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Book reviews for "Kotowski,_Joanne" sorted by average review score:

Who Will Fix the Royal Windows? Story, Puzzles and Pattern-Play Blocks for Early Math Fun! (Jr. Groovy Tube Book)
Published in Hardcover by Innovative Kids (2002)
Authors: Joanne Mattern and Paula Pertile
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.81
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
Average review score:

Great for learning shapes and spacial relations
My daughter received this book as a gift when she was 2 1/2. She loves to do the puzzles and now knows all of her shapes, including trapezoid and hexagon. Very educational and fun.

Great introduction to some fun math!
We bought this for our 2.5 year old daughter and she loves it! It's great for finding patterns, learning shapes, sorting, matching edges, symmetry...there's a lot going on in this activity book. The pieces are solid and bright, and it's nice to have a storage container built right into the spine of the book. As a (former) math teacher, I'm thrilled to have this for my toddler!

Windows 95 Made Easy
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (1995)
Authors: Thomas Sheldon, Tom Sheldon, and Joanne Cuthbertson
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $0.69
Buy one from zShops for: $0.69
Average review score:

the book Microsoft should give out !
An all purpose easy to follow manual on how and what to do with Windows 95. The title really says it all.It is my all-purpose computer manual.

Could not be easier
This book took my Dad who is 90% blind to just short of computer literate... Now if this can do wonders for visually handicapped imaginge what it can do for you. Pictures and step by step approach is wonderful. I am in computer retail business and Highly recommed this book to all

A Woman's Book of Money & Spiritual Vision: Putting Your Financial Values into Spiritual Perspective
Published in Paperback by Innisfree Press (2001)
Authors: Joanne Kabak and Rosemary C. Williams
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.09
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

A Most Valuable Tool
I highly recommend this book. In my work as a psychotherapist, I meet many women who have not yet come to terms with with their personal financial demons. A Woman's Book of Money & Spiritual Vision has provided me with a wonderful tool with which I can help them begin. The book is written in a personal style. The author shares her own story as she presents questions and worksheets to help the reader explore the dynamic of money in her history and in her day-to-day life. It can be used alone or with a group to help uncover the myths and facts behind one's financial attitudes and behaviors.

Women and Money: Despite Rumors, Made for Each Other
Rosemary Williams looks at money--crazy-making, delicious, necessary money--from every angle. She does the same with women's belief systems. Money is simple; it's our baroque beliefs that keep us from it. "Money is never neutral," she says. "It triggers powerful emotions and conflicting messages--especially for women. The 'money messages' we were taught can pop up at any moment, in decisions large and small."

This is "a workshop in a book" because that's how the author does her research. Her experience during years of leading women through the thorny underbrush of our misconceptions and false information could save the rest of us years of struggle and want.

A former banker and financial planner, Williams has constructed her book like a diary. This is one book meant to be written in, the pages covered in notes. I found that a relief ; somehow breaking that "rule" of my father's gave me the idea that other childhood "rules" were also about to be replaced by grownup liberations. It also called to mind the writing we do in school workbooks in the act of learning.

Something that may come as a surprise, says Williams, is that money and spirituality are not at odds.There are prayers and quotes scattered through this book. Somehow beginning this work by saying "Holy One, Sustainer of all things, give me the courage to look at my financial life with clear sight...." is a wonderfully centering process.

With "Women and Money" women can lessen their fear through dispelling ignorance, which is surely the root of all evil.

Words of Widsom from the Vikings:Proverbs from the North
Published in Paperback by Penfield Books (01 October, 1998)
Authors: Joanne Asala, Press Penfield, and Selma Lagerlof
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Wisdom worth more than gold
Illustrated with engravings of Viking artifacts.

Silent and thoughtful should a warrior be, and bold on the battlefield; cheerful and content should every man be, until he meets his death.

This verse, and the others in this book, come from the Hávámál, a compilation of Old Norse poems that offers the reader a variety of practical advice, rules of conduct, and words of wisdom. Said to be given by Odin, Father of the Norse Gods, they represent a clear picture of the heroic ethics, home life and warrior code of the Viking Period (c790 AD-c1070 AD).

Seek swiftness from a ship, protection from a shield, cuts from a sword kisses from a maiden.

Although the words Hávámál are attributed to Odin, there is no mention of life after death, of religious belief, or of faith in gods. The advice is very practical and applies to the everyday life of the "average" Viking.

With half a loaf and a cup of ale, I have found many a friend.

Friendship is another important aspect of the Hávámál. A man often placed his life in the hands of his comrades, and he needed to be certain of their loyalty. Therefore, gold was not given to the son to inherit, but spent freely by friends. The penalty for betrayal was death, and vengeance was the noble course of action. Wisdom is worth more than gold or an unknown path.

Ultimately, these proverbs paint a picture of the ideal Viking: he must be open, friendly and generous; he must be wise - but not too wise - he must keep his wits about him and be ready for a fight; he must hold honor high and be loyal to his friends and kin. In short, he must be the perfect hero.

Three Stories
Selma Lagerlöf's stories of Scandinavian royalty in Queens at Kungahälla retain some of the Viking flavor of Icelandic bard Snorri Sturlason's Heimskringla (1230), which provided the historical basis for them. In "Astrid" and "Sigrid Storräde," a princess and a queen from the still-pagan land of Sweden join with kings from a Christianized Norway at Kungahälla-a site on the coast of western Sweden where the countries negotiated peace, often through marriage. The women are strong-willed, but the men are strong of faith; the drama Lagerlöf imagines between them reveals her romantic fascination with this conflict. "The Silver Mine" is a later work, and centers on the extravagant 18th-century King Gustav III. On a visit to a small town, this king learns how the parish has come to value peace of mind over material wealth.

In 1909, Lagerlöf became the first woman-and the first Swede-to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, and several years later became the first woman inducted into the Swedish Academy. She is an exemplar of humanism, a champion of the world's unfortunates, as well as a captivating storyteller. Unfortunately, with her works out of print for over half a century, her eloquent writing has gone unnoticed by recent generations. Penfield Press is releasing four reprints of her work, including Invisible Links (short stories), Memories of Mårbacka, Scandinavian Kings and Queens, and Girl from the Marsh Croft and other stories.

100 Ways To Please A Foreign Man
Published in Paperback by Joanne Thomas (20 December, 1996)
Author: Joanne Thomas
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:

Refreshing and fun for all women who have dated foreigners!
A one hour lunch date with the "girls" turned out to be a three hour hilarious discussion about men we had dated (&/or married)from other countries, all because of this little book one of the women received as a gift! We disected almost evey printed remark and were in total agreement with the author. That women really knows about international men and how their mentality is dictated by their culture. Italian, Spanish, French or Greek it dosen't matter, they react the same...and yet we thought they were all unique! I am pleased to see it's offered on Amazon and I will tell all my friends.

Adult Esl/Literacy from the Community to the Community: A Guidebook for Participatory Literacy Training
Published in Paperback by Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc (1996)
Authors: Elsa Auerbach, Byron Barahona, Julio Midy, Felipe Vaquerano, Ana Zambrano, and Joanne Arnaud
Amazon base price: $27.50
Average review score:

Community Literacy Programs By and For the Community
Elsa Auerbach is the leading practitioner in the U.S. of the theories of Brazilian educator Paolo Freire. In this book she discusses an adult ESL/Literacy project in Boston that involved training immigrants, who had themselves learned English, to become tutors. According to Auerbach, and Freire, the goal of literacy education is more than just teaching students to read and write. Students must be empowered to control their own learning process and the direction of their lives. Only then can they become full participants in their community and in society. Auerbach is always inspiring.

Advanced Practice Nursing: Changing Roles and Clinical Applications
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 2000)
Authors: Joanne V. Hickey, Ruth M. Ouimette, Sandra L. Venegoni, and Pickard
Amazon base price: $45.95
Used price: $1.99
Buy one from zShops for: $39.90
Average review score:

Correction of the description synopsis about the book
You have described an advanced practice nursing book under the heading of the text "Focus on Pathophysiology". This textbook is based on 4 previous editions of Pathophysiology: Adaptations and Alterations in Function. It has been carefully revised and updated. The text can be used in nursing schools, allied health courses,including occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy. It also can be used in Advanced Practice Nursing courses. It provides a description of current concepts of disease processes in order for the reader to understand the effects of disease on the human body. It details basic concepts, bodily defense mechanisms, and all of the major body systems. There are some new learning tools including a glossary of key terms, end of unit appendices, etc. which make the book more user friendly. I hope that you will change your description synopsis. Thank you, BArbara Bullock

The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins, 1900
Published in Paperback by Univ of Alaska Pr (1999)
Authors: Elizabeth Robins, Joanne E. Gates, and Victoria J. Moessner
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $13.50
Average review score:

Jack London Style
The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins is a refreshing look at life at the end of the American Frontier. The feminist view that Robins carries to the gold rush of 1900 offers the reader not only a glimpse into the life of women at the time, but offers an in depth look at the struggles and hardships faced by men and women alike as they fight for survival in the Klondike. Just as Gates promises in the introduction, "At times the reader may forget that it is a day-to-day account of events as they unfold and think it instead a novel," the diary flows with the practiced ease of thinking to oneself. In addition, Gates' careful editing is complimented well with augmenting photos that lend to the flow. The Alaska-Klondike Diary of Elizabeth Robins exemplifies the literary spirit and zest for life for which popular culture has acquired a taste. Gates' novel is carrying on the spirited tradition Jack London Style.

Almanac of the Executive Branch, 2001 (Almanac of the Executive Branch, 2001, 5th Ed)
Published in Paperback by Almanac Pub (2001)
Authors: Vincent A. Eng, Jeffery B. Kowalsky, and Joanne Deschenaux
Amazon base price: $248.00
Average review score:

An indispensable and practical reference.
The Almanac of the Executive Branch provides important, detailed entries on the major players of the executive branch of the U.S. Government, providing extensive coverage of the agency, its history, and its chain of command. While the information on individuals will become dated over time, this reference's fourth edition will prove invaluable to current researches in the field.

Amazing Grains: Creating Vegetarian Main Dishes With Whole Grains
Published in Paperback by HJ Kramer (1990)
Authors: Joanne Saltzman and Jay Harlow
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.25
Average review score:

Amazing Grains! Amazing Recipes! Amazing Directions!
I never knew there were so many different types of grains, or different ways to prepare them. This book is facinating reading. Not only does Joanne explain the characteristics of different grains, but also the different types of cooking liquids, salt seasonings, oils, vegetables, herbs and spices that make up a dish, and (very helpful) how substituting other ingredients can vary the dish. My favorite recipe is "Oats, Onions, and Thyme". It uses steel-cut oats, and is a delightful change of pace from rice.

I also recommend her other book "Romancing The Bean"

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