understand why anyone would like it.

All The Days Of Her Life
I would recommend this book for anyone who likes to read because I think it have a lot of information about Diabetes. For example, the book tell you how it can be controlled, in specific it said that people with Diabetes have to take insulin shots, they can drink alcohol, they have to have a diet. "Too many empty calories" her friend Terri said. My second reason is because the novel shows the relationship between friends. For example when Lacey and Katie fight and then they became best friend again. "I'm sorry, about our fight on the phone when you called me at the hospital. You were right about everything you said." I also learn that we all have to accept our selves like we are and not try to be somebody else. So if you want to find more about Lacey and Jeff, please feel free to read this book.

My absoulte favorite of her work.
I have read this book many times and still love it. There's something about how Lacey feels that keeps drawing me back. Lacey's desperate struggle to fit in by losing weight and hiding her diabeties is done so well. Every one should read this book.

When Dreams Shatter (Lifelines)
Published in Paperback by Willowisp Press/Pages Press (December, 1988)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $19.99
Average review score:

Really Good
I have been reading McDaniel for years and found this ine by luck (since it's out of print) I really enjoyed it! I would recomend it to anyone.

Great Book!!
This was a very good book. It definatly isn't one of McDaniel's best, but it was good. It was actually the second book I had read of hers, now I have read almost all of them. This book is about a teenager, that all she wants in life is to be a ballerina. But when she is diagnosed with diabetes, she feels that her whole world has been destroyed. She soon meets a boy with the same problems as her, who helps her to cope with her disease.

Dreams don't shatter, just end up being rerouted
I've been reading Lurlene McDaniel since I was eleven years old. Now, at 23, I can appreciate her work even more as I get older. This novel was really good. I have family members with diabetes, so I really sympathized with the main character, Rachel. Rachel learns that dreams don't always shatter, but sometimes they need to take a different route.

How Do I Love Thee
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Starfire (24 December, 2002)
Author: Lurlene McDaniel
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $3.82
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Pretty good
Like all of Lurlene McDaniel's books, this one was good. My favorite story was Night Vision. I didnt really like Bobby's Girl, because I hated the way Dana treated him. Everything she told him was a lie. I couldnt believe Lurlene McDaniel would write something like that. Its like shes telling everyone who reads this book that its okay to lie to and bertay the person who you are sopposed to be completely honest with. I couldnt stand reading about that girl lying all the time. Even though I know they are only characters, I like to think that Bobby went to college and met a girl who would treat him with the respect he deserves, something Dana never did. Laura's Heart was okay, but VERY unrealistic. Night Vision was really great, though. I kinda wish that Lurlene McDaniel had made it its own book. Anyways, this is an okay book, but if you believe in being honest, you may not like Bobb's girl.

Cute, well done
Lurlene McDaniel is a good writer, and I really enjoyed this book. I have been reading the reviews and most say they liked "Bobby's Girl" the best, but I think that one was the worst because the girl in it went behind her boyfriend's back and started dating his brother in secret- How mean!!!! But I absolutely loved the first one, I thought it was so sweet!!! but sad also. The first story, Night Vision, made the book all worth it!

This Will Please Lurlene's Fans
I got this book for Christmas and I couldn't put it down. It was wonderful. All three stories end with part of Elizabeth Barret Browning's poem, "How Do I Love Thee." My favorite story was the first one, about a boy named Brett who falls in love with a girl who is allergic to light. The second story was good also, about a girl who is in love with her boyfriend's much loved brother, who has a brain tumor. The third story was the reason that I gave this book 4 instead of 5 stars. It was very predictable. A girl with a very weak heart falls in love with an ex-gang member. You can basically guess what happens because this is a Lurlene McDaniel book. But I liked this book.

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