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Book reviews for "Jeffrey,_William_P.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

Emergency Medicine Recall
Published in Paperback by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (15 March, 2000)
Authors: William A., M.D., Faap Woods, Jeffrey S., M.D., Facs Young, J. Scott, M.D. Just, Jeffrey S. Young, and J. Scott Just
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $18.12
Buy one from zShops for: $29.61
Average review score:

Want a quick run-through of ED facts?
This book may not be as unique as others in the "Recall" series but is still worth getting. If you have Surgical or Medicine Recall", many facts in this book are repetitions. But there is no point buying a huge comprehensive text if you're not going to read it. With this concise book that highlights what is most important, I have learnt more than many of my larger texts. It is very enjoyable to read and there is no need to scribble your own summaries.

Wireless Personal Communications - Bluetooth Tutorial and Other Technologies (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 592)
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000)
Authors: William H. Tranter, Brian D. Woerner, Jeffrey H. Reed, Theodore S. Rappaport, and Max Robert
Amazon base price: $144.00
Used price: $65.99
Buy one from zShops for: $139.68
Average review score:

Very beefy
Very beefy topic, chock full of information about this amazing new technology. Could have gone into scatternets in more detail, but overall a good read

Managing Information Technology (4th Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (15 January, 2002)
Authors: E. Wainright Martin, Carol V. Brown, Daniel W. Dehayes, Jeffrey A. Hoffer, William C. Perkins, Carol V Brown, Daniel W DeHayes, Jeffrey A Hoffer, and William C Perkins
Amazon base price: $125.00
Used price: $57.00
Buy one from zShops for: $58.49
Average review score:

This book isn't good
Consider the following statement from page 256. Here's some "early lessons" from the "new economy":

Dot-com startups as well as clicks-and-mortar strategies can be viable for B2B for B2C ecommerce if the applications leverage Internet technologies AND a marketplace strength.

Aren't you glad you bought the book? You ALSO need a marketplace strength to be successful, not just the Internet stuff. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Text is often Inacurate or Outright Incorrect
This text has a tendancy to give misleading information or entirely incorrect information. Even in the most basic concepts, the authors misuse terms or create terms used nowhere else in the IT industry. The authors relay their lack of understanding for basic computer concepts in this supposedly 2001 updated edition.

As an example for those who are literate in IT, the authors make statements such as "virtual memory is used only on larger computer systems". Got a 6 year old computer running MS Windows? You've got virtual memory.

If you wish to learn about IT, please find another book written by authors who understand the field, not business professors.

I am finding this book as an extremely useful reference tool for writing my senior thesis at Rutgers University (NJ) on the Internet and B2B transactions. I find it very easy to read and useful, and some of the case studies are very interesting and helpful. Some of the other buyers don't seem to think the book is worth its price but I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH THEM. I believe the book is worth its price.

Fluent Tibetan: A Proficiency Oriented Learning System
Published in Audio Cassette by Snow Lion Pubns (1993)
Authors: William A. Magee, Elizabeth S. Napper, and Jeffrey Hopkins
Amazon base price: $250.00
Average review score:

Learning Tibetan parrot fashion
There is a dearth of modern Tibetan language learning materials, and unfortunately this item is one of the few available. It uses drills/subsititution repetition, whereas good language learning materials use what applied linguists call the functional method, where only those language skills which a person will actually use are taught and developed. In this package, for example, there is not the expression "What do you call this [as the speaker points to the object] in Tibetan?" Use of this expression is a basic strategy for people learning a foreign language. I personally found the almost endless repetition and substitution to make sentences impossibly tiresome, and felt that I had wasted a lot of time learning phrases that I would never use. However, this is the first of its kind, and hopefully future materials developers will take more notice of the methodologies now in use for the teaching of other languages.

Three stars for respect
I have to give this book and tape set three stars out of respect for the huge effort that went into producing it, but many of the criticisms made by Peter from Darwin are accurate - the repetition could easily drive you to sobs. I think it is best used in a classroom/language lab setting, rather than by a poor student struggling through alone. Frankly, for most people, if you know all the dialogues and vocab in Bloomfield and Tsering, "Learning Practical Tibetan" then you can get by nicely.

Learning Tibetan from the ground up.
Although I agree with the other reviewers that the repetition is sometimes enough to drive you to tears, it certainly drills basic sentence structures and words deep into your brain. You have to be creative to maintain interest by listening to the tapes without the book, reading the book without the tapes, listening to the tapes while you are folding the washing! It works! Since this course takes a few months to complete, I would not recommend it to someone who wants to pick up tourist phrases: there are other books available which are more focussed. But, if this is your starting point for learning spoken Tibetan for some other purpose, start here. There's almost nothing else available anyway.

Anasazi Places: The Photographic Vision of William Current
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Texas Press (1992)
Authors: Jeffrey Cook and Karen C. Sinsheimer
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $17.50
Average review score:

The first review you see at the top is for a different book.
There was an accident here. The review you see at the top of the review column is for a completely different book. There are no photographs in this book. It is a novel with a completely different author and title than the first review sayes it is.

Racism in 19th century Brazil
This book is a good example of a kind of writing which became mildly popular during the second half of the 19th century in which a character's discovery that he is part black is a crucial plot element. Other examples of this can be found in Pud'nhead Wilson by Mark Twain and Desiree's Baby by Kate Chopin. So, it is a good book for anyone who is interested in race relations. The story takes place in Sao Luis (Brazil's second largest slave trading port) during the 1870s, when slavery still existed. Sao Luis was a very conservative, provencial city in which the Catholic church was openly against abolition, and the main villian in the book is a catholic priest. Apparently Azevedo, who was just 23 when he wrote the book, angered the local upper class so much with this book that he had to move out of town. Although Mulatto is considered to be the first Brazilian novel in the Naturalist or Realist tradition, there are many elements of romanticism in the plot which tends to be melodramatic and sloppy at times. Still, it serves as a fascinating historical document and at times Azevedo's prose is fantastic, forshadowing the greatness that was to come later with his masterpiece, The Slum.

Dat: Complete Preparation for the Dental Admission Test: 2000: The Science of Review
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1999)
Authors: Aftab S. Hassan, Wilkins, Williams, Leon, Jr. Anderson, and Jeffrey D. Zubkowski
Amazon base price: $28.95
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Good book for 1994 test
This book is a good reference if you are planning on taking the DAT five years ago. The DAT is computerized now and most of the study skills they stress have to do with note making and marking of the test itself. This is no longer possible to do now that the test is computerized. I have taken the test and I would have to say that the best tool I had to use was the Topscore Pro program. This program has difficult questions that are much closer to the actual questions that are on the DAT, plus the format is exactly the same. It is tougher than you think to go from looking at a paper test the the computerized test, SO BUY THE DAMN PROGRAM! Dont waste money on the other books available unless you need practice on the PAT. The best study guides are the textbooks you used for the classes. Review them and study what you dont remember, Orgo is mostly the first semester while the rest of the sections do cover a wide range of material. GOOD LUCK

Use only with another resource
It's is very obvious that the editors either completely ignored their job or have no idea that the DAT is completely computerized. It gives good tips on how to study and what not, but DON'T count on this book to help you do well. There are much better reviews out there. The sample tests are the best part. Other than that itn was a an okay book. Not to be used as the primary study tool.

Use with another source
I felt this book was excellent in it's preperation for the PAT section, the Quantitative Reasoning section, and also the natural science outlines. Although, I would purchase Barrons preparation for the DAT in addition to this book because it is an excellent guide for the science sections. Study and memorize these two books and your improvement will be great. And dont waste any more money!

Javascript: Complete Concepts and Techniques (Shelly Cashman Series)
Published in Paperback by Course Technology (1999)
Authors: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, William Dorin, and Jeffrey J. Quasney
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

This book is a mess
The first chapter sems to be ok, but once you get to chapter 3 you'll start to get confuse. I won't recomande this book if you are new to javascript.

JavaScript Complete Concepts and Techniques
I have been working with this book for several weeks now...sorry to say the title is very misleading. "Complete"? Maybe in concept only! The Shelly Cashman Series is usually very good, but the proofreaders were WAY overworked with this one. There are several errors in the tutorials that make it VERY frustrating to use if you are just learning JavaScript. I find the code testy enough without sloppy work on the writer/editors/proof-reader/publishers 's part. I have spent HOURS to get the tutorials to work, in some cases just having to cut bait. Folks at the publishers, take this one home and try it out. I'm tempted to send you back my corrected book with the multiple errors that I have found. Fix the mistakes and try it again. Gentle readers, this one is ONE TO AVOID.

With a little help this book isn't so bad.
I admit, when first attempting to use this book, I thought it could be a lost cause. I actually fired off a fuming e-mail to the publisher. Surprisingly they were very helpful and pointed me to the Web site that the book refers to. The Web site has a list of corrections to the errors in the book as well as a lot of resources outside of the book that have helped me learn JavaScript. Apparently there is a 2nd edition of this book that is published which some of the students at my school have purchased and have had no problems with it whatsoever. I like the way this book is laid out and it is easy to follow. I just had to get myself over the hump and get some help from the publisher.

A Guide to Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server in the Enterprise
Published in Paperback by Course Technology (04 January, 2000)
Authors: Jeffrey Williams, David Johnson, Christopher Budd, J. Michael Stewart, Steven Linthicum, Jonathan Taylor, Pete Schwatka, and Course Technology
Amazon base price: $63.95
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $16.76
Average review score:

Do not waste your money!
I am a MCSE who looked at this book for use when studying for my tests. Now, a networking class is using this as a manual and I have to say something. This book does not cover the material well enough to take the tests nor in depth enough to actually do Enterprise networking with NT.

Your Personal Trainer: The Comprehensive Guide to Fitness & Health
Published in Paperback by Demor Inc. (1998)
Authors: William E. Kennamore and Jeffrey G. Riopelle
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $6.85
Buy one from zShops for: $15.95
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2003 Complete Teacher Induction Bookshelf
Published in Hardcover by Corwin Press (2003)
Authors: Donna E Walker Tileston, Robert L. Wyatt, Paul Zionts, Neal A. Glasgow, Lee Brattland Nielsen, Renee Rosenblum-Lowden, Randi Stone, Kathleen Jonson, David A. Sousa, and Harry J. Alexandrowicz
Amazon base price: $449.00
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